GitKraken won't update on Ubuntu - linux

My GitKraken does not complete the upgrade process, it gets caught on the download screen.
A few weeks ago it worked normally
Ubuntu Mate 18.04

I had a similar problem, so I installed GitKraken using command line:
Open the Ubuntu's Terminal app
Download the Linux debpackage from
Install the deb package:
sudo dpkg -i ./gitkraken-amd64.deb
Better yet, put all that into a script:
echo " Installing GitKraken..."
cd ${HOME}/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i ./gitkraken-amd64.deb
echo " Done."

you just download te install package from the oficial page web( and install, thats work for me, sorry for my english


when i open unity and make something project then the error is coming that " no usable version of libssl was found "

i am new to linux ubuntu . i am using ubuntu 22.04 . recently i downloaded unity and it is showing error " no usable version of libssl was found " How to fix this PLease help me !!
i tried to find solution for this problem and i found nothing .
( i am using linux and i am new to linux )
You need to download the missing libssl library and install it
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.2n-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb
For Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rael-gc/rvm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libssl1.0-dev
The reason for this error lies in incompatible versions of Open ssl on your machine and needed from Unity. Ubuntu 22.04 installs Open ssl 3.0 per default but Unity for Linux currently uses .Net5 per default and therefore can only run with Open ssl 1.0 or 1.1.
To fix this, you need to downgrade your Open ssl on your machine to either 1.0 or 1.1. I tested 1.0.2 version from the link Jeff Chen commented below rainman's answer.
I also tested the wget method from this answer over on askubuntu just with the downloaded package and it worked like a charm for me.
Unity is aware of this problem as seen here.
Edit: I had to restart my computer for the error to disappear.
You need to install libssl1.1
# download package with wget
# install package locally
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb
original gist post:
You have to install the openssl 1.1
Download and Install it by the following steps:
tar -xzvf openssl-1.1.1q.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.1q
sudo ./config
sudo make install
openssl version -v
I'm not sure but you can set ln too:
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl `which openssl`
and if you get this error:
openssl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fix it with this command: ldconfig after install
The problem doenst exist with Unity 2022.2.2.
Works great on Ubuntu 22.04 with libssl3
Unity 2021 doesnt work on same system because of libssl3

How to install and run Tacotron2 on Ubuntu WSL?

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL Windows 10 Pro 2004 (19041.388), and I am very much wanting to run Tacotron2 and try out the functionality. I have installed Tacotron2 from git via command-line, but I'm uncertain whether it built successfully. I am a beginner with Linux and Docker, and the install instructions from above-linked Tacotron2 seems confusing.
So here is where I am at:
Installed Docker, confirmed up and running, all good.
Downloaded Tacotron2 via git cmd-line - success.
Executed this command: sudo docker build -t tacotron-2_image -f docker/Dockerfile docker/ - a lot of stuff happened that seemed successful, but at the end, there was an error:
Package libav-tools is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it:
E: Package 'libav-tools' has no installation candidate The command '/bin/bash -c apt-get install -y libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg libav-tools wget git vim'
returned a non-zero code: 100
At this point I am stuck. It's true that I'm looking to get unstuck on this error, but comprehensively I'm looking for exact steps to be able to run Tacotron2 and ultimately be able to feed it an mp3 file with someone's voice, and then be able to feed it some text, which it will then "speak" in that voice.
That is my understanding of what Tacotron2 is, but I am keen to know if I am going down the wrong path.
Your issue looks quite similar to
The issue happens because you have libav-tools installation directives in your Dockerfile which is no longer has installation candidates.
To eliminate the error you need to open docker/Dockerfile in any text editor and remove libav-tools from the line that contains
apt-get install -y libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg libav-tools wget git vim
to have something like
apt-get install -y libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 ffmpeg wget git vim
Since package ffmpeg already in this list you don't need to add it again.
You can also remove libav-tools from the Dockerfile using sed command in the WSL shell (might need to add sudo before sed if you have error with permissions):
sed -i docker/Dockerfile -e 's/libav-tools\ //g'
Then your build command should pass.

