Deploying Outlook Web Add-in from Powershell - outlook-web-addins

I'm trying to deploy my Outlook Web-Add in through Powershell or EWS commandline. Is this possible?

Yes it is possible, please refer deploying outlook web-addin


How to Save site as template in Sharepoint On-Premises 2019

Save site as template option not shown in Sharepoint 2019 on-premises. Any one help me to sort-out the issue.
Can you access the URL directly?
Yes dude, Now I can able to save template.

Office Add-In deployed through O365 Admin Center Appears in Excel Ribbon but can´t be open

I have deployed an Office Add-in and uploaded through the O365 Admin Center The Add-In appears in the Excel Ribbon but can use it as a message appears “We could not open the Add-In from LocalHost.
Should I modify anything in the Manifest File?
The Add-In was created with Yeoman and it´s addressed to “LocalHost:3000”.
It´s just a template (taskpane example)
Many thanks in advance!!!
Localhost is only used to host the add-in during development. If you have deployed the add-in with Centralized Deployment, then you should be hosting the add-in on a web server or cloud account. In that case, the URLs in the manifest should be changed to the domain that is hosting the add-in.

Create a licensed Office user using AzureAD

Is it possible to create new users and licenses to Office 365 using Azure Active Directory Powershell v2?
One of our services require Excel to be running on the server (I know Microsoft don't support Excel running on the server-side, but it currently works decently enough).
We're trying to automate the provisioning of these servers since it's currently a manual process - mainly around create new users / licenses for Office and activating Office.
I've managed to connect to the Office 365 account using Azure AD for Powershell (note that we don't actually use Azure, everything is hosted on AWS) and can see all the different users, groups, etc, however I have no prior experience with this, and am looking for any guidance on the how to achieve the following via Powershell:
create a new user
assign a new Office license for that user
activate Office with that new user
Yes, thats possible. But need to user the MSOnline Powershell Module. Here you have Set-MSOLUserLicense to assign licenses.

How to deploy officeJS addin on office online on-premise server?

I have written a small officeJS addin for excel which run perfectly on desktop excel client. Also office online from onedrive gives an option of installing the addin from the ribbon menu. I want to use this officeJS addin to run on either of the following configuration:
On premise office online server configured with on premise
sharepoint server.
On premise office online server with my own
implementation of wopi host.
How to deploy an officeJS addin on office online on premise server which is preferably managed centrally by the administrator.
Also why is the add-ins option is not available on the office online configured with sharepoint, pfa image:
office online onedrive v/s office online onprem with sharepoint
Thank You
The Office Online Server currently doesn't enable Office store by default. As part of the configuration, you'd have to enable it. I'm not 100% sure about the exact setting. It may be this: set the AllowExternalMarketplace flag to true.
More here
Try this. On a server in the farm, open the SharePoint Management Shell (PowerShell). Run this command:
Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm - OfficeAddinEnabled:$true
You probably have to be logged in as a farm administrator.
There is some documentation here: Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm

Can I use Office365 Powershell cmdlets to get Sharepoint Online groups and its member names?

Can I use Office365 Powershell cmdlets to get Sharepoint Online groups and their member names ? If no, what is other possible way to get it?
Thanks in advance.
The wave 15 of Office 365 has Powershell enabled, only for a few cmd lets. see:
Maybe a bit late but you can use the project Client-Side SharePoint Powershell as a PowerShell API to SharePoint Online. The features still need to grow, but you can extend it yourself pretty easy and otherwise just request some features.
Currently powershell cmdlet can only be used to manage exchange online. There is no SharePoint Online support nor is there powershell remoting.
I haven't read it all through, but it seems like it is possible to manage SharePoint Online with PowerShell.
Office 365 windows PowerShell content map
Manage groups
Use Windows PowerShell to manage Office 365
You can use scripts from the Microsoft Script Gallery:
How to get all the SharePoint Groups in a SharePoint Online Site
How to add users to SharePoint Groups in different SPO sites
How to get all the users in all the SharePoint Groups in a SPO Site
How to create a SharePoint Group in a SharePoint Online Site
or CodePlex solution:
