Excluding 0's from calculations - python-3.x

Hi I have been asked to write a program that will keep asking the user for numbers. The average should be given to 2 decimal places and if a 0 is entered it shouldnt be included in the calculation of the average.
so far I have this:
data = input()
numbers = []
while True:
data = input()
if data == "":
count = len(numbers)
if count > 0:
newsum = sum(numbers)
average = newsum / float(count)
print("The average is {}".format(average))
Dumb question but how do you ensure the 0's arent considered in the calculation?

Correction: you are not appending the first input to the list
Modification: added an if statement to check whether the input is '0'
data = input()
numbers = []
while True:
data = input()
if data == "":
if data == '0':
count = len(numbers)
if count > 0:
newsum = sum(numbers)
average = newsum / float(count)
print("The average is {}".format(average))


Python 3 for beginners Control Flow, While Loops and Break Statements

I bought a book to teach myself programming using Python.I am not taking any online course at the moment. I'm in chapter 2 and having problems with an exercise. I am to write a program that asks for 10 integers and then prints the largest odd number. If no odd number was entered, it should print a message saying so.
x = 0
largest_odd = int()
while(x < 10):
user_input = int(input('Enter an integer '))
if user_input%2 != 0 and user_input > largest_odd:
largest_odd = user_input
elif user_input%2 == 0 and x == 10:
print('no odd numbers')
x += 1
print(f'the largest odd number is {largest_odd}')
I am having a hard time entering all even numbers without printing the last print statement. I understand that the last print statement will print regardless because it is outside of the loop. But I've been on this the past few hours and can't figure out what I should change.
Please help.
If I understood the problem right you could just put a IF statement after the loop:
x = 0
largest_odd = 0
while x < 10:
user_input = int(input('Enter an integer '))
# check if x is odd and bigger than largest_odd
if user_input % 2 != 0 and user_input > largest_odd:
largest_odd = user_input
x += 1
if not largest_odd:
print('No odd numbers inputed!')
print('The largest odd number is {}'.format(largest_odd))
You're on the right track with using the if-statements. What you need to do is to move the verification for if there were no odd numbers outside of the loop itself, and make an else-statement that prints out the largest if that isn't true:
x = 1
largest_odd = int()
while(x <= 10):
user_input = int(input(f'Enter an integer ({x}/10): '))
if user_input % 2 != 0 and user_input > largest_odd:
largest_odd = user_input
x += 1
if largest_odd == 0:
print('There was no odd numbers.')
print(f'The largest odd number is {largest_odd}')
Because int() will default to 0 if you don't give it an argument, then we can use that as the verification, because 0 is not an even number.
I also changed the values of x changed the while-statement into x <= 10 so that we can make the representation of the input a little bit better.

Find average of given numbers in input

I've to create a program that computes the average of a collection of values entered by the user. The user will enter 0 as a sentinel value to indicate that no further values will be provided. The program should display an appropriate error message if the first value entered by the user is 0.
Note: Number of inputs by the user can vary. Also, 0 marks the end of the
input it should not be included in the average
x = int(input("Enter Values\n"))
num = 1
count = 0
sum = 0.0
if x == 0:
print("Program exits")
while (x>0):
sum += num
count += 1
avg = (sum/(count-1))
print("Average: {}".format(avg))
You were not taking input inside while loop. You were taking input on the first line for once. So your program was not taking input repeatedly.
You may be looking for this -
sum = 0.0
count = 0
x=int(input("Enter Values: "))
if x == 0:
print("End of input.")
if count == 0:
print("No input given")
avg = sum/count;
print("Average is - ",avg)
Your code does not work because int function expect only one number.
If you insert the numbers one by one, the following code works:
num = int(input("Enter a value: "))
count = 0
sum = 0.0
if num <= 0:
print("Program exits")
while (num>=0):
sum += num
count += 1
num = int(input("Enter a value: "))
avg = (sum/count)
print(f"Average: {avg}")

Count not incrementing properly in python while loop

Can anyone tell me why when I input 1, 2, 3, and 4 into this code, my output is 6, 2, 3.00? I thought that every time my while loop evaluated to true it would increment the count by one, but the output is not making sense. It's taking the total of 3 of the numbers, but only 2 for the count? I'm probably just overlooking something so an extra pair of eyes would be awesome.
def calcAverage(total, count):
average = float(total)/float(count)
return format(average, ',.2f')
def inputPositiveInteger():
str_in = input("Please enter a positive integer, anything else to quit: ")
if not str_in.isdigit():
return -1
pos_int = int(str_in)
return pos_int
return -1
def main():
total = 0
count = 0
while inputPositiveInteger() != -1:
total += inputPositiveInteger()
count += 1
if count != 0:
print(calcAverage(total, count))
The error with your code is that on this piece of code...
while inputPositiveInteger() != -1:
total += inputPositiveInteger()
You first call inputPositiveInteger and throw out the result in your condition. You need to store the result, otherwise one input out of two is ignored and the other is added even if it is -1.
num = inputPositiveInteger()
while num != -1:
total += num
count += 1
num = inputPositiveInteger()
Although, note that your code can be significantly improved. See the comments in the following improved version of your code.
def calcAverage(total, count):
# In Python3, / is a float division you do not need a float cast
average = total / count
return format(average, ',.2f')
def inputPositiveInteger():
str_int = input("Please enter a positive integer, anything else to quit: ")
# If str_int.isdigit() returns True you can safely assume the int cast will work
return int(str_int) if str_int.isdigit() else -1
# In Python, we usually rely on this format to run the main script
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Using the second form of iter is a neat way to loop over user inputs
nums = iter(inputPositiveInteger, -1)
sum_ = sum(nums)
print(calcAverage(sum_, len(nums)))
One detail worth reading about in the above code is the second form of iter.

Separating positive even, positive odd, negative odd, and negative even numbers into new arrays

I am trying to separate the -odd, -even, even, and odds into separate arrays. I have done this in matlab but confused with how this would work in python. All I got so far is how to generate a user inputted array
print('Enter 10 numbers: ')
for l in range (0,num):
numbers = float(input('Enter value #'+str(l+1)+' : '))
print('Your numbers are: ',l1 )
Here's a working example that does what you need and starts with your code to populate the "l1" list.
negative_odds = []
negative_evens = []
evens = []
odds = []
for num in l1:
if num % 2 == 0:
if num < 0:
if num < 0:
print('-odd: ', negative_odds)
print('-even: ', negative_evens)
print('even: ', evens)
print('odd: ', odds)

Cannot keep certain numbers from averaging

I need help. I'm trying to run the program below. When I enter a number above 100 or below 0 I need it to disregard that input any advice?
total = 0.0
count = 0
data = int(input("Enter a number or 999 to quit: "))
while data != "":
count += 1
number = float(data)
total += number
data = int(input("Enter a number or 999 to quit: "))
data = int(data)
except ValueError:
average = round(total) / count
if data == 999:
elif data >= 100:
print("error in value")
elif data <= 0:
number = 0
print("error in value")
print("These", count, "scores average as: ", round(average, 1))
You could move the average = ... line behind the checking for invalid numbers and add continue to the checks for invalid numbers. So the last lines would end up like this:
if data == 999:
elif data >= 100:
print("error in value")
elif data <= 0:
print("error in value")
average = round(total) / count
