Microsoft graph rest api v1.0: Access to B2C tenant users - azure

I want to get user information, not only from Azure Active Directory, but also from Azure B2C Tenant Users. I was able to reproduce results for AAD users, but I couldn't find enough resource as for how to access to B2C Users (e.g. I get this error when I swap to my desired clientid/clientsecret (fetched from Azure AD B2C - Application) in this project (
'unsupported_response_type', error_description: 'AADSTS700054: response_type 'id_token' is not enabled for the application.
I couldn't find the recent resources helpful, as a lot of Azure component changed. I would greatly appreciate your kind guidance!

If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to programatically CRUD B2C Users.
AADB2C has a documentation for same using AADGraph (and not using Microsoft Graph)
Build user CRUD operations by using the Graph API

As of today,you must use the Azure AD Graph API to manage users in an Azure AD B2C directory. This is different from the Microsoft Graph API. The sample you referred to is not appropriate for managing B2C tenant users.


What approaches are available for allowing Azure AD B2C users to GET and POST data to a M365 environment via Graph API?

Per the docs, there is no 'out of the box' way to enable Azure AD B2C users to interact with the M365 environment associated with the Azure AD tenant that was used to create the Azure AD B2C tenant.
Azure AD B2C can't be used to authenticate users for Microsoft 365.
Can I use Azure AD B2C to provide social login (Facebook and Google+) into Microsoft 365?
But I still need to be able to provide this functionality, i.e GET and POST requests to M365 via the Graph API.
To be clear, this is what I have achieved so far:
Azure AD B2C users can login
Azure AD users can login and interact with their own M365 environment via Graph API
(to enable this, I added the Azure AD tenant as an identity provider, per this article)
What I have not yet been able to figure out is:
How can the Azure AD B2C users interact with the M365 environment associated with the Azure AD tenant?
(that created the Azure AD B2C tenant)
To illustrate a use case for this requirement:
Company_A wants to enable external contractors to be able to submit compliance documents to them
They set up Azure AD B2C and create accounts for their external contractors
They set up a Node.js/Express web app on Azure
External contractors can now login to a web app and view forms designed to submit data and attachments
How can those forms send data and attachments to a Document Library in Company_A's M365 environment?
I have been pondering this issue for a while and can't conceptualise a mental or technical model of how this can be achieved.
Google searching related phrases doesn't produce any relevant content.
I am hoping someone will have the knowledge and experience to be able to say:
You will need to follow THIS paradigm which is documented HERE and involves doing THIS
I am reading articles like these:
Get access without a user
which talks about scenarios where:
apps that have a signed-in user present may also need to call Microsoft Graph under their own identity
and contemplating adding Application Permissions (as opposed to Delegated Permissions) to my Azure AD B2C application registration.
Just to test the idea, I have added Sites.ReadWrite.All as an Application Permission and granted Admin Consent for that permission. How would I define this scope (Sites.ReadWrite.All) to be associated with the 'home' Azure AD tenant (as opposed to the Azure AD B2C tenant)? I am using msal-node which has a method named getAuthCodeURL() where you pass through the scopes required. I am assuming if I just added Sites.ReadWrite.All it would default to being applied to the Azure AD B2C tenant, rather than the desired Azure AD tenant?
M365 doesn’t exist in an Azure AD B2C tenant, you cannot apply a license for Office there. This simply isn’t possible.
For Graph API, you cannot use B2C issued tokens to call it. You must use underlying AAD Tokens to access it. Your server would need to perform Azure AD client credentials flow against the Azure AD endpoint of your AAD B2C tenant and ask for a token to Graph API.
Microsoft service scopes only apply to the underlying Azure AD endpoints of your AAD B2C tenant. They won’t mean anything at the AAD B2C login endpoints. Hence, the differentiation is made by the endpoint used.
An Azure AD B2C tenant has both endpoints:
Since M365 env does not exist for B2C tenants, the MS Graph API is only useful to R/W user data. But, for this, you could just use the B2C user flows to R/W user profile data, and return user profile data into the B2C token, so you don’t have go call MS Graph API. This is actually the intended usage pattern.

