What is meaning of "mustacheExpress().cache = null;"? - node.js

now I`m implementation a simple application using Node.js, mustache and when using mustacheExpress(), some tutorial says to code like,
const mustacheExpressInstance = mustacheExpress();
mustacheExpressInstance.cache = null;
I have no idea what it means and what it is for.
nothing changed even marked this code out...

Documentation for Mustache Express
const mustacheExpressInstance = mustacheExpress();
This instantiates the mustache express into a variable
mustacheExpressInstance.cache = null;
This tells the object to not cache the file. I suggest you review the documentation and review Object Oriented concepts.


load mongoose model from other controller in yeoman angular-fullstack project

I am writing an application using yeoman angular-fullstack,
I defined some entities that I would like to access from other entities controller.
For example I have in my server->api->Mall I have the following code:
var MallSchema = new Schema({
module.exports = mongoose.model('Mall', MallSchema);
in other Business controller I would like to search for Mall by _id, using mongoose, But I can not import MallSchema trying to do the following:
mall = mongoose.models("MallSchema").find({_id: "some_mall_id"})
business.mallType = mall.type
or nesting Schema's
var MallSchema = new Schema({
business : Business;
I really tried in lot of ways, ending up with frustration, googling this yields lots of answers, none have works and few just seems too complicated like this one, I newbie to node.js so I mast been missing somthing simple. any help would be nice for the entire community.
it seems simple but somehow missed from documentation
this seems to work for me now
var business = require('../business/business.model')();
var user = require('../user/user.model')()
Hope it helps.

Assign jade variable to Angular

In my application, I'm using NodeJS, Express in the backend and Angular in the frontend. I'm also using Jade template engine.
jade obtains a variable called "adv" by this code.
In controller.js (for angular)
$scope.content = [];
I would like to do something like
h5 {{"content" + content}}
i.e. assign that jade variable to the scope. It is not working. I could use http.get and get the content directly to angular scope, but just wondering if it is possible to do this
This worked.
- var str_adv = JSON.stringify(adv)
form(ng-init="content = #{str_adv}")
or even (where getContent is a function defined in controller doing the same thing)
Both these also parsed the string and stored the object in 'content'
But directly using
form(ng-init="content = JSON.stringify(#{adv})")
gives the same error
It seems assigning objects in ng-init is not possible.
Thanks #ivarni for the hint about stringify

Routing in locomotive using ejs

I'm trying out node and some frameworks for node atm, specifically locomotive. However, i seem to be stuck on routing using locomotive. A couple questions i can't find the answer to, so here goes:
why does the locomotive out-of-box install use index.html.ejs as a
filename? Why not just index.ejs? What's the benefit?
i'm trying to add a route to a view: searchName.html.ejs which i
added in the views folder. To achieve this i made a toolController
like this:
var locomotive = require('locomotive').Controller,
toolController = new Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
I also added a route in routes.js like so:
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
However, that doesn't work (and yet it's what the documentation says ought to work). The result is a 404 error. So how do i make that route work?
Suppose i want to make a route to eg, anExample.html? How do i go
about that? I notice that in the out-of-the-box app from
locomotive, you cannot enter localhost:3000/index.html . Nor even
localhost:3000/index This seems highly impractical to me, as there
are plenty of users who'll add the specific page they want to go to.
So how can i make that work?
PS: I went through all questions regarding this on stackoverflow and searched the web, but i still can't figure this out.enter code here
The benefit is that this naming scheme allows you to specify several different formats for a single route. So you could have search_name.html.ejs and search_name.xml.ejs, then respond with either view depending on what your client is expecting.
There are a couple issues with the example code you posted. You should be seeing a more descriptive error than a 404, so I'm not sure what's happening there, but here are the fixes to your code that work in my environment.
In the controller:
var locomotive = require('locomotive');
var toolController = new locomotive.Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
In routes.js:
module.exports = function routes()
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
Then, you'll need to change the view to this: views/tool/search_name.html.ejs. It's not clear from the documentation, but locomotive automatically lowercases and underscores actions that are camel-cased, like searchName.
Now start the app and browse to http://localhost:3000/searchName
If you just want to serve a static html file, the easiest way is to just drop it in the public folder. This folder is specifically for serving up static content like client-side js, css, etc. And it works just fine for serving static HTML as well.

