problems uploading xslx file in body of post request to .net core app on aws-lambda - excel

I'm trying to send a post request with postman to our AWS-Lambda server. Let me first state that, when running the web-server on my laptop using the Visual studio debugger, everything works fine. When trying to do exactly the same but to the url of the AWS-Lambda i'm getting the following errors when shifting through the logging:
when uploading the normal xlsx file (it's a size of 593kb)
Split or spanned archives are not supported.
When uploading the same file but with a few worksheet removed (because i thought maybe the size is to big, which should be bs but lets try):
Number of entries expected in End Of Central Directory does not correspond to number of entries in Central Directory.
when uploading a random xlsx file:
Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64.
I do not know what is going on, it might have something to do with the way postman serializes the xlsx file and the way my debug session (on a windows machine) deserializes it which is different from the way AWS-Lambda deserializes it but that's just a complete guess.
I always get a 400 - Bad Request response
I'm at a loss and am hoping someone here knows what to do.
This is the method in my controller, however the problem occurs before this:
public async Task<IActionResult> SeedProductModel()
_logger.LogInformation("Starting seed product model");
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
_logger.LogInformation($"request body: {Request.Body}");
var command = new SeedProductModelCommand(memoryStream);
var result = await _mediator.Send(command);
if (!result.Success)
return BadRequest(result.MissingProducts);
return Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();
we do not use api keys for our test environment

Since you are uploading binary content to API Gateway, you need to enable it through the console.
Go to API Gateway -> select your API -> Settings -> Binary Media Types -> application/octet-stream, like the image below
Save it and make sure to redeploy your API, otherwise your changes will have no effect.
To do so, select your API -> Actions -> Deploy API


Trying to use HttpClient.GetStreamAsync straight to the adls FileClient.UploadAsync

I have an Azure Function that will call an external API via HttpClient. The external API returns a JSON response. I want to save the response directly to an ADLS File.
My simplistic code is:
public async Task UploadFileBulk(Stream contentToUpload)
await this._theClient.FileClient.UploadAsync(contentToUpload);
The this._theClient is a simple wrapper class around the various Azure Data Lake classes such as DataLakeServiceClient, DataLakeFileSystemClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient, DataLakeFileClient.
I'm happy this wrapper calls works as I expect, I spin one up, set the service, filesystem, directory and then a filename to create. I've used this wrapper class to create directories etc. so it works as I expect.
I am calling the above method as follows:
await dlw.UploadFileBulk(await this._httpClient.GetStreamAsync("<endpoint>"));
I see the file getting created in the Lake directory with the name I want, however if I then download the file using Sorage Explorer and then try to open it in say VS Code it's not in a recognisable format (I can "force" code to open it but it looks like binary format to me).
If I sniff the traffic with fiddler I can see the content from the external API is JSON, content-type is application/json and the body shows in fiddler as JSON.
If I look at the calls to the ADLS endpoint I can see a PUT call followed by two PATCH calls.
The first PATCH call looks like it is the one sending the content, it has a content-header of application/octet-stream and the request body is the "binary looking content".
I am using HttpClient.GetStreamAsync as I don't want my Function to have to load the entire API payload into memory (some of the external API endpoints return very large files over 100mb). I am thinking I can "stream the response from the external API straight into ADLS".
Is there a way to change how the ADLS FileClient.UploadAsync(Stream stream) method works so I can tell it to upload the file as a JSON file with a content type of application/json?
So turns out the External API was sendng back zipped content and so once I added the following extra AutomaticDecompression code to my functions startup I got the files uploaded to ADLS as expected.
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
builder.Services.AddHttpClient("default", client =>
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
}).ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => new HttpClientHandler
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate
#Gaurav Mantri has given me some pointers on if the pattern of "streaming from an output to an input" is actually correct, I will research this further.
Regarding the issue, please refer to the following code
var uploadOptions = new DataLakeFileUploadOptions();
uploadOptions.HttpHeaders = new PathHttpHeaders();
uploadOptions.HttpHeaders.ContentType ="application/json";
await fileClient.UploadAsync(stream, uploadOptions);

Nodejs transform image data back to actual image

My server receives a file from a HTTP request and uploads this file to IBM Cloud Object Storage.
Moreover, the server allows to recover this file. Recovery is triggered by a get http request that should return said file.
It works fine for "basic" data format, such as text files. However, I encounter problems with more complex types such as images and the "reformating".
Image is uploaded to the datastore. The element stored is the buffer itself:
When getting the image back from the datastore, how can I transform it back to a readable format for my computer?
The data look like this and it is, on the server, a string:
If you are using ExpressJS you can do this:
const data = req.files[0].buffer;
res.contentType('image/jpeg'); // don't know what type is

