Can a Perl script set the address in the browser? - .htaccess

I would love it if my Perl script can change the address in the browser. Not to try and hide things, or be funny. But for cleanliness sake.
looks much better than:
I realize browsers probably have high security measures to prevent phishers from being more tricky, but what gives me some hope that this is possible is that I placed the following line in my .htaccess file:
ErrorDocument 404 /index.html
and if I go to the browser will go back to the main page, but the address bar still has the nonexistent address.


Why domains containing one emoji redirect me to other unsafe and existing sites?

I was editing a text in vim and I typed gx on a play-button emoji to open it as an url and to see what happen. Vim translated the UTF-8 emoji into a punycode one and wrapped it into an url format for my browser: The request had been redirected to another site:, that it's quite spooky. The site is uncertificated, of course.
I tryed to wrap other emojis' punycode into the same url format (www.<punicode emoji>.com) with two different browsers (firefox and chromium) and I didn't notice any difference in results between them.
Sometimes I got 404 errors, sometimes it took me to other uncertificated sites.
To take another example, redirects me to
I didn't tried further because I thought it could be risky.
I think these are redirections and not aliases or whatever because of my research with but it's just my own speculation.
My question is: How this redirections are possible and why this happens? Are these domains actually existing or there is another explanation?
I expect my browser throws me an error, not redirects me to another unsafe site.

robots.txt needs only certain files and folders and disallow everything

I want robots.txt to allow only index.php and images folder and disallow all other folders, is this possible?
This is my code:
User-agent: *
Allow: /index.php
Allow: /images
Disallow: /
Secondly, is it possible to do the same job with htaccess?
First, be aware that the "Allow" option is actually a non-standard extension and is not supported by all crawlers. See the wiki page (in the "Nonstandard extensions" section) and the page.
This is currently a bit awkward, as
there is no "Allow" field. The easy way is to put all files to be
disallowed into a separate directory, say "stuff", and leave the one
file in the level above this directory:
Some major crawlers do support it, but frustratingly they handle it in different ways. For example. Google prioritises Allow statements by matching characters and path length, whereas Bing prefers you to just put the Allow statements first. The example you've given above will work in both cases, though.
Bear in mind those crawlers who do not support it will simply ignore it, and will therefore just see your "Disallow" rule, effectively stopping them from indexing your entire site! You have to decide if the extra work moving files around (or writing a long list of Disallow rules for all your subdirectories) is really worth the bonus of getting indexed by the lesser crawlers. Probably not.
Ref htaccess, you can't really do anything useful with it here. You'd have to match the user agent against a large list of known bots and you'd just end up missing some - or worse, blocking real users.
Yes, that code is correct. The robots.txt file is read from top to bottom so as long as the disallow is on the bottom you won't run into problems. This is because it matches the first rule, if the disallow was on the top then it wouldn't ever reach the allow statements.
This is only for "good" (Googlebot, Bingbot etc..) robots which follow the standard. Plenty of other robots either misinterpret the robots.txt file or just completely ignore it.

How to remove number in any url address in specific folder .htaccess

I want to remove numbers on the end url in specified folder, using htaccess.
(Numbers and minus sign befor numbers). For all urls in this folder.
For example
Need to look like
For all links in folder music
(I'm already removed php extension with htaccess)
How to do that?
Probably something like this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/music/(.+)-[0-9]+$ /music/$1
Note that this is the version for the host configuration. For .htaccess style files this has to be slightly modified. Whenever possible you should prefer not to use .htaccess style files but the real host configuration instead. Those files are notoriously error prone, hard to debug and really slow the server down.

Setting environment specific htaccess rules

So I usually want to set htaccess rules slightly differently based on what server it is on, eg live or development.
The ErrorDocument usually needs to be different, as well as some of the AddType and SetHandlers bits.
Is there any way I can make this a bit more dynamic and get it to auto detect based on the URL, then set a variable and have if conditionals further down in the htaccess?
Want to do this entirely from URL detection instead of setting parameters with apache please :)
No there isn't any way to set those things via some url detection. You can't make normal if conditions surrounding some of the things you want (AddType SetHandlers and ErrorDocument).
You could use env variables and mod rewrite but I don't think you'll like the end result. You'll have to do something like this using env|E=[!]VAR[:VAL] syntax
If you were in the httpd.conf or vhost file you might be able to separate your different setups by using <directory> sections </directory>. But Directory is not allowed in htaccess.
Also I wouldn't do this in a production environment anyways since something could go wrong and I would think the detection is slower and not needed. Perhaps you may want to look into a build script you run to create/deploy your different setups for development/production depending on hostname and other factors.

Font embedding and .htaccess in Firefox

Check out in any browser but Firefox and you'll see that the cloud logo is a custom glyph font. In Firefox, though, the font won't load.
As best I can gather, the problem is that I'm serving the font from a subdomain and Firefox has strict requirements about the serving fonts from the exact same domain as the site. Apparently I can get around this by making a change to my .htaccess file, but the recommended changes don't seem to be working. See and
Based on what I gather from these, here is what my .htaccess file currently looks like:
AddHandler php-stable .php
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
The first line was already there. I added the second (blank) and third lines. What am I doing wrong?
Actually, it turns out that my changes to .htaccess didn't save somehow. Adding that line to .htaccess does fix the problem.
