web real time analytics dashboard: which technologies should use? (node/django, cassandra/mongodb...) - node.js

we want to develop a dashboard to analyze geospatial data.
This is a small and close approach to what we want to do: http://adilmoujahid.com/images/data-viz-talkingdata.gif
Our main concerns are about the backend technologies to be used. (front will be D3.js, DC.js, leaflet.js...)
Between Django and node.js, we think that we will use node.js, cause we've read than its faster than Django for this kind of tasks. But we are not sure and we are open to ideas.
But about Mongo or Cassandra, we are so confused. Our data is mostly structured, so store it in tables like Cassandra would make it easy to manage, also Cassandra seems to have better performance. However, we also have IoT devices data, with lots of real-time GPS location...
Which suggestions can you give to us to achieve our goal?
TL;DR Summary;
Dashboard with hundreds of simultaneous users.
Stored data will be mostly structured text/numbers, but will include also images, GPS-arrays, IoT sensors, geographical data (vector-polygons & rasters)
Databases will receive high write load coming from sensors.
Dashboard performance is so important. Its more important to read data in real time, than keeping it uncorrupted/secure.
Most calculus/math will be calculated in the client's browser, the server will try to avoid mathematical operations.

Disclaimer: I'm a DataStax employee so I'll comment on the Cassandra piece.
Cassandra is a good choice for this if your dashboard can be planned around a set of known queries. If those users will be doing ad-hoc queries directly to the database from the dashboard, you'll want something with a little more flexibility like ElasticSearch or (shameless plug) DataStax Search. Especially if you expect the queries/database to handle some of the geospatial logic.

JaguarDB has very strong support of geospatial data (2D and 3D). It allows you to store multi-measurements per point location while other databases support only one measurement (pointm). Many complex queries such as Voronoi polygon, convexhull are also supported. It is open source, distributed and sharded, multiple columns indexes, etc.

Concerning Postgresql and Cassandra, is there much difference in RAM/CPU/DISK usage between them?
Our use case does not require transactions, it will be in a single node and we will have IoT devices writing data up to 500 times per second. However ive read that Geographical data that works better with Potstgis than cassandra...
According to this use case, do you recommend Cassandra or Postgis?


Need architecture hint: Data replication into the cloud + data cleansing

I need to sync customer data from several on-premise databases into the cloud. In a second step, the customer data there needs some cleanup in order to remove duplicates (of different types). Based on that cleansed data I need to do some data analytics.
To achieve this goal, I'm searching for an open source framework or cloud solution I can use for. I took a look into Apache Apex and Apache Kafka, but I'm not sure whether these are the right solutions.
Can you give me a hint which frameworks you would use for such an task?
From my quick read on APEX it requires Hadoop underneath coupling to more dependencies than you probably want early on.
Kafka on the other hand is used for transmitting messages (it has other APIs such as streams and connect which im not as familiar with).
Im currently using Kafka to stream log files in real time from a client system. Out of the box Kafka really only provides fire and forget semantics. I have had to add a bit to make it an exactly once delivery semantic (Kafka 0.11.0 should solve this).
Overall, think of KAFKA being a more low level solution with logical message domains with queues and from what I skimmed over APEX being a more heavy packaged library with alot more things to explore.
Kafka would allow you to switch out the underlying analytical system of your choosing with their consumer api.
The question is very generic, but I'll try to outline a few different scenarios, as there are many parameters in play here. One of them is cost, which on the cloud it can quickly build up. Of course, the size of data is also important.
These are a few things you should consider:
batch vs streaming: do the updates flow continuously, or the process is run on demand/periodically (sounds the latter rather than the former)
what's the latency required ? That is, what's the maximum time that it would take an update to propagate through the system ? Answer to this question influences question 1)
how much data are we talking about ? If you're up the Gbyte size, Tbyte or Pbyte ? Different tools have different 'maximum altitude'
and what format ? Do you have text files, or are you pulling from relational DBs ?
Cleaning and deduping can be tricky in plain SQL. What language/tools are you planning on using to do that part ? Depending on question 3), data size, deduping usually requires a join by ID, which is done in constant time in a key value store, but requires a sort (generally O(nlogn)) in most other data systems (spark, hadoop, etc)
So, while you ponder all this questions, if you're not sure, I'd recommend you start your cloud work with an elastic solution, that is, pay as you go vs setting up entire clusters on the cloud, which could quickly become expensive.
One cloud solution that you could quickly fire up is amazon athena (https://aws.amazon.com/athena/). You can dump your data in S3, where it's read by Athena, and you just pay per query, so you don't pay when you're not using it. It is based on Apache Presto, so you could write the whole system using basically SQL.
Otherwise you could use Elastic Mapreduce with Hive (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-hive.html). Or Spark (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-spark.html). It depends on what language/technology you're most comfortable with. Also, there are similar products from Google (BigData, etc) and Microsoft (Azure).
Yes, you can use Apache Apex for your use case. Apache Apex is supported with Apache Malhar which can help you build application quickly to load data using JDBC input operator and then either store it to your cloud storage ( may be S3 ) or you can do de-duplication before storing it to any sink. It also supports Dedup operator for such kind of operations. But as mentioned in previous reply, Apex do need Hadoop underneath to function.

