how to get all values from dropdown from web application in blueprism - blueprism

I want get all values of dropdown and want to store them somewhere. from follwing NASDAQ site i want get all values of Timeframe and want to somewhere so that i can use those values one b one in loop and get the values of stock for all timeframe. Click below image screenshot

It's not that easy to get each of the values, but it's not impossible. First you can get all the values in a Data Item as text. If you spy the element, you will notice that the attribute Value contains what you want. So you will need to use a read stage and get this specific attribute's value (you can ignore the PDF elements):
Doing so will give you the following:
The problem with this is that you cannot use this in a loop. One way around would be to split on space:
And the resulting collection (I called it Split Values) will look like this:
But it's not quite there yet. You should however be able to use this collection to get the collection you need (or use it directly).
If you use it directly, I would say it should look like this:
Empty? has the expression [Split Values.words]="" (notice the last row is blank)
Value is number has the expression IsNumber([Split Values.words])
Set Current Item as Number has expression [Split Values.words] with store value Current Item.
Append word to Current Item has expression [Current Item]&" "&[Split Values.words] with store value Current Item.


Modify Lee Mac's Length and Area Field to automatically copy the outputted length to clipboad

I'm using Lee Mac's length and area field to automatically get the total length of an object.
I'm a complete beginner on AutoLisp so I cant find the variable responsible on holding the total length so I can put it in my snippet code to automatically copy it on my clipboard for easy pasting on excel.
Here's my code snippet for automatically putting it to clipboard
(vlax-get (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "htmlfile") 'ParentWindow) 'ClipBoardData)
Since my application uses AutoCAD field expressions to output the length and/or area, the length & area values are not stored in any variable in the code; furthermore, the resulting values displayed by the selected annotation object (which may also be converted to other units and formatted by the field expression) are only available after the field expression has been evaluated.
Given the above, you would need to obtain the text content of the object selected for output after it has been populated with the field expression, before copying such content to the Windows clipboard.
This would involve modifying every branch of my LM:outputtext function to assign the result of evaluating the field expression to a variable which may then be returned by the function and used by the calling function.

Trouble using concat function in Power Automate

Trying to increment a Unique ID field in my SharePoint list every time my flow runs. Ex: If the Unique ID field in the last row before the flow runs again is "M10389". Then after the flow runs, a new item will be created underneath it and its Unique ID will be "M10390".
The only piece of the flow that doesn't work is the Unique ID part. Here are the pieces of code within the Unique ID field of the create item action block that won't work, but should.
I've tried:
P.S. The "triggerBody()?['resourceData']?['responseId']" is the number of submissions from the form that triggers this flow, and is how I am incrumenting the Unique ID field by one.
Neither work and I think it has something to do with the concat() function, because concat(m,n) doesnt work, neither does concat(string(M),string(2)), or even concat(string(m),string(n)). In fact, the only time concat works is when I'm using 2 numbers like concat(52,7).
The error message simply reads:
" says
The expression is invalid."
How do I achieve what I'm after within power automate?
Picture of what this looks like:
A bit similar to Muhammad's answer. Try using a variable, and set the value of the variable to "triggerBody()?['resourceData']?['responseId']".
Then increment by 1 or any arbitrary number and use as needed.
Well another approach to achieve the same could be two create two variables, one to increment unique id number part and second one is to compose the unique id. you can set value of uniqueIdNumbervariable using the Add function like you are already doing i.e.
Then you can set the value of second variable uniqueID by using another set variable action i.e.
M uniqueIdNumber
(you need to select 'uniqueIdNumber'variable from dynamic content, in set variable value action for uniqueID variable. )
Then you can use uniqueID variable in Create Item action.

