I need to get the documents where exists Archery in the array list of games. How can i do with CouchDB selector?
"name": "John",
"games": ["Archery", "Board sports"]
"name": "Sara",
"games": ["Fishing", "Archery"]
"name": "Tara",
"games": ["Decathlon"]
You can use $elemMatch:
"selector": {
"games": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$eq": "Archery"
It will return all objects where games field equals 'Archery'
I want to pull multiple objects from array.
Here is my sample collection:
"_id": "wef324DGSshf",
"userTypes": [
"type": "students",
"users": [
"name": "John",
"age": 20
"name": "Mike",
"age": 20
"name": "Henry",
"age": 30
"name": "Henry",
"age": 40
I need to pull those objects where:
type: "students" and ages: [20,40]
So I have these 2 inputs: type & ages
Expected Response:
"_id": "wef324DGSshf",
"userTypes": [
"type": "students",
"users": [
"name": "Henry",
"age": 30
I have tried this query so far but it is not working:
"userTypes.type": "students",
"userTypes.users.age": {$in: [20, 40]},
$pull: {
"userTypes": {
"userTypes.users.$.age": {$in: [20, 40]}
Can anyone help me what I am doing wrong here?
Use an arrayFilters to specify the filtering for "type": "students" and normally perform $pull on age
"$pull": {
"userTypes.$[ut].users": {
"age": {
$in: [
arrayFilters: [
"ut.type": "students"
multi: true
Mongo Playground
Explanation: Check out the official doc about arrayFilters. You can think of the entries in arrayFilters as predicates. For a variable ut, it needs to have type: students. Let's go back to the $pull part. The predicate is applied to userTypes. That means for an entry in userTypes, ut, it needs to fit in the predicate of type: students. At the same time, we are $pulling the entries that age is in [20, 40].
I have collections named
"_id": {
"$oid": "1"
"companyId": [
"$oid": "2"
"Title": "abcd",
"Caption": "abc",
"_id": {
"$oid": "2"
"companyId": [
"$oid": "3"
"Title": "milk",
"Caption": "aa",
"_id": {
"$oid": "2"
"name": "cathub",
"url": "cathub.com",
"__v": 0
"_id": {
"$oid": "3"
"name": "Amule",
"url": "amule.com",
"__v": 0
here the products collection have companyId as foreign key of _id from companies collection.What i need is that when i search for a perticular string in products,it needed to search all fields including companies which is joined.for example if my keyword is "Amule",then it needed to search in title and caption and companies.name also.if it found matching then we need to return the products document of _id:2
I tried with the following
{ $lookup:{ form:"companies", localField:"companyId", foriegnField:"_id", as :"result" } }
{ $unwind:{ path:"$result" } }
but i am not able to perform $match after that.Because it shows error and only allow to use $match
only in the begining.Please help to solve this issue(i need to solve this issue using TEXT index)
Complete query
$match: {
$text: {
$search: "Amul",
$lookup: {
from: "companies",
localField: "companyId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "company",
$unwind: "$company",
$match: {
$search: "Amul"}
$group: {
_id: {
_id: "$_id",
Title: "$Title",
comapany: {
$push: "$company",
if the string 'Amul'present in any field of "products" then return the document or 'Amul' is present in the "name" field of joined "company" joined using $lookup then also return the parent document
'model' is the products collection
I'm using CouchDb in Fabric and I have the next JSON document
"id": "invoice1",
"sellers": [{
"names": "Clark",
"items": [{
"iditem": "item1",
"properties": [{
"width": "212cm"
How can I query the width property?
Used something like this.
"selector": {
"sellers": {
"$elemMatch": {
"items": {
"$elemMatch": {
"properties": {
"$elemMatch": {
"width": {
"$eq": "212cm"
For some reason, I have the following .find() commands and I am getting conflicting indexing errors. Below are examples of one working when I only try to get one type of document. But then if I try to get 2 types of documents it doesn't work for some reason.
Does anyone know why this would be the case?
My index file:
"_id": "_design/index",
"_rev": "3-ce41abcc481f0a180eb722980d68f103",
"language": "query",
"views": {
"index": {
"map": {
"fields": {
"type": "asc",
"timestamp": "asc"
"partial_filter_selector": {}
"reduce": "_count",
"options": {
"def": {
"fields": [
var result = await POUCHDB_DB.find({
$and: [{type:"document"},{uid:"123"}]
bookmark: bookmark,
sort: [{timestamp: "desc"}]
Doesn't work:
var result = await POUCHDB_DB.find({
$or: [
{$and: [{type:"document"},{uid:"123"}]},
{$and: [{type:"page"},{uid:"123"}]}
bookmark: bookmark,
sort: [{timestamp: "desc"}]
Missing timestamp in selector
In order yo use the timestamp to sort, it must be in your selector. You can simply add it with a "$gte":null.
Redundant condition
The uid seems redundant for your query. For this reason, I would add it into a separate condition.
Finally, in order to use your index, you should create an index with the following fields: uid, timestamp, type (I think this one is optional).
"selector": {
"$and": [{
"uid": "123",
"timestamp": {
"$gte": null
"$or": [{
"type": "document"
"type": "page"
"sort": [{
"timestamp": "desc"
If you want your queries to use your index, I would recommend to specify the "use_index" field. If you can version your indexes and queries, it will make the queries faster.
Here is my MongoDB collection schema:
company: String
model: String
cons: [String] // array of tags that were marked as "cons"
pros: [String] // array of tags that were marked as "pros"
I need to aggregate it so I get the following output:
"_id": {
"company": "Lenovo",
"model": "T400"
"tags": {
tag: "SomeTag"
pros: 124 // number of times, "SomeTag" tag was found in "pros" array in `Lenovo T400`
cons: 345 // number of times, "SomeTag" tag was found in "cons" array in `Lenovo T400`
I tried to do the following:
var aggParams = {};
aggParams.push({ $unwind: '$cons' });
aggParams.push({ $unwind: '$pros' });
aggParams.push({$group: {
_id: {
company: '$company',
model: '$model',
consTag: '$cons'
consTagCount: { $sum: 1 }
aggParams.push({$group: {
_id: {
company: '$_id.company',
model: '$_id.model',
prosTag: '$pros'
prosTagCount: { $sum: 1 }
aggParams.push({$group: {
_id: {
model: '$_id.model'
tags: { $push: { tag: { $or: ['$_id.consTag', '$_id.prosTag'] }, cons: '$consTagCount', pros: '$prosTagCount'} }
But I got the following result:
"_id": {
"company": "Lenovo",
"model": "T400"
"tags": [
"tag": false,
"pros": 7
What is the right way to do this with aggregation?
Yes this is a bit harder considering that there are multiple arrays, and if you try both at the same time you end up with a "cartesian condition" where one arrray multiplies the contents of the other.
Therefore, just combine the array content at the beginning, which probably indicates how you should be storing the data in the first place:
{ "$project": {
"company": 1,
"model": 1,
"data": {
"$setUnion": [
{ "$map": {
"input": "$pros",
"as": "pro",
"in": {
"type": { "$literal": "pro" },
"value": "$$pro"
{ "$map": {
"input": "$cons",
"as": "con",
"in": {
"type": { "$literal": "con" },
"value": "$$con"
{ "$unwind": "$data" }
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"company": "$company",
"model": "$model",
"tag": "$data.value"
"pros": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$data.type", "pro" ] },
"cons": {
"$sum": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$data.type", "con" ] },
function(err,result) {
So via the first $project stage the $map operators are adding the "type" value to each item of each array. Not that it really matters here as all items should process "unique" anyway, the $setUnion operator "contatenates" each array into a singular array.
As mentioned earlier, you probably should be storing in this way in the first place.
Then process $unwind followed by $group, wherein each "pros" and "cons" is then evaluated via $cond to for it's matching "type", either returning 1 or 0 where the match is respectively true/false to the $sum aggregation accumulator.
This gives you a "logical match" to count each respective "type" within the aggregation operation as per the grouping keys specified.