How do I programmatically create a new instance from hosted containerized web app which running on azure? - azure

I have published and hosted asp .net core web app using azure pipelines. Web app running inside docker container. I want programmatically provision another web app using docker image which was available in azure container registry. The web app should run on a separate url. This url can be configurable. A user will be able to give a name for the web app and can create a web app. I hope to create a separate app for doing this task. Is it possible to do that?


Azure: change an existing Windows Web App to a Linux Web App (docker)

I have an existing Windows Web App in Azure which I want to migrate to a Linux (docker) Web App. It is easy to setup a new Linux Web App with a new URI and that all works. However, I need to preserve the existing URI ( that I have on the Windows Web App and use it in the Linux Web App.
Any downtime is not acceptable, so I cannot just "test" if I can remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
Created ASP.Net Core Web App and deployed to Azure Windows App Service.
Tried to deploy the same Web App to Linux App Service(Docker), got the below warning.
Tried to continue the steps to provide the configuration access to docker container, got the below error.
For the apps which we want to deploy in Azure Linux Docker, we need to Enable Docker and provide Docker OS , which is not required for Azure Windows App Service.
remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
It is suggested to create a new App Service Plan and deploy to Linux App (Docker).

How to Deploy Blazor Webassembly Web Application to Azure?

I have created a Blazor Webassembly web application with the PWA feature. It is a CRUD application.
This is my folder structure:
Now I want to deploy it to azure. How can I do that?
The server app is just an ordinary ASP.NET Core application (this is the app that needs to be published). You have several options, like publishing the app to an Azure App Service or an Azure virtual machine. The former would require you to prepare a Docker image (usually a good start would be to enable Docker support for the server project and tweak the created Dockefile to your needs).
Just read the docs at to get the full picture.

deploying frontend and backend to the same web service on azure

i have a web app that has a seperate nodejs backend and angular frontend.
is it possible to make them both run on the same azure web service? or do i need a stand alone service for each?
my nodejs server is just a light API that feeds my angular app with some statistical data to render it. if it is possible what would be the way to do it?
since i am using typescript i know i need to push my nodejs using zipdeployment and i know i need to use visual studio to push my angular project to azure. but when i want to run both on the same service, how do i do it?
is it possible to make them both run on the same azure web service? or do i need a stand alone service for each?
If you choose the Web App on Windows OS, IIS allows you to configure multiple virtual applications within a single website. For this approach, you could follow Deploying multiple virtual directories to a single Azure Website. Note: The multiple virtual applications would share the same application pool.
As kim mentioned, you pay for the App Service Plan, not for the Web App. You could also host nodejs backend and angular frontend in different web apps under the same app service plan.
For the deployment, you could leverage VS publish wizard or manually upload your files via KUDU or FTP. Moreover, you could also follow Deploy the app section about various approaches for deployment.
You can run multiple web sites in different web apps in Azure so that they are sharing the same Azure App Service.
You can think of the App Service as a virtual machine offering resources for your applications. How many web apps you can run simultaneously depends on the size of your plan, see this page for details.
This way you can deploy them separately, manually or automatically using e.g. VSTS.

Add website to Azure Cloud Service

We are currently in the process of building a website on azure. At this moment I have a cloud service that is hosting my web api. Deploying to azure works like a charm.
Besides this project we have a pure HTML AngularJS project. I can publish this website as a WebApp. Though, is it possible to deploy it together with the web api?
You can deploy the second one as a Virtual Application/ Directory (Remember to check the Application check box):
You can use this link on how to publish to Root App as well as Virtual directory in your Azure subscription:

migrating from EC2 to Azure

First of all, I have never used Amazon EC2 neither Windows Azure. But I have a task to move application from EC2 to Azure. App is a REST api written in node.js. Currently I know that there is one EC2 instance with ubuntu with runing app on it. App is deployed to server/instance using tool called Capper. App uses some database and redis. This api is used by mobile clients.
My question is what is the simplest way to move app from EC2 to Azure and what type of service to use on Azure for hosting such app?
You will need to either deploy a Linux-based VM in Azure's "Virtual Machines". Check this article out for assistance:
Alternatively, you can deploy a node.js app on Windows Azure Websites, by adding a new "Web site" thru the management portal, and pick the node.js template from the gallery of predefined templates.
