My website has white background and texts, how to fix it? - dreamweaver

When I joined the Hostinger hosting site, all my problems messed up. My website won't go live for no reason. When I go to the site, it has white background. No full design just white background and texts. (visit my website '')
So the Hostinger support told me, "Looks like the URL's or something else in the code may be messing up here. From the errors in the page I can see that your files are not being loaded: [image]"
Is there way I can fix this issue?

For the website, I've seen a list of errors in my chrome dev console. I have not read them all but most of them are 404 errors.
Looks like you are using some css files. If you intend to use them, be sure to place them in the correct directory in your server.
If you have already placed them in your server correctly, I think it might has something to do with permissions.

for example this is the logo tag in your code :
<img src="event details/images/web church logo/logo.png" alt="church logo" class="img-responsive">
the "src" attribute of all tags such as image, CSS and script start with "event details"
you should remove it from your code then publish and deploy your website.
i change the code of your web site and capture it from my screen and i think it should be like this pic :


Privacy error when viewing files in DigitalOcean Spaces?

I set up a Spaces volume and uploaded a couple images via the DigitalOcean UI. When I attempt to view the images, I get a Privacy Error page in Chrome, with NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. I'm having a hard time finding any relevant help from Google; any idea what's going on here?
OK, turns out I used a . in the name of the Spaces volume, which was the cause of the issue.

Load locally stored images through css with inspect element

I'm trying to redesign a small portion of vastly huge site and I was told that I can load custom images to Inspect Element (Chrome) if they are located in the same path as the stylesheet to which the site is remapped. (all done through css via 'content: url('...');') but the webpage is still looking for them in its own resources. So is there a way to use a locally stored image with Inspect Element?
When you're passing images in locally you can use, for example:
So if I was to change a background image I would use
But note that a lot of sites don't allow you to load local resources, so an error may appear in the inspect console when you try.
Actually, it only works with background instead of background-image (not sure if it works) but background without image seems to work. So put in:
Like this:
I just decided to contribute because I just wanted to try it out myself as well and found this as the first answer despite the post being 2-3 yrs old; although for other users it might be helpful.
Also, this was done on Opera, but haven't tried it on other browsers, but it does work for me. Don't include the drive name. But you can simply copy the URL, by dragging the image into the browser (if it loads it) and copy the link. It should work (usually older browsers that don't auto-download the image).

WordPress can't display uploaded images (3.6)

I'm having a bit of trouble with a client site, on their server (our development server is fine).
We were hoping to push it live today, so we created a test subdomain to make sure his server's okay with the site.
However, the media uploader doesn't seem to work properly. The file will upload, without any error messages, however, instead of displaying the image in the thumbnail preview, it shows a little blue ?.
The file is actually uploaded to the server, but for some reason it can't be displayed online.
For example this should be the location of a newly upload image, but for some reason it can't be accessed.
I was thinking the issue is with folder permissions, but changing everything to 777 didn't seem to do anything. So I'm a little confused as to what's wrong.
Apparently they host a couple dozen WordPress sites and don't have this issue. I did think it's a server problem because it works on two other servers.
Anyone had an issue like this before?
It turns out deactivating a plugin called Sell Media Watermark does the trick.
However, this plugin is needed so I'm working to find a fix for it :)

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT

Making a EXISTING CMS site compatible for mobile site NOT REDIRECT
Hi All.
I am currently creating a mobile version of an expression engine site that we use.
I am having problems with this, because typically I can just use media quires, or use redirect scripts.
However, the layout of the mobile site will be completely different from the desktop, so I can't just fiddle with a media quires for the CSS (as site just looks to different).
I was thinking of using a javascript to wipe the code or markup (php) if the device is mobile BUT it would mean perhaps loading two versions of code anytime a page loads up (not good for mobile). Eg one code for desktop and another for mobile.
I can't change the file names eg (mobile_index) because it is a CMS and the links wont link up correctly. I have tried this a few times , and also editing the .HTACCESS file, but it simply didnt work.
So if anyone knows how do I change the code of a page if the device mobile, but cant change file name, directory or any of that :-)
Why no redirect? If I was in your position, which I was a few months ago, I would handle this totally different:
Install Multiple Site Manager by ExpressionEngine:
Add another site -- mobile
Give it a proper domainname like
Give it its own template group
... and redirect with
Now you can manage both installations from the same CMS and both installations can access existing channels, modules, extensions and members. This will keep your code fast and clean.
Adding a bunch of conditionals will only slow down installation.
Actually you could mess with media queries - it's the most flexible. JS is really overkill for something like this. At larger sizes, UL>LI menus could appear, and at smaller sizes they could be hidden (display:none) and swapped to select lists; divs can be replaced, elements dropped or resized. I also combine them with different snippets or embeds so you can tailor the content out as well.
You might try something like MX Mobile Device Detect. It gives you some variables that can detect if the user is on a mobile device that you could use in conditionals in your templates.

Website renders differently on server vs locally

I'm having a very bizarre issue. I have been building a website locally on my linux box and all was well until I uploaded the site files to a place where i have some hosted space. Everything renders exactly the same except one element in my footer which i think is affecting some jquery animation i am using. I thought maybe I was missing files or hadn't uploaded the latest versions of everything, so I deleted the server directory and re-uploaded everything exactly as is from my local copy. And yet, the problem remains. I'm not sure how this is happening. Has anyone seen this before, or does anyone have an idea what could cause this? I'm baffled! Thanks everyone!!! I am attaching screen shots.
Seems to be a cache problem. Try to force a refresh with F5 or CTRL+F5.
Try clear your cache in your browser settings.
If that don't work, use Firebug (an Firefox browser addon) to check actual css at your footer. This will show the problem.
BTW: don't use spaces in your URL if you can. Don't use spaces in your filenames/folders.