Geolocation App Google Cloud

I've no experience with geo location based apps and want to build a geolaction based app with a backend written in nodejs and running on google cloud.
My main problem is how to design the database and which db should I use (Bigtable or Datastore)? The main query is to query places at a given location and radius. I have read a lot about the geohash, but the nodejs librarys aren't so good now.
So what are you recommend me for chosing and designing database?
If you want to store the data in relational format, perform frequent
joins between location/co-ordinates and the amount of data being
processed is less (>50 GB), then go for Google Cloud SQL.
Cloud Bigtable is ideal for storing very large amounts of
single-keyed data with very low latency. It has great integration
services with most of the Apache projects.
If there is no requirement of data to be in the relational format,
and frequent insertions and updations are required on huge amounts of
data, go for Google Cloud Datastore. The querying process would be
slightly different and difficult for a naive person to understand.
You can also use Google BigQuery which processes TBs of data within a
few seconds, if frequent insertions and updations are not required.
It is more of a data store.
Have a look at the following URL for better insights: https://cloud.google.com/storage-options/
Google has also announced Cloud Spanner which is a relational
database service that offers great consistency and speed (still be
beta). It is still in early stage, but can revolutionise the concepts
of SQL vs NoSQL.
All of the above databases have querying libraries written for NodeJS.
GeoMesa, an Apache licensed open source suite of tools that enables large-scale geospatial analytics, works with Cloud Bigtable. I don't know how well this will interact with node.js, but it's worth considering a framework like GeoMesa since it will likely enable you to focus more on your core product.

How does Azure DocumentDB scale? And do I need to worry about it?

I've got an application that's outgrowing SQL Azure - at the price I'm willing to pay, at any rate - and I'm interested in investigating Azure DocumentDB. The preview clearly has distinct scalability limits (as described here, for instance), but I think I could probably get away with those for the preview period, provided I'm using it correctly.
So here's the question I've got. How do I need to design my application to take advantage of the built-in scalability of the Azure DocumentDB? For instance, I know that with Azure Table Storage - that cheap but awful highly limited alternative - you need to structure all your data in a two-step hierarchy: PartitionKey and RowKey. Provided you do that (which is nigh well impossible in a real-world application), ATS (as I understand it) moves partitions around behind the scenes, from machine to machine, so that you get near-infinite scalability. Awesome, and you never have to think about it.
Scaling out with SQL Server is obviously much more complicated - you need to design your own sharding system, deal with figuring out which server the shard in question sits on, and so forth. Possible, and done right quite scalable, but complex and painful.
So how does scalability work with DocumentDB? It promises arbitrary scalability, but how does the storage engine work behind the scenes? I see that it has "Databases", and each database can have some number of "Collections", and so forth. But how does its arbitrary scalability map to these other concepts? If I have a SQL table that contains hundreds of millions of rows, am I going to get the scalability I need if I put all this data into one collection? Or do I need to manually spread it across multiple collections, sharded somehow? Or across multiple DB's? Or is DocumentDB somehow smart enough to coalesce queries in a performant way from across multiple machines, without me having to think about any of it? Or...?
I've been looking around, and haven't yet found any guidance on how to approach this. Very interested in what other people have found or what MS recommends.
Update: As of April 2016, DocumentDB has introduced the concept of a partitioned collection which allows you scale-out and take advantage of server-side partitioning.
A single DocumentDB database can scale practically to an unlimited amount of document storage partitioned by collections (in other words, you can scale out by adding more collections).
Each collection provides 10 GB of storage, and an variable amount of throughput (based on performance level). A collection also provides the scope for document storage and query execution; and is also the transaction domain for all the documents contained within it.
Source: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/documentdb-manage/
Here's a link to a blog post I wrote on scaling and partitioning data for a multi-tenant application on DocumentDB.
With the latest version of DocumentDB, things have changed. There is still the 10GB limit per collection but in the past, it was up to you to figure out how to split up your data into multiple collections to avoid hitting the 10 GB limit.
Instead, you can now, specify a partition key and DocumentDB now handles the partitioning for you e.g. If you have log data, you may want to partition the data on the date value in your JSON document, so that each day a new partition is created.
You can fan out queries like this - http://stuartmcleantech.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/scalable-querying-multiple-azure.html