JavaScript Library XPages

I currently have JavaScript dotted around my XPages - I would like to create a JavaScript library containing all this code and then just call the individual functions e.g. the press of a button. Here is an example of the code I would like in the JavaScript library:
// get the user document for that person
var myView:NotesView = database.getView("xpBenutzerInnen");
var query = new java.util.Vector();
var myDoc:NotesDocument = myView.getDocumentByKey(query, true);
When I place this code in the library I get the error:
Syntax error on token ":", ; expected
I assume that the "var name:type" declaration is specific to XPages (this is what I found on creating JavaScript vars: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_variables.asp) - I could just remove the type declaration and the code seems to run without any problems - I would like to better define the variable type though.
Is there any way that I can move the code out of the XPage but still keeping my typing?
Thanking you in advance
You need to distinguish between client side JavaScript and Server side JavaScript. Your code is server side JS and should work in a Script library just as it does inside an XPage. Have you accidentally created a client side JS lib?
A few pointers: I try to make functions in a script library independent from global objects. Mostly the database object. This function works in a library just fine:
function getUserDocument(username:string, db:database) {
var myView:NotesView = db.getView("xpBenutzerInnen");
var query = new java.util.Vector();
var myDoc:NotesDocument = myView.getDocumentByKey(query, true);
return myDoc;
Let me know how it goes

Nodejs + CoffeeScript + Mongoose : Define Module?

I'm trying to create a little application to store snippets of code using nodejs and mongodb
I'm using Coffeescript to write the app.
The problem is, i want to separate the code in modules
so i create this folder structure
The core.coffe is the "server" app using expressjs
so in this file i have
mongoose = module.exports.mongoose = require 'mongoose'
app = module.exports.app = express.createServer()
Snippet = module.exports.Snippet = require __dirname+'/lib/models/Snippet'
#App configurations
routes = require(__dirname+'/lib/routes/general')
In lib/models/Snippet
mongoose = module.parent.exports.mongoose
Snippet = new mongoose.Schema
type: String
mongoose.model 'Snippet',Snippet
exports.Snippet = mongoose.model 'Snippet'
In /lib/routes/general.coffee
app = module.parent.exports.app
mongoose = module.parent.exports.mongoose
Snippet = module.parent.exports.Snippet
app.get '/test', (req,res)->
snip = new Snippet()
res.send snip
But this don't work i get the following error message
TypeError: object is not a function
How can I accomplish that?
I see a noteworthy typo:
Snippet = module.exports.Snippt = require __dirname+'/lib/models/Snippet'
Change module.exports.Snippt to module.exports.Snippet.
Let's start by looking at how you're using require. It looks like you're trying to load all the project's requirements in core.coffee, and then re-export them elsewhere. That's an odd way of doing it, most people just require those libraries in each module that needs them (for now at least, see the end of my answer).
For example, you need mongoose in lib/models/Snippet, so just require it there:
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
Next, there's no need to use __dirname to require a relative path, require copes fine with a path starting with ./:
require './lib/models/Snippet'
I still wasn't able to get the code to work cleanly (I'm guessing we're not seeing the full code), but it might be enough to set you on the right path.
Finally, if you want to go down the route of exporting everything on the main module can I suggest taking a look at dave-elkan's layers project. The plain version doesn't support coffeescript, but I've created a fork that does.
It's very lightweight, and makes almost no assumptions about your project structure. The basic idea is that you give layers() your express app object and a directory. Layers will scan that directory and set up any subdirectories as layers on your app object.
In your case you'd pass in a rootPath: __dirname + '/lib' and your app object would get app.models.Snippet and app.routes.general added onto it. That's still not quite how I'd structure it, but you might be able to come up with something that matches your style from there.
