How to get the user id from Slack to bot service - node.js

I am creating a simple bot using Azure LUIS and this is my first one. I made some decent progress after doing some research and also now integrated with Slack as channel to test it.
The bot functionality is working fine, but I am looking to identify the user. So that I can personalize the bot conversation and also to pull the user specific information from his profile table.
Is there anyway, that I can get a UID or any reference ID of the slack user and so I can store that in my user table along with user profile?
So next time, when the user greets the bot, the bot can say "Hello, John." instead of justing say "Hello."

Yes. You can use the channelData object to get the ApiToken, and user values. For example, in C#, you could use turnContext.Activity.ChannelData to get those values in JSON:
"SlackMessage": {
"token": "............",
"team_id": "<TEAM ID>",
"event": {
"type": "message",
"text": "thanks",
"user": "<USER WHO MESSAGED>",
"channel": "............",
"channel_type": "channel"
"type": "event_callback",
"event_id": ""............",
"event_time": 1553119134,
"authed_users": [
Then, using those two pieces of information, you can then retrieve info from Slack.<ACTUAL TOKEN HERE>&user=<USER WHO MESSAGED>&pretty=1
And get a response that has the info you need:
"ok": true,
"user": {
"team_id": "<TEAM ID>",
"real_name": "Dana V",
Ideally, you would would probably want to have bot user state setup and check that first, then if not there, then make the API call to Slack, then store in state. Therefore further requests don't need to go to Slack, but will just pull from the state store.
Basically, you could/should do this in the onTurn event. First, create your user state storage such as here.
Then you could check for that value and write to it if not populated. This example on simple prompts, might be helpful. You won't need to prompt for your user's name, as this example does, but does read/write username from state. You could still use dialogs, but you won't need them for the name prompting as you are doing that dynamically.
You can see here where username is being set and here where it is being retrieved. In this case, it is in the dialogs, but again; you would/could just do in the turn context (using logic to get and if not there, set).

I found the solution by priting the whole session object, which is having all the required informaiton. This could be same as mentioned by Dana above, but after debugging, this follwing made simple without making any changes.
var slackID =
With above, I am able to identify the user.


MS Bot Framework Direct Line API 3.0: Get starting message

I published a bot using the Azure bot framework to the Azure cloud servers, and made an application that uses the Direct Line API 3.0 to send user responses and receive bot messages through HTTP requests. Everything works except that I'm not sure how to get the starting message of the bot at the start of the conversation. I open the conversation with the /v3/directline/conversations endpoint, but I'm not sure how to receive the first message of the bot (that is normally sent without any user interaction). A message request after opening the conversation doesn't include any bot responses, but the next message request after sending the first user input includes the first two messages of the bot (starting message and response to the user).
EDIT: From reading this I came to the conclusion that it will be easier to just use a custom event as a trigger for the welcome message. I updated my bot as follows to reflect this within bot composer, adding a new CUSTOM event trigger with a test response message:
However, I still can't seem to trigger this event via the Direct Line API. Currently, I send a request as follows, following the event activity structure:
"type": "event",
"channelId": "directline",
"from": { "id": "UnityUserId", "name": "Unity User 1" },
"value": "test",
"name": "welcome"
I then get a response with ID, normally indicating that the request was successfull. However, upon requesting the bot response messages, I get the following:
"activities": [
"type": "event",
"id": "5FZsHpWBxm1hjhWQYY7gr-eu|0000000",
"timestamp": "2022-04-09T14:39:15.90169Z",
"serviceUrl": "",
"channelId": "directline",
"from": {
"id": "UnityUserId",
"name": "Unity User 1"
"conversation": {
"id": "5FZsHpWBxm1hjhWQYY7gr-eu"
"value": "test",
"name": "welcome"
"watermark": "0"
Indicating that the bot has no responses, which doesn't seem quite right when looking at the bot composer screenshot above. Is there something wrong with my current method?
The onMembersAdded event usually does the trick. Sample code is in
I thought I remembered seeing the bot's welcome message when using Direct Line, so I tried to quickly repro it again. I connected a simple echo bot via Direct Line. Then I created a conversation, sent a simple message, and then retrieved all activities (all via REST calls), and the bot's welcome message was indeed present in the response, as you can see in this screenshot:
Perhaps you should use these Direct Line 3.0 API reference docs as opposed to the one you linked above. I followed these steps using the basic Echo bot sample, Postman, and a bot resource in Azure for simple and easy testing, but you could use a full application if you wish.

Instagram Subscription API always creates just 1 subscription and overwrites the other

