Hybris (B2B Punchout) site URL resulting in Server error - sap-commerce-cloud

Am trying to setup B2B punchout add-on, trying to add the custom component and set up the website.
Issue observed: Hitting the Site URL in the browser resulting in the server error, could not see any errors on the console logs (actually no movement of the logs on the console)
Have followed the following steps,
Installed B2C recipe.
Followed by B2B add-on installation.
Followed by B2B punchout add-on installation.
Have removed unnecessary extensions like electronics, apparel,
powertools from the localextensions.xml and added the entries of my
website in local.properties Am trying to create a custom Component
for a B2B punchout.
 Have created the necessary impexes for my component in as follows,
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForPage;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];position[unique=true];page(uid,$contentCV)[unique=true][default='homepage'];contentSlot(uid,$contentCV)[unique=true]
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;active;cmsComponents(&componentRef)
;;Section2ASlot-Homepage;Section2A Slot for Homepage;true;trainingCustomComponent
INSERT_UPDATE CustomComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;number;date;deliveryDate;total;&componentRef
;;trainingCustomComponent;training Homepage Custom Component;;;;;;trainingCustomComponent
 Controller class which looks as follows,
#RequestMapping(value = ControllerConstants.Actions.Cms.CustomComponent)
public class CustomComponentController extends AbstractCMSAddOnComponentController<CustomComponentModel>
 In the *-items.xml added the itemtype to create the model,
<typegroup name="Components">
<itemtype code="CustomComponent" autocreate="true"
generate="true" extends="SimpleCMSComponent"
<description>Custom Component</description>
<deployment table="CustomComponent"
typecode="11001" />
 Also created a JSP and placed in the path ,
Kindly help me by providing the exact extension/path where I need to place all the classes/xml’s/files if you find above ones are wrong 


Is it possible to load a Liferay portlet dynamically on a page from a .jsp file?

I have a portlet that is deployed on a page and I need to produce a link that will load a different portlet (which is in a different module) in full-screen mode. I can load the built in Login portlet this way without a problem, but when I try to load any of my custom portlets I get two red error boxes with the message "You do not have the roles required to access this portlet." And I have the permissions - I can access the portlet fine when added to a page - and I'm even testing with an omni-admin account.
The portlet ID that has the .jsp file is 'subscriptionmanagement_WAR_subscriptionmanagementportlet' and the portlet ID I'm trying to load is 'GRPSignupForm_WAR_NY511RMportlet'. The tag is:
<liferay-portlet:renderURL portletName="GRPSignupForm_WAR_NY511RMportlet" var="grpPortlet" windowState="<%= WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>">
Which produces the URL: http://localhost:8080/group/test/unsubscribe?p_p_id=tripitinerary_WAR_NY511RMportlet&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view
However, as I've mentioned, I have been able to load other portlets in this way. The login portlet for example using the same tag works fine:
<liferay-portlet:renderURL portletName="<%= PortletKeys.LOGIN %>" var="loginURL" windowState="<%= WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="mvcRenderCommandName" value="/login/login" />
The obvious difference is that it is passing a specific render command parameter, but otherwise it is the same. It produces the URL:
For completeness, here is the code for the portlet I'm trying to load. But as I mentioned above, I have tried to load various portlets in this project and all of them produce the permissions error.
immediate = true,
property = {
"javax.portlet.display-name=GRP Signup Form",
"javax.portlet.name=" + GRPSignupPortletKeys.GRPSIGNUP,
service = Portlet.class
public class GRPSignupPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
So it's obviously possible, as the Login portlet works. I'm sure there is just some small bit of config I'm missing. I've tried to see what is different in the Liferay Login portlet that allows it to work, but haven't found the secret.
Liferay CE 7.3
You need to add the property 'add-default-resource'. In the component add:
From portal.properties: "add-default-resource" set to true will allow those portlets to be dynamically added to any page by any user. This is useful (and necessary) for some portlets that need to be dynamically added to a page, but it can also pose a security risk because it also allows any user to do it.
It's prudent to also add
From portal.properties: Set this property to true to add a security check around this behavior. If set to true, then portlets can only be dynamically added to a page if it contains a proper security token. This security token is automatically passed when using a portlet URL from one portlet to another portlet.

