case-of / case expression with or in pattern matching possible? - haskell

I am learning haskell on my own. And was working on implementing a custom List data type using basic lists and case of.
So data structure is something similar to this
data List = List [String] | EmptyList deriving Show
now if I am doing case expressions for base case, I have to do two matchings. A simple example would be the size function
size :: List -> Int
size lst = case lst of
(List []) -> 0
EmptyList -> 0
(List (x:xs)) -> 1 + size (List xs)
Can't I do something like combining the two base cases of list being empty (List []) and EmptyList somehow to reduce redundancy?
size :: List -> Int
size lst = case lst of
(List []) | EmptyList -> 0
(List (x:xs)) -> 1 + size (List xs)
I have tried searching all over the net for this, but unfortunately wasn't able to find anything concrete over matching multiple patterns in one case.

First of all you should consider why you have separate constructors for List and EmptyList in the first place. The empty list clearly is already a special case of a list anyway, so this is an awkward redundancy. If anything, you should make it
import Data.List.NonEmpty
data List' a = NEList (NonEmpty a) | EmptyList
Another option that would work for this specific example is to make the empty case into a “catch-all pattern”:
size :: List -> Int
size lst = case lst of
(List (x:xs)) -> 1 + size (List xs)
_ -> 0
BTW there's no reason to use case here, you can also just write two function clauses:
size :: List -> Int
size (List (x:xs)) = 1 + size (List xs)
size _ = 0
Anyways – this is generally discouraged, because catch-all clauses are an easy place for hard to detect bugs to creep in if you extend your data type in the future.
Also possible, but even worse style is to use a boolean guard match – this can easily use lookups in a list of options, like
size lst | lst`elem`[EmptyList, List []] = 0
size (List (x:xs)) = 1 + size (List xs)
Equality checks should be avoided if possible; they introduce an Eq constraint which, quite needlessly, will require the elements to be equality-comparable. And often equality check is also more computationally expensive than a pattern match.
Another option if you can't change the data structure itself but would like to work with it as if List [] and EmptyList were the same thing would be to write custom pattern synonyms. This is a relatively recent feature of Haskell; it kind of pretends the data structure is actually different – like List' – from how it's really layed out.

In the comments, you say
there are no such functions [which should return different results for EmptyList and List []]
therefore I recommend merging these two constructors in the type itself:
data List = List [String] deriving Show
Now you no longer need to distinguish between EmptyList and List [] in functions that consume a List. point of fact, I would go even further and elide the definition entirely, simply using [String] everywhere instead. There is one exception to this: if you need to define an instance for a class that differs in behavior from [String]'s existing instance. In that exceptional case, defining a new type is sensible; but I would use newtype instead of data, for the usual efficiency and semantics reasons.


Recursively merge list of lists based on shared elements

I don't know what the official technical name is for what I'm trying to do so I'll try to explain it as best I can.
Given a list of lists:
[[2,3,4,5], [1,5,6], [7,8,9]]
I want to union only the lists that have atleast one common element. So basically something like this:
simUnion :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
simUnion list = --...
-- [[1,2,3,4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
The problem I'm running into is running a match process between each element. Basically this is like the old math class problem where each person in a room must shake the hand of each other person. Ordinarily I'd accomplish this with a nested for loop, but how can I do this using Haskell's recursion?
Any help at all would be great!
If there is a finite number of distinct elements, you can turn the task inside out and make a Ord elem => Map elem [[elem]] out of your [[elem]] and then start iteratively merging the elements by the next algorithm:
while map isn't empty, take away a key, put it in the queue
get all the groups containing key popped from the queue
concat them and put into the queue (and in some accumulator, too)
if the queue got empty, the group is finished; take another key from the map
Note: The following post is written in literate Haskell. Save it as *.lhs and load it in GHCi. Also note that the discussed algorithm has runtime O(n²) and isn't optimal. A better approach would use union find or similar.
