Error running Spark on Databricks: constructor public XXX is not whitelisted - apache-spark

I was using Azure Databricks and trying to run some example python code from this page.
But I get this exception: Constructor public is not whitelisted.

This error shows up with some library methods when using High Concurrency cluster with credential pass through enabled. If that is your scenario a work around that may be an option is to use a different cluster mode. ... is not whitelisted
This exception is thrown when you have accessed a method that Azure Databricks has not explicitly marked as safe for Azure Data Lake Storage credential passthrough clusters. In most cases, this means that the method could allow a user on a Azure Data Lake Storage credential passthrough cluster to access another user’s credentials.


Databricks Delta - Error: Overlapping auth mechanisms using deltaTable.detail()

In Azure Databricks. I have a unity catalog metastore created on ADLS on its own container ( connected w/ the Azure identity. Works fine.
I have a container on the same storage account called data. I'm using Notebook-scoped creds to gain access to that container. Using abfss://data#stgacct... Works fine.
Using the python Delta API, I'm creating an object for my DeltaTable using: deltaTable = DeltaTable.forName(spark, "mycat.myschema.mytable"). I'm able to perform normal Delta functions using that object like MERGE. Works fine.
However, if I attempt to run the deltaTable.detail() command, I get the error: "Your query is attempting to access overlapping paths through multiple authorization mechanisms, which is not currently supported."
It's as if Spark doesn't know which credential to use to fulfill the .detail() command; the metastore identity or the SPN I used when I scoped my creds for the data container - which also has rights to the metastore container.
To test: If I restart my cluster, which drops the spark conf for ADLS, and I attempt to run the command deltaTable = DeltaTable.forName(spark, "mycat.myschema.mytable") and then deltaTable.detail(), I get the error "Failure to initialize configurationInvalid configuration value detected for" - as if it's not using the metastore credentials which I would have expected since it's a unity/managed table (??).

Accessing Azure ADLS gen2 with Pyspark on Databricks

I'm trying to learn Spark, Databricks & Azure.
I'm trying to access GEN2 from Databricks using Pyspark.
I can't find a proper way, I believe it's super simple but I failed.
Currently each time I receive the following:
Unable to access container {name} in account {name} using anonymous
credentials, and no credentials found for them in the configuration.
I have already running GEN2 + I have a SAS_URI to access.
What I was trying so far:
(based on this link:
spark.conf.set(f"{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}", {SAS_URI})
spark.conf.set(f"{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}", {SAS_URI})
Then to reach out to data:
sd_xxx ="wasbs://{CONTAINER_NAME}#{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}{proper_path_to_files/}")
Your configuration is incorrect. The first parameter should be set to just SAS value, while second - to name of Scala/Java class that will return the SAS token - you can't use just URI with SAS information in it, you need to implement some custom code.
If you want to use wasbs that the protocol for accessing Azure Blog Storage, and although it could be used for accessing ADLS Gen2 (not recommended although), but you need to use instead of, and also set correct spark property for Azure Blob access.
The more common procedure to follow is here: Access Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 using OAuth 2.0 with an Azure service principal

AuthenticationException when creating Azure ML Dataset from Azure Data Lake Gen2 Datastore

I have an Azure Data Lake Gen2 with public endpoint and a standard Azure ML instance.
I have created both components with my user and I am listed as Contributor.
I want to use data from this data lake in Azure ML.
I have added the data lake as a Datastore using Service Principal authentication.
I then try to create a Tabular Dataset using the Azure ML GUI I get the following error:
Access denied
You do not have permission to the specified path or file.
"message": "ScriptExecutionException was caused by StreamAccessException.\n StreamAccessException was caused by AuthenticationException.\n 'AdlsGen2-ListFiles (req=1, existingItems=0)' for '[REDACTED]' on storage failed with status code 'Forbidden' (This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.), client request ID '1f9e329b-2c2c-49d6-a627-91828def284e', request ID '5ad0e715-a01f-0040-24cb-b887da000000'. Error message: [REDACTED]\n"
I have tried having our Azure Portal Admin, with Admin access to both Azure ML and Data Lake try the same and she gets the same error.
I tried creating the Dataset using Python sdk and get a similar error:
Error Code: ScriptExecution.StreamAccess.Authentication
Failed Step: 667ddfcb-c7b1-47cf-b24a-6e090dab8947
Error Message: ScriptExecutionException was caused by StreamAccessException.
StreamAccessException was caused by AuthenticationException.
'AdlsGen2-ListFiles (req=1, existingItems=0)' for '' on storage failed with status code 'Forbidden' (This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.), client request ID 'a231f3e9-b32b-4173-b631-b9ed043fdfff', request ID 'c6a6f5fe-e01f-0008-3c86-b9b547000000'. Error message: {"error":{"code":"AuthorizationPermissionMismatch","message":"This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.\nRequestId:c6a6f5fe-e01f-0008-3c86-b9b547000000\nTime:2020-11-13T06:34:01.4743177Z"}}
| session_id=75ed3c11-36de-48bf-8f7b-a0cd7dac4d58
I have created Datastore and Datasets of both a normal blob storage and a managed sql database with no issues and I have only contributor access to those so I cannot understand why I should not be Authorized to add data lake. The fact that our admin gets the same error leads me to believe there are some other issue.
I hope you can help me identify what it is or give me some clue of what more to test.
I see I might have duplicated this post: How to connect AMLS to ADLS Gen 2?
I will test that solution and close this post if it works
This was actually a duplicate of How to connect AMLS to ADLS Gen 2?.
The solution is to give the service principal that Azure ML uses to access the data lake the Storage Blob Data Reader access. And note you have to wait at least some minutes for this to have effect.