How to quickly build large scale analytics server?

I need to build a analytics server for large scale (seven figures and up) quickly and for the cheap.
Piwik would be the easy choice but for what I've gathered so far, Piwik is rather hard to scale and can require rather hefty servers to handle loads.
My second idea would to create quick and dirty Node.js server which just pushes everything to Amazon DynamoDB, so that one can start gathering the data from the day one and then build the UI later on. That would be quick to create and scale (vertically and horizontally). However, I'm wondering if DynamoDB is the right choice for such use? (gather data, generate reports)
I'm using DynamoDB professionaly and would not use it for your application.
DynamoDB truly has tons of constraints. Among them, you can have only one hash_key and optionally, one range_key.
You may do some "analytics" for items grouped under a given hash_key using query but really nothing fancy. For complex queries, you would have to use scan or EMR which are slow and expensive and have a couple of drawbacks due to throttling.
Nonetheless, NoSQL seems a good choice, at least for the prototyping stage of your application. But, I would recommend MongoDB instead. You can index any column, do complex queries, do not worry about data throttling. Sharding and replications is not too hard to setup.
MongoDB has a strong ecosystem and community which DynamoDB has not (yet) as it is much younger. MongoDB also has hosted offers which would allow you to bootstrap your application as quickly as you would with DynamoDB.
Piwik scales up to millions of pages & dozens of thousands of tracked websites per month. See their docs: http://piwik.org/docs/optimize/ and: http://piwik.org/blog/2012/07/piwik-high-scale-performance-report-as-of-july-2012/

What is the difference between Cassandra and CouchDB?

I'm looking at both projects and I can't really see the difference
from Cassandra Site:
Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store...Cassandra is eventually consistent. Like BigTable, Cassandra provides a ColumnFamily-based data model richer than typical key/value systems.
from CouchDB Site:
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API.
That said, I see the specific differences between each project as: access methods, written languages, etc. but to put AN EXAMPLE, when you talk about SOLR or Sphinx you know both are indexers with big differences but at the end are indexers.
Can I say here that Cassandra and CouchDB are non-relational databases that in some cases one can replace the other?
CouchDB is a document store. You put documents (JSON objects) in it and define views (indexes) over them. The objects can be arbitrarily complex with potentially deep structure. Further, they are not constrained to following some consistent schema.
Cassandra is a ragged-table key-value store. It just stores rows, each of which has a set of named columns grouped in to families with values. It sounds quite close to BigTable; BigTable doesn't require each row to have the same structure (unlike an SQL database). The values may have some structure, but this kind of store doesn't know anything about that -- they're just strings/byte sequences.
Yes, they are both non-relational databases, and there is probably a fair amount of overlap in their applicability, but they do have distinctly different data organization models. Each can probably be forced into emulating the other, but each model will map best to a different set of problems.
CouchDB has a feature present in very few open source database technologies: offline replication. CouchDB is designed so that applications can be run at the edge of the network. These applications are available even when internet connectivity fails.
Offline replication can also be leveraged to build large clusters, but CouchDB is designed to be robust and simple whether it is running on a single server, a datacenter, or even a smartphone.
