Using python for getting data out from a tektronix oscilliscope - pyvisa

import visa
import numpy as np
from struct import unpack
import pylab
rm = visa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB0::1::INSTR',write_termination= '\n')
values = np.array(inst.query_ascii_values('CURV?', converter='s'))
#values1=inst.write_ascii_values('WLISt:WAVeform:DATA somename,', values, converter='s')
Hi all,
I am really new with Python and programming. I am trying to get a waveform from a Tektronix oscilloscope (TDS 460 A). I am using a GPIB (GPIB USB-HS) to transfer data. With the code written above, I am able to connect with the oscilloscope. I have some very basic questions. When I print(values), it is giving me a string. I was wondering what is that string? Is it the same as the address of the instrument? Now as I am connected with the instrument, how can I proceed further? My ultimate aim is to get the trace from multiple channels of the scope.

You could use:
from struct import unpack
import pyvisa as visa
rm = visa.ResourceManager()
def acquire(channel, port):
scope = rm.open_resource(port)
scope.write("DATA:SOURCE " + channel)
scope.write('DATA:WIDTH 1')
scope.write('DATA:ENC RPB')
ymult = float(scope.ask('WFMPRE:YMULT?'))
yzero = float(scope.ask('WFMPRE:YZERO?'))
yoff = float(scope.ask('WFMPRE:YOFF?'))
xincr = float(scope.ask('WFMPRE:XINCR?'))
xdelay = float(scope.query('HORizontal:POSition?'))
data = scope.read_raw()
headerlen = 2 + int(data[1])
header = data[:headerlen]
ADC_wave = data[headerlen:-1]
ADC_wave = np.array(unpack('%sB' % len(ADC_wave),ADC_wave))
Volts = (ADC_wave - yoff) * ymult + yzero
Time = np.arange(0, (xincr * len(Volts)), xincr)-((xincr * len(Volts))/2-xdelay)
return Time,Volts
except IndexError:
return 0,0


Keithley2400_IV Sweep_VIA RS232 - I'd like to increase the size of ':FETCh?'

I'm Kwon, an engineering student. I'm currently producing IV Sweep from keithley2400 products and from Python through rs232.
While looking at the manual, I was trying to compensate for various errors and hit a dead end. I'm going to draw a graph with matplotlib, but the number of xvalues and yvalues is not correct.
After several attempts, I found that 'yvalues' were fixed to a size of 5.
(The graph came out well when each size was adjusted to 5.)
The contents of the manual are as follows.
"You can specify from one to all five elements."
Please help me to increase the size of ':FETCh?' from 5 so that I can draw a graph that connects the steps I put in. Thank you for reading the long question.
import sys
startv = sys.argv[1]
stopv = sys.argv[2]
stepv = sys.argv[3]
filename = sys.argv[4]
startvprime = float(startv)
stopvprime = float(stopv)
stepvprime = float(stepv)
steps = (stopvprime - startvprime) / stepvprime + 1
# Import PyVisa and choose RS-232 as Drain-Source
import pyvisa, time
import serial
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
with rm. open_resource('COM3') as Keithley:
Keithley.port = 'COM3'
Keithley.baudrate = 9600
Keithley.timeout = 25000
Keithley.read_termination = '\r'
Keithley.write_termination = '\r'
Keithley.write(":SENS:FUNC:CONC OFF")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:FUNC VOLT")
Keithley.write(":SENS:FUNC 'CURR:DC' ")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:VOLT:START ", startv)
Keithley.write(":SOUR:VOLT:STOP ", stopv)
Keithley.write(":SOUR:VOLT:STEP ", stepv)
Keithley.write(":SOUR:SWE:RANG AUTO")
Keithley.write(":SENS:CURR:PROT 0.1")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:SWE:SPAC LIN")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:SWE:POIN", str(int(steps)))
Keithley.write(":SOUR:SWE:DIR UP")
Keithley.write(":TRIG:COUN", str(int(steps)))
Keithley.write(":FORM:ELEM CURR")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:VOLT:MODE SWE")
Keithley.write(":OUTP ON")
import numpy as np
result = Keithley.query(":READ?")
yvalues = Keithley.query_ascii_values(":FETCh?")
Keithley.write(":OUTP OFF")
Keithley.write(":SOUR:VOLT 0")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from scipy import stats
xvalues = np.arange(startvprime, stopvprime+1, stepvprime)
plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues)
plt.xlabel(' Drain-Source Voltage (V)')
plt.ylabel(' Drain-Source Current (mA)')
plt.title('IV Curve')
np.savetxt(filename, (xvalues,yvalues))
error ex) python -10 10 1 savename
=> ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (21,) and (5,)
What is yvalues in your code? I think yvalues's type is string because of pyvisa's query_ascii_values.
yvalues = [float(i) for i in Keithley.query_ascii_values(":FETCh?")]
Also, check 'steps' value.

