Checking if key exists in Presto value map - presto

I am new to Presto, and can't quite figure out how to check if a key is present in a map. When I run a SELECT query, this error message is returned:
Key not present in map: element
SELECT value_map['element'] FROM
WHERE name = 'foobar'
Adding AND contains(value_map, 'element') does not work
The data type is a string array
SELECT typeof('value_map') FROM mytable
returns varchar(9)
How would I only select records where 'element' is present in the value_map?

You can lookup a value in a map if the key is present with element_at, like this:
SELECT element_at(value_map, 'element')
FROM ...
WHERE element_at(value_map, 'element') IS NOT NULL

element_at is ambiguous in that case -- it'll return NULL when either there's no such key or the key does exist and has NULL associated with it. A guaranteed approach is contains(map_keys(my_map), 'mykey'), which admittedly should be a bit slower than the original variant.


Unable to query on Partition key in DyanmoDB by boto3

I have one table TestTable and partition Key TestColumn.
Inputs Dates:
from_date= "2017-04-20T16:31:54.451071+00:00"
to_date = "2018-04-20T16:31:54.451071+00:00"
when I use equal query the date then it is working.
key_expr = Key('TestColumn').eq(to_date)
query_resp = table.query(KeyConditionExpression=key_expr)
but when I use between query then is not working.
key_expr = Key('TestColumn').between(from_date, to_date)
query_resp = table.query(KeyConditionExpression=key_expr)
Unknown err_msg while querying dynamodb: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the Query operation: Query key condition not supported
DynamoDB Query will return data from one and only one partition, meaning you have to supply a single partition key in the request.
The condition that specifies the key value(s)
for items to be retrieved by the Query action.
The condition must perform an equality test on a single partition key
You can optionally use a BETWEEN operator on a sort key (but you still have to supply a single partition key).
If you use a Scan you can use an ExpressionFilter and use the BETWEEN operator on TestColumn

Inserting a value on a frozen set in cassandra 3

I am currently working on a Cassandra 3 database in which one of its tables has a column that is defined like this:
column_name map<int, frozen <set<int>>>
When I have to change the value of a complete set given a map key x I just have to do this:
UPDATE keyspace.table SET column_name[x] = {1,2,3,4,5} WHERE ...
The thing is that I need to insert a value on a set given a key. I tried with this:
UPDATE keyspace.table SET column_name[x] = column_name[x] + {1} WHERE ...
But it returns:
SyntaxException: line 1:41 no viable alternative at input '[' (... SET column_name[x] = [column_name][...)
What am I doing wrong? Does anyone know how to insert data the way I need?
Since the value of map is frozen, you can't use update like this.
A frozen value serializes multiple components into a single value. Non-frozen types allow updates to individual fields. Cassandra treats the value of a frozen type as a blob. The entire value must be overwritten.
You have to read the full map get the value of the key append new item and then reinsert

Cassandra: Inserting value in UDT

I am trying to insert values in UDT but getting error message -
message="unconfigured columnfamily my_object"
below my statement-
INSERT INTO home.my_object (id,type,quantity ,critical,page_count,stock,outer_envelope ) VALUES ('3.MYF','COM','D','A','VV','','');
What am i doing wrong?
That error means that the keyspace "home" exists, but does not contain a table (column family) called "my_object". I also noticed that your insert statement does not contain a UDT literal.
UDTs define a type, but you must also define a table with a column of that type before inserting any data. I assume your UDT is called "my_object". Try this:
create table home.test (key int primary key, object frozen<my_object>);
insert into home.test (key, object) values (0, {id: 'value', type: 'othervalue'});

How to search a cassandra collection map using QueryBuilder

In my cassandra table i have a collection of Map also i have indexed the map keys.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.collection_test(
name text,
year text,
attributeMap map<text,text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, year))
CREATE INDEX ON collection_test (attributeMap);
The QueryBuilder syntax is as below:
select().all().from("test", "collection_test")
.where(eq("name", name)).and(eq("year", year));
How should i put where condition on attributeMap?
First of all, you will need to create an index on the keys in your map. By default, an index created on a map indexes the values of the map, not the keys. There is special syntax to index the keys:
CREATE INDEX attributeKeyIndex ON collection_test (KEYS(attributeMap));
Next, to SELECT from a map with indexed keys, you'll need the CONTAINS KEY keyword. But currently, there is not a definition for this functionality in the query builder API. However, there is an open ticket to support it: JAVA-677
Currently, to accomplish this with the Java Driver, you'll need to build your own query or use a prepared statement:
PreparedStatement statement = _session.prepare("SELECT * " +
"FROM test.collection_test " +
"WHERE attributeMap CONTAINS KEY ?");
BoundStatement boundStatement = statement.bind(yourKeyValue);
ResultSet results = _session.execute(boundStatement);
Finally, you should read through the DataStax doc on When To Use An Index. Secondary indexes are known to not perform well. I can't imagine that a secondary index on a collection would be any different.

cassandra : name provided was not in the list of valid column labels error

i'm using cassandra 1.2.8. i have a column family like below:
CREATE TABLE word_probability (
word text,
category text,
probability double,
PRIMARY KEY (word,category)
when i use query like this:
String query = "SELECT * FROM word_probability WHERE word='%s' AND category='%s';";
it works well but for some words i get this message:
name provided was not in the list of valid column labels error
every thing is ok and i don't know why i get this error :(
You're not doing anything wrong except mixing up cql with sql. Cql doesn't support % wildcards.
