Weird behavior when launching powershell through different ways - windows-10

I have a Powershell script assigned to the context menu and it has been running fine. Recently, after I've reset my win10 system and then manually reconfigured my whole system Powershell begins to behave weirdly. The script won't be run correctly anymore, after a lot of researches I find that the problem is caused by the Set-Clipboard cmdlet which being the PCSX version when launching through the context menu where it being the original version if I launch powershell manually. How comes it happen? My script has Set-Clipboard with -value parameter which is not present in PCSX version and it causes an error.


Jenkins using PowerShell Azure Modules failing to run

I have a bit of a strange one here.
I have written a PowerShell script to pull Azure blob storage objects which when I run manually via the console works absolutely fine. However if i run it from jenkins, it calls the PowerShell function, starts running through it but fails when using the function Get-azstorageblobcontent.
The errors seem to be things like "Couldn't connect" or "Retry count exceeded" etc. I am unable to use the -debug switch as it says its interactive.
I have tested by including the access token inside the script, eliminating jenkins from handling the secrets but i get the same issue.
Jenkins is running the latest version, latest PowerShell plugin and latest version of java. it is also calling the 64 bit powershell session as expected.
I am also aware that there is a Jenkins Blob storage plugin however due to the amount of additional work that is required, it makes a lot more sense i use the PowerShell Modules inside a PowerShell Script to run this.
I would really appreciate if anyone has any ideas about this please, It has been driving me nuts for weeks.
Many Thanks

Update-AzureRmVmss command hanging and does not work when try to install custom script extension

I'm trying about three days to run and get result from Update-AzureRmVmss command using powershell. However after lasting 20-30 minutes of waiting, it ends with offering reconnect or quit pop-up window. Is it related with azure infrastructure? Can not azure update vmScaleSet faster?
I need to from time to time update custom script extension and apply changes to virtual machines.
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem was in my custom script extension. After downloading and running application there was -Wait command at the end of script. That was causing process to not finish

Powershell scripts going to sleep

I have a powershell script which loops over each file in a folder and does a lot of "high-computation" tasks on each of these files. I have multiple instances of this script running on my system.
I do use a write-host before starting each of these tasks to see when these tasks start and end.
I started these instances of the script last night and when I came today morning I noticed that some of my powershell terminal were stuck at a write-host command and when I pressed ENTER they wrote that content to terminal and continued the preocessing.
It looks like some of these terminals go to sleep. Why am i seeing this and how can i prevent this?
Disable the "QuickEdit" option in the "Windows PowerShell" Properties window.
Right click the PowerShell window to get the to the Properties window.

Scheduled task not run using x86 version of Powershell

I have written a Powershell script and it is saved in a .ps1 file. It only works with the 32-bit version of the Powershell that is located in
The script works when I run it manually but it is not run via Windows Task Scheduler. I am running the task as the same user that runs the script. In the Action part of my task I put the above address as Program/script and I write the full path of my .ps1 file as Add Arguments (optional). But it does not seem to work. I have also tried with putting the parent folder of my .ps1 file as Start in value to no avail.
How can I tell Task Scheduler to run my Powershell script using the 32-bit version?
UPDATE: I have to add here that my script actually opens an Excel file, refreshes it and then closes it. I know that using Excel in a non-interactive environment is a bad idea. But I still don't know if this is the reason my script is not run.
Highly suspect Excel is the reason this appears not to work. Have your script do something non-Excel (e.g. create file) and check if this part was executed fine
Two major gotchas I've come across when automating Excel:
Create empty folders if they don't exist (excel automation bug)
Ensure DCOM security settings are configured to allow Excel to run. This is still required if you are running task as same user who manually runs script.
When DCOM permissions are not set correctly and running the script as an automated task, you will get the below error. Saw this as session was transcribed, and transcription output to text file.
New-Object : Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following
error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005
You could adopt your script to determine the current powershell version and invoke the same script with the 32bit version if necessary. Put these lines on the top of your script:
# ensure the script is running with the 32bit powershell
if ($env:Processor_Architecture -ne "x86")
$psx86 = Join-Path $env:SystemRoot '\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
& $psx86 -noprofile -file $myinvocation.Mycommand.path -executionpolicy bypass
Note: You can append parameter to the powershell invoke in case your script requires them.

powershell IQY dump script fails

I'm currently working on automating a powershell script to make a dump of a small DB.
The database is accessible through a company Sharepoint and I am leveraging an IQY file exported from said Sharepoint to read the database contents.
When I run the script manually (i.e. calling it from the command line), it works with no issues, but when I try and start the script from Task Scheduler, the following exception is raised:
the line that is generating the exception is:
$iqy = $xl.Workbooks.Open($query, 2, $true)
Where $xl is a new Excel.Application ComObject, created correctly and $query is a string containing the full file path of the iqy file.
As for my configuration, I'm trying to run my script on a Windows Server 2008R2, using a local administrator user (same user that is supposed to launch the scheduled script), which is also authorized to access the Sharepoint. I'm running Powershell 3.0. I'm not loading any Sharepoint-related snapins.
The only answers I found poking around hinted at granting "Trust" to the IQY file location and the Sharepoint itself in Excel. That did not help.
The Exception also seems to point at a sharepoint issue, but since the script runs fine when started manually, I cannot understand how it could be anything to do with Sharepoint.
Am I missing some intricacy of the Task Scheduler?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Never mind, I seem to have found an answer.
If anyone is encountering the same issue, it appear the Excel Com Object has a bug that does not allow it to run from the Task Scheduler if you set it to run regardless of whether the user is logged in.
To circumvent that create the following 2 folders on the machine where the script is supposed to run:
(32Bit, always)
After creating the folders, it worked as expected.