Finding the minimum using fmin()

I am trying to minimize the "function()" with respect to two parameters. I have done so by creating mesh arrays and used them in the above "function()" to return similar meshed array values. However, upon using "fmin()" to find the minimum, the output says that the operators could not be broadcasted.
The code is pasted below:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_values = np.arange(-10,10,2)
y_values = np.arange(-10,10,2)
x_mesh = np.empty((0,len(x_values)))
y_mesh = np.empty((0,len(y_values)))
for i in range(len(x_values)):
y_mesh = np.vstack((y_mesh, y_values))
for i in range(len(y_values)):
x_mesh = np.vstack((x_mesh, x_values))
y_mesh = np.transpose(y_mesh)
def function(x_mesh, y_mesh):
return (2*x_mesh**2 + y_mesh**2)
''' Want to minimize function '''
x_start = np.zeros((len(x_values), len(y_values)))
y_start = x_start
y = fmin(lamda x_mesh: function(x_mesh, y_mesh), (x_start, y_start), full_output = True, disp = 0)
The output shown was:
File "C:/Users/User/Documents/Year2/Programming/", line 42, in function
return (2*x_mesh**2 + y_mesh**2)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (200,) (10,10)
But why does this happen? What is the solution?

Python 3 Multiprocessing and openCV problem with dictionary sharing between processor

I would like to use multiprocessing to compute the SIFT extraction and SIFT matching for object detection.
For now, I have a problem with the return value of the function that does not insert data in the dictionary.
I'm using Manager class and image that are open inside the function. But does not work.
Finally, my idea is:
Computer the keypoint for every reference image, use this keypoint as a parameter of a second function that compares and match with the keypoint and descriptors of the test image.
My code is:
# %% Import Section
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, Manager, Lock
import argparse
# %% path section
tests_path = 'TestImages/'
references_path = 'ReferenceImages2/'
result_path = 'ResultParametrizer/'
#%% Number of processor
cpus = cpu_count()
# %% parameter section
eps = 1e-7
useTwo = False # using the m and n keypoint better with False
# good point parameters
distanca_coefficient = 0.75
# gms parameter
gms_thresholdFactor = 3
gms_withRotation = True
gms_withScale = True
# flann parameter
flann_trees = 5
flann_checks = 50
#%% Locker
lock = Lock()
# %% function definition
def keypointToDictionaries(keypoint):
x, y =
pt = float(x), float(y)
angle = float(keypoint.angle) if keypoint.angle is not None else None
size = float(keypoint.size) if keypoint.size is not None else None
response = float(keypoint.response) if keypoint.response is not None else None
class_id = int(keypoint.class_id) if keypoint.class_id is not None else None
octave = int(keypoint.octave) if keypoint.octave is not None else None
return {
'point': pt,
'angle': angle,
'size': size,
'response': response,
'class_id': class_id,
'octave': octave
def dictionariesToKeypoint(dictionary):
kp = cv2.KeyPoint() = dictionary['pt']
kp.angle = dictionary['angle']
kp.size = dictionary['size']
kp.response = dictionary['response']
kp.octave = dictionary['octave']
kp.class_id = dictionary['class_id']
return kp
def rootSIFT(dictionary, image_name, image_path,eps=eps):
# SIFT init
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
keypoints, descriptors = sift.detectAndCompute(image, None)
descriptors /= (descriptors.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + eps)
descriptors = np.sqrt(descriptors)
print('Finito di calcolare, PID: ', os.getpid())
dictionary[image_name]['keypoints'] = keypoints
dictionary[image_name]['descriptors'] = descriptors
def featureMatching(reference_image, reference_descriptors, reference_keypoints, test_image, test_descriptors,
test_keypoints, flann_trees=flann_trees, flann_checks=flann_checks):
# FLANN parameter
index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=flann_trees)
search_params = dict(checks=flann_checks) # or pass empty dictionary
flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
flann_matches = flann.knnMatch(reference_descriptors, test_descriptors, k=2)
matches_copy = []
for i, (m, n) in enumerate(flann_matches):
if m.distance < distanca_coefficient * n.distance:
gsm_matches = cv2.xfeatures2d.matchGMS(reference_image.shape, test_image.shape, keypoints1=reference_keypoints,
keypoints2=test_keypoints, matches1to2=matches_copy,
withRotation=gms_withRotation, withScale=gms_withScale,
#%% Starting reference list file creation
reference_init =
print('Start reference file list creation')
reference_image_process_list = []
manager = Manager()
reference_image_dictionary = manager.dict()
reference_image_list = manager.list()
for root, directories, files in os.walk(references_path):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.DS_Store'):
reference_image_path = os.path.join(root, file)
reference_name = file.split('.')[0]
image = cv2.imread(reference_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
reference_image_dictionary[reference_name] = {
'image': image,
'keypoints': None,
'descriptors': None
proc = Process(target=rootSIFT, args=(reference_image_list, reference_name, reference_image_path))
for proc in reference_image_process_list:
reference_end =
reference_time = reference_end - reference_init
print('End reference file list creation, time required: ', reference_time)
I faced pretty much the same error. It seems that the code hangs at detectAndCompute in my case, not when creating the dictionary. For some reason, sift feature extraction is not multi-processing safe (to my understanding, it is the case in Macs but I am not totally sure.)
I found this in a github thread. Many people say it works but I couldn't get it worked. (Edit: I tried this later which works fine)
Instead I used multithreading which is pretty much the same code and works perfectly. Of course you need to take multithreading vs multiprocessing into account

