Cypress failed to start on MacOS - e2e-testing

When I try to use cypress open or cypress run, I get the following error:
✖ Verifying Cypress can run /*/*/.cache/Cypress/3.1.5/Cypress
→ Cypress Version: 3.1.5
Cypress failed to start.
This is usually caused by a missing library or dependency.
The error below should indicate which dependency is missing.
If you are using Docker, we provide containers with all required dependencies installed.
Command failed: /*/*/.cache/Cypress/3.1.5/Cypress/Cypress --smoke-test --ping=984
Platform: darwin (17.6.0)
Cypress Version: 3.1.5
There are no dependencies listed in the error, and I'm not using docker. What should I try?

Simply try ./node_modules/.bin/cypress install if you're using Cypress for the first time.

One thing that worked for me was unsetting the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable:
on MacOS
cypress open
on Windows
cypress open
if that fails, try the following as suggested by a user on Github:
on MacOS:
clear /Users/[username]/Library/Caches/Cypress
run npm i cypress -g
run cypress open
close terminal
return back to your node.js project and run the tests
on Windows:
clear C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache)
start a command prompt as administrator
run npm i cypress -g
run cypress open
close command prompt
return back to your node.js project and run the tests


`yarn global add remotedev-server` gives error `Usage Error: The 'yarn global' commands have been removed in 2.x - use 'yarn dlx' instead`

I am trying to run a local Dev build of Metamask Chrome Extension.
According to their README files Yarn3 should be installed and then to run React Dev Tools and Redux Dev Tools you to have install remotedev-server package with yarn global.
Yarn returns the following error - Usage Error: The 'yarn global' commands have been removed in 2.x - consider using 'yarn dlx' or a third-party plugin instead
Using yarn dlx does not help it gives the following error (see image) my Terminal output logs
I have tried installing the classic yarn that has version 1.22.19 but MetaMask package.json file has locked the yarn version at 3.2.4.
Has anyone faced this issue. Am I missing something. I have tried following one github discussion about this but with no success.

"vite is not recognized ..." on "npm run dev"

I'm using Node.js and npm for the first time, I'm trying to get Vite working, following the tutorials and documentation. But every time I run into the problem 'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have been trying to find a solution for 4 hours now but with no results.
I tried restarting pc, reinstalling node.js, several procedures to create vite project but in vain. I suppose it's my beginner's mistake, but I really don't know what to do anymore.
Commands and responses I run when I try to create a vite project:
npm create vite#latest
>> my-portfolio >> vanilla & vanilla
cd my-portfolio
npm install >>resp: up to date, audited 1 package in 21s found 0 vulnerabilities
npm run dev
> my-portfolio#0.0.0 dev
> vite
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
try to install the packages to make it work
npm install or npm i
For this error use the following command on your terminal in the present working directory of the project
npm install
npm run dev
first, try to install a node package manager and then run npm run dev hope it will work
yarn add vite
on project folder to add vite,
and run
npm run dev
remember to update your node version to 18, LTS from 17 might not support this installation.
I try to fresh install again my Laravel 9.19, since i had update my node to version 18, npm install & npm run dev just work fine without yarn.
According to documentation
npm install
npm run dev
npx vite build
I found myself in the same situation.
The problem is vite.cmd is not in the system or user PATH variable, so it cannot be found when it is executed from your project folder.
To fix it, you should temporarily add the folder where vite.cmd is in your PATH variable (either for the entire system or your user). I recommend adding it just for your user, and keep in mind you should probably remove it after you stop working on that project, because this could affect future projects using the same build tools.
To do this:
My PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > Click on Environment Variables (alternatively just use the start button and begin typing Environment, you should get a direct link)
On "User variables" find "Path" and edit it.
Add a new entry for the folder where vite.cmd is. Example "C:\dev\reactplayground\firsttest\test01\node_modules.bin" Check your project folder to find the right path.
Make sure your close and open your console for this change to affect.
Go back to your project root folder and run "vite build", it should work now.
for me I've:
1 - excuted yarn add vite
2- and then npm install
work fine !
For me I had a project I created on one computer and it had this in devDependencies:
"vite": "^3.1.0"
I did pnpm install and it reported everything was fine, but I was getting the error. I ran pnpm install vite and it installed it again with this:
"vite": "^3.1.8"
After that it worked fine. So try using npm, yarn, or pnpm to install the vite package again and see if that works.
try npm install
then npm run build
Recently faced this error and I run
npm install
npm run dev
then the output was
VITE v3.2.4 ready in 1913 ms
reference LINK
You need Node version 15 or higher, I had the same problem because I was using an older version of it.
Needs to install all the packages in package.json and run again
npm i
npm run dev
For me this worked:
I changed NODE_ENV environment variable to development ( earlier it was production - which should not be the case, as dev-dependencies won't get installed by npm install or yarn )
Here is what to make sure before running npm install or yarn:
Make sure `NODE_ENV` environment variable is not set to `production` if you running locally for dev purpose.
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
> vite
'vite' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
try to install the packages to make it work
npm install or npm i
The following works just fine!
npx vite build
npm i
npm run dev
I had the same challenge and I was finding the error
create-vite : command not found
I resolved by running the command:
npm i create-vite
From there you can continue with running the command:
npm create vite#latest
npm install or npm i
helps with issue of 'vite' is not recognized
After I tried npm install
i could run the npm run dev after and it showed me the localhost

