How do I configure vim to open a default file (in my case, ~/Desktop/ if the vim command is invoked without arguments on the command-line?
Add the following to your .vimrc:
au VimEnter * if eval("#%") == "" | e ~/Desktop/ | endif
This tells vim that whenever you launch vim (VimEnter) with any filetype (*) to run the following ex command:
if eval("#%") == "" | e ~/Desktop/ | endif
This is pretty straight-forward. The register '%' holds the name of the file you are editing, so we evaluate it and see if it's empty. If it is, tell vim to open the specified file.
Recommended reading: autocommands
Might be simpler handle this in your shell instead of vim.
You can add something like this to your .bash_profile / .zshrc:
alias vim='if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then command vim ~/Desktop/; else command vim "$#"; fi;'
$# is the number of parameters passed to the command
"$#" lists all parameters passed to the command
To avoid recursively calling the vim alias, we prepend the vim command with the command keyword, which avoids aliases.
I'm trying to export a variable to a file:
To simplify what I'm doing right now, I use the variable #" which contains the content of the current register :
function! CopyVar()
call system("printf '%s' '".#"."' > /tmp/varfile")
nnoremap <Leader>y :call CopyVar()<cr>
This works fine, but doesn't work if the variable contains single quotes for example.
If the input is for example " hi ' , the command fails with E484: Can't open file /tmp/v7IzDCI/74
I think I could escape the #" (because if ' single quotes are present, the command will fail), however, I'm not sure it is the best method to export a variable to a file.
How can I do it to guarantee that it will work with any input (with quotes, multilines and other special characters) ?
I know that you can use the system clipboard, it's not what I'm trying to achieve here.
That is what shellescape() is for. BTW for better quoting, I would write your function like this:
function! CopyVar()
let cmd="printf '%s'". shellescape(#") . " > /tmp/varfile"
call system(cmd)
nnoremap <Leader>y :call CopyVar()<cr>
However, your solution looks overly complex, by adding some shell quotation to the complex VimL quotation. That is not needed. I would rather do it differently:
:redir! > /tmp/varfile | sil exe 'echo #"' |redir end
This adds an extra leading blank line at the beginning, but you could remove this afterwards using sed or something.
Or even better, use the writefile() function:
nnoremap <Leader>y :call writefile(split(#", '\n'), '/tmp/varfile')
#" is a register, not a variable.
You can use a substitution to clean up your text:
let foo = substitute(getreg('"'), "'", "\"", "g")
before the "write" step.
I'll let you figure out what patterns you need to clean up.
Using redir is probably the most robust solution
function! CopyVar()
redir! > /tmp/varfile | sil exe 'echo #"' |redir end
call system ("sed '1d' /tmp/varfile > /tmp/tmpvarfile; mv /tmp/tmpvarfile /tmp/varfile")
nnoremap <Leader>y :call CopyVar()<cr>
It works with any characters. The second part is needed because the redirection will add an additional newline which is not wanted, hence the sed command.
TextMate has a nice feature that allows you to execute a script from within the current context and shows you the output in a separate window. This lets you write and test code on the go. I'm almost certain there is a similar feature with MacVim/gVIM, but I'm not sure what it is. Currently I save my buffers to disk, then go to the command line and execute the script in that respect. How do I improve that workflow with vim?
You can do this in vim using the ! command. For instance to count the number of words in the current file you can do:
:! wc %
The % is replaced by the current filename. To run a script you could call the interpreter on the file - for instance if you are writing a perl script:
:! perl %
vim tutorial: Mapping keys in Vim
You can map keys so perl executes current script as suggested by jts above.
map <C-p> :w<CR>:!perl %<CR>
will map Ctrl+P to write file and run it by perl
imap <C-p> <Esc>:w<CR>:!perl %<CR>
lets you call the same in insert mode.
You should have .vimrc (_vimrc for Windows) file in your vim/home folder. It has instructions on how vim should behave.
map <C-p> :w<CR>:!perl %<CR> is just instruction to map Ctrl+p to:
a) write current the file :w
b) run command (perl) using % (currently open file) as parameter :!perl %
<CR> after each command stands for "carriage return": an instruction to execute specific command. imap does the same as map but listens Ctrl+p while in insert mode.
You could run it right from vim:
All suggestions here merely showcased :!{cmd} %, which passes current buffer to the shell cmd.
But there is another option :write !{cmd}
For example, the effect of the :write !sh command is that each line of the current buffer is executed in the shell.It is often useful, when for instance you've added a couple of lines to you buffer, and want to see execution result immediately without saving the buffer first.Also it is possible to execute some range, rather than whole content of the buffer::[range]write !{cmd}
save the file and call the script using an interpreter
:!python %
It sounds like you're looking for !:
:!{cmd} Execute {cmd} with the shell.