First, let us think about the tools we need if we want to group a single list x with the rest of the lists xs. We need to separate between the lists from xs that have an element in common with x, and we need to build the union of such lists. Therefore, we should import some functions from Data.List:
> import Data.List (partition, union)
Next, we need to check whether two lists are suitable to get merged:
> intersects :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
> intersects xs ys = any (`elem` ys) xs
Now we have all the tools at hand to define simUnion. The empty case is clear: if we don't have any lists, the result doesn't have any list either:
> simUnion :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
> simUnion [] = []
Suppose we have at least two lists. We take the first one and check whether they have any element in common with any other list. We can do so by using partition:
> simUnion (x:xs) =
> let (common, noncommon) = partition (intersects x) xs
Now, common :: [[a]] will only contain those lists that have at least one element in common. There can be two cases now: either common is empty, and our list x has no element in common with any list from xs:
> in if null common
> then x : simUnion xs
We ignore uncommon here, since xs == uncommon in this case. In the other case, we need to build the union of all lists in common and x. This can be done with foldr union. However, this new list must be used in simUnion again, since it may have new intersections. For example, in
simUnion [[1,2], [2,3], [3,4]]
you want to end up with [[1,2,3,4]], not [[1,2,3],[3,4]]:
> else simUnion (foldr union x common : noncommon)
Note that the result will be unsorted, but you can map sort over it as a last step.
I have two main recommendations:
Don't think of it in terms of recursion! Instead, make liberal use of library utility functions.
Use appropriate data structures! Since you're talking about membership tests and unions, sets (from the Data.Set module) sound like they would be a better choice.
Applying those ideas, here's a fairly simple (though perhaps very naïve and suboptimal) solution:
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
simUnion :: Set (Set Int) -> Set (Set Int)
simUnion sets = outer sets
where outer :: Set Int -> Set Int
outer set = unionMap middle set
where middle :: Int -> Set Int
middle i = unionMap inner sets
where inner :: Set Int -> Set Int
inner set
| i `Set.member` set = set
| otherwise = Set.empty
-- | Utility function analogous to the 'concatMap' list function, but
-- for sets.
unionMap :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Set b) -> Set a -> Set b
unionMap f as = Set.unions (map f (Set.toList as))
Now using your example:
-- | This evaluates to:
-- >>> simUnion sampleData
-- fromList [fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6],fromList [7,8,9]]
sampleData :: Set (Set Int)
sampleData = Set.fromList (map Set.fromList sampleData')
where sampleData' :: [[Int]]
sampleData' = [[2,3,4,5], [1,5,6], [7,8,9]]
Ordinarily I'd accomplish this with a nested for loop, but how can I do this using Haskell's recursion?
You don't use recursion directly. You use higher-order functions like and unionMap. Note that these functions are analogous to loops, and that we're using them in a nested manner. Rule of thumb: imperative for loops very often translate to functional map, filter, reduce or similar operations. Nested imperative loops correspondingly often translate to nested use of such functions.

Why does Haskell let me return an empty list where a list inside a list is expected?

I'm really new to Haskell and have been going through the 99 problems translation. This is my solution to number 9:
pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack (xs)
| null xs = []
| otherwise =
let (matched, unmatched) = span (== head xs) xs
in [matched] ++ pack unmatched
I don't get how I'm allowed to do | null xs = [] when the type signature says the function returns a [[]]. I've seen other solutions to the same problem do the same thing.
I mean, I'm not complaining, but is this something specifically allowed? Are there any caveats I have to look out for?
I'm using the GHCi on a default Windows 7 Haskell Platform 2013.2.0.0 installation, if that helps.
[] is an empty list. It has the following type:
[] :: [b] -- Note: I'm using b instead of a because your function already uses a
That b can be everything. Can you choose a b such that [b] ~ [[a]]? (~ is equality for types)? Yes, just use b ~ [a] and the type of [] becomes:
[] :: [b] :: [[a]] -- When b ~ [a]
So [] is also a value of type [[a]]. [] is a valid value for any type of list, be it a list of a's or a list of lists of a's.
