Sign in Azure AD external account - azure

I thougt this toggle in Azure would enable for external users to log in:
But when I log in from an external account, I get:
AADSTS50020: User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'YY' and cannot access the application 'sdfsdfs'(asdasd) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Do I have to manually add single accounts to let them login with Azure? Can't I open up for specific domains or all?

If you want users from the other organizations to login your application. There are four simple steps.
1.Update your application registration to be multi-tenant
2.Update your code to send requests to the /common endpoint
3.Update your code to handle multiple issuer values
4.Understand user and admin consent and make appropriate code changes
For more details, you can refer to


Azure AD External Identity using SAML without invitation

I am trying to setup Azure AD integration with our partner identities. I have few providers that I need to support and they support SAML and WS-Fed. I am trying to use Azure AD External Identities to add these providers to my Azure AD tenant.
However, reading through this article, it seems like SAML integrations are invitation based.
I want users to be able to login without an invitation. How can I do this with Azure AD?
Here are my needs:
After adding the external idp, users should be able to login using their own credentails via their idp. No additional information needed to use an app.
I should be able to grant them access to custom apps (mandatory) and azure resources (optional)
Choose what idp's are allowed per app? (if possible)
Thanks in advance.
Question 1: After adding the external idp, users should be able to login using their own credentials via their idp. No additional information needed to use an app.
We can implement Guest users redemption using direct link or a common endpoint instead of email invitation. A guest user clicks the app link, reviews and accepts the privacy terms, and then seamlessly accesses the app.
Using Common endpoint : Guest users can now sign in to your multi-tenant or Microsoft first-party apps through a common endpoint (URL), for example Previously, a common URL would redirect a guest user to their home tenant instead of your resource tenant for authentication, so a tenant-specific link was required (for example Now the guest user can go to the application's common URL, choose Sign-in options, and then select Sign in to an organization. The user then types the name of your organization.
Using Direct Link: As an alternative to the invitation email or an application's common URL, you can give a guest a direct link to your app or portal. You first need to add the guest user to your directory via the Azure Portal or Powershell Then you can use any of the customizable ways to deploy applications to users, including direct sign-on links. When a guest uses a direct link instead of the invitation email, they’ll still be guided through the first-time consent experience.
Add B2B guests without an invitation link or email - Azure AD
Invitation redemption in B2B collaboration - Azure AD
Question 2 : I should be able to grant them access to custom apps (mandatory) and azure resources (optional)
Answer: Add the Users as Guest to Azure active Directory but by default they will be sent an invitation even if they don’t open it you can assign an app in your enterprise application for them to use .
Most federated applications that support SAML 2.0, WS-Federation, or OpenID connect also support the ability for users to start at the application, and then get signed in through Azure AD either by automatic redirection or by clicking on a link to sign in. This is known as service provider-initiated sign-on, and most federated applications in the Azure AD application gallery
End-user experiences for applications - Azure Active Directory
Quickstart: Add guest users in the Azure portal - Azure AD
To Provide the Guest user access to azure resources you can manually add a role to the users.
Question 3: Choose what idp's are allowed per app?
Answer: Create different user flows and add desired IDPs to the user flows and then assign applications registered in Azure AD to the user flows depending on which IDPs are needed for given application.
Add a self-service sign-up user flow - Azure AD
Question 4: I added Okta as an External Identity using SAML in my Azure AD. Created an "App Registration" as multi-tenant. But I am getting this error.
AADSTS50020: User account 'xxx' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant '' and cannot access the application '0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'(Microsoft App Access Panel) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Solution: Please Ensure User is added to one of the Partner Admin Groups i.e. AdminAgents in the Partner tenant.
Manage Auth access for cloud solution providers.
Question 5: Steps for setting self service signup for an application.
Test Scenario in my Lab
Azure AD with an application registered in application registrations blade.
Another AD tenant with users.
Step 1: In the above external identities collaboration settings please make sure to have enable guest user self service enabled.
If it is not enabled then you can’t create a self service flow and you will get the below error when a user from other tenant is trying to access the app.
Step 2: Create a user flow by going to the user flow blade and creating a new flow.
Step 3: After you have created the user flow , click on the User flow and go to application blade and click add application.
Now search for the application you want to provide the self service signup to and click on select and you will have now enable the self service sign up for users when they try to access your application.
Once the above settings are done you can access the url to your app. Provide the user of the different ad tenant and you will get output as below .Click on create a new one .
Once the user from other AD tenant have accepted it they are successfully registered as guest users in your tenant.
If they accept the above then they will be able to access the app from now as a guest.

How can I invite Guest Users to the Azure B2C Platform and provide them access to the application?