Azure B2C Invite Consumer Users & Retrieve User Permissions

Can someone provide a general approach to meeting these requirements? I've spent a bit of time researching these various topics and attempting to implement solutions and I'm surprised at how much work is involved. Hopefully I'm missing something.
How do I invite consumer users to a B2C tenant so that they can authenticate into our application using their social accounts (ex: Personal Microsoft or Google accounts)? The only baked in solution on the Azure Portal I've found uses B2C local accounts. Note that I do not want to use a publicly accessible Sign Up flow.
Presently I'm looking into a custom process that would work by inviting users to a 'local' b2c consumer account and then allowing the user to associate their social account with the local account.
Once users have authenticated (using MSAL v2 Auth Flow w/PKCE), I want to retrieve a list of permissions the user has for our application.
I'm looking into two options here:
(1) use the auth token to verify user against an internal API that, in turn, makes a call to the Microsoft Graph API to get the user's group memberships.
(2) Create a custom claim that serves the same purpose as user groups
Administrative users of our application need to be able to invite additional users to the application.
I've found some articles that point, again, to using custom policies.
Thank you very much!
EDIT #1 -
Looking into using B2C & Microsoft Graph API I came across some decent, and recent, MS Resources:
And this important-to-me statement -> Microsoft January 28th, 2021:
"Although the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow is not currently directly supported by the Azure AD B2C authentication service, you can set up client credential flow using Azure AD and the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint for an application in your Azure AD B2C tenant. An Azure AD B2C tenant shares some functionality with Azure AD enterprise tenants."
I'll update my post when I find a solution. Thanks again!
You need to use custom policies.
For first bullet point, see my sample:
You could do either option. For option 1, AAD B2C can call your api which can call graph api to fetch groups. Then embed the info into the token. For option 2, you could write a role value to an extension attribute and return it in the token.
To invite users, you could use the invite sample. Essentially make an app that calls an API to generate these invite links and send those to the users email. The user clicks the link which allows them to complete their sign up.

Azure Graph Booking API for public application

I would like to use MS Graph Booking API for publicly available application.
Users are going to login with identity providers but obviously are not in our Azure AD.
Per my understanding, it's possible to access this API only with delegated AD user permissions.
Also as I see Azure B2C AD users seem to not have access to MS Graph API.
Question: Is there a way to expose and use MS Graph Booking API by users who are in our database or in Azure B2C AD?
I am afraid there is no such way. To use Microsoft Graph API, we need to provide the appropriate access tokens for the corresponding operations, and we must get the access token from the Microsoft identity platform(formerly Azure Active Directory for developers).
The steps are:
Register your app with Azure AD.
Get authorization.
Get an access token.
Call Microsoft Graph with the access token.

Where should I perform (groups/roles equivalent) in B2C with OIDC and OAuth / API access?

I'm looking at the B2C API demos, and API documentation and I'm unable to determine the preferred method for managing authorization.
Azure AD supports assigning AD Users/Groups to apps, and also roles. Seemingly B2C doesn't support this. (I experimented by using AAD tasks against a B2C tenant. Hopefully I did it correctly)
Given that a singular B2C tenant will offer web sign in, and most likely API access as well, what is the benefit of creating more than one scope as exhibited in the TodoList:TodoListScope.
Can I conditionally add additional scopes? Using B2C or store it in the graph/application somewhere?
Or more abstractly, how should I perform authorization to the many different APIs (and apps) when an id_token is exchanged for an access_token?
Perhaps API Management will give me ideas on how to perform RBAC or other permissioning. Added them as a tag as well
There is an RBAC Github sample here that requires you to use work accounts which are called "B2C Users" in the portal below.
Users created this way, can be added to groups located within Azure Active Directory (by script). Testing still in progress

Authenticate a user on Azure AD B2C using Graph API

I have created a WebApi app which can create a user on Azure AD B2C tenant using Graph API.
Now the user has to authenticate on Azure AD B2C as the same way I have used like Graph API. I mean a programmatic approach to sign in instead of Microsoft login page. Is it possible to authenticate against Azure AD B2C using Graph API? If yes can you please suggest me the way to do it.
It is not possible to authenticate an user in azure AD using graph API. Graph API provides methods to various AD related operations on the users, signed on user, groups, directory roles, policies and so on.
You can programmatically authenticate users against Azure AD using a certain call but MS refuses to officially support the method in libraries, despite it existing for over 4 years.
For node, the denied pull request is here:
The code repo referenced in the pull is here:
