Restrict access to Azure app (WebApi) only to another Azure app (daemon client) - azure

I have registered my REST Api project into my AzureAD so I can use AzureAD authentication. Lets call this app "RestApi".
I have also registered another console app, that will access this API. Lets call this "ConsoleClient".
How can I restrict access so only ConsoleClient will be able to access RestApi? I am able to set similar permissions for users (Enterprise apps -> Users and groups) but not for another Azure AD app.

You have to define app permissions in your API. My blog article has details on how to do that:
Also, you have to check in the API that any access token has valid permissions in it. So, you have to check the roles claim in the case of app permissions.


Give user permession with Azure AD

I have an already deployed application on azure app service which uses azure AD for authentication and authorization.
Unfortunately the developer who worked on it is no longer available
i got access to all Azure resources and source code but i cant figure out how can i add my azure account as one of the users to the app (i can login but its an empty view for me unlike what it used to be with the developer access).
Also i find the app registered on Azure AD and i am an owner there but still with no right access.
When i try to login localy from the frontend it say
Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and
cannot access the application '[some numbers] in that tenant. The
account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a
different account.
Would appreciate any help and many thanks in advance.
I can login but it’s an empty view for me unlike what it used to be
with the developer access
This is because your backend application is enabled with Azure AD Authentication.
After you sign in to your front-end application, you still can't access the data from the back-end app, because the back-end app now requires Azure Active Directory sign-in from the front-end app
To access the application, follow the below steps:
Grant the front-end access to the back end
Configure App Service to return a usable token
Use the token in your code
You can refer Enable authentication and authorization for front-end app in Authenticate users E2E - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs for the detailed steps

Is this a right flow for React app on frontend and Express app on backend to authenticate and authorize users with Azure AD?

I have React app on the frontend, I have registered it at Azure AD as REACT_AZURE and I use #azure/msal-react npm package to authenticate the user.
In order to protect my Express routes, I have registered another app at Azure AD as API_AZURE, and in "Expose an API" section I have added scope 'access_as_user'.
In REACT_AZURE app in "API permissions" section I have added permission for 'access_as_user'.
Now I can acquire access token for 'access_as_user' scope and make an API call to my express server.
In my protected route, I am using passport-azure-ad BearerStrategy to validate the access token, if it is valid I am authorized to get resources.
Is this the right flow? Do I have to register two apps with Azure AD? if not, how do I do it right?
Is this the right flow? Do I have to register two apps with Azure AD?
if not, how do I do it right?
Of course, your process is absolutely correct. You need to register two applications in Azure, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application. Then expose the api of the api application and add the client application to the api application. Then let the user log in to the client application to complete the authenticate and obtain the token, and use the token to call the api. I have answered similar questions before, you can refer to it.
But I’m not sure if you want to control which users can access the api based on the user role. If you only want certain users in the tenant to access the api, then you can add a step that is to create an app role and grants users who you wish to have access to the api. Then users in the tenant who are not granted the app role will not have permission to access the api. see more detailed answer.

Secret Key / Access Key with Azure Active Directory, enterprise application, app roles?

We are working on WEB APIs and want to integrate Azure AD for AuthN and AuthZ. We have successfully integrated the same. We have created enterprise applications, custom roles, assigned users for the same.
Now we need to allow access to APIs with AWS like keys (Secret / Access keys). Individual user can generate their own keys and store those in Azure AD so that when those keys are used, user can be authenticated.
I didn't find any way to achieve this using Azure AD. Any suggestions around same are welcome.
Meanwhile I have gone through custom store for keys. Please refer link :
Thanks in advance.
Azure AD authentication uses tokens.
So any app wishing to call your API must authenticate with AAD and acquire a token for the API.
If these users are making apps within your organisation, then they can register their app in your AAD and require access to your API. They will create and manage their own keys.
If on the other hand these users are making an app for another organisation, you'll have to make your API a multi-tenant app.
And you'll need to have an on-boarding page in your API through which you will redirect their admin/user to the AAD login page, where they will consent to any permissions your API requires.
After this a service principal is created in their tenant.
Then they can register their client apps and require access to your API.
They will have full control which permissions they want to assign to each app, what roles to give to users etc. But of course the tokens will contain their tenant id so you can filter access on that.

User Management Web API application for custom Azure AD Tenant

I want to develop a RESTful API to manage users in a custom Azure AD tenant. User management includes the following (the AAD tenant will contain predefined groups):
Create Users
Delete Users
Assign User to Group(s)
Remove User from Group(s)
Reset User Password
I am confused about how to set up the application registration and hoping to get direction based on the following:
The REST API application must be secured by Azure AD, so only designated admin users can access and use the API. Does that require the REST API application to be registered in the AAD Tenant where permissions to use the API and let the API access user profile (and group membership) is set?
The REST API is essentially a client of the Microsoft Graph API, which I envision facilitates the above operations requested by an admin user. Does that require a separate application registration, or can the same registration be used to provide necessary permissions?
Do I need the ADAL library in this situation?
Does that require the REST API application to be registered in the AAD
Tenant where permissions to use the API and let the API access user
profile (and group membership) is set?
Of course,you the Rest API app should be registered in the AAD.
Does that require a separate application registration, or can the same
registration be used to provide necessary permissions?
You can just need to register one app and you can assign mulitple permissions to it. Also you can add different roles to the app for different access scope to your API.Although, Your REST API is just like a client for the Microsoft Graph API, You can just assign the permssions to it by Applicaiton registration.So,you can just the Microsoft Graph by sepcify the resource in the HTTP request.
Do I need the ADAL library in this situation?
Yes, you need. For your web API, if you use AAD v1 ednpoint, you can just use ADAL to validate the JWT token and do some neccessary operations.

AAD application permissions to enable creating other AAD application

What OAuth API and permissions are required by an AAD application so that I can use it to authorize creating new AAD application as described in this example
You can give the app this permission on the Azure AD Graph API:
Manage apps that this app creates or owns
It is an app permission that allows the app to create applications and manage them. It does not allow it to manage other applications.
I created an app with this app permission, granted the permissions, got a token with client credentials flow and was able to create an app in my directory. So can confirm it should work once you get the permission granted.