[Integer] is the type meaning "a list of integer values". Can there be a value in this type that doesn't actually contain any integers? Yes, the empty list [] contains zero integers.
[[Integer]] is the type meaning "a list of lists of integer values". Can there be a value in this type that doesn't actually contain any lists? Yes, the empty list [] contains zero lists.
Note that [] with type [[Integer]] is quite different from [[]] with the same type. The first represents the empty list of lists. The second is a non-empty list; it contains exactly one element, which is itself the empty list. A box containing one empty box is not the same thing as a box containing nothing at all! We could of course have [[], [], [], []] as well, where the outer non-empty list contains several elements, each of which is a empty list.
If it helps, think of the type [[Integer]] as representing list of rows, where each row is a list of integers. For example, the following:
11, 12, 13;
21, 22, 23, 24;
is one way of visualising the [[Integer]] value [[11, 12, 13], [21, 22, 23, 24], [31]], where I've used commas to separate elements of the inner lists, and also semicolons to terminate each row (also line breaks to make it easy to read).
In that scheme, [[]] is the list consisting of one empty row. so you'd write it as just a single line ending in a semicolon. Whereas [] is a list with no rows at all, not even empty ones. So you'd write it as a blank file with no semicolons.
If that helped, then it should be easy to see how that applies to more abstract types like [[a]]. In general tough, [] with some list type (regardless of what type is written between the brackets) is always the list consisting of zero of the element type; it doesn't matter whether the element type itself is a list (or anything else with a concept of "empty").
Because [] is of type [[a]] in this case: it is a list containing exactly 0 alpha lists.
In general, the empty list can match any list type because every element (all zero of them) is of the correct type.
You already have a lot of great examples, but this might be a useful way to think about it.
Consider a type isomorphic to Haskell's lists, but without the syntactic sugar:
data List a = Nil
| Cons a (List a)
Each type in Haskell is classified by its kind. This List type is of kind * -> *, which you can think of as a sort of type-level function that takes a basic type (of kind *) and returns another basic type.
You'll notice that the Cons constructor is also parameterized this way; it will be different for every different type a passed to the List type. But the Nil constructor is not parameterized that way; this means that the empty list constructor is the same for every type a that you may pass to List a. Nil remains polymorphic even when List a is constrained to a single type because its value does not depend on what a we choose!
So, the type of Nil is List a. This corresponds to [] in standard list notation. But how does [[]] translate to this desugared list type? The value is Cons Nil Nil and the type is List (List a)! In this syntax it is clearly not an empty list; it is a single-element list containing the empty list. It's still fully polymorphic, since nothing has yet constrained a to a single type, but it's definitely not empty.
The confusing thing about your example is that the name of the overall list type is the same as one of its constructors. If you see [[a]] in code you have to look at whether it's in a type context or a value context. In the former, it would mean (in our desugared notation) the type List (List a) while in the latter it would mean the value Cons (Cons a Nil) Nil.
This is not an answer, but may I suggest using pattern matches instead of head and null?
pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack xs = case xs of
[] -> []
x:_ ->
let (matched, unmatched) = span (== x) xs
in [matched] ++ pack unmatched
This has the benefit the compiler will statically check that you don't access the first element of the list when the list is empty. Generally, use of head is considered non-idiomatic.
The following would be perhaps instructive: instead of
pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack (xs)
| null xs = []
try to write it thus:
pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack (xs)
| null xs = xs -- since xs is the empty list (WRONG!)
Based on the following (wrong) reasoning: We know that we must return the empty list when the argument is empty, hence, we can save typing [] (which would require pressing AltGr, for example on german keyboards) and return the argument right away -- it is the empty list, after all, as the null check confirmed.
The type checker will disagree, however, on this point.
As a matter of fact, for the typechecker there exist infinitely many different empty lists, each possible list element type has its own empty list. In most cases, however, the type checker will identify the correct one when you give him [] - after all, in our example it knows that it must be a list of lists of as from the type signature.

