Is there a way to upload GitLab CI artifacts to an Openshift container? - gitlab

I have a GitLab CI pipeline which builds a few artifacts. For example:
stage: train
script: python
- artifact.csv
expire_in: 1 week
Now I deploy the repository to OpenShift using the following step in my GitLab pipeline. This will pull my GitLab repo inside OpenShift. It does not include the artifacts from the 'testing'.
stage: deploy
image: ayufan/openshift-cli
- oc start-build my_app
How can I let OpenShift use this repository, plus the artifacts created in my pipeline?

In general OpenShift build pipelines rely on the s2i build process to build applications.
The best practice for reusing artifacts between s2i builds would either be through using incremental builds or chaining multiple BuildConfig definitions (the output image of one BuildConfig being fed as source image into another BuildConfig) together via the spec.source.images or spec.source.git configuration in the BuildConfig definition.
In your case since you are using a Jenkins pipeline to generate your artifacts instead of the OpenShift build process you really only need to combine your artifacts with your source code and the runtime container image.
To do this you might create a builder container image that pulls those artifacts down from an external source during the assemble phase (via curl, wget, etc) of the s2i workflow. You could then configure your BuildConfig to point at your source repository. At build time the BuildConfig will pull down your source code and the assemble script will pull down your artifacts.


How to access artifacts in next stage in GitLab CI/CD

I am trying to build GitLab CI/CD for the first time. I have two stages build and deploy The job in the build stage produce artifacts. And then the job in deploy stage wants to upload those artifacts to AWS S3. Both the jobs are using same runner but different docker image.
- dev-runner
- build
- deploy
image: node:14
stage: build
- npm install
- npm run build:prod
- deploy/
image: docker.xx/xx/gitlab-templates/awscli
stage: deploy
- aws s3 cp deploy/ s3://mys3bucket
The build-job is successfully creating the artifacts. GitLab documentation says artifacts will be automatically downloaded and available in the next stage, however it does not specify where & how these artifacts will be available to consume in the next stage.
In the deploy-job will the artifacts available at the same location? like deploy/
The artifacts should be available to the second job in the same location, where the first job saved them using the 'artifacts' directive.
I think this question already has an answer on the gitlab forum:
Maybe you need to make sure the jobs run in the correct order using the dependencies directive, which is also mentioned in the forum discussion accesible via the link above.

Changing Gitlab SAST json report names

Note: My CI contains a code complexity checker which can be ignored. This question is mainly focused on SAST.
I have recently setup a SAST pipeline for one of my Gitlab projects. The Gitlab-ce and Gitlab-runner instances are self-hosted. When the SAST scan is completed, the downloaded artifacts / json reports all contain the same name gl-sast-report.json. In this example, the artifacts bandit-sast and semgrep-sast both product gl-sast-report.json when downloaded.
SAST configuration
- CodeScan
- CodeComplexity
stage: CodeScan
- sast
stage: CodeComplexity
paths: [gl-code-quality-report.json]
- cq-sans-dind
- template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
Completed SAST results
End Goal
If possible, how could I change the name of the artifacts for bandit-sast and semgrep-sast?
If question one is possible, does this mean I have to manually specify each analyser for various projects. Currently, based on my .gitlab-ci.yml the SAST analysers are automatically detected based on the project language.
If you're using the pre-built SAST images, this isn't possible, even if you run the docker command manually like so:
docker run --volume "$PWD":/code --env=LM_REPORT_VERSION="2.1" --env=CI_PROJECT_DIR=/code
When using these SAST (and DAST) images, the report file will always have the name in the docs, however if you ran the docker command manually like above, you could rename the file before it's uploaded as an artifact, but it would still have the same json structure/content.
Run License Scanning Analyzer:
stage: sast
- docker run --volume "$PWD":/code --env=LM_REPORT_VERSION="2.1" --env=CI_PROJECT_DIR=/code
- mv gl-license-scanning-report.json license-scanning-report.json
license_scanning: license-scanning-report.json
The only way to change the json structure/content is to implement the SAST tests manually without using the provided images at all. You can see all the available SAST analyzers in this Gitlab repo.
For the License Finder analyzer as an example, the Dockerfile says the entrypoint for the image is the script.
You can see on line 20 of it sets the name of the file to 'gl-license-scanning-report.json', but we can change the name by running the docker image manually so this doesn't really help. However, we can see that the actual analyzing comes from the scan_project function, which you could replicate.
So while it is possible to manually run these analyzers without the pre-built images, it will be much more difficult to get them to work.

How to release built artifacts back-and-forth from one to another repo on GitLab?

I got a requirement to generate, archive and reuse the artifacts between two different repositories
Repository A: Compile Angular code and create a XLF file
Repository B: Use the 'XLF File' generated above and create a new XLF file
Repository A: Again use the newly generated XLF file to create the final output file
The activities mentioned above should be done using gitlab-ci.yml. I am not sure how to handle this using GitLab CI.
We can push the artifact from Repo A to Repo B. However, CI on Repo A should wait until Repo B pushes a new artifact to Repo A to complete the process
Ideally, you would not push a generated artifact to another Git source repository.
But a GitLab pipeline can retrieve an artifact produced by another one from its URL.
To avoid the back and forth, I would rather have 3 jobs instead of two
the first generates XLF file
the second curls/fetches that file, and use it to generate new XLF file
the third job curls/fetches that file, and complete the process.
How to release built artifacts back-and-forth from one to another repo on GitLab?
Repository A:
Compile Angular code and create a XLF file
Send a hook to repository B that it just compiled
just trigger: , works like a charm. It's even nicely visible in the gui.
or API
pass variables: PARENT_PIPELINE_ID: $CI_PIPELINE_ID to repository B so it can download artifacts from specific pipeline
Repository B:
Use the 'XLF File' generated above
use needs: to download artifacts
or API: have personal access token from repository A added to environment variables and use API to download artifacts .
create a new XLF file
use trigger: or API to trigger repository A
but this time trigger different .gitlab-ci.yml file like: trigger: - project: repositoryA file: second_stage.gitlab-ci.yml
or use like variables: SECOND_STAGE: "true" and use a variable to differentiate
Repository A:
run pipeline from the file second_stage.gitlab-ci.yml
download artifacts from repository B - needs: or API
use the newly generated XLF file to create the final output file
Overall, what you need is rules: and needs: documentation. On older gitlab, it was done with API.
CI on Repo A should wait until Repo B pushes a new artifact to Repo A to complete the process
Don't wait. Let the API trigger it.
I tried the following approach and it worked fine or at least I was able to proceed
Due to some reason 'variables' along with CURL did not work as expected but I did not analyze the root cause
Repo A - Pipeline
trigger-repob: (Trigger Project B of Repo B)
stage: repob
project: repob-namespace/projectb
branch: devops
image: $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/base-image:latest
stage: test_pipeline
when: delayed
start_in: 2 minutes
needs: (Use artifacts from Repo B/Project B)
project: repob-namespace/projectb
job: buildprojectb
ref: devops
artifacts: true
- do something here
Repo B Pipeline
image: php:7.4.11
stage: build
- do something here
- outputs/*.xlf

Building a Docker image for a Node.js app in GitLab CI

I'm working on a Node.js application for which my current Dockerfile looks like this:
# Stage 0
# =======
FROM node:10-alpine as build-stage
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
COPY . ./
RUN yarn build
# Stage 1
# =======
FROM nginx:mainline-alpine
COPY --from=build-stage /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
I'd like to integrate this into a GitLab CI pipeline but I'm not sure if I got the basic idea. So far I know that I need to create a .gitlab-ci.yml file which will be later picked up by GitLab.
My basic idea is:
I push my code changes to GitLab.
GitLab builds a new Docker image based on my Dockerfile.
GitLab pushes this newly create image to a "production" server (later).
So, my question is:
My .gitlab-ci.yml should then contain something like a build job which triggers... what? The docker build command? Or do I need to "copy" the Dockerfile content to the CI file?
GitLab CI executes the pipeline in the Runners that need to be registered into the project using generated tokens (Settings/CI CD/Runners). You also can used Shared Runners for multiple projects. The pipeline is configured with the .gitlab-ci.yml file and you can build, test, push and deploy docker images using the yaml file, when something is done in the repo (push to branch, merge request, etc).
It’s also useful when your application already has the Dockerfile that
can be used to create and test an image
So basically you need to install the runner, register it with the token of your project (or use Shared Runners) and configure your CI yaml file. The recommended aproach is docker in docker but it is up to you. You can also check this basic example. Finally you can deploy your container directly into Kubernetes, Heroku or Rancher. Remember to safely configure your credentials and secrets in Settings/Variables.
GitLab CI is awesome, but I recommend you to firstly think about your git workflow to use in order to set the stages in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This will allow you to configure your node project as a pipeline an then it would be easy to export to other tools such as Jenkins pipelines or Travis for example.
build job trigger:
option 1:
add when: manual in the job and you can run the job by manual in CI/CD>Pipelines
option 2:
- <branchname>
in this case the job start when you push into the defined branch
(this my personal suggest)
option 3:
add nothin' and the job will run every time when you push code
Of corse you can combine the options above.
In addition may star the job with web request by using the job token.
docker build command will work in pipeline. I think in script section.
Requirements docker engine on the gitlab-runner which pick the job.
Or do I need to "copy" the Dockerfile content to the CI file?

Custom GitLag Container Registry Image Creation & Reuse

I want to build and add a custom image (with ruby, node.js, bower, grunt, jekyll etc.) and tag it as 'myimage:1.0'. This image needs to be stored in gitlab container registry and then used in .gitlab-ci.yml as image: sachin.1.0.0. So that my build via gitlab ci will have everything preinstalled like node.js, etc.
Tried enough, How can this be done ?
Before you do this, you need to configure a gitlab runner which allows you to use docker build. You can configure this using the instructions here depending on your use case
Next, create a new repo in gitlab, let's call it sachin-image.
Inside the root of the git repo, add a Dockerfile with installation of everything you need.
Now, into this repo, add a .gitlab-ci.yml file like so:
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN <my-docker-gitlab-registry-url>
- build
stage: build
- docker build -t .
- docker push gitlab.example/my/dockerimage/repo:latest
- docker_engine
At this point, you now have automated docker builds working in gitlab. In order to use this image in future gitlab builds, all you need to use the following image url:
