formating numbers into Time format - excel

I want to convert numbers (that represent seconds) into HH:MM:SS format (like shown in pic..) but don't want to split them.. I want to format it using some formula or

If you just want to display the 715 seconds as hours:minutes:seconds, you will need a helper column that you use just for display.
You can create it either as in your example screenshot, or using a formula:
Note the brackets around hh. That keeps the hours from rolling over every 24 and displays total hours correctly for instances where seconds > 86,400.
There's no way I know of to have 715 displayed as the associated hours:minutes:seconds in the same cell.

You can use a formula like this to convert 715 to HH:MM:SS:
=TEXT(FLOOR((A1-FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400)/3600, 1), "00:") & text(floor((A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600)/60, 1),"00:") & text(A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600 - floor((A1 - floor(A1/3600,1)*3600)/60, 1)*60,"00")
Let's break it down.
Get hours
A1 is seconds
There are 86400 seconds in a day
FLOOR(A1/86400, 1) gives us the floor of days
Multiply that by 86400 will give us seconds in those days FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400
Remove those many seconds from A1 and you get seconds remaining in the fraction of the last day A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400
Divide those remaining seconds with 3600 to get hours FLOOR((A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400 )/3600, 1)
Use TEXT function to format it to 2 digits and a colon at the end TEXT(FLOOR((A1- FLOOR(A1/86400,1)*86400 )/3600, 1), "00:")
Then, find remaining minutes and format it.
Then, take remaining seconds and format it.
Alternate method
Assume that your seconds are in column A6.
In B6, we will put Whole Days =FLOOR(A6/86400, 1)
In C6, we will put remaining seconds =A6-B6*86400
In D6, we will put Whole Hours =FLOOR(C6/3600,1)
In E6, we will put remaining seconds =C6-D6*3600
In F6, we will put Whole Minutes =FLOOR(E6/60, 1)
In G6, we will put remaining seconds =E6-F6*60
In H6, we'll format Hours, Minutes and Seconds =TEXT(D6,"00:") & TEXT(F6,"00:") & TEXT(G6,"00")


SUBSTITUTE formula to separate hours and minute by comma

I have formula to separate hours and minutes by comma.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
This works for 4 hours 40 mins and 1 hour 10 mins. However there might case like 20 mins. Then my formula is displaying 20 that is not correct and should be 0,2. Any suggestions how to fix this issue?
Note! Values like 4 hours 40 mins are in one cell, in this case in cell P96. Information comes straight from Google Maps xml.
=CEILING(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("hour";P96));SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");"0,"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";""));0,1)
Conditionally add a dummy prefix that satisfies the hours substitution.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("hour"; P96)); "0 hours "; "")&P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
Type your time in cell A1. As an example, you could type "2:30", "14:30" or "2:30 PM".
Type "=HOUR(A1)" in cell A2 to produce only the hour. As an example, extracting the hour "2:30 PM" would give you "14," because 2 PM is the fourteenth hour in the day.
Type "=MINUTE(A1)" in cell A3 to extract the minutes.
Type "=SECOND(A1)" in cell A4 to extract the seconds.

How do I calculate this time? Across midnight

I have a sheet with start and end dates and values.
In C I have start date.
In E I have end date.
In I I have start time. (06:05:00)
In J I have end time. (08:33:00)
If C <>E I need to add 24 hours to the time elapsed.
How can I do that?
I tried if(C2<>E2;1+J2-I2;"omitted")
But I get the result 21:32:00.
It should be about 26 hours
(24+8-6 = 26 if we only look at the hours).
What have I done wrong?
Back at work and can now upload some images.
Method 1
Method 2
Both return the wrong time.
Method 3
I remember how I always have to format the dates from "our" format to Excels format for it to be recognized as a date.
In column P I use RIGHT(), MID(), and LEFT() to make a correct formatted date.
In R and S I use the same as P&Q column.
Still not correct.
EDIT again:
Use formula: =(E1+J1)-(C1+I1) we just add the date and time together and subtract the end from start and then format the cell having the formula to show days, hours, minutes.
This way, if you have more than 1 day difference, you're not just adding 24 hours.
Change the format of the target cell contianing the above formula to
d "days" hh "hours" mm "minutes"
or use the format tigerAvatar suggested of [hh]:mm if you want the hours to be cumulative across days.
Then you get a nice output of: 2 days 02 hours 28 minutes or 50:28
Feel free to drop the 1 h or 1 m if you don't want the leading zeros.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so:
Version 2 after your screenshots: I don't think C, E are in date format based on your updates so...
I used formula=(DATE(LEFT(E2,4),MID(E2,5,2),RIGHT(E2,2))+J2)-(DATE(LEFT(C2,4),MID(C2,5,2),RIGHT(C2,2))+I2) in K and custom format mask: [h]:mm
If this doesn't work it may be a regional setting and the interpretation of [h]:mm I am assuming I/J are time formats.