Goodness of fit always being zero despite taking random data?

I'm trying to write code that generates random data and computes goodness of fit but I'm not understanding why the chi-squared test is always zero, may I have a fix for this ? For an attempted fix I tried playing around with different types to see if I get any resulting changes in the initial output, also I've tried changing the parameters to the loop in question.
from scipy import stats
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy
import numpy as np
def Linear_Chi2_Generate(observed_values = [], expected_values = []):
# !!!!!!! Generation of Data !!!!!!!!!! #
for i in range(0,12):
a = random.randint(-10,10)
b = random.randint(-10,10)
y = a * (b + i)
# !!! Array Setup !!!! #
# ***Had the Array types converted to floats before computing Chi2*** #
# #
t_s = 0
o_v = np.array(observed_values)
e_v = np.array(expected_values)
o_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
e_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
z_o_e_v_f = zip(o_v.astype(float), e_v.astype(float))
for i in z_o_e_v_f:
t_s += [((o_v_f)-(e_v_f))]**2/(e_v_f) # Computs the Chi2 Stat !
print("Observed Values ", o_v_f)
print("Expected Values" , e_v_f)
print("Our goodness of fit for our linear function", stats.chi2.cdf(t_s,df))
return t_s
In your original code, e_v_f = o_v.astype(float) made o_v_f, e_v_f ending up the same. There was also some issue in the for loop. I have edited your code a bit. See what it does you are looking for:
from scipy import stats
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy
import numpy as np
def Linear_Chi2_Generate(observed_values = [], expected_values = []):
# !!!!!!! Generation of Data !!!!!!!!!! #
for i in range(0,12):
a_o = random.randint(-10,10)
b_o = random.randint(-10,10)
y_o = a_o * (b_o + i)
# a_e = random.randint(-10,10)
# b_e = random.randint(-10,10)
# y_e = a_e * (b_e + i)
expected_values.append(y_o + 5)
# !!! Array Setup !!!! #
# ***Had the Array types converted to floats before computing Chi2*** #
# #
t_s = 0
o_v = np.array(observed_values)
e_v = np.array(expected_values)
o_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
e_v_f = e_v.astype(float)
z_o_e_v_f = zip(o_v.astype(float), e_v.astype(float))
for o, e in z_o_e_v_f:
t_s += (o - e) **2 / e # Computs the Chi2 Stat !
print("Observed Values ", o_v_f)
print("Expected Values" , e_v_f)
print("Our goodness of fit for our linear function", stats.chi2.cdf(t_s,df))
return t_s

