Changing class loader for flow assembly - spring-webflow-2

I am using Spring Web flow 2.4.8.RELEASE with Spring version 4.3.11. There are certain classes being used in the flow file that are not part of standard class loader. They are being loaded using application specific class loader.
How can I change change the class loader used by FlowModelFlowBuilder?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to load class '<CLASS TO LOAD USING DIFFERENT CLASS LOADER>'
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.model.FlowModelFlowBuilder.toClass(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.model.FlowModelFlowBuilder.parseFlowVariable(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.model.FlowModelFlowBuilder.buildVariables(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.FlowAssembler.directAssembly(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.FlowAssembler.assembleFlow(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.DefaultFlowHolder.assembleFlow(
at org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder.DefaultFlowHolder.getFlowDefinition(
at org.springframework.webflow.definition.registry.FlowDefinitionRegistryImpl.getFlowDefinition(
at org.springframework.webflow.executor.FlowExecutorImpl.launchExecution(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.faces.webflow.JsfFlowHandlerAdapter.handle(
FlowModelFlowBuilder calls getLocalContext().getApplicationContext().getClassLoader() to get the class loader. It return instance of ParallelWebappClassLoader.
I am looking for a way to let FlowModelFlowBuilder to specify custom class loader. Is it possible to customize FlowModelFlowBuilder?

Found another way. Instead of trying to find way to customize the Flow specifics, used ContextRefreshedEvent Listener and changed the class loader. As the beans are loaded after the context refreshed, following approach worked
public class WebflowApplicationContextListener implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent( final ContextRefreshedEvent p_event ) {
ApplicationContext l_appContext = p_event.getApplicationContext();
if ( l_appContext instanceof GenericWebApplicationContext ) {
( (GenericWebApplicationContext) l_appContext ).setClassLoader( getSpecificContextClassLoader() );


Inject different implementations based on application property in Quarkus

I have a Repository interface that has two implementations. One reads data from a locally stored CSV file while the other reads from an Amazon Dynamo DB. I would like to be able to switch between which implementation I'm using based on an application property or custom build profile. I would normally use a Factory to retrieve the correct class at runtime, but I would like to do this with injection if possible.
I found a similar question using Spring boot but couldn't find an equivalent that would work in Quarkus Spring choose bean implementation at runtime
I also tried implementing a Configuration class similar to what is found in the docs here but again didn't have much luck.
It feels like I'm missing something obvious so any pointers would be much appreciated.
Here is a simple example of my classes:
public class ExampleService {
ExampleRepository repository;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
return repository.retrieveData();
public interface ExampleRepository {
List<Data> retrieveData();
public class DynamoRepository implements ExampleRepository {
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
//Get Data from DynamoDb
public class CsvRepository implements ExampleRepository {
CsvBeanHandler csvBeanHandler;
LocalFileReader fileReader;
public List<Data> retrieveData() {
// Get data from CSV
I currently also have the following in my application.yml:
storage-type: 'CSV' # OR AMAZON_DYNAMO_DB
It looks like they've added this directly to the documentation:
I feel a bit guilty pasting this much, but it's the SO way.
I can add that it is NOT like a Guice 'binding'; BOTH classes will be instantiated, but only one will be injected. Also unlike Guice, you cannot inject the interface (or I did it wrong) - you have to do what's shown below, with Instance.
Personally I just use constructor injection and then drop the value of the Instance wrapper into a final field, so I'm not crying about the extra step. I do miss the power and explicit bindings possible with Modules ala Guice, but the simplicity here has its own value.
5.16. Declaratively Choose Beans That Can Be Obtained by Programmatic Lookup
It is sometimes useful to narrow down the set of beans that can be
obtained by programmatic lookup via javax.enterprise.inject.Instance.
Typically, a user needs to choose the appropriate implementation of an
interface based on a runtime configuration property.
Imagine that we have two beans implementing the interface
org.acme.Service. You can’t inject the org.acme.Service directly
unless your implementations declare a CDI qualifier. However, you can
inject the Instance instead, then iterate over all
implementations and choose the correct one manually. Alternatively,
you can use the #LookupIfProperty and #LookupUnlessProperty
annotations. #LookupIfProperty indicates that a bean should only be
obtained if a runtime configuration property matches the provided
value. #LookupUnlessProperty, on the other hand, indicates that a bean
should only be obtained if a runtime configuration property does not
match the provided value.
#LookupIfProperty Example
interface Service {
String name();
#LookupIfProperty(name = "", stringValue = "true")
class ServiceFoo implements Service {
public String name() {
return "foo";
class ServiceBar implements Service {
public String name() {
return "bar";
class Client {
Instance<Service> service;
void printServiceName() {
// This will print "bar" if the property "" is NOT set to "true"
// If "" is set to "true" then service.get() would result in an AmbiguousResolutionException
If your request is to bind at startup time the right implementation based on a configuration property, I suppose your problem may be resolved used #Produces annotation:
public class ExampleRepositoryFactory {
String storageType;
public ExampleRepository dynamoInstance() {
return storageType == "CSV" ? new CsvRepository() : new DynamoRepository();

Java agent : transform() not invoked for all classes

I have a very simple transformer:
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtMethod;
//this class will be registered with instrumentation agent
public class PizzaTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader,
String className,
Class classBeingRedefined,
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] classfileBuffer) throws
IllegalClassFormatException {
byte[] byteCode = classfileBuffer;
System.out.println("This class is "+className);
return byteCode;
The agent code is as follows:
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
public class PizzaAgent {
public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {
System.out.println("Executing premain.........");
inst.addTransformer(new PizzaTransformer(),true);
The manifest is :
Boot-Class-Path: javassist.jar
Premain-Class: PizzaAgent
Can-Redefine-Classes: true
Can-Retransform-Classes: true
What is puzzling is only 4000+ classes were printed by the transform(), when 19000+ classes are reported as loaded by turning on -verbose:class with command line launching.
Why more than 10000 classes are not invoking transform()?
Thank you
There may be two scenarios,
Class yet not loaded by JVM
If any class yet not loaded by JVM, then there are chances that Java agent : transform() will not be invoked for that classes.
Whenever it will be loaded by JVM Java agent : transform() will be invoked for that class.
Class is loaded before initializing ClassFileTransformer
If you have used any class inside your ClassFileTransformer implementation or any other Agent class, then that class may be loaded before ClassFileTransformer initialization, so Java agent : transform() will not be invoked for that class
You are only seeing classes that are not yet loaded when the agent is attached. If you want to handle loaded classes, too, you have to explicitly retransform these classes. You can do so by:
However, some classes are not retransformable (Instrumentation::isModifiable) and you most likely need to split up the array to avoid draining your memory.

How DbContext initializes automatic DbSet<T> properties?

Consider the following class:
class MyContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
and instantiating a new object:
var mycontext = new MyContext();
Why mycontext.Orders is not null? When it was initialized? Who has initialized it? I'm really confused because the base class (DbConetxt) cannot access the derived class properties so it is not possible that the automatic property was initialized in the base object.
From looking at the reflected code, when the DbContext (the base class) is constructed it makes a call to the DbSetDiscoveryService (an internal clasS) - which essentially uses reflection to find all properties on the DbContext, and then initializes those that need initializing.
So in short - using reflection in the constructor.

Unable to get default constructor for Integration class ninject

I'm new on using ninject and Dependency Injection, and have a problem using it.
I try to using Ninject on my class libray, and building an integration tests.
now, I see in many example that, for using ninject is just specified the DI Module like this:
Public Class DIModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And then on my test class, I try to call my dependency is like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests(IUSAServices usaServices)
_usaService = usaServices;
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("username1", "password1"));
And Getting this error:
Unable to get default constructor for class USATests.IntegrationTests.USAIntegrationTests.
However I read the documentation and tried like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests()
using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new DIModule()))
_usaService = kernel.Get<IUSAServices>();
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("mantab", "banget"));
The test is works properly.
My question is, why I getting that error? is that some way to get around it?
Thanks in advance.
Unit test frameworks require your test classes to have a default constructor. You usually can't integrate DI containers with them. Instead of using constructor injection, you will have to call the container directly from your code, although for unit tests you should typically not have a container at all (for integration tests however, this is okay).
You can add a paramterless constructor for the class. It worked for me.

Servicestack registration crashes with generic types

If I have a base class for my services like
public abstract class BaseService<T,R> : ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service
public R Get(T request)
Then service stack crashes with
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I think Servicestack should ignore the abstract generic classes when registering services. Is there any way to tell servicestack to ignore some service classes ?
By default, ServiceStack is including all types in the assemblies as candidates for services. It gets that exception when it tries to instantiate the class.
By overriding the CreateServiceManager in the host class, you can inject your own filtering of types so that abstract and unclosed generics are excluded.
protected override ServiceManager CreateServiceManager(params Assembly[] assembliesWithServices)
return new ServiceManager(
new Container(),
new ServiceController(
() =>
assembly => assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition))));
