How should I get rid of Appcompat Style while using Material Components? - android-appcompat

I am using BottomNavigationView in my project and my application is not suposed to support pre-Lollipop devices, so I didn't use the large appcompat library.But when I run my application it told me "The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.AppCompat (or a descendant)."
So I want to know how can I get rid of Appcompat stuff and using Material components?

According to the Get Started instructions, using either AppCompatActivity or AppCompatDelegate is required.


Outlined TextInputEditText in latest design support library 28.0.0-alpha1

After upgrading to design support library 28.0.0-alpha1 as part of the Android P preview and updating my base app theme to extend from Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar according to the documentation at all my textfields now show the filled version as show below.
Is there a way to change to the outlined version using the design support library instead of having to refactor to android.x and switching to using the new material components?
Yes, you can do that using support design library in your gradle
Add this line:
implementation ''
Note: You should not use the and dependencies in your app at the same time.
Use or androidx
You may get render error then add this line in style AppTheme
<item name="cardViewStyle">#style/CardView.Light</item>
you can refer this link readme

Custom MasterDetail Page in Xamarin Forms

I want to design a flyout menu which should have same look and feel in all platforms i.e. android, ios and windows. It should come out from top right corner. For that I have used Xamarin forms masterDetail page but it is rendering differently in all platforms and I am unable to do the customization. Can anyone guide me which approach should I follow, Xamarin forms with customisation or xamarin native with user control for all platforms. If customisation is possible the how?
Currently I am doing this in xamarin forms to get flyout menu and it is working in all platforms.
public class DashBoardView : MasterDetailPage
public DashBoardView()
Master = new ProfilePage();
Detail= new NavigationPage(new DetailPage())
BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#56c7f6"),
BarTextColor = Color.White
You will probably need to write a Custom Renderer for each platform, I don't think you will be able to get the behavior you want by customizing the stock MasterDetail page.
if you want rtl MasterPage in xamarin forms there're two ways to do that:
first ==>
you will make class in shared project that inherit from MasterDetailPage
you will go to each platform project and write class which renderer the class you made it in shared project and write some code for each platform that makes
watch these:
Second ==>
- you Can do it by one class in Shared project but not by using MasterDetailPage
you will do it by Animation
You could try using the Slide Over Kit plugin.
Its free. Details here:
Looks like this:

Google maps sdk for ios - is there an option for styles

Is there a way to achieve this kind of style with Google maps?
Google maps for Android and iOS use v2. Custom styling is only available on v3. This feature request has been open for nearly two years so it's unlikely to be implemented any time soon.
Your only option is to use javascript styles and wrap it up as a web-view or look at another map provider like MapBox
Google launched styled maps for iOS and Android along with a new styling wizard that allows you to apply the same style across all different platforms, including Maps JavaScript API and Static Maps. There are even some new code and style samples available for iOS.

New JavaFx library

I am using Netbeans 7.2 and JavaFX 2.1. I want to make a library mycompany.utils.sysuser to maintain login information. This library can be used in many different app, with a JavaFX dialog for login/logoff/change password.
I don't know how to begin, a regular Java library or a new JavaFX FXML application?
It doesn't really matter. The JavaFX project might generate some extra code and build tasks which you might or might not need but you can remove them if you need to or leave them be. JavaFX is just another library so you're also OK with a java project, just add JavaFX as a dependency.
It is complete overkill and confusing IMO to have a project for FXML and a project for the java files.

How to use Lwuit Resource Editor for Creating Theme or GUI?

I am just downloaded lwuit resource editor. I trying to create theme but i don't have idea how to create theme or gui. Can any one give me information how to use it? How to create gui or theme? And also i have one question how to use the created theme in netbean for j2me application. Please help me friends.
Lot of video's available on the Shai's blog. Here you can know about how to use latest LWUIT ResourceEdit. Current version of LWUIT ResourceEdit is little bit differnet from old ResourceEdit. Some few tools added into new LWUIT ResourceEdit like GUI, Multi images. After creating the GUI you can directly generate the class file or project to Netbeans.