Getting constant length retrieve time constant with immutable lists in a functional programming context

I am currently facing the problem of having to make my calculations based on the length of a given list. Having to iterate over all the elements of the list to know its size is a big performance penalty as I'm using rather big lists.
What are the suggested approaches to the problem?
I guess I could always carry a size value together with the list so I know beforehand its size without having to compute it at the call site but that seems a brittle approach. I could also define a own type of list where each node has as property its the lists' size but then I'd lose the leverage provided by my programming language's libraries for standard lists.
How do you guys handle this on your daily routine?
I am currently using F#. I am aware I can use .NET's mutable (array) lists, which would solve the problem. I am way more interested, though, in the purely immutable functional approach.
The built-in F# list type doesn't have any caching of the length and there is no way to add that in some clever way, so you'll need to define your own type. I think that writing a wrapper for the existing F# list type is probably the best option.
This way, you can avoid explicit conversions - when you wrap the list, it will not actually copy it (as in svick's implementation), but the wrapper can easily cache the Length property:
open System.Collections
type LengthList<'T>(list:list<'T>) =
let length = lazy list.Length
member x.Length = length.Value
member x.List = list
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (list :> IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
interface seq<'T> with //'
member x.GetEnumerator() = (list :> seq<_>).GetEnumerator()
module LengthList =
let ofList l = LengthList<_>(l)
let ofSeq s = LengthList<_>(List.ofSeq s)
let toList (l:LengthList<_>) = l.List
let length (l:LengthList<_>) = l.Length
The best way to work with the wrapper is to use LengthList.ofList for creating LengthList from a standard F# list and to use LengthList.toList (or just the List) property before using any functions from the standard List module.
However, it depends on the complexity of your code - if you only need length in a couple of places, then it may be easier to keep it separately and use a tuple list<'T> * int.
How do you guys handle this on your daily routine?
We don't, because this isn't a problem in daily routine. It sounds like a problem perhaps in limited domains.
If you created the lists recently, then you've probably already done O(N) work, so walking the list to get its length is probably not a big deal.
If you're making a few very large lists that are then not 'changing' much (obviously never changing, but I mean changing set of references to heads of lists that are used in your domain/algorithm), then it may make sense to just have a dictionary off to the side of reference-to-list-head*length tuples, and consult the dictionary when asking for lengths (doing the real work to walk them when needed, but caching results for future asks about the same list).
Finally, if you really are dealing with some algorithm that needs to be constantly updating the lists in play and constantly consulting the lengths, then create your own list-like data type (yes, you'll also need to write map/filter and any others).
(Very generally, I think it is typically best to use the built-in data structures 99.99% of the time. In the 0.01% of the time where you are developing an algorithm or bit of code that needs to be very highly optimized, then almost always you need to abandon built-in data structures (which are good enough for most cases) and use a custom data structure designed to solve the exact problem you are working on. Look to wikipedia or Okasaki's "'Purely Functional Data Structures" for ideas and inspriation in that case. But rarely go to that case.)
I don't see why carying the length around is a brittle approach. Try something like this (Haskell):
data NList a = NList Int [a]
nNil :: NList [a]
nNil = NList 0 []
nCons :: a -> NList a -> NList a
nCons x (NList n xs) = NList (n+1) (x:xs)
nHead :: NList a -> a
nHead (NList _ (x:_)) = x
nTail :: NList a -> NList a
nTail (NList n (_:xs)) = NList (n-1) xs
convert :: [a] -> NList a
convert xs = NList (length xs) xs
and so on. If this is in a library or module, you can make it safe (I think) by not exporting the constructor NList.
It may also be possible to coerce GHC into memoizing length, but I'm not sure how or when.