Multi LookUp - Check for unique values

I´m trying to set up unique values in my PowerApp-Form. The data is stored in a Sharepoint list. I have a column called watches, items in this column have a unique number, which have to be unique. People can pick multiple of those watches in a LookUp-field. But before submitting the form, I need to check if those picked values already exist in my list and at least display an error message.
I have setup a regular text field and added following rule to it:
If(LookUp(MyList.Watches;DataCardValue4.SelectedItems.Value in Watches;"OK")<>"OK";"No Error";"Watch already exist")
DataCardValue4 is my LookUp field, where people can pick those watches. With this rule I want to check if a item already is in my column watches and let my text field display the error. Somehow the rule doesn´t work.
Can you tell me how I compare multiple lookup choices to my table/column entries?
The first parameter to the LookUp function should be the table (SharePoint list) rather than the column. So the first parameter should be 'MyList' rather than 'MyList.Watches'. Also, I'm not sure that the formula provided (second parameter to LookUp) will work. In your formula, you will be looking for multiple items (DataCardValue4.SelectedItems.Value) within multiple items (Watches). Perhaps you can update your app to have users only pick one watch value before submitting?
One last thing to note. I'm not sure how big you expect your SharePoint list to get, but I would highly recommend keeping your LookUp formula within the bounds to support delegation. More specifically, SharePoint has different formula requirements than other connectors. For example, you can use '=' in your formula, but not 'in'.
Your new rule might look something like below. Please note that it could have syntax errors and might not even be delegable in it's current form since I am providing the rule with no checking. Also, I switched from using LookUp to using Filter instead just because I'm more familiar with Filter. However, both functions are very similar.
If(CountRows(Filter(MyList; DataCardValue4.Selected.Value = Watches)) > 0; "Watch already exist"; "No Error")

Saving SharePoint list item as draft without required fields

E.g. there is a list with gazillion required fields and I want the users to be able to fill out whatever they can and save as a draft until they have full info? Is there a simple solution for this? Tia!
Option 1: Multiple Content Types
One approach is to have two different Content Types on your list: one for draft items and one for submitted ones.
Content types on the same list can have different settings for the same columns. This means you can make the fields optional on the "draft" content type while making them required on the "submitted" content type.
The downside is that it may not be intuitive for end users if they're required to manually change the "Content Type" field in order to publish their draft.
Option 2: List Validation Settings
Another approach is to use List Validation settings instead of making fields required.
List validation lets you specify an Excel like formula (from which you can reference column values) which must evaluate to true in order for the validation to succeed. If it evaluates to false, a validation error message is displayed instead (you can specify the text of that message) and the item cannot be saved.
Simplified Scenario: One Field
Suppose you have a field called First Field that you don't necessarily need to be filled out right away, and you also have a choice field called Status Field that's used to indicate whether an item is a draft version or is submitted (displaying either "Draft" or "Submitted").
You can set up a list validation formula that requires First Field to be filled in whenever the Status Field is changed to "Submitted".
The formula would look like this:
=If([Status Field]="Submitted",NOT(ISBLANK([First Field])),TRUE)
In plain English, that formula is saying:
If Status Field is equal to Submitted...
...Then the form is valid only if First Field is not blank.
Otherwise, the form is valid.
More Complex Scenario: Multiple Fields
To make that work for multiple fields, you can join conditions together using the OR() and AND() functions, in the format of OR(condtion1,condition2)
So instead of ISBLANK([First Field]) to check whether a field is blank, you'd have something like OR(ISBLANK([First Field]),ISBLANK([SecondField])) to check whether either of two fields is blank. (Replacing First Field and Second Field with your field titles as appropriate.
The formula would now look like this:
=If([Status Field]="Submitted",NOT( OR(ISBLANK([First Field]),ISBLANK([Second Field]))),TRUE)
Note that you can nest multiple OR() conditions together arbitrarily, in the format of OR(condition1, OR(condition2, OR(condition3, condition4))) (and so on indefinitely).
Offloading Formula Complexity to Calculated Columns
If you run into limits with the formula length, you can offload some of your condition calculations into their own calculated columns, then just refer to those column values from your validation formula.
This can also help keep your formula from looking so complex.
For example, for every field that you want to be required, you can create a calculated column with a formula of =NOT(ISBLANK([Column Name])) and name it something like "{Column Name} Is Valid". Then you can refer to those columns in your validation formula:
=If([Status Field]="Submitted",AND([Field1 Is Valid],AND([Field2 Is Valid],[Field3 Is Valid])),TRUE)

rowData not working as espected in repeat control

I have : <xp:repeat id="repeatColor" value="#{productcolors}"
var="rowData" indexVar="rownum" >
PROBLEM : rownum goes from 0 to the last correct value, but rowData is always the same
This repeat control is bound to a view "productcolors" , a view with a key on product code.
This view has a first column with the product code , ascending (for the key).
It also has a second and a third column with ascending multiple value fields.(second is framecolor, third is upholstery color)
The idea is that the repeat control goes through the different colors for the selected product, but it only shows the first one and does that the number of times (rownum increases correctly)that there are colors for the selected product.
So I have for example a product called "A" available in framecolors "1" "2" and "3"
When I am using the repeat control rownum changes from 0 to 2 but rowData is always the reference of framecolor "1". I don't know why rowData isn't changing.
When I use rowData.getUniversalID() I am getting 3 times the ID of the document containing the multiple value field with the 1 , 2 and 3 in it, which is I guess normal ? But how can I get a handle to those different values inside it ?
I tried :
var testje:string = rowData.getUniversalID();
var db:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(database.getServer(),"product/colors.nsf");
var doc:NotesDocument = db.getDocumentByUNID(testje);
test = doc.getItemValueString("colorUpholstery");
The result is that "test" only holds the first item of the multiple value field "colorUpholstery" .
How is that possible ? I thought I would get the complete value of the "colorUpholstery" field ?
Maybe because I only have reader access(Publicaccess) to the colors.nsf database ?
It would be nice to see a little more code... like what's inside the repeat.. just to get a better feel for it to go along with your description of the Notes View.
rowData should be an XSPViewEntry... basically a NotesViewEntry... I suggest you first do something like rowData.getDocument().getUniversalId() to make sure it is iterating the documents correctly. I'm sure it is.
It sounds like you're trying to do something with a multi-value field.. are you also setting the view to use display multiple values as row entries? or whatever that setting is? That might get dicey if that's turned on. Not sure.
Again I'm not totally following what what the goal is but I would first test to make sure it is actually repeating the expected documents. then it's all about fine tuning.
EDIT: Ok... some thoughts based on your additional info:
I suspect that your problem is the use of the view setting "show multiple values as separate entries". Each is the same document really. So that's likely not helping you here. I'm still a little fuzzy on exactly what you want for the output. Is this from a "view page" of maybe products? a "form page" of a single product?
I ASSUME you want all the colors for a single product? And this is a lookup view right? so you're on your product "document" and now you want to list all the colors?
Assuming so...
Use SSJS and the object model. Do a lookup to find the SINGLE document that has the multi-value color field for your current product. then return to a repeat control something like:
I'm not 100% sure that's the correct syntax. The point is you can send a multi-value field to a repeat control and it will repeat it. Much easier then trying to use view tricks.
If your goal is to have a Repeat of multiple products.. and in side each "row" to show all the available colors then you're looking to have a nested repeat really... The outer repeat (outerData) to iterate over all the main products and inside that another repeat (innerData) for the colors. Inside that repeat code you use the "outerData" to get the multi-value field. Something like:
Assuming I'm understanding you correctly these are my suggestions.
I did do an example of nested repeats like this on an early NotesIn9. I believe it was this one:
Maybe that will help.
Second Edit Response:
Based on the code you added you're using "doc.getItemValueString()" By design that will only get you the first value of a multi-value field. This is the same as saying in LotusScript:
or the less commonly used
doc.getItemValue("colorUpholstery")(0) ' I might have that wrong. I never really used it
Again if you want to make a list of all the colors I'd use a repeatControl and pass in:
doc.getItemValue("colorUpholstery") then your "rowData" for that repeat will be each value. I've seen others avoid the repeat and doing some javascript explode or implode type thing I believe. using "\N" or something as a separator for a new line. I just use a repeat. Easer for me to understand.
Again I THINK everything you need really is in NotesIn9 episode 14.