I finally figured out how to create subscription. And it works fine, I get pushes from Instagram everytime I add new media.
Now the problem is, I've set up a mechanism so that our users can sync their insta to our site. So I should be able to create multiple subscriptions to the same client_id. From what I understand subscriptions is built to do just that. Now when another user comes along and creates a new subscription the other one (created with another instagram account) is getting deleted and replaced. I receive a successful instagram subscription with the exact same subscription_id as the one for my other subscription. When I list the subscriptions with curl I only see 1 subscription with the subscription_id 0.
{"data": [{"id": 0, "type": "subscription", "object": "user", "object_id": null, "aspect": "media", "subscription_id": 0, "callback_url": "**callbackurlReplacedForSecurityReasons"}], "meta": {"code": 200}}
How can this be?
From the docs the call to create the subscription looks like this:
curl -F 'client_id=CLIENT-ID' \
-F 'client_secret=CLIENT-SECRET' \
-F 'object=user' \
-F 'aspect=media' \
-F 'verify_token=myVerifyToken' \
-F 'callback_url=http://YOUR-CALLBACK/URL' \
Now I've set the verify_token to a unique string for each call in order to test if that was the problem as the doc said it should be individual for every request but it did not matter, same problem.
The problem exists for Sandbox mode and Live mode.
Is there anything else I am missing here? Am I getting this whole feature wrong? Is there only a way to create 1 subscription per client_id but if so why does it give me back a subscription_id?
Ok I've figured it out myself by surfing the web somewhere I've found a hint that enlighted me :D It is really poorly documented how subscriptions work on instagram side.
I was getting that feature completely wrong. My understanding was, that I have to create a subscription per user and if the user don't want it anymore he just deletes it.
How it really works is as follows:
You create 1 subscription for the whole client (not every user). Each user just has to authorize the application and THATS IT! Your callback method will now receive all updates of those users who have authorized your client. If they don't want it anymore they either have to deauthorize your client (which is very unlikely that he will find that option ;)) or you just don't react to incoming messages anymore.
A bit off topic but good to know:
I also want to add the structure of the json that is coming from insta to your callback because this is not documented on instagram side (you have no idea what you get without testing it yourself)
the json you receive when new media is posted looks as follows:
"object": "user",
"object_id": "4857061161",
"changed_aspect": "media",
"time": 1502958709,
"data": {
"media_id": "1583254852313311736_4857061161"
"subscription_id": 0
object_id is the instagram user id which you can use to differentiate between users and map to your internal user in the authorization process!
Also notice that it is wrapped in an array for whatever reason...

How can I request the user's location in

I'm creating an agent using and using a PHP script as a webhook. The documentation doesn't make it clear on how to do it, but I'm wanting to request permission to the user's coarse location so they won't have to provide their location for requests.
I've tried echo-ing the JSON they mention, and putting it in as a custom payload for the default welcome intent, but neither of those seem to prompt me for permission to use my location.
How do I ask a user for permission to get their location?
EDIT: If I set my PHP script to respond to intent.welcome with the following JSON:
"data": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"systemIntent": {
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION",
"data": {
"#type": "",
"optContext": "To provide an accurate experience, ",
"permissions": ["DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION"]
The app asks me "To provide an accurate experience, , I'll just need to get your street address from Google. Is that ok?"
However if I say "yes", then the app keeps asking things like "Sorry, could you say that again?", so I can't actually get it to do anything.
You need to create a new Intent with the Event set to actions_intent_PERMISSION. (See image below.)
When this Event is triggered, your webhook will be called with the JSON field in the request body populated with the location information you've requested.

Using customer object information in private app

I'm currently trying to build a private app which will allow me to create a form which customers can use to update info like name, email address, etc.
I know that I can access this information in my template through the customer object:
I also believe that I can send http requests through the admin api which would allow me to update a given customer object:
This is an example PUT request from that page
PUT /admin/customers/#{id}.json
"customer": {
"id": 207119551,
"email": "",
"note": "Customer is a great guy"
I think that in order to use this api (or at least use it securely) I need to use a private app. I found the following npm package which I would use to create the private app:
This is an example of a PUT request from that page (I think this can be modified for customers):
var put_data = {
"product": {
"body_html": "<strong>Updated!</strong>"
Shopify.put('/admin/products/1234567.json', put_data, function(err, data, headers){
Does anyone have any experience doing this as I'm unsure about a few things.
Will this PUT request be called when the url is loaded? So if I have an
<a> tag with href="/admin/products/1234567.json the request would load?
If so, this seems quite useless with the customer ID hardcoded in. Can I pass in the customer ID of whoever is logged in and clicking the link and use that as the last part of the request url somehow? In addition to this would it be possible to grab the form data that the user enters to use as the value for "email" or "note?
You should check out this answer shopify app proxy: send customer data or only customer ID for some pointers, discussion and links.
tl/dr; Don't rely on only the logged in customer id or you'll be opening yourself up to easy hackery.
So bascially you update the customer with the PUT you outlined in your question.
To get the id securely you:
Create a form with the customer id and make sure you have a server generated hash of that customer id to thwart bots (that's the reference post)
You post the customer data to a an app via a proxy url
You update the customer via a PUT to a constructed url.

Slack API, get current location

Is there any method to get current user location. Let say I created some "slash" command /map. When I am calling this command - POST message being send to my nodejs server, and server returns some json data.
"channel": "#map",
"username": "test",
"unfurl_links": true,
"icon_emoji": ":world_map:",
"attachments": [
"fallback": "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
"pretext": "Beautiful Personalized Map Sharing",
"image_url": "",
"thumb_url": ""
Because I am authenticated I am able to get some Slack user info:
email etc..
How can I access Slack user lat, long if it is possible though
Currently there is nothing available in the user info to get the geographical position of a user from the Slack API.
Please refer to the Users Info Slack API documentation and the User Type documentation.
If you are expecting to create a slash command the slack application would have to have permissions to your devices location. Looking at the permissions on my android app id does not request permissions to the devices location.
Just spit-balling, there could be a way to do it. This is completely hypothetical simplified method. You would have to have a helper application on the device that has permissions to the location of the device. That app would listen for the /location /map request then post to the channel where the request came from.
