JWT Token auth using python requests for DockerHub - python-3.x

I found out that editing a full_description of a DockerHub repository can be done via a JavaScript API, and figured this would be a fun excuse to learn the requests package for python. The JavaScript API definitely works, e.g. using this simple docker image.
The JS API basically does
Send a POST request to https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login with the username and password. The server responds with a token.
Send a PATCH request to the specific https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/{user or org}/{repo}, making sure the header has Authorization: JWT {token}, and in this case with content body of {"full_description":"...value..."}.
What is troubling is that the PATCH request on the python side gets a 200 response back from the server (if you intentionally set a bad auth token, you get denied as expected). But it's response actually contains the current information (not the patched info).
The only "discoveries" I've made:
If you add the debug logging stuff, there's a 301. But this is the same URL for the javascript side, so it doesn't matter?
send: b'{"full_description": "TEST"}'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY\r\n'
The token received by doing a POST in requests is the same as if I GET to auth.docker.io as decribed in Getting a Bearer Token section here. Notably, I didn't specify a password (just did curl -X GET ...). This is not true. They are different, I don't know how I thought they were the same.
This second one makes me feel like I'm missing a step. Like I need to decode the token or something? I don't know what else to make of this, especially the 200 response from the PATCH despite no changes.
The code:
import json
from textwrap import indent
import requests
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = "<< SET THIS VALUE >>"
password = "<< SET THIS VALUE >>"
repo = "<< SET THIS VALUE >>"
base_url = "https://hub.docker.com/v2"
login_url = f"{base_url}/users/login"
repo_url = f"{base_url}/repositories/{username}/{repo}"
# NOTE: if I use a `with requests.Session()`, then I'll get
# CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect
# Because I think that csrftoken is only valid for login page (?)
# Get login token and create authorization header
print("==> Logging into DockerHub")
tok_req = requests.post(login_url, json={"username": username, "password": password})
token = tok_req.json()["token"]
headers = {"Authorization": f"JWT {token}"}
print(f"==> Sending PATCH request to {repo_url}")
payload = {"full_description": "TEST"}
patch_req = requests.patch(repo_url, headers=headers, json=payload)
print(f" Response (status code: {patch_req.status_code}):")
print(indent(json.dumps(patch_req.json(), indent=2), " "))

Additional information related to your CSRF problem when using requests.Session():
It seems that Docker Hub is not recognizing csrftoken named header/cookie (default name of the coming cookie), when making requests in this case.
Instead, when using header X-CSRFToken on the following requests, CSRF is identified as valid.
Maybe reason is cookie-to-header token pattern.
Once updating session header with cookie of login response
s.headers.update({"X-CSRFToken": s.cookies.get("csrftoken")})
There is no need to set JWT token manually anymore for further requests - token works as cookie already.
Sorry, no enough privileges to just comment, but I think this is relevant enough.

As it turns out the JWT {token} auth was valid the entire time. Apparently, you need a / at the end of the URL. Without it, nothing happens. LOL!
# ----------------------------------------------------V
repo_url = f"{base_url}/repositories/{username}/{repo}/"
As expected, the PATCH then responds with the updated description, not the old description. WOOOOT!
Important note: this is working for me as of January 15th 2020, but in my quest I came across this dockerhub issue that seems to indicate that if you have 2FA enabled on your account, you can no longer edit the description using a PATCH request. I don't have 2FA on my account, so I can (apparently). It's unclear what the future of that will be.
Related note: the JWT token has remained the same the entire time, so for any web novices like myself, don't share those ;)


How to make a HTTP Basic Authentication post request where password is generated by TOTP in node js

I have successfully completed the other parts of the challenge and am stuck on submitting the request.
please can anyone help me in making a POST request so that i can send in my solution. it's been a real struggle trust me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The submission has to follow these rules:
Build your solution request
First, construct a JSON string like below:
"github_url": "https://github.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT/GITHUB_REPOSITORY",
"contact_email": "YOUR_EMAIL"
Fill in your email address for YOUR_EMAIL, and the private Github
repository with your solution in YOUR_ACCOUNT/GITHUB_REPOSITORY.
Then, make an HTTP POST request to the following URL with the JSON
string as the body part.
Content type
The Content-Type: of the request must be application/json.
The URL is protected by HTTP Basic Authentication, which is explained
on Chapter 2 of RFC2617, so you have to provide an Authorization:
header field in your POST request.
For the userid of HTTP Basic Authentication, use the same email address you put in the JSON string.
For the password , provide a 10-digit time-based one time password conforming to RFC6238 TOTP.
Authorization password
For generating the TOTP password, you will need to use the following
You have to generate a correct TOTP password according to RFC6238
TOTP's Time Step X is 30 seconds. T0 is 0.
Use HMAC-SHA-512 for the hash function, instead of the default HMAC-SHA-1.
Token shared secret is the userid followed by ASCII string value "APICHALLENGE" (not including double quotations).
Shared secret examples
For example, if the userid is "email#example.com", the token shared
secret is "email#example.comAPICHALLENGE" (without quotes).
If your POST request succeeds, the server returns HTTP status code 200

PRIVACY Card API Authorization

I have recently been working with API's but I am stuck on one thing and it's been holding me back for a few days.
I am trying to work with Privacy's API and I do not understand the Authentication/Authorization process. When I enter the url in a browser I get the error "message": "Please provide API key in Authorization header", even when I use the correct format of Authorization. I also get an error when I make a request in Python. The format I'm using for the url is https://api.privacy.com/v1/card "Authorization: api-key:".
If someone could explain how to work this or simply give an example of how I would make a request through Python3. The API information is in the link below.
Thank you in advance.
This is the code I am using in Python. After I run this I receive a 401 status code.
import requests
headers={'Authorization': 'api-key:200e6036-6894-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'}
url = 'https://api.privacy.com/v1/card'
r = requests.get(url)
print("Status code:", r.status_code)
You need to add the authentication header to the get call. It isn't enough to include it in a header variable. You need to provide those headers to requests
import requests
response = requests.get('https://api.privacy.com/v1/card', headers={'Authorization': 'api-key 65a9566c-XXXXXXXXXXXX'})

Spotify API Token Scope Issue

I have been at this for sometime now and wanted to see if anyone had and idea of what I could be doing wrong. What I am trying to do is add a song to a playlist using the provided Spotify Web APIs. According to the documentation on this https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/playlists/add-tracks-to-playlist/ I need to establish the scope of the user.
"adding tracks to the current user’s private playlist (including collaborative playlists) requires the playlist-modify-private scope" I have created the playlist as collaborative and I am using the login credentials of my personal account to reach this playlist I created. all this is under the same login.
What I am finding is that my scope is not getting added to my token on my call for my token causes a 403 error when I try to add the song.
Here is what that call looks like
here are the docs on using authorization to get the correct token.
further more if I go into the dev support here
and click the green try button and then request a new token it works.
Bottom line some how my request is not taking my scope request. Any Ideas?
To get the token with a specific scope you need to go to the authorize endpoint and get the code. The code is what you want to get to be able http post to the endpoint https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token and get a token with your desired scopes. You can simply get the code by pasting a url like this in your browser...
Only add %20 in between scopes if you have multiple ones
You will then be sent to spotify's website and they'll verify you want to do this. Once you verify it your browser will redirect you to what you set the redirect_uri to be in the url above. At the end of the url that you are sent to, you should be able to see the parameter name code with the code value assigned to it. You then get that code and put it in your http post body params to the https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token endpoint. Make sure you accurately follow the query params requirements in your post method.
An example of the post in python using the requests library:
authorization = requests.post(
auth=(client_id, client_secret),
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": <code>,
"redirect_uri": <redirect_uri>
authorization_JSON = authorization.json()
return authorization_JSON["access_token"]
In the end you should get a json that shows the scopes you set a long with a refresh the token later on to make more requests.
I know this answer is quite late but I was experiencing the same issue as well which is how I came across this question. I hope this helps anyone that sees this at a later date.
Source: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/#client-credentials-flow