Sharepoint Online Edit Form Toolbar

I'm trying to create a custom action on the edit form on Sharepoint Online with a Sharepoint Add-in..
According to the documentation, I should be able to use EditFormToolbar location as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<CustomAction Id="965225e0-662b-4089-acdc-78433528f646.TestMenuAction"
RegistrationId="{$ListId:Lists/Add-in List Test;}"
Title="Test Button">
Update the Url below to the page you want the custom action to use.
Start the URL with the token ~remoteAppUrl if the page is in the
associated web project, use ~appWebUrl if page is in the app project.
<UrlAction Url="~appWebUrl/Pages/LookupWebPart.aspx?{StandardTokens}&SPListItemId={ItemId}&SPListId={ListId}" />
But this fails to deploy with the following error:
#"Error 1
CorrelationId: 817f7325-e9bc-41da-ae9f-400b459ce1cf
ErrorDetail: There were problems with the app web definition in the package.
ErrorType: App
ErrorTypeName: App Related
ExceptionMessage: Deployment failed in host web https://<redacted>.sharepoint.com/sites/dev.addin for app <redacted>/ca27c77f-c56f-409d-a69d-7064091fdda4. Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Feature definition with Id ca27c77f-c56f-409d-a69d-7064091fdda5 failed validation, file '/elements33b5f3d1-0607-455b-b292-880b39ec127d.xml', line 6, character 17: The 'Location' attribute is invalid - The value 'NewFormToolbar' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/:CustomActionLocations' - The Enumeration constraint failed.
The schema documentation instead suggests that only CommandUI.Ribbon and EditControlBlock are supported locations.
Does anyone know if it's possible to customise the Edit Toolbar in Sharepoint Online?

Using Trusted Web Activity to link multiple websites with native application

I've managed to link my native application to a website and launch the same on a button click. As the website is trusted, the URL bar is not visible. In the launched website there is a button which then further redirects to another website. I've created a digital asset link for both and have added the JSON file in <websitename>/.well-known/<json-file>.
Both the websites have also been referenced in strings.xml under
asset_statements. However, on launching the first website and then redirecting to the second website from the first, the second website launches as a regular custom chrome tab with the URL bar visible.
Is it possible to hide both the URL's? If so, how?
To enable multi-domain, you need to check 3 things
Each origin has a .well-known/assetlinks.json file
The android asset_statements contains all origins
Tell the Trusted Web Activity about additional origins when launching.
It seems you have the first two points covered, but not the last one.
Using the support library LauncherActivity:
If using the LauncherActivity that comes with the library, you can provide additional origins by updating the AndroidManifest:
Add a list of additional origins to res/values/strings.xml:
<string-array name="additional_trusted_origins">
Update AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity android:name="com.google.androidbrowserhelper.trusted.LauncherActivity"
android:resource="#array/additional_trusted_origins" />
Using a custom LauncherActivity
If using your own LauncherActivity, launching with additional origins can implemented like this:
public void launcherWithMultipleOrigins(View view) {
List<String> origins = Arrays.asList(
TrustedWebActivityIntentBuilder builder = new TrustedWebActivityIntentBuilder(LAUNCH_URI)
new TwaLauncher(this).launch(builder, null, null);
Article with more details here: https://developers.google.com/web/android/trusted-web-activity/multi-origin
Sample multi-origin implementation: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/android-browser-helper/tree/master/demos/twa-multi-domain

