In .net core 2.0 set different session timeout for different roles - session-timeout

Set session timeout as 45 days for role with user and default session timeout for admin user.Is it possible to set different session timeout for different roles?
I have integrated nuget package of session in .net core 2.0 and the code written in configure method is as below
services.AddSession(options =>
// Set a short timeout for easy testing.
options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
options.Cookie = new CookieBuilder()
Path = "/",
Name = "ABC",
Expiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(36000)
// options.CookieHttpOnly = true;
// options.CookieName = "ASP.NetCoreSession";
//options.CookiePath = "/";
Currently I Have set timeout in hours


Microsoft.Identity.Web and ASP.NET Core SignalR JWT authentication

I am using ASP.NET Core to make a web application that also uses SignalR Core to provide real time functionality. I use Azure AD B2C for user management. I have successfully used Microsoft.Identity.Web ( to secure my API endpoints using tokens generated by Azure AD B2C.
I would like to do the same for my SignalR Core hubs. The documentation reads to add the appropriate annotation to your hubs/methods, which I have done. SignalR's client side library adds the access token as a query parameter which must be extracted and added to the context manually in the configuration of your ASP.NET core application, like so.
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnMessageReceived = context =>
var accessToken = context.Request.Query["access_token"];
// If the request is for our hub...
var path = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) &&
// Read the token out of the query string
context.Token = accessToken;
return Task.CompletedTask;
However, this seems to be incompatible with the configuration supplied by Microsoft.Identity.Web, here:
How can I make SignalR work with Microsoft.Identity.Web?
That should do it:
services.Configure<JwtBearerOptions>(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options =>
Func<MessageReceivedContext, Task> existingOnMessageReceivedHandler = options.Events.OnMessageReceived;
options.Events.OnMessageReceived = async context =>
await existingOnMessageReceivedHandler(context);
StringValues accessToken = context.Request.Query["access_token"];
PathString path = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
// If the request is for our hub...
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) && path.StartsWithSegments("/hubs"))
// Read the token out of the query string
context.Token = accessToken;
Instead of adding a JwtBearer, you can configure the JwtBearerOptions object this way.
Adapted from this documentation:
You can use Visual Studio to set up the SignalR connection, and then just add this line in startup.cs (VS might add it automatically)
This dev sample has SignalR set up, just the connection string is missing, but might give you an idea of what to do. Most of this was done automatically with VS. If you have issues setting it up, please open an issue in the repo. thanks.

Cannot connect to Azure Redis after changing Minimum TLS version to 1.2

In my .NET Framework 4.6.1 application I am using StackExchange.Redis.StrongName 1.2.6 to connect to Azure Redis.
This is the code
public RedisContext(string connectionString = null)
if (connectionString == null) return;
Lazy<ConfigurationOptions> lazyConfiguration
= new Lazy<ConfigurationOptions>(() => ConfigurationOptions.Parse(connectionString));
var configuration = lazyConfiguration.Value;
configuration.SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12;//just added
configuration.AbortOnConnectFail = false;
Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> lazyConnection =
new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(configuration));
_connectionMultiplexer = lazyConnection.Value;
LogProvider.IsDisabled = true;
var connectionEndpoints = _connectionMultiplexer.GetEndPoints();
_lockFactory = new RedisLockFactory(connectionEndpoints.Select(endpoint => new RedisLockEndPoint
EndPoint = endpoint,
Password = configuration.Password,
Ssl = configuration.Ssl
In Azure, I have changed the Redis resource to use TLS1.2 and in code I have added this line:
configuration.SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12;//just added
And now, nothing works anymore. This is the error I get in Application Insights:
Error connecting to Redis. It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); ConnectTimeout
I have also tried to add ",ssl=True,sslprotocols=tls12" to the redis connection string, but with the same result.
Try referencing StackExchange.Redis instead of StackExchange.Redis.StrongName. I have done that in a few of my projects and now it works. However some 3rd party still use StrongName rather than the normal redis one. StackExchange.Redis.StrongName is now deprecated. I assume you are trying to connect to Azure Redis in relation to them stopping TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support?

Bot responses with lag after certain time of non-use

I have a permanent problem which I couldn't solve.
Seems my dll was unloaded from the memory after a while.
For example, when I do not use bot during 30 minutes, and then reuse, it takes some time before responding, like it was re-deployed or dll was no longer in the RAM and it was reloaded before response.
Is there a way to fix the lag when bot is not used for a while?
update :3/1/17
To activate the option ' Always on ', it is necessary to pass on a paying offer.
As I am still there dev, I cannot pass on this offer.
I found a solution to keep my Bot in alive mode by creating a script that will send messages every minute.
My script is in c# and when I execute this, I obtain an error of authorisation.
var authValue = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{MyMicrosoftAppId}:{MyMicrosoftAppPassword}")));
var client = new HttpClient()
DefaultRequestHeaders = { Authorization = authValue }
var jsonObject = new Rootobject()
type = "message",
id = "0a24ca1428074419a1679b37e0e3dd39",
timestamp = DateTime.Now,
serviceUrl = "http://localhost:9000/",
channelId = "emulator",
from = new From()
id = "2c1c7fa3",
name = "User1"
conversation = new Conversation()
isGroup = false,
id = "8a684db8",
name = "Conv1"
recipient = new Recipient()
id = "56800324",
name = "Bot1"
text = "ping",
attachments = new object[0],
entities = new object[0]
var content = new StringContent(jsonObject.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = client.PostAsync("", content).Result;
But I get an authorization error:
StatusCode: 401, ReasonPhrase: 'Unauthorized', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent...
How can I login correctly on the Bot and send a message on its Url
As mentioned in the official document about Always On:
By default, web apps are unloaded if they are idle for some period of time. This lets the system conserve resources. In Basic or Standard mode, you can enable Always On to keep the app loaded all the time. If your app runs continuous web jobs, you should enable Always On, or the web jobs may not run reliably.
To activate the option ' Always on ', it is necessary to pass on a paying offer. As I am still there dev, I cannot pass on this offer.
Based on your scenario, I assumed that you could periodically send requests to make sure your site is alive, here are some tutorials you could refer to them (tutorial1 and tutorial2).

Skipping home realm discovery with Ws-Federation OWIN Middleware

Our Mvc/WebAPI solution currently has four trusted identity providers which we have registered in ADFS3. Each of these identity providers can be used by our users by direct links, effectively working around any home-realm-cookies that ADFS may have created (eg: or Currently we are migrating from WIF to OWIN but will keep using WS-Federation protocol for the time being by implementing wsfederation and cookie authentication middleware. When using WIF, we did the following in order to go directly to a known identity provider:
var signInRequest = new SignInRequestMessage(stsUrl, realm) { HomeRealm = homeRealm };
return new RedirectResult(signInRequest.WriteQueryString());
This seems to have two concerning behaviors, it does not pass the WsFedOwinState parameter, and on the return back to the Relying Party, the Home.cshtml is built (with a windows principal) before the the Owin authentication middleware is fired. The Home.cshtml being fired before the Owin middleware is the most concering as this view relies on Claims that would is provided in the transformation done by the authentication pipeline, which is fired afterwards and thus our view does not work. It works in the correct order when going to the portal in the normal way (eg
I understand that in order to provide the Whr parameter, you do the following when configuring the ws-federation middleware:
RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>
context.ProtocolMessage.Whr = "SomeUrnOfAnIdentityProvider";
return Task.FromResult(0);
but this sets a single identity provider for the whole solution and does not allow our users to go directly to one of a list of identity providers.
The non-working method which builds the sign-in-request is currently:
private RedirectResult FederatedSignInWithHomeRealm(string homeRealm)
var stsUrl = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Issuer"]);
string realm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"];
var signInRequest = new SignInRequestMessage(stsUrl, realm)
HomeRealm = homeRealm
return new RedirectResult(signInRequest.WriteQueryString());
The ws-federation and cookie middleware are configured as the first middleware in OWIN startup and the default authentication is set to
I think I found a solution. The new method for skipping the home realm screen would be like this :
private void FederatedSignInWithHomeRealm(string homeRealm)
var authenticationProperties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = "/" };
authenticationProperties.Dictionary.Add("DirectlyToIdentityProvider", homeRealm);
And the OWIN WS-Federation middleware would be configured like this :
app.UseWsFederationAuthentication(new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Notifications = new WsFederationAuthenticationNotifications()
RedirectToIdentityProvider = notification =>
string homeRealmId = null;
var authenticationResponseChallenge = notification.OwinContext
var setIdentityProvider = authenticationResponseChallenge != null
&& authenticationResponseChallenge.Properties
.TryGetValue("DirectlyToIdentityProvider", out homeRealmId);
if (setIdentityProvider)
notification.ProtocolMessage.Whr = homeRealmId;
return Task.FromResult(0);
MetadataAddress = wsFedMetadata,
Wtrealm = realm,
SignInAsAuthenticationType = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType,
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = realm

ServiceStack Session timing out in an hour or so

I am using servicestack to develop a restful api. I also have an ASP.Net web site which consumes this api to create a client side UI (using ajax + CORS).
After successful login (and data being served), if I leave the page idle for about an hour or so, I come back and it redirects me to login.
Here is how I initialize authorization with a 48 hour expiration:
var usernameOnlyAuthProvider = new UsernameOnlyAuthProvider() {SessionExpiry = new System.TimeSpan(48,0,0) };
var credentialsProvider = new CustomBasicAuthProvider();
var authFeature = new AuthFeature(() => new JanrainUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
}) { HtmlRedirect = null };
//Default route: /auth/{provider}
What could I be overlooking?
I had a similar problem, it turned out to be the the Application Pool timeout in IIS.