DocuSign Authorization Code Grant flow returns invalid_grant error

The DocuSign documentation goes through an easy to follow authorization flow for code grant. I'm able to get the "code" from the initial GET request to /oath/auth but getting the tokens gives me an error of "invalid_grant" when I try in postman. I've followed the steps and have a request that looks like this using account-d.docusign.com for host:
POST /oauth/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Two other members of my team have also tried with their developer accounts and all are getting invalid_grant errors. Is this no longer supported or are there common errors associated with this error that we might be able to investigate?
Re-check all of your values.
I was also getting the same invalid_grant response and could not figure out why at first. It turns out that I had a typo in the Content-Type header. I was using application/x-www-form-urlencode instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
You may not be, but if you are submitting the exact Authorization Header as you've posted it here in your question (MjMwNTQ2YTctOWM1NS00MGFkLThmYmYtYWYyMDVkNTQ5NGFkOjMwODc1NTVlLTBhMWMtNGFhOC1iMzI2LTY4MmM3YmYyNzZlOQ==) it will fail with that message.
That is the base64 value for the sample integration key and sample secret key provided in their documentation. If you decode that string with an online base64decoder it will result in 230546a7-9c55-40ad-8fbf-af205d5494ad:3087555e-0a1c-4aa8-b326-682c7bf276e9. This is the same sample integration key and secret in the documentation.
Check the Authorization header you are submitting by encoding your integration key and secret (integrationKey:secret) using this online base64encoder. This will make sure the issue isn't with your base64 encoding of your integration key and secret. Once you have that value make sure your Authorization uses the word Basic before the value you got from this website. (Basic base64stringFromOnlineEncoder)
Check that the code your are submitting in the body of the post is not the sample code from their documentation. ey2dj3nd.AAAA39djasd3.dkn4449d21d is the sample code from their documentation. You may just be using that in your question as a placeholder but if you are submitting any of those values it will return invalid_grant. Make sure that the body of your post does not have any leading or trailing spaces.
Have the correct Content-Type set application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Have the correct Authorization header set Basic base64EncodedIntegrationKey:Secret
Have the correct body using the valid code received from the GET request to /oauth/auth with no leading or trailing spaces, making sure you're not using the values from your question.
If you are still having trouble and you are not doing a user application but are doing a service integration you can use Legacy Authentication to get your oAuth2 token.
Alternative Method using Legacy Authentication for Service Integrations
This method does not use a grant code. You pass in the integration key, username and password into the X-DocuSign-Authentication header in JSON format.
Demo Server: demo.docusign.net
Production Server: www.docusign.net API
Version: v2
POST https://{server}/restapi/{apiVersion}/oauth2/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-DocuSign-Authentication: {"IntegratorKey":"your_integrator_key","Password":"docusign_account_password","Username":"docusign_account_username"}
If you are building a user application that requires the user enter their docusign credentials to generate the token, this alternative will not work for you.
For anyone who is facing this error, I'd like to point out this note in the documentation:
Note: The obtained authorization code is only viable for 2 minutes. If more then two minutes pass between obtaining the authorization code and attempting to exchange it for an access token, the operation will fail.
I was struggling with the same error until I spotted the note and sped up my typing to meet the 2 minutes.
Hope it helps someone else.
In my case the problem was related to having set a wrong value for Content-Type header, namely "application/x-www-form-URIencoded" instead of the correct "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Note though that in my case the problem was not a "typo" but an excessive trust in DocuSign documentation.
Indeed the wrong Content-Type is, at the time of writing, suggested directly into the documentation page where they describe the Authorization Code Grant workflow, see the image below for the relevant part.
Hopefully they will fix the documentation soon but for the time being be careful not to blindly copy & paste the code from their examples without thinking, as I initially did.
anyone have an idea what is wrong here I am getting a BadRequest with the following
var client = new RestClient(ESIGNURL);
var request = new RestRequest("/oauth/token");
request.Method = Method.POST;
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(integrationkey+ ":" + secret)));
string body = "grant_type=authorization_code&code=" + code;
request.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", body, ParameterType.RequestBody);
var response = client.Execute(request);
I was getting this error as well. What I realized is I was appending the state at the end of the code before passing it to the oauth token endpoint.
This snippet is from Docusign explaining what are some other reasons for getting that error.
Invalid-error explanation
I just spent a day doing this (in NodeJS). I'll add a couple of things to the answers from before. First, I had to put:
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
in the header. Otherwise it gave me the message:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "unsupported_grant_type"
Second, the base64 encoding:
I used this in NodeJS and it worked
const integration_key = process.env.INTEGRATION_KEY;
const secret_key = process.env.SECRET_KEY;
const authinfo =
integration_key.toString("utf8") + ":" + secret_key.toString("utf8");
const buff2 = Buffer(authinfo, "utf8").toString("base64");
If you use "base64url" it dosen't work because it strips the == off of the end of the string. The = symbol is used as padding and apparently it's needed. You see a similar difference on this site https://www.base64encode.org/ when you toggle the url safe encoding option. If you don't have the padding on the end of your base64 encoded string (or if it's generally incorrect) you get this message:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "unauthorized_client"
Finally, if you're using Postman (I'm using DocuSign's Postman Collection) remember to reset and save the codeFromUrl variable after you update it. Otherwise it doesn't update and you get the message:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "expired_client_token"
This means the old URL code has expired and your new one didn't save.

Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing when requesting data using Flask-OAuth

I'm integrating Google's login with a Flask site using Flask-OAuth.
Everything is working fine. I can authorise the login and get a token back etc without any difficulties. But when I use Flask-OAuth's get method to request the logged in user's email address I get an error saying:
TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
I'm using Python3 and this has the smell of a Python version issue but I can't figure out what I'd need to change.
The code I'm using is this:
def get_additional_data(self):
access_token = session.get('oauth_token')
headers = {'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + access_token[0]}
return self.service.get(
'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo', None,
I'm not sure what I can encode in that request. Even if I don't pass the headers I get the same error (rather than an invalid request or something like that).
I've run 2to3 on oauth2/__init__.py and the tweaks is suggests are very minor and shouldn't prevent the code from running in Python 3. Also, everything else OAuth2 related is working.
The bad news is that the solution to this problem is switching to Flask-OAuthlib.
The good news is it required very few changes from Flask-OAuth to get it working.