Adding/Subtracting Whole numbers from Time

I have tried every which way to format cells to subtract the result from time for instance the formula in the cell = 11(this is 11 minutes) I want to take that result minus 8:00:00 to give me 7:49:00 but it doesn't work the result is ####### no matter how big I make the cell. And if I format the cells with the formula to custom [m]:ss then the value changes.
Sample of the Worksheet:
I want Y2 = X3-W3 in a time format.
So, if A1=11
Then in some other cell, (B1 in this example): =TIME(,A1,)
Then subtract from the cell with 8:00:00. (If it's C1...:)
That will give you the time you want.
Info: The main thing is that you have to tell Excel that your cell with the "11" in it, is minutes. By using the =TIME(,A1,) you will get the value of: 12:11 am. (If you keep it in Date format.) 12:11 am could also be viewed as: 0 Hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds. And now that it knows, you should be able to subtract.
Try this:
The ######### is because you have a negative time. Becuase Excel reads time as decimals of 24 hours, 8:00:00 is .3333 and if you subtract 11 from that you get -10.6666 and date/time can not be negative.

Convert 'x hrs y min z sec' to seconds

a) So I have a huge folder of .csv data with a column about time duration where the cells are 'x min y sec' (e.g. 15 min 29 sec) or 'x hrs y min z sec' (e.g. 1 hrs 48 min 28 sec). The cells are formatted by text.
I want to batch change them to the number of seconds, but I have no idea where to start. I can't get the data in another format.
I thought about somehow using 'hrs', 'min' or 'sec' as delimiters, but I don't know how to move from there. I also thought about using ' ' as delimiters, but then the first column is filled with either hours or minutes depending on the time duration.
I also thought about using PostgreSQL's SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM INTERVAL '5 days 3 hours'), but I haven't been able to work out how to use this on a column from a table.
b) Is there a better way to change this time format 'Fri Mar 14 11:29:27 EST 2014' to epoch time? Right now I'm thinking of using macros in Excel to get rid of 'Fri' and 'EST', then put the columns back together, then use the to_timestamp function in PostgreSQL.
In Excel if you have data in only those 2 formats and starting from A2 you can use this formula in B2 copied down to get the number of seconds:
It finds the relevant text then gets the number in front for each and multiplies by the relevant number to get seconds
You can do:
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM column_name::interval)
FROM my_table;
The interval can use the regular time units (like hour), abbreviations thereof (hr) and plurals (hours). I am not sure about a combination of plural and abbreviation (hrs) though. If that does not work, UPDATE the column and replace() the sub-string "hrs" to "hours".
If you want to save the number of seconds in your table, then you convert the above statement into an UPDATE statement:
UPDATE my_table SET seconds_column = extract(epoch FROM column_name::interval);
I would split with space as the delimiter, then examine the second column. If it contains the string "hrs", then your seconds answer is:
3600 * column 1 + 60 * column 3 + column 5
Otherwise it is:
60 * column 1 + column 3

Excel timespan calculation for time report

I need to write a time report for my company.
Sadly I have to use a given format:
B1: 9.00 - 18.00 //timespan between arrival and leaving
C1: 60.00 //minutes I spent in drinking coffee
D1: 8.00 // total hours of work
I need a formula that a) calculates the total hours between the both times in A1, subtracts the minutes of having a break in minutes, and gives me the total hours worked in D1. I am not allowed to change the format of the cells (like writing arrival and departure times seperatly in columns) which makes it complicated.
Thank you in advance, Harry
=IF(ISBLANK(B16)," ",(TIMEVALUE(TRIM(RIGHT(B16, SEARCH("-",B16,1)-1)))-TIMEVALUE(TRIM(LEFT(B16, SEARCH("-",B16,1))))) * 24 -C16/60)
Works fine now.
You can try that for the result in D1:
=TRIM(RIGHT(B1, SEARCH(" - ",B1,1)))-TRIM(LEFT(B1,SEARCH(" - ",B1,1)-1))-C1/60
or if you don't have any spaces between the hyphen (-) I suggest:
TRIM(RIGHT(B1, SEARCH("-",B1,1)-1))-TRIM(LEFT(B1,SEARCH("-",B1,1)-1))-C1/60
=TRIM(RIGHT(B1, SEARCH(" - ",B1,1)-1)) = right part of the timespan (18.00)
=TRIM(LEFT(B1,SEARCH(" - ",B1,1)-1)) = left part of the timespan (9.00)
C1/60 = minute of having a break (1 hour = 60 minutes)
