Browser's mDNS strategies for WebRTC - browser

I can use mDNS feature by WebRTC by enabling -enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns flag at Google Chrome. But after a long investigation, I could not find a clear way for mDNS usage by WebRTC at other browsers such as Firefox or Edge.
Is there such a way to use mDNS while using WebRTC apps on browsers?

Firefox is currently working on adding support for mDNS here

For firefox go to configuration about:config and set to false if this flag is true it will change local ip to uuid


Can we access the secured coap url through copper plugin in Firefox?

I am just wondering if we can access the DTLS enabled COAP urls through the copper plugin.
I am able to access
How can we access
after enabling DTLS, through copper plugin in the Firefox browser?
I've found nothing regarding DTLS in the Copper code
So unfortunately the answer is - we can not.

Using OSC with NodeJS

I need to create a test server in NodeJS that supports OSC over UDP. After a quick search there seems to be a lot of options. Can anyone recommend a module for OSC in NodeJS?
Colin Clark's osc.js is great.
There is a set of examples at
It is a full implementation of the OSC specification and provides node.js, browser, chrome app, and also compatibility with IP over serial if you are working with microcontrollers.

Chrome/firefox extension to read data streaming over USB and network to localhost

I'm looking at the possibility of using a chrome extension or firefox addon that will allow me to read information that is sent over USB in the form of text data? And to the localhost/IP of the machine to certain port?
Can someone point me to the any examples or API documents that will help with my search?
The idea be that the extension is listening for text data on USB or to the localhost of the machine.
Thanks in advance
Additional information:
Can an extension listen to traffic being set over a local IP? on a certain port? Can it be sent to localhost?
Can you listen to data being sent over a USB port?
There is chrome.usb for interacting with USB devices. It is only accessible in Chrome apps however and not extensions.
In Chrome the browser will not provide such access to the system.
The correct way would be to have an external program collecting the data and communicating with the browser add-on. It is achieved through Native Messaging.
Note that you will not be able to bundle the external program with the extension; you'll need to have your own installer.
Edit: I have to comment that #abraham's answer is perhaps more correct. You can have raw USB access in a context of a Packaged App.

Videoconferencing server on linux

I need to implement a one-to-one videoconferencing solution server-based, runnable by browser, free (or not expensive), ssl support and good quality video and audio. What would you advise me?
See WebRTC. Chrome and Firefox will be supporting it (early support is in Chrome now, soon will be in Firefox). It appears Microsoft will be supporting it too - they're hiring engineers specifically for WebRTC work.

How to create sockets in google chrome extension?

I created small hello world extension for google chrome I need to use sockets in extension for peer to peer communication using UDP. Is there any firefox Jslib equivalent in google chrome or how we can use other languages in google chrome extension?
I doubt its possible in google chrome, looking at its documentation. ? Are there any other ways to achieve p2p communication in extension?
Chrome has an packaged app support for raw socket connections. More general info here. This used to be available to extensions as well but it's not clear if that's still true.
The documentation indicates that only UDP is available for the type when the socket is created. However, recently (Jan 2012) there was a commit adding TCP support.
These are not websockets (it's TCP or UDP sockets):
The second link is a howto for making a web-server in a Chrome app.