Install gitlab-ce on ubuntu server 17.04

I'm trying to install the gitlab-ce package on a system running Ubuntu server 17.04. I followed the official installation instructions here.
First I ran:
sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfix
I already had all of those installed. Then I ran:
curl -sS | sudo bash
Which also worked fine. But when I try to run
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
I get the following error message:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package gitlab-ce
I know it's possible to install gitlab on Ubuntu server 17.04, since I had already done It on a previous installation. Unfortunately I installed the OS again from scratch and I can't remember how I had installed gitlab.
Thanks for any help in advance!
I gave up with the "full" automated script, as it doesn't appear to be working with 17.04... Anyway. I grabbed the latest package from
curl -LJO
Installed it with the package manager
sudo dpkg -i gitlab-ce_9.3.0-ce.0_amd64.deb
Then configured it with
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Then, point your web browser at your new gitlab install and you should be good to go...
Ubuntu 20.04.1
Incase anyone bumps back into this, while trying to gitlab on version 20.0.4 of ubuntu, life is much easier... and the instructions and automated script actually work. GitLab-CE installation instructions
on a fresh install of ubuntu: -
sudo apt install curl
curl -s ce/ | sudo bash
sudo apt install gitlab-ce
I was facing the same problem (Lubuntu 17.10), after searching the gitlab forums for 2 Hours, I found this thread.
So from what I have read: Gitlab-ce is not supported for zesty yet. Also the simple
sudo apt-get install gitlab
is a wrong prompt cause it installs a Ubuntu package created by a user named as "praveen" and It is not officially supported by Gitlab.
here is what I did To solve my problem:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.list
replace "zesty" with "xenial" (These files are root access only)
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
This worked for me.
I have spent my whole afternoon for solving this problem, I hope this solution works for you too.
Prost !
EDIT: corrected spelling
I had the same problem getting the install to run on 17.10. According to an issue on their site ( ), the artful packages are not being built.
I did the same this as #DevX, but just changed the parameters on their setup script.
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ curl -LO
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ sudo os=ubuntu dist=xenial bash ./
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce

Firefox Flash Plugin not working on Linux Mint

My Flash plugin just won't work for Firefox on Linux Mint.
I am running Linux Mint 14 Nadia 64bit.
Downloaded firefox-27.0.1.tar.bz2
Extracted it
Ran ./firefox it works fine
Downloaded install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
Extracted it
Copied the plugin: cp
Copied the Flash Player Local Settings configurations: sudo cp -r
usr/* /usr
Generated dependency lists for Flash Player: ldd
Plugin still doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.
start with a command in terminal
sudo apt-get alien - it is a converter worth using .
For rpm to deb use code sudo alien <file-name>.rpm
for tar.gz use code sudo alien -k <file-name>.tar.gz
for tar.bz2 use code sudo alien -d <file-name>.tar.bz2
for tgz use code sudo alien --to-deb ~/<file-name>.tgz
good luck .
~ $sudo alien -d firefox-27.0.1.tar.bz2
double click new deb file
And download chrome this plugin rocks it will enable flash 15 ...
sudo apt-get install mint-flashplugin
This works from terminal.

how to install viber in Ubuntu?

is it possible to install Viber VoIP client in Ubuntu ? So that I can call people from my Ubuntu system. I am using Ubuntu 12.04.
I followed these many steps :
Downloaded :
Then unzipped it :
cd Viber
But still it is not working. Giving error like "word unexpected" & "invalid encoding". If someone has installed, please suggest me.
Thank you.
You have to use wine to get the Viber working with wizard on ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install wine
wine ViberSetup.exe
You can see the steps with screenshots on:
Well, you dont need to install viber through Wine anymore.
Viber now released Debian binary:‎
You must have 64bit version of Ubuntu, Debian, Mint or ZorinOS to be able to install this though.
Installing Viber on Ubuntu:(without wine)
For 64-bit Systems Only:
Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T then run the following commands,
cd Viber
In .deb method
sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo gdebi viber.deb
wget -O
sudo dpkg -i
Direct download of .deb
Download from
cd /viber_download_location/
sudo dpkg -i viber.deb
For 32-bit Systems:
You can use sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i viber.deb command, but use of wine is advisable.
For anyone else looking, go to Viber's official page and download the latest version of the distro you are running. Currently, only Ubuntu and Fedora are supported.
Installation can be easily completed through a Software installer or manually.