Stream File in Azure App Service lost bytes

I have a very unusual problem in when I try to Stream file with ASP.NET core and ASP.NET full framework.
I have been trying with different code samples which work in my local environment and in my local IIS 7. However these code samples when executed in an App Service does not work well. It is impossible to download a complete file. In every execute, my file(s) lose a few bytes resulting in corrupted files (upon download).
As I have tried multiple code samples am not providing the code snippets here.The code samples were picked up from either stackoverflow or official documentation.
Basically my code has this:
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("[URL here]");
WebResponse response = req.GetResponse();
Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("There was a problem downloading the file");
public async Task<IActionResult> Download([FromBody]DownloadDmsRequest data)
If I would receive the stream in a MemoryStream, my file would download completely.
I did the test, of downloading the file in memory and after uploading that file to the blob storage, and the file uploaded successfully without problems.

files in server root not loading properly in Azure

I'm working on an app that instead of a database uses file system in the server's root directory. It's basically a note application that allows me to save notes. Each note is a serialized object of Note class represented by following structure \Data\Notes\MyUsername\Title.txt
When I'm testing this on localhost through IIS Express everything works fine and I can easily go step by step there.
However, once I publish the app to Azure, the folder structure is still there (made a test Controller that uses Directory.GetFiles() and .GetDirectories() to simulate folder browsing so I'm sure that the files are there) but the file simply doesn't get loaded.
Loading script that's being called:
public T Load<T>(string filePath) where T : new()
StreamReader reader = null;
reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
var RawDB = reader.ReadToEnd();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(RawDB);
return default(T);
if (reader != null)
Since I can't normally debug the app on Azure I tried to dump as much info as I can through ViewData and even there, everything looks okay and the paths match, but the deserialized object is still null, and this is only when trying to open an existing note WITHOUT creating a new one first (more on that later)
Additionally, like I said, those new notes get saved in the folder structure, and there's a Note sidebar on the left that allows users to switch between notes. The note browser is nothing more but a list that's collected with a .GetFiles() of that folder.
On Azure, this works normally and if I were to delete one manually it'd be removed from the sidebar as well.
Now here's the kicker. On localhost, adding a note adds it to the sidebar and I can switch between them normally.
Adding a note on Azure makes all Views only display that new note regardless of which note I open and the new note does NOT get stored in the structure (I don't know where it ended up at all!) even though the path is defined at that point normally and it should save just like it does on localhost.
var model = new ViewNoteModel()
Note = Load<Note>($#"{NotePath}\{Title}.txt"), //Works on localhost, fails on Azure on many levels. Title is a URL param.
MyNotes = GetMyNotes() //works fine, reads right directory on local and Azure
To summarize:
Everything works fine on localhost, Important part doesn't work on Azure.
If new note is not created but an existing note is opened, Correct note gets loaded (based on URL Param) on Localhost, it breaks on Azure and loads default Note object (not null, just the default constructor data since it's required by JsonConvert)
If a new note is created, you'll see it on Localhost and you'll be able to open all other notes regardless, you will see only the new note on Azure regardless of note picked.
It's really strange and I have no idea what could cause this? I thought it had something to do with Azure requests being handled differently so maybe controller pushes the View before the model is initialized completely but that doesn't make sense since there's nothing async here.
However the fact that it loads a note that doesn't exist on the server it's even more apsurd and I have no explanation for that.
Additionally this issue is not linked with a session. I logged in through my phone and it showed the fake note there as well right away.
P.S. Before you say anything about storage, please note this. Our university grants us a very limited Azure subscription. Simple lowest tier App service and 5DTU SQL server and 99% of the rest is locked out of our subscription. This is why I'm storing stuff on the server, not because I believe it's the smart thing to do.

How to create a blob in node (server side) from a stream, a file or a base64 string?

I am trying to create a blob from a pdf I am creating from pdfmake so that I can send it to a remote api that only handles blobs.
This is how I get my PDF file:
var docDefinition = { content: 'This is an sample PDF printed with pdfMake' };
The above lines of code do produce a readable pdf.
Now how can I get a blob from there? I have tried many options (creating the blob from the stream with the blob-stream module, creating from the file with fs, creating it from a base64 string with b64toBlob) but all of them require at some point to use the constructor Blob for which I always get an error even if I require the module blob:
TypeError: Blob is not a constructor
After some research I found that it seems that the Blob constructor is only supported client-side.
All the npm packages that I have found and which seem to deal with this issue seem to only work client-side: blob-stream, blob, blob-util, b64toBlob, etc.
So, how can I create a blob server-side on Node?
I don't understand why almost nobody also needs to create a blob server-side? The only thread I could find on the subject is this one.
According to that thread, apparently:
The Solution to this problem is to create a function which can convert between Array Buffers and Node Buffers. :)
Unfortunately this does not help me much as I clearly seem to lack some important knowledge here to be able to comprehend this.
use node-blob npm package
const Blob = require('node-blob');
let myBlob = new Blob(["something"], { type: 'text/plain' });
