How to match json objects having fields as URL - dsl

I am having a GET request which returned response in following format:
"": [
"": "Unlimited",
"": "v1",
"iss": ""
How do I match these fields because if I do
And match response. == "PRODUCTION"
It throws and error saying path does not exist.

* def response = { "": "PRODUCTION" }
* match response[''] == 'PRODUCTION'


reason: actual value has 1 more key(s) than expected:

I am running karate tests.
I am posting a request object and i recieve a response object . however in the response object i have one extra field populated .How will i handle the scenario ?
the following is my test
Feature: NFR Subscription API Tests
* url __arg.test_service.url
* configure ssl = false
* configure httpVersion = 'http2'
Scenario: Create/Patch/Delete NRF subscription by nfInstanceId subscription condition
* def subscriptionId = ''
* def createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest = read('subscription/subscriptionCreateRequest.json')
* def patchSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse = read('subscription/subscriptionPatchResponse.json')
* def createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse = createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
# Create the NRF subscription by nfInstanceId
Given path '/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions/'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
And print createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
And request createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
When method post
Then status 201
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse
And match response.subscriptionId == '#present'
And print response
the content of subscription/subscriptionCreateRequest.json is as follows.
"nfStatusNotificationUri": "http://localhost:8080/ip/test",
"reqNfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76",
"subscrCond": {
"nfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76"
"validityTime": "2022-02-18T10:15:15Z",
"reqNotifEvents": [
"plmnId": {"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" },
"nid": "2465aEB5ff1",
"notifCondition": {
"monitoredAttributes": [
"reqNfType": "NRF",
"reqNfFqdn": "",
"reqSnssais": [
{ "sst": 10, "sd": "aA82a7" }
"reqPlmnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"reqSnpnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"servingScope": [
"any string"
"nrfSupportedFeatures": "CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d"
the content of the file subscription/subscriptionPatchResponse.json is as follows.
"nfStatusNotificationUri": "http://localhost:8080/ip/test",
"reqNfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76",
"subscrCond": {
"nfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76"
"validityTime": "2023-03-07T23:20:50Z",
"reqNotifEvents": [
"plmnId": {"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" },
"nid": "2465aEB5ff1",
"notifCondition": {
"monitoredAttributes": [
"reqNfType": "NRF",
"reqNfFqdn": "",
"reqSnssais": [
{ "sst": 10, "sd": "aA82a7" }
"reqPlmnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"reqSnpnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"servingScope": [
"any string"
"nrfSupportedFeatures": "CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d"
in the response I would expect a new field called subscriptionId .
my test fails at the moment with the following error .
16:00:57 NFRSubscription.feature:24 - path: $, actual: {nfStatusNotificationUri=http://localhost:8080/ip/test, reqNfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76, subscrCond={nfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76}, subscriptionId=608425, validityTime=2022-02-18T10:15:15Z, reqNotifEvents=["NF_REGISTERED"], plmnId={mcc=454, mnc=93}, nid=2465aEB5ff1, notifCondition={monitoredAttributes=["testattri"]}, reqNfType=NRF,, reqSnssais=[{"sst":10,"sd":"aA82a7"}], reqPlmnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], reqSnpnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], servingScope=["any string"], nrfSupportedFeatures=CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d}, expected: {nfStatusNotificationUri=http://localhost:8080/ip/test, reqNfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76, subscrCond={nfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76}, validityTime=2022-02-18T10:15:15Z, reqNotifEvents=["NF_REGISTERED"], plmnId={mcc=454, mnc=93}, nid=2465aEB5ff1, notifCondition={monitoredAttributes=["testattri"]}, reqNfType=NRF,, reqSnssais=[{"sst":10,"sd":"aA82a7"}], reqPlmnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], reqSnpnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], servingScope=["any string"], nrfSupportedFeatures=CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d}, reason: actual value has 1 more key(s) than expected: {subscriptionId=608425}
any idea how should i formulate createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse object to handle an extra dynamically generated field . in other words how can i do the following
add response.subscriptionId into createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse and then compare response and
createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse object .
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse
I have changed the test to add the subscriptionId field in the response object and then asserted it .
# Create the NRF subscription by nfInstanceId
Given path '/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions/'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
And print createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
And request createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
When method post
Then status 201
And match response.subscriptionId == '#present'
And print response
And set createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse.subscriptionId = response.subscriptionId
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse

How to create if statement in Terraform for LogicApps

I'm creating LogicApps with Terraform. Logic Apps will do webhook and I would like to post text.
I would like to customize text field of Terraform code with If statement.
I would like to certain part of text to be displayed at only prod environment.
However my terraform code with pass entire if statement to LogicApps and I get payload error with LogicApps execution.
resource "azurerm_logic_app_action_http" "example" {
name = "webhook"
logic_app_id =
method = "GET"
uri = ""
method = "POST"
headers = { "Content-Type" = "application/json" }
body = <<-BODY
"blocks": [
"text": {
"text": "[${var.environment_name}] == "prod" ? *This is prod alert* : *---*",
"type": "mrkdwn"
You can use conditions in your BODY as follows:
body = <<-BODY
"blocks": [
"text": {
"text": "Alert: ${var.environment_name == "prod" ? "*This is prod alert*" : "*---*"}",
"type": "mrkdwn"

How to iterate through each property element in API response in Katalon studio?

I'm writing test script in katalon studio to verify response body of the API.My response body is of format:
"status": "Success",
"correlationCode": "1234-5678",
"type": {
"id": 51247,
"name": "Student",
"data": {
"name": "Sara Nieves",
"gender": "Female",
"dob": "1995-08-06",
"libraryCard": {
"id": "11178",
"type": "Seniors"
"qualifications": [
"id": "45650986546",
"name": "Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering Management"
I want to verify that none of the elements return 'null' value. Since, the elements returned for the API response are not static(meaning name, gender etc might not get returned every time) therefore, i can't use something like "" to verify if it has null value. So, i want a generic way to loop through each and every attribute returned and check if its value is returned as null or not.
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
You have the error message:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: WSVerification1569811424284$_run_closure1.doCall() is applicable for argument types: (com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ResponseObject) values: [200 1 KB] 22572.groovy:21)
I assume your response object type: com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ResponseObject
The code to parse response as json and validate it:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
* the recursive method to validate that json object does not have null values
* #param obj - the parsed json object (sequence of maps and lists)
* #param path - a variable to know where the error occurred in json data.
void assertNoNullValue(Object obj, String path='ROOT'){
//the main assertion
assert obj!=null : "value in json could not be null: $path"
if(obj instanceof Map){
//iterate each key-value in map and validate the value recursively
obj.each{k,v-> assertNoNullValue(v,path+".$k") }
} else if(obj instanceof List){
//iterate each value in list and validate the value recursively
obj.eachWithIndex{v,i-> assertNoNullValue(v,path+"[$i]") }
def response = ...
assert response.isJsonContentType()
def responseText = response.getResponseText()
//parse body
def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(responseText)
This solution is not as precise as the one suggested by #dagget, but it is a quick check:
def response = '''
"status": "Success",
"correlationCode": "1234-5678",
"type": {
"id": 51247,
"name": "Student",
"data": {
"name": "Sara Nieves",
"gender": "femmina",
"dob": "1995-08-06",
"libraryCard": {
"id": "11178",
"type": "Seniors"
"qualifications": [
"id": "45650986546",
"name": "Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering Management"
assert !response.contains("null")

Parsing child nodes of JSON response in SOAP UI using groovy json slurper

I am getting a JSON response from an webservice like below . I want to parse all childs of results node using Groovy Json slurper and assert the value is correct.
"status": "Healthy",
"results": [
"name": "Microservice one",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSOneURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice two",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSTwoURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice three",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSThreeURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice four",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSFourURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice five",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSFiveURI success : status(OK)"
This is what I have done - this works .
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.*
//grab the response
def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent
// trim starting and ending double quotes
def TrimResponse =ResponseMessage.replaceAll('^\"|\"$','').replaceAll('/\\/','')
//define a JsonSlurper
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(TrimResponse)
//verify the response to be validated isn't empty
assert !(jsonSlurper.isEmpty())
//verify the Json response Shows Correct Values
assert jsonSlurper.status == "Healthy"
def ActualMsNames = jsonSlurper.results*.name.toString()
def ActualMsStatus = jsonSlurper.results*.status.toString()
def ActualMsDescription = jsonSlurper.results*.description.toString()
def ExpectedMsNames = "[Microservice one,Microservice two,Microservice three,Microservice four,Microservice five]"
def ExpectedMsStatus = "[Healthy, Healthy, Healthy, Healthy, Healthy]"
def ExpectedMsDescription = "[Url check MSOneURI success : status(OK),Url check MSTwoURI success : status(OK),Url check MSThreeURI success : status(OK),Url check MSFourURI success : status(OK),Url check MSFiveURI success : status(OK)]"
assert ActualMsNames==ExpectedMsNames
assert ActualMsStatus==ExpectedMsStatus
assert ActualMsDescription==ExpectedMsDescription
But I want to make it better using some kind of for loop which will parse each collection one at a time and assert the value of "name", "status" and "descriptions" at once for each child
Is that possible?
Yes, that's certainly possible.
Without knowing more about your actual data it's not possible to give a perfect example, but you could do something like:
jsonSlurper.results?.eachWithIndex { result, i ->
assert == expectedNames[i]
assert result.status == expectedStatus[i] // or just "Healthy" if that's the only one
assert result.description == expectedDescriptions[i]
where expectedWhatever is a list of expected result fields. If your expected results really are based on index like in your example, then you could even calculate them within the loop, but I'm guessing that's not the case for real data.

invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()' in ArangoDB

I have stored my Data in the give formate in AreangoDB, My collection name in DSP:
"data": {
"1": [ {"db_name": "DSP"}, {"rel": "2"} ],
"2": [ {"rel_name": "DataSource"}, {"tuple": "201"}, {"tuple": "202"}, {"tuple": "203"} ],
"201": [ {"src_id": "Pos201510070"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"}, {"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151007"}, {"user_name": "postgres"}, {"src_type": "Structured"}, {"db_name": "postgres"}, {"port": "None"} ],
"202": [ {"src_id": "pos201510060"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"},{"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151006"}, {"user_name": "postgres"}, {"src_type": "Structured"}, {"db_name": "DSP"}, {"port": "5432"} ],
"203": [ {"src_id": "pos201510060"}, {"src_name": "Postgres"}, {"password": "root"}, {"host": "localhost"}, {"created_date": "20151006"}, {"user_name": "postgres"},{"src_type": "Structured"},{"db_name": "maindb"},{"port": "5432"} ]
I am executing a query with the above data in the following format:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(p)
FOR attribute IN attributes
LET key = ATTRIBUTES(attribute)[0]
LET value = attribute[key]
RETURN { subject: attribute, predicate: key, object: value }
When I submit my query to ArangoDB, it returns the response as:
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
[1542], 'invalid argument type in call to function 'ATTRIBUTES()''
"subject": "data",
"predicate": null,
"object": null
"subject": "_id",
"predicate": null,
"object": null
"subject": "_rev",
"predicate": null,
"object": null
"subject": "_key",
"predicate": null,
"object": null
Please tell me what is the problem with this query, and why the answer is like the above..I am working in ArangoDB-2.7.3-win64.
Let me demonstrate how to construct such a complex query digging deep into nested data structures. I start out taking the outer parts of the query, to have an inner result:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(p)
FOR attribute IN attributes
RETURN attribute
which gives me:
So lets dive deeper into the next layer. I guess you're only interested in the values present underneath data key right? so we pick
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR attribute IN attributes
RETURN attribute
which then gives me the keys for your next inner array:
We now explore what we find attached to these nodes:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR oneAttribute IN attributes
LET keys =[oneAttribute]
Its Again an array, which we need to iterate into using a FOR loop over keys:
"src_id" : "pos201510060"
"src_name" : "Postgres"
}, ...
We add this additional FOR-loop:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR oneAttribute IN attributes
LET keys =[oneAttribute]
FOR key IN keys
we get the inner most objects:
"src_id" : "pos201510060"
"src_name" : "Postgres"
"password" : "root"
You wanted to use the ATTRIBUTES function, but the objects only have one member, so we can access [0]:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR oneAttribute IN attributes
LET keys =[oneAttribute]
FOR key IN keys
LET keyAttributes=ATTRIBUTES(key)
RETURN keyAttributes
Which gives us the object keys, one per inner most object:
We inspect whether we now get only the object keys of the inner most structure; we pick the variable names a little more clever than above:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR oneAttribute IN attributes
LET pairs =[oneAttribute]
FOR onePair IN pairs
LET pairKey=ATTRIBUTES(onePair)[0]
RETURN pairKey
So now its time to construct the results object as you wanted them:
FOR p IN NestedDSP
LET attributes = ATTRIBUTES(
FOR oneAttribute IN attributes
LET pairs =[oneAttribute]
FOR onePair IN pairs
LET pairKey=ATTRIBUTES(onePair)[0]
RETURN { subject: oneAttribute, predicate: pairKey, object: onePair[pairKey] }
The subject is the number identifying the outermost item, the predicate is the object key, and the object is the value in it:
"subject" : "203",
"predicate" : "src_id",
"object" : "pos201510060"
"subject" : "203",
"predicate" : "src_name",
"object" : "Postgres"
Which is hopefully what you wanted?