You can use % to denote the current filename, if you need to pass it to the script:
!proofread-script %
You can also use ! with a range, to use the command as a filter:
!{motion}{filter} " from normal mode
:{range}!{filter} " from command mode
(In the first case, as with many other commands, when you type the motion, it'll pass you into command mode, converting the motion into a range, e.g. :.,.+2!)
And finally, if you don't actually need to pass input from your file, but want the output in your file, that's essentially a trivial filter, and the fastest way to do it is !!{cmd}. This will replace the current line with the output of the command.
To execute the current executable script, use
! executes a shell command, % is the current filename and ./ adds the current dir in front.
Put this small snippet in your .vimrc to execute the current file with one keystroke (like F5) and display the result in a new split-pane buffer.
:! is okay but you need to switch to your terminal to see the result.
While you can do that with ctrl-z and bring vim back with fg it still means you need to switch context a lot.
The way this snippet works is by first guessing the executable based on the filetype and then running it with the current file as its argument.
Next a handy utility method takes the output and dumps it into a new buffer.
It's not perfect, but really fast for common workflows.
Here's the snippet copied below:
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" RUN CURRENT FILE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" Execute current file
nnoremap <F5> :call ExecuteFile()<CR>
" Will attempt to execute the current file based on the `&filetype`
" You need to manually map the filetypes you use most commonly to the
" correct shell command.
function! ExecuteFile()
let filetype_to_command = {
\ 'javascript': 'node',
\ 'coffee': 'coffee',
\ 'python': 'python',
\ 'html': 'open',
\ 'sh': 'sh'
\ }
let cmd = get(filetype_to_command, &filetype, &filetype)
call RunShellCommand(cmd." %s")
" Enter any shell command and have the output appear in a new buffer
" For example, to word count the current file:
" :Shell wc %s
" Thanks to:
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=+ Shell call RunShellCommand(<q-args>)
function! RunShellCommand(cmdline)
echo a:cmdline
let expanded_cmdline = a:cmdline
for part in split(a:cmdline, ' ')
if part[0] =~ '\v[%#<]'
let expanded_part = fnameescape(expand(part))
let expanded_cmdline = substitute(expanded_cmdline, part, expanded_part, '')
botright new
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
call setline(2, 'Expanded Form: ' .expanded_cmdline)
call setline(3,substitute(getline(2),'.','=','g'))
execute '$read !'. expanded_cmdline
setlocal nomodifiable
Well it depends on your OS - actually I did not test it on M$ Window$ - but Conque is one of the best plugins around there:
Actually, it can be better, but works. You can embed a shell window in a vim "window".
Right now I have the following in my .vimrc:
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h !ctags -R
There are a few problems with this:
It's slow -- regenerates tags for files that haven't changed since the last tag generation.
I have to push the enter button again after writing the file because of an inevitable "press Enter or type command to continue".
When you combine these two issues I end up pushing the additional enter too soon (before ctags -R has finished), then see the annoying error message, and have to push enter again.
I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but with the amount of file writes I do on a given day it tends to get really annoying. There's gotta be a better way to do it!
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h silent! !ctags -R &
The downside is that you won't have a useful tags file until it completes. As long as you're on a *nix system it should be ok to do multiple writes before the previous ctags has completed, but you should test that. On a Windows system it won't put it in the background and it'll complain that the file is locked until the first ctags finishes (which shouldn't cause problems in vim, but you'll end up with a slightly outdated tags file).
Note, you could use the --append option as tonylo suggests, but then you'll have to disable tagbsearch which could mean that tag searches take a lot longer, depending on the size of your tag file.
Edit: A solution very much along the lines of the following has been posted as the AutoTag vim script. Note that the script needs a vim with Python support, however.
My solution shells out to awk instead, so it should work on many more systems.
au FileType {c,cpp} au BufWritePost <buffer> silent ! [ -e tags ] &&
\ ( awk -F'\t' '$2\!="%:gs/'/'\''/"{print}' tags ; ctags -f- '%:gs/'/'\''/' )
\ | sort -t$'\t' -k1,1 -o && mv tags
Note that you can only write it this way in a script, otherwise it has to go on a single line.
There’s lot going on in there:
This auto-command triggers when a file has been detected to be C or C++, and adds in turn a buffer-local auto-command that is triggered by the BufWritePost event.