wedriverio jenkins - npm command not found error

I am trying to run webdriverio test from jenkins and following this . I installed nodeJS plugin for jenkins and under global tool config, for NodeJS , added a name and installation directory as /usr/local/bin (node executable is in this folder)
In Jenkins, in project config , under build environment, I have checked
Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH and chosen the node installation name from previous step
But when I am trying to run npm install
npm test ,by adding these commands under execute shell under Build and building it, I receive this error
Building in workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/wdio-project
[wdio-project] $ /bin/sh -xe /Users/Shared/Jenkins/tmp/
+ npm install
/Users/Shared/Jenkins/tmp/ line 2: npm: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
In case someone is looking for same issue, I resolved the above error by adding export PATH=/usr/local/bin to the execute shell under build. This post helped me
There is currently a bug opened about this (JENKINS-26583 and JENKINS-27170)
I could workaround this bug by adding explicitly node on the PATH by adding this line :
export PATH=$PATH:/home/jenkins/.jenkins/tools/
I had just fixed the same issue as you did.
I wonder if my fix would also help you. When I was using the alpine-based docker image, the Jenkins can never find the npm, but when I use the debian-based docker image, problem solved immediately.
Try this export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
After installation of NodeJS restart pc
In my case this worked -
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

Continuous integration and deployment of Node.js application on Bamboo

The application I want to implement continuous deployment on Bamboo has node modules and bower component dependencies. On the bamboo server nodejs, npm have been installed.
There are only three tasks on default job:
Source Code Checkout
Build dependencies:
npm install
bower install
Deploy to the staging server
The problem is on the second task, bamboo fails with the message "No failed tests found, a possible compilation error occurred." I don't even run any tests.
The log file is not explanatory at all:
Starting task 'Build dependencies' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh /home/ubuntu/bamboo-installation/temp/] was 1 while expected 0
Ok, I solved the problem. The issue was the wrong node (which obviously messed things up) was installed on the bamboo server. Uninstalled the wrong one and everything worked as expected.
Good to see you solved it.
There is a setup I use and which could prevent further problems with CI:
export npm_config_prefix=.npm/
export PATH=.npm/bin:$PATH
export CI=true
npm install -g bower
bower install
npm install
This installs bower (and others like grunt-cli if you want) in your project folder so you can e.g. have a specific version, sets CI=true as advised in bower docs, and then installs all dependencies.
Bamboo AMI originally have npm version 1.4.28 installed and you are probably using a more recent version on you development environment. I had the same issue and resolved it by creating a script task to update npm version on the very beginning of my build process. Here is the script:
# update npm
curl -O -L
chmod +x
sudo PATH=$PATH:/opt/node-0.10/bin ./

NodeJS/Testacular on Jenkins CI

I'm using Testacular which is a Node.js test runner for Angular/Jasmine. I can run it fine from the command line, but every time I try to run it from Jenkins build steps, it bombs out with all sorts of errors regarding environment variables. I tried the Nodejs plugin for Jenkins, but that's just to run node code snippets. Anyone know of a way to have node apps (eg. Testacular) running test under Jenkins?
You will need to:
have "testacular" as a dependency in your package.json file.
install your dependencies with npm install (do this as a build step)
call it as ./node_modules/.bin/testacular start --single-run
Assuming you have configured testacular to use PhantomJs browsers = ['PhantomJS'];, you just need to have the phantomjs binary in your path or tell testacular where it is located with an environment variable set in your shell:
export PHANTOMJS_BIN=$HOME/local/bin/phantomjs
good news!
" I tried the Nodejs plugin for Jenkins, but that's just to run node code snippets. "
install the nodejs plugin see instructions here -> NodeJS jenkins plugin broken?
then tick "Provide Node/npm bin folder to PATH" and when running a "execute shell" build task, you can use nodejs, here's a example using grui
npm update
grunt --force reporting
