This script sends mail when is ran on Windows and Linux, but not on Andorid. What is the issue?
My app requirements in p-4-a are python3, kivy, openssl. Permission is INTERNET. App crashes when I run method below.
def send_report(self):
server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
server.login('sender_email', 'sender_pass')
server.sendmail('sender_email', 'receiver_email', 'Some msg')
I am developing an app that should send msg by WhatsApp. Running from Django Development Server works fine, but from Xampp it doesn't, I even tried opening whatsapp from the url directly in the project and it doesn't work either. The problem is open function from webbrowser module.
Python 3.10.6
Django 3.2.0
def send_whatsapp(telefono, mensaje):
print("Mensaje enviado")
except Exception:
I have a python script which is used to send email through outlook, but the script has got my system's path,
now I have to run this script on centralised system using putty, as the code is now on git, how do I change the path for 'mail.Attachments' section.
Below is the script which runs fine on my local machine, but when i try to run it on putty it throws error, module win32com.client not found and doesn't even allow me to install pywin32
import win32com.client
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch('outlook.application')
mail = outlook.createItem(0)
mail.To = ' '
mail.Subject = 'certificate CSR'
mail.Body = "Attached is the CSR for ''.\
\nPlease request a duplicate certificate for the Cert Project.\
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Update
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, CallbackContext
import secrets
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
chat_id =,
text=f"Thank you for using our telegram bot! We will send you notifications here!")
def main():
updater = Updater('53049746:27b1xn8KRQdCdFERPVw7o')
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))
# Start the Bot
updater.start_polling( )
# timeout=300
# Run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT,
This is code for my telegram bot, I run it like python3 and it works:
The question is: I have django project, so I need to run this in the background what is the best way to do it? (Right now I start my django project as python3 start server, later will use docker for it)
I need to response to commands like /start, /info, /help, etc`
And I need django app to make some urls like which will trigger my bot to send msg
The scenario is below:
I SSH to server Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-96-generic
x86_64) using putty with my credentials, from Windows
Go to the directory where I put my source code
start Flask app by running command python3 logs are showing on terminal
however, after I left my computer for some time the session is disconnected/ended.
I know the app still running because another team still can test the app
when I re-login to the server and go to the same directory I don't want to kill/restart the already running app because it would interfere with others doing the test
How to see the running log so I would know what testers are doing and occasionally catch what's wrong
my code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
ip = 'someip'
port = 9053, host=os.getenv('IP', ip),
port=int(os.getenv('PORT', port)), threaded=True)
you can save your python log on file, so you can review it any time, this the example of using logging lib:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(<logging_name>)
fh = logging.FileHandler(<logging file>)
I need to send mails from my Python3 script. Now it does, but my gmail password is visible and I cannot trust in any admin of this machine, so the solution I see is to mount a local mail server. To do some tests, I was trying to execute a script (this one: SMTP sink server). While this one is running, I execute my old script with some changes:
import smtplib
# server = smtplib.SMTP('')
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost:25')
# smtp.ehlo()
# server.starttls()
# smtp.ehlo()
# server.login('', 'my_password')
server.login(None, None)
server.sendmail('Me <'>, [''], 'Hi!'.as_string())
I understand the script at the link will create a file in the folder where it is with the mail content, but nothing happens, because I get this error message:
SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.
I googled and I think this could be sorted out if I uncomment the line server.starttls(), but it gives another error, which is supposed to be solved with the lines smtp.ehlo(), but not in my case.
Any suggestions?
OK, I managed to send the email, what I only had to do was removing this line:
server.login(None, None)