It uses the % placeholder which is replaced by the buffer’s filename at execution time, together with the :gs modifier used to shell-quote the filename (by turning any embedded single-quotes into quote-escape-quote-quote).
That way it runs a shell command that checks if a tags file exists, in which case its content is printed except for the lines that refer to the just-saved file, meanwhile ctags is invoked on just the just-saved file, and the result is then sorted and put back into place.
Caveat implementor: this assumes everything is in the same directory and that that is also the buffer-local current directory. I have not given any thought to path mangling.
I wrote easytags.vim to do just this: automatically update and highlight tags. The plug-in can be configured to update just the file being edited or all files in the directory of the file being edited (recursively). It can use a global tags file, file type specific tags files and project specific tags files.
I've noticed this is an old thread, however...
Use incron in *nix like environments supporting inotify. It will always launch commands whenever files in a directory change. i.e.,
/home/me/Code/c/that_program IN_DELETE,IN_CLOSE_WRITE ctags --sort=yes *.c
That's it.
Perhaps use the append argument to ctags as demonstrated by:
I can't really vouch for this as I generally use source insight for code browsing, but use vim as an editor... go figure.
How about having ctags scheduled to run via crontab? If your project tree is fairly stable in it's structure, that should be doable?
To suppress the "press enter" prompt, use :silent.
On OSX this command will not work out of the box, at least not for me.
au BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h silent! !ctags -R &
I found a post, which explains how to get the standard ctags version that contains the -R option. This alone did not work for me. I had to add /usr/local/bin to the PATH variable in .bash_profile in order to pick up the bin where Homebrew installs programs.
In my opninion, plugin Indexer is better.
It can be:
1) an add-on for project.tar.gz
2) an independent plugin
background tags generation (you have not wait while ctags works)
multiple projects supported
There is a vim plugin called AutoTag for this that works really well.
If you have taglist installed it will also update that for you.
The --append option is indeed the way to go. Used with a grep -v, we can update only one tagged file. For instance, here is a excerpt of an unpolished plugin that addresses this issue. (NB: It will require an "external" library plugin)
" Options {{{1
let g:tags_options_cpp = '--c++-kinds=+p --fields=+imaS --extra=+q'
function! s:CtagsExecutable()
let tags_executable = lh#option#Get('tags_executable', s:tags_executable, 'bg')
return tags_executable
function! s:CtagsOptions()
let ctags_options = lh#option#Get('tags_options_'.&ft, '')
let ctags_options .= ' '.lh#option#Get('tags_options', '', 'wbg')
return ctags_options
function! s:CtagsDirname()
let ctags_dirname = lh#option#Get('tags_dirname', '', 'b').'/'
return ctags_dirname
function! s:CtagsFilename()
let ctags_filename = lh#option#Get('tags_filename', 'tags', 'bg')
return ctags_filename
function! s:CtagsCmdLine(ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = s:CtagsExecutable().' '.s:CtagsOptions().' -f '.a:ctags_pathname
return cmd_line
" ######################################################################
" Tag generating functions {{{1
" ======================================================================
" Interface {{{2
" ======================================================================
" Mappings {{{3
" inoremap <expr> ; <sid>Run('UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile',';')
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent :call <sid>UpdateCurrent()<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent', 'n')
nmap <silent> <c-x>tc <Plug>CTagsUpdateCurrent
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CTagsUpdateAll :call <sid>UpdateAll()<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>CTagsUpdateAll', 'n')
nmap <silent> <c-x>ta <Plug>CTagsUpdateAll
" ======================================================================
" Auto command for automatically tagging a file when saved {{{3
augroup LH_TAGS
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost * if ! lh#option#Get('LHT_no_auto', 0) | call s:Run('UpdateTags_for_SavedFile') | endif
aug END
" ======================================================================
" Internal functions {{{2
" ======================================================================
" generate tags on-the-fly {{{3
function! UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile(ctags_pathname)
let source_name = expand('%')
let temp_name = tempname()
let temp_tags = tempname()
" 1- purge old references to the source name
if filereadable(a:ctags_pathname)
" it exists => must be changed
call system('grep -v " '.source_name.' " '.a:ctags_pathname.' > '.temp_tags.
\ ' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname)
" 2- save the unsaved contents of the current file
call writefile(getline(1, '$'), temp_name, 'b')
" 3- call ctags, and replace references to the temporary source file to the
" real source file
let cmd_line = s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' '.source_name.' --append'
let cmd_line .= ' && sed "s#\t'.temp_name.'\t#\t'.source_name.'\t#" > '.temp_tags
let cmd_line .= ' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname
call system(cmd_line)
call delete(temp_name)
return ';'
" ======================================================================
" generate tags for all files {{{3
function! s:UpdateTags_for_All(ctags_pathname)
call delete(a:ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = 'cd '.s:CtagsDirname()
" todo => use project directory
let cmd_line .= ' && '.s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' -R'
echo cmd_line
call system(cmd_line)
" ======================================================================
" generate tags for the current saved file {{{3
function! s:UpdateTags_for_SavedFile(ctags_pathname)
let source_name = expand('%')
let temp_tags = tempname()
if filereadable(a:ctags_pathname)
" it exists => must be changed
call system('grep -v " '.source_name.' " '.a:ctags_pathname.' > '.temp_tags.' && mv -f '.temp_tags.' '.a:ctags_pathname)
let cmd_line = 'cd '.s:CtagsDirname()
let cmd_line .= ' && ' . s:CtagsCmdLine(a:ctags_pathname).' --append '.source_name
" echo cmd_line
call system(cmd_line)
" ======================================================================
" (public) Run a tag generating function {{{3
function! LHTagsRun(tag_function)
call s:Run(a:tag_function)
" ======================================================================
" (private) Run a tag generating function {{{3
" See this function as a /template method/.
function! s:Run(tag_function)
let ctags_dirname = s:CtagsDirname()
if strlen(ctags_dirname)==1
throw "tags-error: empty dirname"
let ctags_filename = s:CtagsFilename()
let ctags_pathname = ctags_dirname.ctags_filename
if !filewritable(ctags_dirname) && !filewritable(ctags_pathname)
throw "tags-error: ".ctags_pathname." cannot be modified"
let Fn = function("s:".a:tag_function)
call Fn(ctags_pathname)
catch /tags-error:/
" call lh#common#ErrorMsg(v:exception)
return 0
echo ctags_pathname . ' updated.'
return 1
function! s:Irun(tag_function, res)
call s:Run(a:tag_function)
return a:res
" ======================================================================
" Main function for updating all tags {{{3
function! s:UpdateAll()
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_All')
" Main function for updating the tags from one file {{{3
" #note the file may be saved or "modified".
function! s:UpdateCurrent()
if &modified
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_ModifiedFile')
let done = s:Run('UpdateTags_for_SavedFile')
This code defines:
^Xta to force the update of the tags base for all the files in the current project ;
^Xtc to force the update of the tags base for the current (unsaved) file ;
an autocommand that updates the tags base every time a file is saved ;
and it supports and many options to disable the automatic update where we don't want it, to tune ctags calls depending on filetypes, ...
It is not just a tip, but a small excerpt of a plugin.
Auto Tag is a vim plugin that updates existing tag files on save.
I've been using it for years without problems, with the exception that it enforces a maximum size on the tags files. Unless you have a really large set of code all indexed in the same tags file, you shouldn't hit that limit, though.
Note that Auto Tag requires Python support in vim.
How to execute file that I'm editing in Vi(m) and get output in split window (like in SciTE)?
Of course I could execute it like that:
But is it posible to avoid writing script name and how to get output in split window instead just bottom of the screen?
There is the make command. It runs the command set in the makeprg option. Use % as a placeholder for the current file name. For example, if you were editing a python script:
:set makeprg=python\ %
Yes, you need to escape the space. After this you can simply run:
If you wish, you can set the autowrite option and it will save automatically before running the makeprg:
:set autowrite
This solves the execute part. Don't know any way of getting that output into a split window that doesn't involve redirection to file.
To access the current buffer's filename, use %. To get it into a variable you can use the expand() function. To open a new window with a new buffer, use :new or :vnew. To pipe the output from a command into the current buffer, use :.! . Putting it all together:
:let f=expand("%")|vnew|execute '.!ruby "' . f . '"'
obviously replacing ruby with whatever command you want. I used execute so I could surround the filename with quotation marks, so it'll work if the filename has spaces in it.
Vim has ! ("bang") command which executes shell command directly from VIM window. Moreover it allows launching sequence of commands that are connected with pipe and read stdout.
For example:
! node %
is equivalent to opening command prompt window and launching commands:
cd my_current_directory
node my_current_file
See "Vim tips: Working with external commands" for details.
I have a shortcut for that in my vimrc:
nmap <F6> :w<CR>:silent !chmod 755 %<CR>:silent !./% ><CR>
\ :tabnew<CR>:r<CR>:silent !rm<CR>:redraw!<CR>
This writes the current buffer, makes the current file executable (unix only), executes it (unix only) and redirects the output to, then creates a new tab, reads the file and then deletes it.