How to read a blob in Azure databricks with SAS

I'm new to Databricks. I write sample code to read Storage Blob in Azure Databricks.
blob_account_name = "sars"
blob_container_name = "mpi"
blob_sas_token =r"**"
ini_path = "58154388-b043-4080-a0ef-aa5fdefe22c8"
inputini = 'wasbs://' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name, ini_path)
spark.conf.set(""% (blob_container_name, blob_account_name), blob_sas_token)
It throw error:
Container mpi in account not found
I guess it doesn't attach the SAS token in WASBS link, so that it doesn't permission to read the data.
How to attach the SAS in wasbs link.
This is excepted behaviour, you cannot access the read private storage from Databricks. In order to access private data from storage where firewall is enabled or when created in a vnet, you will have to Deploy Azure Databricks in your Azure Virtual Network then whitelist the Vnet address range in the firewall of the storage account. You could refer to configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks.
When you have provided access level to "Private (no anonymous access)".
Output: Error message Container carona in account not found, and we can't create it using anoynomous credentials, and no credentials found for them in the configuration.
When you have provided access level to "Container (Anonymous read access for containers and blobs)".
Output: You will able to see the output without any issue.
Reference: Quickstart: Run a Spark job on Azure Databricks using the Azure portal.

How to create/access Hive tables with external Metastore on additional Azure Blob Storage?

I want to perform some data transformation in Hive with Azure Data Factory (v1) running a Azure HDInsight On Demand cluster (3.6).
Since the HDInsight On Demand cluster gets destroyed after some idle time and I want/need to keep the metadata about the Hive tables (e.g. partitions), I also configured an external Hive metastore, using a Azure SQL Server database.
Now I want to store all production data on a separate storage account than the one "default" account, where Data Factory and HDInsight also create containers for logging and other runtime data.
So I have the following resources:
Data Factory with HDInsight On Demand (as a linked service)
SQL Server and database for Hive metastore (configured in HDInsight On Demand)
Default storage account to be used by Data Factory and HDInsight On Demand cluster (blob storage, general purpose v1)
Additional storage account for data ingress and Hive tables (blob storage, general purpose v1)
Except the Data Factory, which is in location North Europe, all resources are in the same location West Europe, which should be fine (the HDInsight cluster must be in the same location as any storage accounts you want to use). All Data Factory related deployment is done using the DataFactoryManagementClient API.
An example Hive script (deployed as a HiveActivity in Data Factory) looks like this:
deviceId string,
createdAt timestamp,
batteryVoltage double,
hardwareVersion string,
softwareVersion string,
PARTITIONED BY (year string, month string) -- year and month from createdAt
LOCATION 'wasb://'
TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
INSERT INTO TABLE example_table PARTITIONS (year, month) VALUES ("device1", timestamp "2018-01-22 08:57:00", 2.7, "hw1.32.2", "sw0.12.3");
Following the documentation here and here, this should be rather straightforward: Simply add the new storage account as an additional linked service (using the additionalLinkedServiceNames property).
However, this resulted in the following exceptions when a Hive script tried to access a table stored on this account:
IllegalStateException Error getting FileSystem for wasb : ExitCodeException exitCode=2: Error reading S/MIME message
139827842123416:error:0D06B08E:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_D2I_READ_BIO:not enough data:a_d2i_fp.c:247:
139827842123416:error:0D0D106E:asn1 encoding routines:B64_READ_ASN1:decode error:asn_mime.c:192:
139827842123416:error:0D0D40CB:asn1 encoding routines:SMIME_read_ASN1:asn1 parse error:asn_mime.c:517:
Some googling told me that this happens, when the key provider is not configured correctly (i.e. the exceptions is thrown because it tries to decrypt the key even though it is not encrypted). After manually setting<storage_name> to it seemed to work for reading and "simple" writing of data to tables, but failed again when the metastore got involved (creating a table, adding new partitions, ...):
ERROR exec.DDLTask: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Got exception: Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.)
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.createTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.createTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.execute(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Task.executeTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
Caused by: MetaException(message:Got exception: Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.)
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$create_table_with_environment_context_result$
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$create_table_with_environment_context_result$
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$
at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$Client.recv_create_table_with_environment_context(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$Client.create_table_with_environment_context(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient.create_table_with_environment_context(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient.create_table_with_environment_context(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient.createTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient.createTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.RetryingMetaStoreClient.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy5.createTable(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.createTable(
... 24 more
I tried googling that again, but had no luck finding something usable. I think it may have to do something with the fact, that the metastore service is running separately from Hive and for some reason does not have access to the configured storage account keys... but to be honest, I think this should all just work without manually tinkering with the Hadoop/Hive configuration.
So, my question is: What am I doing wrong and how is this supposed to work?
You need to make sure you also add the hadoop-azure.jar and the azure-storage-5.4.0.jar to your Hadoop Classpath export in your
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/hadoop-client/hadoop-azure.jar:/usr/lib/hadoop-client/lib/azure-storage-5.4.0.jar:$HADOOP_CLASSPATH
And you will need to add the storage key via the following parameter in your core-site.{storageaccount}
When you create your DB and table you need to specify the location using your storage account and the user id
Create table {Tablename}
LOCATION 'wasbs://{container}#{storageaccount}{filepath}'
If you still have problems after trying the above check to see whether the storage account is a V1 or V2. We had an issue where the V2 storage account did not work with our version of HDP.
