Python Can't decode byte : Invalid start byte - python-3.x

So I'm building this socket application, and it works just fine on my computer. But when i start server socket on another laptop, it just crashes with a invalid start byte error:
How do i proper encode the program to work with all laptops
This is the error i get on :
Other laptops.
My laptop.
I have tried to change the encoding, but I'm just not quite sure where i have to change it.
Class Listener:
def __init__(self):
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server_address = (socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), 10000)
print(f"LISTENER : {str(self.server_address[0])} port {str(self.server_address[1])}")
def listen(self):
while True:
print("Connection Open")
print(" Waiting for connections")
self.connection, self.client_address = self.sock.accept()
print(f"Connection from {str(self.client_address)}")
while True:
data = self.connection.recv(1024)
if data:
message = str(data)
if not "print" in message.lower(): # This just checks if the client wants to print system information from the server
Validate(message) # this checks for a command the server have to do
except Exception as e:
I want it to work on other laptops as well, and i just cant see why it wont.

Furas came with a solution.
I changed the
message = str(data)
message = str(data, encoding="utf-8")
I did the same on the client side

Not going to lie. I just changed the encoding = utf-16.
df = pd.read_csv(C:/folders path/untitled.csv, encoding = "utf-16")


how do i make my server able to read data which is sent by client

here i am making server
my_selector = selectors.DefaultSelector()
keep_running = True
server_address = ('localhost', 1040)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
my_selector.register(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, data=None)
this accept function make new connection
def accept(sock):
# print("Accept Function")
new_connection, addr = sock.accept()
print("Connection established.......")
my_selector.register(new_connection, selectors.EVENT_READ | selectors.EVENT_WRITE, data=None)
this read function reads data sent by client
def read(connection, mask):
global keep_running
print("Read Function")
if mask & selectors.EVENT_READ:
recv_data = connection.recv(1024)
if recv_data:
print("Message received ", recv_data.decode("utf-8"))
print("Message not received")
keep_running = False
this loop controls my server
while keep_running:
for key, mask in
if is None:
read(key, mask)
my question is when server and client run if server gets a new client it control goes to accept function
or if server gets data it goes to read function this programme shows error
client programme does not show any error client programme only send data
please tell me how to fix this error and i am working on windows 10
Error----OSError: [WinError 10022] An invalid argument was supplied
Try looking at this post maybe it helps you :)
The first answer on that where the guy is having the same error says:
Bind the socket before calling connection.recvfrom(65536) using connection.bind((YOUR_IP, PORT)).
OSError: [WinError 10022] An invalid argument was supplied - Windows 10 Python

Python, TCP, Server and client

I have problem with TCP (Server and Client.) over python3.
What does i do wrong?
my code is in TCP Server:
import socket
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ip = socket.gethostbyname("")
port = 8892
print("[*] Started listening on" , ip, ":", port)
client,addr = server.accept()
print("[*] Got Connection from", addr[0], ":", addr[1])
while True:
data = client.recv(1024)
data = data.decode('utf-8')
print("[*] Received ", data, " from the client")
print("[*] Processing data")
if data == "hello":
client.send("Hello client")
print("[*] Processing done\n[*] Reply sent")
elif data == "disconnect":
client.send("Invalid type")
print("Processing done Invalid data \n[*] Reply sent")
my code is in TCP Client:
import socket
ip = socket.gethostbyname("")
while True:
message = input()
Erorr message:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 25, in
client.send("Invalid type") TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
Can some one help me please, what can i do?
Thanks for helping me. :)
in python 3 you are no more sending/reading characters or string, but byte-array (or bytes).
You might also need to manage encoding (utf-8 <-> bytes).
>>> s = "énorme"
>>> b = s.encode("utf-8")
>>> b
and use the bytes.decode() to reverse it.
For your very trivial case, you can use direcly bytes string as b"hello", as plain ASCII string are converted "as-is" to bytes.
client.send("Hello client") will become client.send(b"Hello client")
But don't go too deeper with this solution.
I personally allow this usage when using commands to talk to some hardware, but absolutely not for a chat or text exchange.