In F#, most List functions have an equivalent Seq functions. That means, you can just implement your own immutable linked list that carries the length with each node. Something like this:
type MyList<'T>(item : Option<'T * MyList<'T>>) =
let length =
match item with
| None -> 0
| Some (_, tail) -> tail.Length + 1
member this.Length = length
member private this.sequence =
match item with
| None -> Seq.empty
| Some (x, tail) ->
seq {
yield x
yield! tail.sequence
interface seq<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator() =
member this.GetEnumerator() =
(this.sequence :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
module MyList =
let rec ofList list =
match list with
| [] -> MyList None
| head::tail -> MyList(Some (head, ofList tail))

Does there exist something like (xs:x)

I'm new to Haskell. I know I can create a reverse function by doing this:
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse [] = []
reverse (x:xs) = (Main.reverse xs) ++ [x]
Is there such a thing as (xs:x) (a list concatenated with an element, i.e. x is the last element in the list) so that I put the last list element at the front of the list?
rotate :: [a] -> [a]
rotate [] = []
rotate (xs:x) = [x] ++ xs
I get these errors when I try to compile a program containing this function:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a = [a]
When generalising the type(s) for `rotate'
I'm also new to Haskell, so my answer is not authoritative. Anyway, I would do it using last and init:
Prelude> last [1..10] : init [1..10]
Prelude> [ last [1..10] ] ++ init [1..10]
The short answer is: this is not possible with pattern matching, you have to use a function.
The long answer is: it's not in standard Haskell, but it is if you are willing to use an extension called View Patterns, and also if you have no problem with your pattern matching eventually taking longer than constant time.
The reason is that pattern matching is based on how the structure is constructed in the first place. A list is an abstract type, which have the following structure:
data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show) -- this is just so you can print the List
When you declare a type like that you generate three objects: a type constructor List, and two data constructors: Empty and Cons. The type constructor takes types and turns them into other types, i.e., List takes a type a and creates another type List a. The data constructor works like a function that returns something of type List a. In this case you have:
Empty :: List a
representing an empty list and
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
which takes a value of type a and a list and appends the value to the head of the list, returning another list. So you can build your lists like this:
empty = Empty -- similar to []
list1 = Cons 1 Empty -- similar to 1:[] = [1]
list2 = Cons 2 list1 -- similar to 2:(1:[]) = 2:[1] = [2,1]
This is more or less how lists work, but in the place of Empty you have [] and in the place of Cons you have (:). When you type something like [1,2,3] this is just syntactic sugar for 1:2:3:[] or Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Empty)).
When you do pattern matching, you are "de-constructing" the type. Having knowledge of how the type is structured allows you to uniquely disassemble it. Consider the function:
head :: List a -> a
head (Empty) = error " the empty list have no head"
head (Cons x xs) = x
What happens on the type matching is that the data constructor is matched to some structure you give. If it matches Empty, than you have an empty list. If if matches Const x xs then x must have type a and must be the head of the list and xs must have type List a and be the tail of the list, cause that's the type of the data constructor:
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
If Cons x xs is of type List a than x must be a and xs must be List a. The same is true for (x:xs). If you look to the type of (:) in GHCi:
> :t (:)
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
So, if (x:xs) is of type [a], x must be a and xs must be [a] . The error message you get when you try to do (xs:x) and then treat xs like a list, is exactly because of this. By your use of (:) the compiler infers that xs have type a, and by your use of
++, it infers that xs must be [a]. Then it freaks out cause there's no finite type a for which a = [a] - this is what he's trying to tell you with that error message.
If you need to disassemble the structure in other ways that don't match the way the data constructor builds the structure, than you have to write your own function. There are two functions in the standard library that do what you want: last returns the last element of a list, and init returns all-but-the-last elements of the list.
But note that pattern matching happens in constant time. To find out the head and the tail of a list, it doesn't matter how long the list is, you just have to look to the outermost data constructor. Finding the last element is O(N): you have to dig until you find the innermost Cons or the innermost (:), and this requires you to "peel" the structure N times, where N is the size of the list.
If you frequently have to look for the last element in long lists, you might consider if using a list is a good idea after all. You can go after Data.Sequence (constant time access to first and last elements), Data.Map (log(N) time access to any element if you know its key), Data.Array (constant time access to an element if you know its index), Data.Vector or other data structures that match your needs better than lists.
Ok. That was the short answer (:P). The long one you'll have to lookup a bit by yourself, but here's an intro.
You can have this working with a syntax very close to pattern matching by using view patterns. View Patterns are an extension that you can use by having this as the first line of your code:
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
The instructions of how to use it are here:
With view patterns you could do something like:
view :: [a] -> (a, [a])
view xs = (last xs, init xs)
someFunction :: [a] -> ...
someFunction (view -> (x,xs)) = ...
than x and xs will be bound to the last and the init of the list you provide to someFunction. Syntactically it feels like pattern matching, but it is really just applying last and init to the given list.
If you're willing to use something different from plain lists, you could have a look at the Seq type in the containers package, as documented here. This has O(1) cons (element at the front) and snoc (element at the back), and allows pattern matching the element from the front and the back, through use of Views.
"Is there such a thing as (xs:x) (a list concatenated with an element, i.e. x is the last element in the list) so that I put the last list element at the front of the list?"
No, not in the sense that you mean. These "patterns" on the left-hand side of a function definition are a reflection of how a data structure is defined by the programmer and stored in memory. Haskell's built-in list implementation is a singly-linked list, ordered from the beginning - so the pattern available for function definitions reflects exactly that, exposing the very first element plus the rest of the list (or alternatively, the empty list).
For a list constructed in this way, the last element is not immediately available as one of the stored components of the list's top-most node. So instead of that value being present in pattern on the left-hand side of the function definition, it's calculated by the function body onthe right-hand side.
Of course, you can define new data structures, so if you want a new list that makes the last element available through pattern-matching, you could build that. But there's be some cost: Maybe you'd just be storing the list backwards, so that it's now the first element which is not available by pattern matching, and requires computation. Maybe you're storing both the first and last value in the structures, which would require additional storage space and bookkeeping.
It's perfectly reasonable to think about multiple implementations of a single data structure concept - to look forward a little bit, this is one use of Haskell's class/instance definitions.
Reversing as you suggested might be much less efficient. Last is not O(1) operation, but is O(N) and that mean that rotating as you suggested becomes O(N^2) alghorhim.
Your first version has O(n) complexity. Well it is not, becuase ++ is also O(N) operation
you should do this like
rotate l = rev l []
rev [] a = a
rev (x:xs) a = rev xs (x:a)
source :
In your latter example, x is in fact a list. [x] becomes a list of lists, e.g. [[1,2], [3,4]].
(++) wants a list of the same type on both sides. When you are using it, you're doing [[a]] ++ [a] which is why the compiler is complaining. According to your code a would be the same type as [a], which is impossible.
In (x:xs), x is the first item of the list (the head) and xs is everything but the head, i.e., the tail. The names are irrelevant here, you might as well call them (head:tail).
If you really want to take the last item of the input list and put that in the front of the result list, you could do something like:
rotate :: [a] -> [a]
rotate [] = []
rotate lst = (last lst):(rotate $ init lst)
N.B. I haven't tested this code at all as I don't have a Haskell environment available at the moment.

Type-conditional controls in Haskell

I'm going through the 99 Haskell problems to build my proficiency with the language. On problem 7 ("Flatten a nested list structure"), I found myself wanting to define a conditional behavior based on the type of argument passed to a function. That is, since
*Main> :t 1
1 :: (Num t) => t
*Main> :t [1,2]
[1,2] :: (Num t) => [t]
*Main> :t [[1],[2]]
[[1],[2]] :: (Num t) => [[t]]
(i.e. lists nested at different levels have different data types) it seems like I should be able to write a function that can read the type of the argument, and then behave accordingly. My first attempt was along these lines:
listflatten l = do
if (:t l) /= ((Num t) => [t]) then
listflatten (foldl (++) [] l)
else id l
But when I try to do that, Haskell returns a parse error. Is Haskell flexible enough to allow this sort of type manipulation, do I need to find another way?