How to dynamically authorize users in MVC inside Application_Start

I am using MVC 5 to build an application. In my web.config I have defined a custom section which I will use to display menu to user. It is something like:
<MainMenu Title="Home"></MainMenu>
<SubMenu Title="Page1" PageName="home/index" ADGroup="BusinessUsers">
<SubMenu Title="Page2" PageName="home/index2" ADGroup="ITUsers">
<MainMenu Title="About Us"></MainMenu>
<SubMenu Title="Another Page1" PageName="about/mypage1" ADGroup="BusinessUsers">
<SubMenu Title="Some Other Page" PageName="about/mypage2" ADGroup="OtherUsers">
I am using Windows authentication and everyone will have access via AD groups. By default I have denied access to all users using authorization rule in web.config like below:
<authorization><deny users="*"/></authorization>
Is it possible to define authorization rules based on MENU above in Application_Start at runtime? Something like:
Global.Filters.AuthorizeUser("BusinessUsers", "home/index, about/mypage1");
Global.Filters.AuthorizeUser("ITUsers", "home/index2");
What you're doing here isn't a standard way of defining a menu, so there is no standard way of enforcing authorization on it. You will need to implement it yourself.
Somewhere in your code during a request, you will have to loop through each SubMenu and use HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("DOMAIN\\GroupName") to test whether the user is in the appropriate group. I can't give you any further direction than that without seeing more of your code.
I'm sure you have your reasons for putting this in web.config, but what I have done in my own projects is define the menu in a partial view and check the roles right in the view:
#if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("DOMAIN\\GroupName") {
Some menu item
If you're worried about being able to update the menu items without recompiling the whole project, then that's still fine since the cshtml files aren't compiled anyway - you can update it on the fly.

WSS 3.0 Site Definition breaks when including MasterUrl in onet.xml

I have created a simple site definition for WSS 3.0 which uses a feature, this feature provisions a master page into the masterpage gallery.
This works absolutely fine, and once I've created a site from the definition I can go into the masterpage gallery and view my provisioned file.
If, however, I set the MasterUrl in my Configuration node of onet.xml and then create a new site from it, it fails. After clicking create it redirects me to the new site automatically but presents me with a file not found error. So I type in the url to the settings page and click to view the masterpage gallery which then gives me a file not found error again.
I'm not sure what's going on, but it looks to me like setting the MasterUrl prevents it from creating the correct lists to which the feature can provision the masterpage to. Can anyone shed any light on this matter for me please?
Here is the webtemp*.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Template Name="MasterPageTest" ID="10902">
<Configuration ID="0"
Description="Testing master page deployment"
And the onet.xml (with the masterurl attribute removed):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Project Title="MasterPageTest" Revision="3" ListDir="$Resources:core,lists_Folder;" xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<!-- _locID#Title="camlidonet1" _locComment="{StringCategory=HTX}" -->
<Configuration ID="0"
Description="Testing master page deployment"
Title="Master Page Test"
<!-- MasterUrl="_catalogs/masterpage/MasterPage.master" -->
<!-- Masterpage -->
<Feature ID="8175B375-38F5-44E2-950A-9600D5427E17"/>
My first thought was: Why in the onet.xml?
I usually do this using a process called Feature stapling. It is impossible to remove / disable functionality created from a site definition later on (off course you could by hand, or a feature + receiver to remove say a list you don't need for a particular site created from the onet.xml, but you probably get the point).
By using feature stapling, (your / the) site definition stays clean and stays what it is meant to be: a definition of a site, that can be selected during site creation. IMHO, it should be nothing more than an empty container.
Feature Stapling binds features you want activated when a site is created to a (custom) siteTEMPLATE. You can even use this to attach features you want activated on out of the box site definitions as well. For instance, feature stapling is the preferred way of enabling features in the "MySite" and "My Site Host" definitions. The original sitedefintion remains untouched, but your features are activated too!
Now to actually answer your question: The masterpage is probably not available yet when the site definition is used, the onet.xml is processed before any features are activated.
If your site is a publishing site (meaning the publishing related features are activated in the site collection), you can set the masterpage in the Publishing Feature with the ChromeMasterUrl property.
If the site is a regular site, you can do 2 things:
deploy the master page from the onet.xml by moving the <Module> from your masterpage feature to the onet.xml, more info here (figure 1).
don't set the masterpage url in the onet, but use a feature + featurereceiver to set the masterpage url, more info here (downloadable code in article).