Python Script Creates Directories In /tmp/, Taking Up System Space

I am running a script that acts as a server, allows two clients to connect to it, and for one specific client to send a message to the server, the server modifies it, then sends it to the other client.
This appears to work, as the receiving client acknowledges that the input was received and is valid. This is a script that I intend to run continuously.
However, a big issue is that my /tmp/ directory is filling up with directories named _M... (The ellipses representing a random string), that contains python modules (such as cryptography, which, as far as I'm aware, I'm not using), and timezone information (quite literally every timezone that python supports). It seems to be creating them very frequently, but I can't identify what in the process exactly is doing this.
I have created a working cleanup bash script that removes files older than 5 minutes from the directory every 5 minutes, however, I cannot guarantee that when I am duplicating this process for other devices, that the directories will have the same name formatting. Rather than create a unique bash script for each process that I create, I'd rather be able to clean up the directories from within the python script, or even better, to prevent the directories from being created at all.
The problem is, I'm not certain of how this is accomplished, and I do not see anything on SO regarding what is creating these directories, nor how to delete them.
The following is my script
import time, socket, os, sys, re, select
IP = ''
PORT = [3000, 3001]
PID = str(os.getpid())
PIDFILE = "/path/to/"
client_counter = 0
sockets_list = []
def runCheck():
if os.path.isfile(PIDFILE):
return False
with open(PIDFILE, 'w') as pidfile:
return True
def openSockets():
for i in PORT:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((IP, i))
def receiveMessage(client_socket):
message = client_socket.recv(2048).decode('utf-8')
if not message:
return False
message = str(message)
return message
return False
def fixString(local_string):
return local_string
def main():
clients = {}
print(f'Listening for connections on {IP}:{PORT[0]} and {PORT[1]}...')
client_count = 0
while True:
read_sockets, _, exception_sockets =, [], sockets_list)
for notified_socket in read_sockets:
if notified_socket == sockets_list[0] or notified_socket == sockets_list[1]:
client_socket, client_address = sockets_list[client_count].accept()
client_count = (client_count + 1) % 2
clients[client_socket] = client_socket
print('Accepted new connection from: {}'.format(*client_address))
message = receiveMessage(notified_socket)
if message is False:
message = fixString(message)
for client_socket in clients:
if client_socket != notified_socket:
if message != "N/A":
client_socket.send(bytes(message, "utf-8"))
for notified_socket in exception_sockets:
del clients[notified_socket]
except socket.timeout:
for i in sockets_list:
except Exception as e:
for i in sockets_list:
err_details = str('Error in line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno), type(e).__name__, e)
print("Exception: {}".format(err_details))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if runCheck():
How might I set it up so that the python script will delete the directories it creates in the /tmp/ directory, or better, to not create them in the first place? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As it would turn out, it is PyInstaller that was generating these files. In the documentation, it states that pyinstaller generates this _MEI directory when creating the executable in single-file mode, and it is supposed to delete it as well, but for some reason it didn't.

Python3 socket doesn't work - graphite

I created a function to send data to a graphite server. It sends the metricname, value and the timestamp to the graphite server at execution:
def collect_metric(metricname, value, timestamp):
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect( ("localhost", 2003) )
sock.send("%s %s %s\n" % (metricname, value, timestamp))
This function above worked fine in Python2. I had to rewrite this function for Python3. Now no data will be send to graphite. No log entries in the graphite/carbon logs or something else ...:
def collect_metric(metricname, value, timestamp):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect( ("localhost", 2003) )
metricname = metricname.encode()
if type(value) == "str":
value = value.encode()
timestamp = timestamp.encode()
message = bytearray()
message = bytes(metricname+b" "+value+b" "+timestamp)
I receive no errors. Also on terminal I get the right format/output (see "print(message.decode())")
Has anybody some ideas why it doesn't work?
The bytearray is without any encoding. Try this:
message = (metricname+" "+value+" "+timestamp).encode("UTF-8")
It seems like you're missing '\n' at the end of the message you're sending
message = bytes(metricname+b" "+value+b" "+timestamp)
should be:
message = bytes(metricname+b" "+value+b" "+timestamp + '\n')

Simultaneous input and output for network based messaging program

In python, I am creating a message system where a client and server can send messages back and forth simeltaneously. Here is my code for the client:
import threading
import socket
# Global variables
host = input("Server: ")
port = 9000
buff = 1024
# Create socket instance
s = socket.socket()
# Connect to server
s.connect( (host, port) )
print("Connected to server\n")
class Recieve(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True: # Recieve loop
r_msg = s.recv(buff).decode()
print("\nServer: " + r_msg)
recieve_thread = Recieve()
while True: # Send loop
s_msg = input("Send message: ")
if s_msg.lower() == 'q': # Quit option
s.send( s_msg.encode() )
I have a thread in the background to check for server messages and a looping input to send messages to the server. The problem arises when the server sends a message and the user input is immediately bounced up to make room for the servers message. I want it so that the input stays pinned to the bottom of the shell window, while the output is printed from the 2nd line up, leaving the first line alone. I have been told that you can use curses or Queues to do this, but I am not sure which one would be best in my situation nor how to implement these modules into my project.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I want it so that the input stays pinned to the bottom of the shell
window, while the output is printed from the 2nd line up, leaving the
first line alone. I have been told that you can use curses
Here's a supplemented version of your client code using curses.
import threading
import socket
# Global variables
host = input("Server: ")
port = 9000
buff = 1024
# Create socket instance
s = socket.socket()
# Connect to server
s.connect( (host, port) )
print("Connected to server\n")
import sys
write = sys.stdout.buffer.raw.write
from curses import *
lines = tigetnum('lines')
change_scroll_region = tigetstr('csr')
cursor_up = tigetstr('cuu1')
restore_cursor = tigetstr('rc')
save_cursor = tigetstr('sc')
def pin(input_lines): # protect input_lines at the bottom from scrolling
write(save_cursor + \
tparm(change_scroll_region, 0, lines-1-input_lines) + \
class Recieve(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True: # Recieve loop
r_msg = s.recv(buff).decode()
print("\nServer: " + r_msg)
recieve_thread = Recieve()
recieve_thread.daemon = True
while True: # Send loop
s_msg = input("Send message: ")
if s_msg.lower() == 'q': # Quit option
s.send( s_msg.encode() )
It changes the scrolling region to leave out the screen's bottom line, enters the scrolling region temporarily to output the server messages, and changes it back at the end.