1. Use pattern matching instead
You can solve that problem without checking for data types dynamically. In fact, it is very rarely needed in Haskell. Usually you can use pattern matching instead.
For example, if you have a type
data List a = Elem a | Nested [List a]
you can pattern match like
flatten (Elem x) = ...
flatten (Nested xs) = ...
data List a = Elem a | Nested [List a]
deriving (Show)
nested = Nested [Elem 1, Nested [Elem 2, Elem 3, Nested [Elem 4]], Elem 5]
main = print $ flatten nested
flatten :: List a -> [a]
flatten (Elem x) = [x]
flatten (Nested lists) = concat . map flatten $ lists
map flatten flattens every inner list, thus it behaves like [List a] -> [[a]], and we produce a list of lists here. concat merges all lists together (concat [[1],[2,3],[4]] gives [1,2,3,4]). concat . map flatten is the same as concatMap flatten.
2. To check types dynamically, use Data.Typeable
And if on some rare occasion (not in this problem) you really need to check types dynamically, you can use Data.Typeable type class and its typeOf function. :t works only in GHCI, it is not part of the language.
ghci> :m + Data.Typeable
ghci> typeOf 3 == typeOf "3"
ghci> typeOf "a" == typeOf "b"
Likely, you will need to use DeriveDataTypeable extension too.
(Sorry about the length—I go a little bit far afield/in excessive depth. The CliffsNotes version is "No, you can't really do what you want because types aren't values and we can't give your function a sensible type; use your own data type.". The first and the fifth paragraph, not counting this one or the code block, explain the core of what I mean by that first part, and the rest of the answer should provide some clarification/detail.)
Roughly speaking, no, this is not possible, for two reasons. The first is the type-dispatch issue. The :t command is a feature (an enormously useful one) of GHCi, and isn't a Haskell function. Think about why: what type would it have? :t :: a -> ?? Types themselves aren't values, and thus don't have a type. It's two different worlds. So the way you're trying to do this isn't possible. Also note that you have a random do. This is bad—do notation is a syntactic sugar for monadic computation, and you aren't doing any of that. Get rid of it!
Why is this? Haskell has two kinds polymorphism, and the one we're concerned with at the moment is parametric polymorphism. This is what you see when you have a type like concat :: [[a]] -> a. That a says that one single definition of concat must be usable for every possible a from now until the end of time. How on earth would you type flatten using this scheme? It's just not possible.
You're trying to call a different function, defined ad-hoc, for different kinds of data. This is called, shockingly, ad-hoc polymorphism. For instance, in C++, you could define the following function:
template <typename T>
void flatten(vector<T>& v) { ... }
template <typename T>
void flatten(vector< vector<T> >& v) { ... }
This would allow you do different things for different types. You could even have template <> void flatten(int) { ... }! You can accomplish this in Haskell by using type classes such as Num or Show; the whole point of a type signature like Show a => a -> String is that a different function can be called for different as. And in fact, you can take advantage of this to get a partial solution to your problem…but before we do, let's look at the second problem.
This issue is with the list you are trying to feed in. Haskell's list type is defined as (roughly) data [a] = [] | a : [a]. In other words, every element of a list must have the same type; a list of ints, [Int], contains only ints, Int; and a list of lists of ints, [[Int]], contains only lists of ints, [Int]. The structure [1,2,[3,4],5] is illegal! Reading your code, I think you understand this; however, there's another ramification. For similar reasons, you can't write a fully-generic flatten function of type flatten :: [...[a]...] -> [a]. Your function also has to be able to deal with arbitrary nesting depth, which still isn't possible with a list. You need [a], [[a]], and so on to all be the same type!
