Powershell result to Elasticlogsearch and Kibana dashboard - linux

I have installed kibana and elasticlogsearch (ELK) on linux and metricbeat on windows 2012. System logs of windows are getting shipped and displayed at Kibana dashboard.
I need to display get-hotfix result of powershell command to Kibana dashboard.
How can I achieve that?

Windows Update events are written to System Log-category of Event Log.
You need to use winlogbeat to read required events from the event log and sent them to ES.


Azure - cannot collect custom logs using Log Analytics

My goal is to collect some custom logs in Azure Monitor from an external VM running on Linux. In that regard, I've installed the log analytics agent according to the MS official documentation, I ran the wizard in order to setup a custom log - that includes a sample file, a row delimiter and a location from where to collect the logs. However, I'm getting a warning message saying:
Two successive configuration applications from OMS Settings failed – please report issue to github.com/Microsoft/PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux/issues (1)
Tried to follow the link proposed that points to Github where I wasn't able to find any solution (nor on any other link) on this and that's why I said to give it a change and ask the community in here.
Though, it is weird that the heartbeat of the machine or manual syslogs messages are being collected except for the custom logs.
Has anyone encountered this and managed to overpass it? Thanks
Apparently, according to the MS answer, the above warning message is normal to be displayed. However, the reason for not collecting the logs was that in the target file that has to be processed by the oms agent, you need to keep appending new entries because this triggers the oms agent which compare and check if the file has new entries than at the last check.
Hope will help someone!

Unable to see arangodb logs using web interface

I am unable to see logs using the web interface.
Clicking on the Green squares seen in the image below has no effect. Also the "Load older Entries" button is always disabled.
Notice the error message in the screenshot.
No suitable log entries found
Following ArangoDb's documentation I should be able to see the logs of my running database on this page of the web interface.
Here is an image of what I should be seeing:
I'm trying to view the logs to trobleshoot another issue I'm having: ArangoDb Lock timeout memory crash
This is a fresh install of Arango Enterprise v3.2.7 on a Windows 10 64-bit desktop. With about 11 gigs of RAM. Installed with all the defaults (RocksDB), and is run without embellishments or parameters.

IIS configuration logs to Event viewer system logs

I have enabled IIS configuration [Operational] logs and I am able to view the appropriate changes in event viewer under IIS-Configuration directory.
However, these logs are not being compiled by Windows System logs present in event viewer. Please help.

Azure Emulator - when using node.js, where is the console log written?

I am using Azure node js emulator.
from power shell, I was able to start the :
in my server.js, I have :
I dont see these logs written on power shell .
where are these console logs written?
By default logs are written to a logs folder within your project folder. You can also view the logs realtime by right clicking on the emulator taskbar icon and then viewing the emulator ui.
I think you need to use Node Inspector (Chrome/Safari/FireFox)
More here "Using node-inspector to debug node.js applications including on Windows (and using ryppi for modules)"
There might be other simpler ways but this should work.

Node.js console.log doesn't work using August 2012 Azure SDK

I am following the tutorials on the Windows Azure Node.js site:
however my server.js.logs file isn't being created?
In my server.js file I am issuing console.log statements but none are written to the log file. Why is that? Whats changed in the August SDK to prevent my logs from being written?
Or what do i need to enable in order for console.log statements to be written ?
See https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode/issues/168, linked to from https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode/wiki/iisnode-releases (the v0.1.20 notes).
The latest Windows Azure Node.js SDK must have picked up a newer version of iisnode, and iisnode changed where it puts the log files.
Yes, iisnode now puts log files in the ~/iisnode directory, and writes an index to the log files you can browse. It also contains a new node.js script, interceptor.js which allows you to write log files to any location
You must understand that console.log in node.js is used mainly for client side logging. I just tested that when you are using console.log in node.js application running on Windows Azure stdout log file could not be created so you will not get any log.
If you want to add logging to your code which is running on a web server you should be using server side logging code and I found connect library is most powerful and useful for such purpose:
As you suggested your code is running in Compute Emulator means you are creating Windows Azure Cloud Service, you should follow your the below article step by step and you will get it working:
Be informed that still console.log will not show anything when your node.js code is running in Compute Emulator.
