how to make whats app multiple login accounts in one browser - browser

I just want one browser that can support multiple whats app account that can messaging and chatting for purpose. i have at least ten whats app account can run one browser with any extra extension tool or something else.
Can any one have idea???

Oh yes, I just found One Chrome Extension like All in One messenger that can manage multiple whats app account on one browser can u have any suggestion that same as other extensions works.


Create link to open app from mail without making changes in app

I have an app which is already published in app store, I need to send mail to users with link clicking on which it should open the app if its installed or should go to app store. I'm aware of the URL schemes and universal links and that would require modification in my app. I was wondering if there is any other way that this could be achieved where I could create a link maybe using itms-app or some other method where I don't need to make any changes in the app. Any help is appreciated
Unfortunately, not. For a phone to open your application, it needs a way to recognize your application.
URI Schemes
The URI scheme information is configured in the .plist file and is local to the application and therefore cannot be changed without an update. Although you probably don't want to use URI schemes anyways since they will present the user an error if they don't have the app instead of taking them to the app store.
Universal Links
This is the new way Apple performs deep linking and the only other way a link could open up the app. These require a locally stored entitlements file along with an .apple-app-site-association that is hosted on your own website domain and cached when the app is downloaded or updated. These also do not take users to the app store, they take users to the domain in which the AASA file is hosted.
Best Solution
Use Branch's iOS SDK to handle all of the AASA file hosting and App Store redirection. This would still require you to push out a new update, but that is the only possible way to accomplish this.

Auth flow MS teams Bot

I've created a Bot in MS teams that can authenticate the user against AAD. I've used the AuthBot code for this.
This works correctly. I have questions regarding further improving the sign-in experience. The Bot currently opens up a web browser, the user logs in and is redirect to a page with a magic number that he or she needs to copy-paste back into teams.
If I understand the Authentication section on this page correctly, then the following should be possible:
The browser window can be opened inside of Teams instead of through
the browser by specifying a validDomains attribute in the Teams
package manifest file. However, I chat with the Bot 1:1 and it
doesnt seem to use the manifest file (the Bot's image doesnt use the
one from the manifest). How do I get the login window to open inside
There is a MS Teams javascript file. Can I use this (on the page that my Bots shows after authentication) to
redirect the user back to teams, and possibly automatically paste
the magic number into the chat with the Bot?
We missed answering this in August, apologies.
A more elegant way of doing bot authentication has been a common developer request. We are almost ready to publish samples and documentation for this solution once it's fully deployed on all client platforms. This approach removes the need for AuthBot completely and supports an integrated authentication experience, i.e. without opening a browser tab.
Currently, however, to answer your question, there is no way to have an inline authentication experience and the validDomains is not enforced (since it's just opening a browser page). The JavaScript client SDK you refer to is not used at all with bots because bots cannot currently run code on the client.
So in other words, what you are doing with AuthBot is currently the best possible way to do it.

Is there a solution to get desktop active application name from a chrome extension?

I would need the list of currently opened desktop apps (+ files opened in it) from a Chrome Extension, or at least the active application name (With current focus on the desktop).
Use case : Imagine a chrome extension that would get the list of tabs with URLS (I solved it with Chrome.tabs) and in addition would give the name of the current active app when Chrome loose the focus (idle) : exemple => / documentname.ppt.
I'm looking for any option, ideally without having to implement a Desktop App that would exchange messages with the Extension. But if this is the only way, any example/experience to do so with Electron ( or Node-WebKit?
This may be possible in an electron app, but I don't think so as Electron is more multiplatform-oriented and this is a platform-oriented feature. You only will have access to methods that the developers chose to expose to you, and I doubt that they exposed a way to have this kind of information. (I have very little knowledge in the tech since I used it only once, so I might be wrong).
The only solution I see is the one you talked about in your question, a real desktop app messaging with the chrome extension.

How to launch a chrome packaged app using a URL scheme

I have a chrome packaged app that I update form time to time - when I'm creating an update I want to send email to subscribed customers with a link the that extension -that will launch it.
Anyone knows if there is a chrome url scheme i can use?
Currently this is not possible, but there is an API proposal and an implementation being developed for a chrome-app://appid URL schema that would do pretty much what you describe.
Follow the status here
I also want to be able to do this. It seems that one possible solution is to install both an extension and a packaged app, and have the extension register a context menu that then communicates with the app, or something similar.

I'm really confused about Chrome Extension+Google API

I'm really confused. I want to make a Chrome Extension that can update a user's Google Calendar, what kind of program should I register under Google API?
Is it Web App? But I don't plan to have a server to host anything because Chrome Extensions are in the browser itself.
I really don't think it's a service account, but if it is, somebody enlighten me!
So that leaves installed applications?
Well, Google Extensions and Google API are very different in nature, and they don't have a special way to comunicate themselves.
Chrome Extensions are javascript code running in the browser allowed by a Chrome user, with more rights than a normal page; while Google API is accessed by server code, just as Google Apps Scripts (javascript code running in a Google server with some Google user's right).