Breaking it down:
:w<CR> write current buffer
:silent !chmod 755 %<CR> make file executable
:silent !./% ><CR> execute file, redirect output
:tabnew<CR> new tab
:r<CR> read file in new tab
:silent !rm<CR> remove file
:redraw!<CR> in terminal mode, vim get scrambled
this fixes it
For Shell script I've used
:set makeprg=%
Vim 8 has an interactive terminal built in. To run the current bash script in a split pane:
:terminal bash %
or for short
:ter bash %
% expands to the current file name.
From :help terminal:
The terminal feature is optional, use this to check if your Vim has it:
echo has('terminal')
If the result is "1" you have it.
I use a slightly more intrusive mechanism through maps:
map ;e :w<CR>:exe ":!python " . getreg("%") . "" <CR>
Just makes it so I don't have to save, then go. Just go.
You can use vim's plugin bexec. To my knowledge the latest version is 0.5.
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
$ mv bexec-0.5.vba ~/.vim/plugin
$ vim ~/.vim/plugin/bexec-0.5.vba
Inside vim itself while editing the .vba file do:
:so %
Some output will show up letting you know that bexec.vim has been written as well as documentation, etc..
Now, you can test it by opening your (whatever language script that has an #! interpreter working properly) in vim and run
Note: I wanted the split to be vertical rather than horizontal, so I did:
$ grep -i -n split ~/.vim/plugin/bexec.vim | grep -i hor
102: let bexec_splitdir = "hor" " hor|ver
261: exec {"ver":"vsp", "hor":"sp"}[g:bexec_splitdir]
and changed the value of from "hor" to "ver"..
I know it's an old question, but I hope this can help someone out there. I have been running in the same issue while taking Coursera's Startup Engineering course where professor Palaji uses Emacs and I don't like Emacs..
Just use colon and exclamatory mark as shown below
:!< script_name>
Based on #SethKriticos and #Cyril answers I now use the following:
function! Setup_ExecNDisplay()
execute "w"
execute "silent !chmod +x %:p"
let n=expand('%:t')
execute "silent !%:p 2>&1 | tee ~/.vim/output_".n
" I prefer vsplit
"execute "split ~/.vim/output_".n
execute "vsplit ~/.vim/output_".n
execute "redraw!"
set autoread
function! ExecNDisplay()
execute "w"
let n=expand('%:t')
execute "silent !%:p 2>&1 | tee ~/.vim/output_".n
" I use set autoread
"execute "1 . 'wincmd e'"
:nmap <F9> :call Setup_ExecNDisplay()<CR>
:nmap <F2> :call ExecNDisplay()<CR>
Use F9 to setup the new window and F2 to execute your script and tee to your output file.
I also added the script name to the output file name, so that you can use this for multiple scripts at the same time.
In your .vimrc you can paste this function
function! s:ExecuteInShell(command)
let command = join(map(split(a:command), 'expand(v:val)'))
let winnr = bufwinnr('^' . command . '$')
silent! execute ':w'
silent! execute winnr < 0 ? 'vnew ' . fnameescape(command) : winnr . 'wincmd w'
setlocal buftype=nowrite bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap number
silent! execute 'silent %!'. command
silent! redraw
silent! execute 'au BufUnload <buffer> execute bufwinnr(' . bufnr('#') . ') . ''wincmd w'''
silent! execute 'nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <LocalLeader>r :call <SID>ExecuteInShell(''' . command . ''')<CR>'
silent! execute 'wincmd w'
" echo 'Shell command ' . command . ' executed.'
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=+ Shell call s:ExecuteInShell(<q-args>)
cabbrev shell Shell
After that, in vim run command :shell python ~/ as example. And you will get the output in splitted window.
+ After changes in as example you will run the same command again, this function will not create new window again, it will display the result in the previous(same) splitted window.
I was looking for this script (python/Windows) for quite some time. As there is no "tee" in Windows I changed it to:
function! Setup_ExecNDisplay()
execute "w"
let n=expand('%:t')
execute "silent ! python % > d:\\temp\\output_".n ." 2>&1"
execute "vsplit d:\\temp\\output_".n
execute "redraw!"
set autoread
function! ExecNDisplay()
execute "w"
let n=expand('%:t')
execute "silent ! python % > d:\\temp\\output_".n . " 2>&1"
:nmap <F9> :call Setup_ExecNDisplay()<CR>
:nmap <F2> :call ExecNDisplay()<CR>
I'd recommend the plugin quickrun. It's fast and simple to configure. Here's a little demonstration: