Does an MQTT subscriber need a static IP? - node.js

I want to develop a publisher -> subscriber model with 1 publisher and many subscriber in nodejs.
Currently my idea was to use a normal websocket. The problem with this is that every subscriber needs a static ip and port forwarding if it runs over the internet. This doesnt suit the requirements.
A solution to this seems to be MQTT as it should be suited for that use case, but i saw that it also runs over websockets which should lead to the same problem or does MQTT handle it differently?
Essentially i need a solution where the publisher has a static ip and the subscriber can be anywhere on the world. Is this possible with MQTT or do i need another solution?

No, only the MQTT broker needs a fixed IP address (and preferably a DNS entry) so the clients know where to find it.
All the MQTT clients (both subscribers and publishers), be they native MQTT or MQTT over websockets connect out to the broker. This means they will work even behind a NAT router running with a dynamic IP address (they would all get disconnected when ever the IP address changed, but nearly all MQTT clients automatically reconnect).
These features make MQTT a good choice for consumer IoT devices as the situation described above is pretty much every home broadband setup.

It sounds like your subscribing devices are on local networks, and yes, you would need a static IP for the network and forwarding inside it (not to mention a firewall exception in many systems) for a local device to serve incoming requests. Regardless of protocol, your subscribers do not need to be servers. It is far safer, and ultimately easier, to have them query a central server/system. Only that system needs an IP.
WebSockets do not require port forwarding - they are often used to avoid it. The client opens a connection to a server, then keeps using it to send and receive. It no more requires port forwarding than your computer does when receiving a page from a website. If your publisher is a server or other web-exposed system, you may get the job done by configuring your subscribers to open websockets to it.
However, you may still want MQTT:
It sounds like your publisher might be something other than a webserver, and might be less suited to serving than your clients, since you asked this question. With an MQTT client, it could publish to an MQTT broker on a server, which will then pass the messages to the subscribers' clients.
Developing robust publish-subscribe functionality is extra work, and existing MQTT software will often serve better than new development.
With some extra configuration, it is even possible to make MQTT subscriptions over WebSockets, but even a regular subscription works fine for avoiding static IP, portforwarding, and inbound firewall rules.

Explore one way RPC approach. It will not need a public IP address or port forwarding.


NodeJS how to secure sessions across different countries

I'm making a nodejs application that will act a server for other sites in different countries as the data being transmitted will be business related data. I would like to know how I can safely/securely send this data.
I am currently using to act as my main server (Master) on other sites there are (Slave) servers that handle the data from the master server.
I have got this working in a local environment but want to deploy this in the other sites.
I have tried to Google this to see if anyone else has done this but came across sessions but I don't know if this will fit with (Server->Server) connections.
Any help or experience would be grateful.
For server-server communication where you control both ends of the communication you can use WebSocket over HTTPS, you can use TCP over SSH tunnel or any other encrypted tunnel. You can use a PubSub service, a queue service etc. There are a lot of ways you can do it. Just make sure that the communication is encrypted either natively by the protocols you use or with VPN or tunnels that connect your servers in remote locations. is usually used as a replacement for WebSocket where there is no native support in the browser. It is rarely used for server to server communication. See this answer for more details:
Differences between and websockets
If you want a higher level framework with focus on real-time data then see ActionHero:
For other options of sending real-time data between servers you can use some shared resource like a Redis database or some pub/sub service like Faye or Kafka, or a queue service like ZeroMQ or RabbitMQ. This is what is usually done to make things like that work across multiple instances of the server or multiple locations. You could also use a CouchDB changes feed, or a similar feature of RethinkDB to make sure that all of your instances get all the data as soon as it is posted by any one of them. See:
Everything that uses HTTP is easy to encrypt with HTTPS. Everything else can be encrypted with a tunnel or VPN.
Good tools that can add encryption for protocols that are not encrypted themselves (like e.g. the Redis protocol) are:
See also:
Note that some hosting services may give you preconfigured tunnels or internal network interfaces that pass data encrypted between your servers located in different data centers of that provider. Some providers give you tools and tutorials to that easily as well.

Bypassing socket connections in node.js

I'm working in a project where we need to connect clients to devices behind LAN networks.
Brief description: there are "devices" connected, in a home for example, under a LAN created by a router. These devices create a full webserver, operating under linux, and using nodejs as the backend implementation language. They also have access to Internet, through the public IP of the router. On the other side, there are clients which can choose to which device to connect to.
The goal is to connect the clients with the webServer created by any device.
Up to now, my idea is to try to implement something similar to how TeamViewer works. As I understand, Teamviewer has a central server, which the agents connect to. When an agent connects to the central server, this one gets hold of the TCP connection, keeping it alive. When another client wants to access to the first client, the server bypasses both TCP connections. That way the server acts like a proxy, where it additionally routes the TCP connections. This also allows to connect to clients under LAN or firewalls (because the connections are created always from the clients).
If this is correct, what I would like to implement is a central server, in nodejs as well, which manages a pool of socket connections coming from the different active devices, and when a client wants to connect to one specific device, the server bypasses the incoming TCP connection of the client with the already existing connection of the device.
What I first would like to know is if this is possible in nodejs. My idea is to keep the device connections alive, so clients can inmediately connect to them, creating some sort of pool of device connections.
If implemented in C, I guess I could get hold of the socket descriptor, keeping it alive, and bypassing it to the incoming client request. But in nodejs I can't seem to find any modules that manage TCP connections.
Are there any high level npm packages which do this function? Else, is it possible to use lower level modules (like net) which have those functionalities.
Ideally I would like to implement it with high level modules (express), but if it's not possible, I could always rewrite the server using low level modules.
Thanks in advance

How would one connect two clients (one of them is browser) behind firewalls

I know p2p software like Skype is using UDP hole punching for that. But what if one of the clients is a web browser which needs to download a file from another client (TCP connection instead of UDP)? Is there any technique for such case?
I can have an intermediate public server which can marry the clients but I can't afford all the traffic between these clients go through this server. The public server can only establish the connection between the clients, like Skype does, and that's all. And this must work via TCP (more exactly, HTTP) to let the downloading client be a web browser.
Both clients must not be required to setup anything in their routers or anything like that.
I'll plan to code this in C/C++ but at the point I'm wondering if this idea is possible at all.
I previously wrote up a very consolidated rough answer on how P2P roughly works with some discussion on various protocols and corresponding open-source libraries. You can read it here.
The reliability of P2P is ultimately a result of how much you invest in it from both a client coding perspective and a service configuration (i.e. signaling servers and relays). You can settle for easy NAT traversal of UDP with no firewall support. Maybe a little more effort and you get TCP connectivity. And you can go "all the way" and have relays that have HTTPS listeners for clients behind the hardest of firewalls to traverse.
As to the answer of your question about firewalls. Depends on how the Firewall is configured. Many firewalls are just glorified NATs with security to restrict traffic to certain ports and block unsolicited incoming connections. Others are extremely restrictive and just allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic over a proxy.
The video conference apps will ultimately fallback to emulating an HTTPS connection over the PC's configured proxy server to port 443 (or 80) of a remote relay server if it can't get directly connected. (And in some cases, the remote client will try to listen on port 80 or port 443 so it can connect direct).
You are absolutely right to assume that having all the clients going through a relay will be expensive to maintain. If your goal is 100% connectivity no matter what type of firewall the clients is behind, some relay solution will have to exist. If you don't support a relay solution, you can invest heavily in getting the direct connectivity to work reliably and only have a small percentage of clients blocked.
Hope this helps.
PeerConnection, part of WebRTC solves this in modern browsers.
Under the hood it uses ICE which is an RFC for NAT hole-punching.
For older browsers, it is possible to use the P2P support in Flash.

how to efficiently transfer file between 2 node.js instances?

I'm developing chat application using app.js which is webkit+node.js framework.
So i have node.js plus bridged web browser environment on both sides.
I want to make file transfer feature somewhat similar to Skype one.
So, initial idea is to:
1.connect clients to main server.
2.Each client gets ip of oposite ones.
3.Start socket or websocket server on both clients and connect to each other.
4.Sender reads the file and transmits it to the reciver.
Question are:
1.Im not really sure that one client can "see" the other.
2.file is a binary data, but websockets are made for text messages so i need some kind of coding/decoding stuff. I thought about base 64 but it has 30% of "overhead" information. So i need something more effitient (base 128?).
3.If it is not efficient to use websocket should i use TCP sockets instead? What problems can appear if i decide to use them?
Yeah i know about node2node and BinaryJS, i just dont know should i use them or not. And i really what to do something myself.
OK, with your communication looking like this:
(...) is installed on one client's machine. N's are node servers, C's are web clients.
This is out of your control. Some file sharing apps send test packets from the central server to clients, to check whether ports are open and NAT rules are configured correctly, etc. Your clients will start their own servers on some port, your master server can potentially create a test connection to these servers to see whether they're started correctly and open to the web, BEFORE telling other clients that they can send files.
Websockets are great for status messages from your servers to the web GUIs and general client-to-client communication. For the actual file transfers, I would use TCP sockets, see the next answer. On the other hand base64 encoding is really not a slow process, play with it and benchmark its performance, then decide with some data to back up your decision.
You could use a combination: websockets from your servers to the web GUIs, but TCP communication between the servers themselves. TCP servers (and streams) aren't hard to set up in Node, I see no disadvantages. It might actually be less complicated than installing node2node on those servers, since TCP is already built-in.

Is there a way to test if a computer's connection is firewalled?

I'm writing a piece of P2P software, which requires a direct connection to the Internet. It is decentralized, so there is no always-on server that it can contact with a request for the server to attempt to connect back to it in order to observe if the connection attempt arrives.
Is there a way to test the connection for firewall status?
I'm thinking in my dream land where wishes were horses, there would be some sort of 3rd-party, public, already existent servers to whom I could send some sort of simple command, and they would send a special ping back. Then I could simply listen to see if that arrives and know whether I'm behind a firewall.
Even if such a thing does not exist, are there any alternative routes available?
Nantucket - does your service listen on UDP or TCP?
For UDP - what you are sort of describing is something the STUN protocol was designed for. It matches your definition of "some sort of simple command, and they would send a special ping back"
STUN is a very "ping like" (UDP) protocol for a server to echo back to a client what IP and port it sees the client as. The client can then use the response from the server and compare the result with what it thinks its locally enumerated IP address is. If the server's response matches the locally enumerated IP address, the client host can self determinte that it is directly connected to the Internet. Otherwise, the client must assume it is behind a NAT - but for the majority of routers, you have just created a port mapping that can be used for other P2P connection scenarios.
Further, you can you use the RESPONSE-PORT attribute in the STUN binding request for the server to respond back to a different port. This will effectively allow you to detect if you are firewalled or not.
TCP - this gets a little tricky. STUN can partially be used to determine if you are behind a NAT. Or simply making an http request to and parsing the result to see if there's a NAT. But it gets tricky, as there's no service on the internet that I know of that will test a TCP connection back to you.
With all the above in mind, the vast majority of broadband users are likely behind a NAT that also acts as a firewall. Either given by their ISP or their own wireless router device. And even if they are not, most operating systems have some sort of minimal firewall to block unsolicited traffic. So it's very limiting to have a P2P client out there than can only work on direct connections.
With that said, on Windows (and likely others), you can program your app's install package can register with the Windows firewall so your it is not blocked. But if you aren't targeting Windows, you may have to ask the user to manually fix his firewall software.
Oh shameless plug. You can use this open source STUN server and client library which supports all of the semantics described above. Follow up with me offline if you need access to a stun service.
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I would start with each os and ask if firewall services are turned on. Secondly, I would attempt the socket connections and determine from the error codes if connections are being reset or timeout. I'm only familiar with winsock coding, so I can't really say much for Linux or mac os.