Estimating parameters using minimization in Python and speed up this process

I am trying to find parameter estimates using using minimization. The code I wrote works but there are two problems:
I finds only a local minimum. I tried to solve this by using basinhopping.
It takes very long until I get a result and since I have to do this minimization around 1000 times this becomes a big issue.
So my questions are:
Do you know how I could optimize my code so that it runs faster for the minimization.
Is there a way I can change the basinhopping part so that it runs faster? eg. set niter lower or a differnt method im not aware of. I tried running it like this and after 10 hour I didnt get a response for even one of the 1000 individuals for basinhopping.
Is there another way to find a global minimum?
Feel free to ask further questions please.
My code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import basinhopping
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import pickle
import os
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import numpy.random as npr
import csv
path = "C:\\Users\Sebastian Gäumann\OneDrive\Dokumente\FS 2017\Bachelorarbeit\Python"
df = pd.read_csv('1_Youtuber_SingleNrSheet_Comedy.csv', sep = ";", skipinitialspace=True) ######Change Name
YoutuberID = df["Channel_ID"].tolist()
with open("9_p_q_m_Fun_ExtendedBass_VIEWS_Comedy_test.csv", "w" ,newline='',encoding='utf-8') as csv_file2: ######Change Name
csv_writer2 = csv.writer(csv_file2, delimiter=';')
csv_writer2.writerow(["Type","p", "q", "m","Functionvalue"])
count = 0
for ID in YoutuberID[0:]: ###Change
path = "C:\\Users\Sebastian Gäumann\OneDrive\Dokumente\FS 2017\Bachelorarbeit\Python"
Days = pd.read_csv('3_API_Call_ALL_info_Comedy_v2.csv', sep = ";", skipinitialspace=True)
views_path = "C:\\Users\Sebastian Gäumann\OneDrive\Dokumente\FS 2017\Bachelorarbeit\Python\Daily_Views_Comedy" ######Change Name
SVR = pd.read_csv("4_COMEDY_DailyViews_Clean_" + str(count) + "_" + ID + ".csv", sep = ";", parse_dates=True, dayfirst=True) ######Change Name
## print(SVR[SVR.columns[0]])
SVR = SVR[SVR[SVR.columns[0]]< "2018-05-01"] ####CHANGE DATE FOR DIF CAT
## print(SVR)
#####SV Input
SV = np.array(SVR["Daily Views"])
## print(SV)
Days = Days[Days["channelId"] == ID]
## print(Days)
Days["publishedAt"] = pd.to_datetime(Days.publishedAt)
Days = Days[Days["publishedAt"] > "2015-01-08"] ##"2015-01-10"
## print(Days)
##### Timedelta #####
start_date = pd.to_datetime("2015-06-08")
video_upload_day =[]
for video_date in Days["publishedAt"]:
TimeDelta = video_date - start_date
nvideos = len(video_upload_day)
ndays = len(SV)
videoT = np.array(video_upload_day)
## print(videoT,nvideos,ndays)
def objective(x):
p = x[0]
q = x[1]
m = x[2]
estimateV = np.zeros( (ndays, nvideos) )
for t in range( ndays ):
for v in range( nvideos ):
if videoT[v] <= t:
estimateV[ t,v ] = p*m + (q-p) * np.sum(estimateV[0:t,v],axis=0) - (q/m) * (np.sum(estimateV[0:t,v],axis=0)**2)
estimateSV = np.sum( estimateV, axis = 1 )
return np.sum( (SV - estimateSV)**2 )
This is the minimization part. I made one for the normal minimization and one for basinhopping and seperated it with ##.
###### MINIMIZATION #######
mguess = round(sum(SV)/(nvideos*2),0)
x0 = np.array([0.001, 0.01, mguess]) ####Make it less volatile to first guess? Make bigger steps for m?
b1 = (0.00001,0.5)
b2 = (10**4,10**7)
bnds = (b1,b1,b2)
## minimizer_kwargs = dict(method="L-BFGS-B",bounds=bnds)
## res = basinhopping(objective, x0,niter=20, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs)
res = minimize(objective, x0,bounds = bnds)
csv_writer2.writerow(["COMEDY",res.x[0], res.x[1],res.x[2],]) ###CHANNGE CAT
print("CURRERNT YOUTUBER IS:",count)
count += 1
count += 1
## print(res,res.x[0],res.x[1],res.x[2],