I have a requirement where we want the users to use their social accounts to login into our application (i.e. get an ID Token) through Azure B2C. I configured the Identity Provider and create a user flow for Sign in only. We don't want Users to Sign Up because that through Invitation only. When I use the "Invite User" to the account and the user accepts the invitation and tries to login into the application, I get the below error.
AADB2C99002 User does not exist. Please sign up before you can sign in.
But the user is existing as a Guest User.
When I allow Sign up and the user actually does the Sign-up and then login in, it works.
Why isn't the Guest User allowed to access the application? What needs to be done for the same to work?
If it's not possible, I don't want the user to be a "member" to avoid maintaining their credentials. I want the users to use their social accounts only.
As I don't have the requirement of self sign-up and the only invitation-based, how do I achieve my requirement?
Please see the Overview of user accounts in Azure Active Directory B2C.
Guest account - A guest account can only be a Microsoft account or an Azure Active Directory user that can be used to access applications
or manage tenants.
Consumer account - A consumer account is used by a user of the applications you've registered with Azure AD B2C. Consumer accounts
can be created by:
The user going through a sign-up user flow in an Azure AD B2C application
Using Microsoft Graph API
Using the Azure portal
Guest account is specifically distinguished from Consumer account. So Guest user can't sign into B2C application directly.
Your three questions are actually the same question: How to log in a social account without managing its credentials?
Please refer to Add an identity provider to your Azure Active Directory B2C tenant.
In order to let account sign in, you need to Set up sign-in with a Microsoft account using Azure Active Directory B2C. Choose the policy type (User flow or Custom policy) you want to find the corresponding steps.
If you need your customers from other social idps such as Facebook, Google and so on, you can find the corresponding article on the left.

How can I allow public login on my app registration in my Azure Tenant?

I'm trying to create an app hosted in Azure that (should) allow public login, as long as you have a Microsoft account. I don't care if it's a business or personal account. You just need to be able to log in. I'm creating a SPA and an API.
So I went to the Azure portal and created an app registration and configured the app reg to allow all users from within, or outside the organization with a valid personal or business Microsoft account.
Now the SPA is an Angular app and I use Damien Bod's OpenId library to log in. When I point the stsServer to my login endpoint ({my-tenant-id}/v2.0) and log in, all works fine, except when I log in using an account outside the organization (for example my personal account).
I get receive the following error:
AADSTS50020: User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'(App Name) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Now the problem is that I simply don't want to add all these users, but allow them access to this app. How can I do that?
Thanks a bunch!
If you want to allow any account to sign in, you can't use your tenant-specific login endpoint.
You need to use the "common" endpoint:
This allows login with any Azure AD / Personal Microsoft account.

External users cannot able to sign in with azure active directory v2 connection?

I had a microsoft bot application that uses the azure active directory v2 connection for sign in the users to the application. But it does not allow the external or other users to sign in to the application. I know the one way is that adding the guest user to the azure active directory so that it will allow. But I need to know is there other way to allow any users to sign in with azure active directory without adding them as a guest user.
The below messages is displayed when other users try to sign with the azure active directory v2 connectivity.
The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
But I need to know is there other way to allow any users to sign in
with azure active directory without adding them as a guest user.
Multi-tenant will only allow the accounts in any organizational directory to login. If you want accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts to login, you should use Azure AD v2.0 endpoint and change your account type to the third one.
Also,remember to use the Common endpoint to login in.
Go to azure portal->click Azure Active Directory->choose your application->click Authentication

Does App need to be multi-tenant when using B2B invite

We are building a Web App/API to publish in our Azure AD and want to provide access to the app by inviting (B2B scenario) external users into our Azure AD. This will create accounts in our Azure AD of type "Guest" which we will use to assign permissions to the app. In this scenario, do we need to configure our application to be "multi-tenant"? There are steps to take inside the code to accommodate for multi-tenant sign-ins and there is a setting on the Settings tab of the App Registration in Azure AD that is labeled "Multi-tenanted" where you select either Yes or No. On the App Registration setting, there is a pop-out bubble that says:
Designates whether users in external organizations are allowed to grant your
app access to data in their organization's directory
I am not sure how (or if) the code changes and the app registration setting are related but our app will not need access to any data outside of our directory.
No your app does not need to be multi-tenanted and you do not need to direct users to the /common endpoint. I have tested this, and you still get a kind of SSO experience.
Example (homed in Org1 AAD) is a guest user in Org2 AAD (invite has been accepted). Now this same user opens a private browser and logs in to Org1 AAD.
The user then tries to hit a web app with app registration in Org2, and web app redirects user to
Result, user is considered logged in by AAD and gets redirected to the redirect_url with tokens, etc.
