Exactly once with Kafka + Spark Streaming - apache-spark

Is it possible to achieve exactly once by handling Kafka topic at Spark Streaming application?
To achieve exactly once you need the following things:
Exactly once on Kafka producer to Kafka broker. This is achieved by Kafka's 0.11 idempotent producer. But is Kafka 0.11 to Spark Streaming integration production ready? I found this JIRA ticket with lots of bugs.
Exactly once on Kafka broker to Spark Streaming app. Could it be achieved? Because of Spark Streaming app failures, the application can read some data twice, right? As solution, can I persist computation results & last handled event uuid to Redis transactionaly?
Exactly once on trasforming data by Spark Streaming app. This is out-of-the-box property of RDD.
Exactly once on persisting results. Is solved at the 2nd statement by transactionaly persisting last event uuid to Redis.


Kafka Spark Streaming ingestion for multiple topics

We are currently ingesting Kafka messages into HDFS using Spark Streaming. So far we spawn a whole Spark job for each topic.
Since messages are produced pretty rarely for some topics (average of 1 per day), we're thinking about organising the ingestion in pools.
The idea is to avoid creating a whole container (and related resources) for this "unfrequent" topics. In fact Spark Streaming accepts a list of topics in input, so we're thinking about using this feature in order to have a single job consuming all of them.
Do you guys think the one exposed is a good strategy? We also thought about batch ingestion, but we like to keep real-time behavior so we excluded this option. Do you have any tip or suggestion?
Does Spark Streaming handle well multiple topics as a source in case of failures in terms of offset consistency etc.?
I think Spark should be able to handle multiple topics fine as they have support for this from a long time and yes Kafka connect is not confluent API. Confluent does provide connectors for their cluster but you can use it too. You can see that Apache Kafka also has documentation for Connect API.
It is little difficult with Apache version of Kafka, but you can use it.
Also if you're opting for multiple kafka topics in single spark streaming job, you may need to think about not creating small files as your frequency seems very less.

How to manage auditing in streaming application in Kafka and spark-sql?

In our project we are considering using Kakfa with spark streaming, for PoC I am using spark 2.4.1 version Kafka and Java8.
I have some questions:
How to handle missing data into Kafka topics ingestion?
How to maintain the auditing for the same? What is the big data industry practice in this?
What should be the recovery mechanism to be followed? Any links or videos for the same?
How to handle missing data into Kafka topics ingestion?
I don't understand this. Does it mean missing data in Kafka topic or missing out data from Kafka topic to Spark streaming?
The first one can't be handled unless you're producer of the data and you can change according to the reason. The second one is possible if the data is still available in Kafka topic managed by retention period on Kafka cluster.
How to maintain the auditing for the same?
There are couple of things you could do. You can ask Kafka to manage those offsets by committing those offsets. Or you could write the offsets to any other location like HBase and from there you can get the message offsets upto which you've successfully processed. With latest Structured Streaming, you do not need to manage such low level details, Spark will manage in the checkpoint directory.
What should be the recovery mechanism to be followed?
It depends on which choice you're using. If you've the offset numbers in HBase, you can read from HBase and use KafkaUtils class to get messages from given offsets number using:
KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
ConsumerStrategies.Assign[String, String](fromOffsets.keys.toList, kafkaParams, fromOffsets)
More details on

Is possible send data from Nifi to Spark Structured Streaming/Storm directly without loss data?

In my current scenario; Nifi collects data, then sends to Kafka. Then any streaming engine consumes data from kafka, and analysis it. In this situation; I dont want to use Kafka between Nifi and Streaming Engine. So, I want to send data from Nifi to streaming engine directly. But, I don't know some details here.
For example Spark Structured Streaming; Assumet that I send data from Nifi to Spark Structured Streaming directly, Spark was received this data but then spark's node is down. What happens to data in Spark node? (Do Spark Structured Streaming have any Nifi receiver?), Also, in this case, what is the data guarantee on Spark Structured Streaming?
For example Storm; Storm has Nifi Bolt. But, assume that Storm have received data from Nifi, but then node was down. What happens to the data? Also, in this case, what is the data guarantee on Storm?
In shortly, I want to send data from Nifi to SparkStructuredStreaming/Storm(I'm more likely to used Spark.) directly. But if any node is downs in streaming engine cluster, I dont want to lose data.
Is this possible for Spark Structured Streaming?
All of the streaming integration with NiFi is done using the site-to-site protocol, which is originally made for two NiFi instances to transfer data.
As far as I know there are currently integrations with Storm, Spark streaming, and Flink. I'm not familiar with Spark structured streaming, but I would imagine you could build this integration similar to the others.
NiFi is not a replayable source of data though. The data is transferred from NiFi to the streaming system in a transaction to ensure it is not removed from the NiFi side until the destination has confirmed the transaction. However, if something fails in the streaming system after that commit, then the data is no longer in NiFi and it is the streaming system's problem.
I'm not sure the reason why you don't want to use Kafka, but NiFi -> Kafka -> Streaming is a more standard and proven approach.
There is a NifiReceiver for spark.
Comparing the implementation with the apache-spark documentatation this receiver is fault tolerant, as it should replay data not passed on.

Are Spark Streaming, Structured Streaming and Kafka Streaming the same thing?

I have come across three popular streaming techniques that are Spark Streaming, Structured Streaming and Kafka Streaming.
I have gone through various sites but not getting this answer, are these three the same thing or different?
If not same what is the basic difference.
I am not looking for an in depth answer. But an answer to above question (yes or no) and a little intro to each of them so that I can explore more. :)
Thanks in advance
I guess you are referring to Kafka Streams when you say "Kafka Streaming".
Kafka Streams is a JVM library, part of Apache Kafka. It is a way of processing data in Kafka topics providing an abstraction layer. Applications running KafkaStreams library can be run anywhere (not just in the Kafka cluster, actually, it is not recommended to). They'll consume, process and produce data to/from the Kafka cluster.
Spark Streaming is a part of Apache Spark distributed data processing library, that provides Stream (as oppposed to batch) processing. Spark initially provided batch computation only, so a specific layer Spark Streaming was provided for stream processing. Spark Streaming can be fed with Kafka data, but it can be connected to other sources as well.
Structured Streaming, within the realm of Apache Spark, is a different approach that came to overcome certain limitations to stream processing of the previous approach that Spark Streaming was using. It was added to Spark from a certain version onwards(2.0 IIRC).

Streaming data from Kafka into Cassandra in real time

What's the best way to write date from Kafka into Cassandra? I would expect it to be a solved problem, but there doesn't seem to be a standard adapter.
A lot of people seem to be using Storm to read from Kafka and then write to Cassandra, but storm seems like somewhat of an overkill for simple ETL operations.
We are heavily using Kafka and Cassandra through Storm
We rely on Storm because:
there are usually a lot of distributed processing (inter-node) steps before result of original message hit Cassandra (Storm bolt topologies)
We don't need to maintain consumer state of Kafka (offset) ourselves - Storm-Kafka connector is doing it for us when all products of original message is acked within Storm
Message processing is distributed across nodes with Storm natively
Otherwise if it is a very simple case, you might effectively read messages from Kafka and write result to Cassandra without help of Storm
Recent release of Kafka came with the connector concept to support source and sinks as first class concepts in the design. With this, you do not need any streaming framework for moving data in/out of Kafka. Here is the Cassandra connector for Kafka that you can use: https://github.com/tuplejump/kafka-connect-cassandra