Thus, to get all of the necessary properties, you want a different type. The type you want has a different property: it contains either nothing, a single element followed by the rest of the value, or a nested list of elements followed by the rest of the value. In other words, something like
data NList a = Nil
| a :> NList a
| (NList a) :>> NList a
deriving (Eq, Show)
infixr 5 :>, :>>
Then, instead of the list [1,2,3] == 1 : 2 : 3 : [], you would write 1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil; instead of Lisp's (1 (2 3) 4 ()), you would write
1 :> (2 :> 3 :> Nil) :>> 4 :> Nil :>> Nil. You can even begin to define functions to manipulate it:
nhead :: NList a -> Either a [a]
nhead Nil = error "nhead: Empty NList."
nhead (h :> _) = Left a
nhead (h :>> _) = Right a
ntail :: NList a -> NList a
ntail Nil = error "nhead: Empty NList."
ntail (_ :> t) = t
ntail (_ :>> t) = t
Admittedly, you might find this a bit clunky (or perhaps not), so you might try to think about your type differently. Another option, which the Haskell translation of the 99 problems uses, is to realize that everything in a nested list is either a single item or a list of nested lists. This translation gives you
data NestedList a = Elem a
| List [NestedList a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
The two above lists then become List [Elem 1, Elem 2, Elem 3] and List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, Elem 3], Elem 4, List []]. As for how to flatten them—since you're trying to learn from the 99 problems, that I won't say :) And after all, you seem to have a handle on that part of the problem.
Now, let's return to type classes. I lied a bit when I said that you couldn't write something which took an arbitrarily-nested list—you can, in fact, using type classes and some GHC extensions. Now, before I continue, I should say: don't use this! Seriously. The other technique is almost definitely a better choice. However, this technique is cool, and so I will present it here. Consider the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
class Flattenable f e where
flatten :: f -> [e]
instance Flattenable a a where
flatten = return
instance Flattenable f e => Flattenable [f] e where
flatten = concatMap flatten
We are creating a type class whose instances are the things we can flatten. If we have Flattenable f e, then f should be a collection, in this case a list, whose elements are ultimately of type e. Any single object is such a collection, and its element type is itself; thus, the first instance declaration allows us to flatten anything into a singleton list. The second instance declaration says that if we can flatten an f into a list of es, then we can also flatten a list of fs into a list of es by flattening each f and sticking the resulting lists together. This recursive class definition defines the function recursively for the nested list types, giving you the ability to flatten a list of any nesting with the single function flatten: [1,2,3], [[4,5],[6]], [[[7,8],[9]],[[10]],[[11],[12]]], and so on.
However, because of the multiple instances and such, it does require a single type annotation: you will need to write, for instance, flatten [[True,False],[True]] :: [Bool]. If you have something that's type class-polymorphic within your lists, then things are a little stricter; you need to write flatten [[1],[2,3 :: Int]] :: [Int], and as far as I can tell, the resulting list cannot be polymorphic itself. (However, I could well be wrong about this last part, as I haven't tried everything by any means.) For a similar reason, this is too open—you could declare instance Flattenable [f] () where flatten = [()] if you wanted too. I tried to get things to work with type families/functional dependencies in order to remove some of these problems, but thanks to the recursive structure, couldn't get it to work (I had no e and a declaration along the lines of type Elem a = a and type Elem [f] = Elem f, but these conflicted since [f] matches a). If anyone knows how, I'd very much like to see it!
Again, sorry about the length—I tend to start blathering when I get tired. Still, I hope this is helpful!
You are confusing the interactive command :t in the interpreter with a built-in function. You cannot query the type at runtime.
Look at the example for that problem:
flatten (List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, List [Elem 3, Elem 4], Elem 5]])
As you see, the problem wants you to create your own data structure for arbitrarily nested lists.
Normal haskell lists can not be arbitrarily nested. Every element of the list has to have the same type, statically known, which is why it makes no sense to check the type of the elements dynamically.
In general haskell does not allow you to create a list of different types and then check the type at runtime. You could use typeclasses to define different behaviors for flatten with different types of arguments, but that still wouldn't give you arbitrarily nested lists.
