timeout in shell script and report those input with timeout - linux

I would like to conduct analysis using program Arlsumstat_64bit with thousand of input files.
Arlsumstat_64bit reads input files (.arp) and write result file (sumstat.out).
Each input will append new line on the result file (sumstat.out) based on the argument "0 1"
Therefore, I wrote a shell script to execute all the input (*.arp) in the same folder.
However, if the input files contain error, the shell script will be stuck without any subsequently process. Therefore, I found a command with "timeout" to deal my issue.
I made a shell script as following
for sp in $(ls *.arp) ;
echo "process start: $sp"
timeout 10 arlsumstat_64bit ${sp}.arp sumstat.out 1 0
rm -r ${sp}.res
echo "process done: $sp"
However, I still need to know which input files failed.
How could make a list telling me which input files are "timeout"?

See the man page for the timeout command http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/timeout.1.html
If the command times out, and --preserve-status is not set, then exit
with status 124. Otherwise, exit with the status of COMMAND. If no
signal is specified, send the TERM signal upon timeout. The TERM
signal kills any process that does not block or catch that signal.
It may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal
cannot be caught, in which case the exit status is 128+9 rather than
You should find out which exit codes are possible for the program arlsumstat_64bit. I assume it should exit with status 0 on success. Otherwise the script below will not work. If you need to distinguish between timeout and other errors it should not use exit status 124 or which is used by timeout to indicate a timeout. So you can check the exit status of your command to distinguish between success, error or timeout as necessary.
To keep the script simple I assume you don't need to distingish between timeout and other errors.
I added some comments where I modified your script to improve it or to show alternatives.
# don't parse the output of ls
for sp in *.arp
echo "process start: $sp"
# instead of using "if timeout 10 arlsumstat_64bit ..." you could also run
# timeout 10 arlsumstat_64bit... and check the value of `$?` afterwards,
# e.g. if you want to distinguish between error and timeout.
# $sp will already contain .arp so ${sp}.arp is wrong
# use quotes in case a file name contains spaces
if timeout 10 arlsumstat_64bit "${sp}" sumstat.out 1 0
echo "process done: $sp"
echo "processing failed or timeout: $sp"
# If the result for foo.arp is foo.res, the .arp must be removed
# If it is foo.arp.res, rm -r "${sp}.res" would be correct
# use quotes
rm -r "${sp%.arp}.res"

Below code should work for you:
for sp in $(ls *.arp) ;
echo "process start: $sp"
timeout 10 arlsumstat_64bit ${sp}.arp sumstat.out 1 0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "process done sucessfully: $sp"
echo "process failed: $sp"
echo "Deleting ${sp}.res"
rm -r ${sp}.res


Is there a way in the shell script that if [ <script exits with non-0 value> ] then; do <something>

In the shell script, I want to do that
if the shell script failed ( exited with non zero value), then before exiting the process, do something.
How could I insert such a if statement block in my shell script.
Is that feasible?
For example,
set -e
echo $password > confidential.txt
rm <file-that-does-not-exist>
rm confidential.txt
I want to make sure that the confidential.txt is made sure to be removed anyways
Use the trap command:
trap 'if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo failed; fi' EXIT
The EXIT trap is run when the script exits, and $? contains the status of the last command before it exited.
Note that a shell script's exit status is the status of the last command that it executed. So in your script, it will be the status of
rm confidential.txt
not the error from
rm filethatdoesnotexist
Unless you use set -e in the script, which makes it exit as soon as any command gets an error.
Use trap with the EXIT pseudo signal:
remove_secret () {
rm -f /path/to/confidential.txt
trap remove_secret EXIT
You probably don't want the file to remain if the script exits with 0, so EXIT happens regardless of the exit code.
Note that without set -e, rm on a non-existent file doesn't stop the script.
Assuming you're on Linux (or another operating system with /proc/*/fd), you have an even better option: Delete confidential.txt before putting the password into it at all.
That can look something like the following:
exec 3<>confidential.txt
rm -f -- confidential.txt
printf '%s\n' "$password" >&3
...and then, to read from that deleted file:
cat "/proc/$$/fd/3" ## where $$ is the PID of the shell that ran the exec command above
Because the file is already deleted, it's guaranteed to be eligible for garbage collection by your filesystem the moment your script (or the last program it started inheriting its file descriptors) exits or is killed, even if it's killed in a way that doesn't permit traps or signal processing to take place.

How to see if the process was killed?

When you want to set a time limit for a process, you can simply use timeout before the process:
timeout 1.5s COMMAND
This will kill the COMMAND if it was not done after 1.5 seconds.
I used that command in some bash scripts; How can i know if one process was completely done before the time limit, or it was killed (because of exceeding the time limit)?
The Gnu timeout command normally returns a status code of 124 if the timeout was exceeded. Otherwise, it returns the status code returned by the command itself. So you can test the status code by grabbing the value of $? immediately after executing timeout:
timeout 1.5s COMMAND
if ((status==124)); then
# command timed out
elif (status!=0)); then
# command terminated in time, but it returned an error status
# command terminated in time and reported success
If your command might return the status code 124, then you would have to use the --preserve-status option and check to see if the command was terminated by the signal you tell timeout to send. See the man timeout for details.
Add && echo >> time_limit.txt after COMMAND:
timeout 1.5s COMMAND && echo >> time_limit.txt
So, if you want to see if the COMMAND was killed, check the existence of file time_limit.txt. If that file exists, it means the command was NOT killed. Otherwise, the command was killed.
In bash script, you can check the existence of that file as follow:
if [[ -r time_limit.txt ]]then;
echo "The command was NOT killed"
echo "The command was killed"

Set timeout for shell script, to make it exit(0) when time is over

When I set up a Jenkins job and found a problem about timeout for shell script.
It works like this:
Start Jenkins → control.sh is launched → test1.sh is launched in control.sh
Part code of control.sh is like:
source func.sh
export TIMEOUT=30
# set timeout as 30s for test1.sh
( ( sleep $TIMEOUT && function_Timeout ) & ./test1.sh )
# this line of code is in a = loop actually
# it will launch test2.sh, test3.sh... one by one
# later, I want to set 30s time out for each of them.
function_Timeout() {
if [ ! -f test1_result_file]: then
killall test1.sh
# the test1_result_file will not
# be created if test1.sh is not finished executing.
part of func.sh is as below
function trap_fun() {
{ if [ $TRAP_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "test aborted"
echo "test completed"
} 2>/dev/null
trap "trap_fun" EXIT
After control.sh is launched by Jenkins job, the whole control.sh will be terminated when time is over, and the line of killall test1.sh is reached, and the Jenkins job stop and fail.
I guess it's because test1.sh is killed and exit code is not 0, so it cause this problem.
So my question is, is there someway to terminate or end the sub-script (launched by the main one, like control.sh in my case) exit with code 0?
Updated on July 1:
Thanks for the answers so far, I tried #Leon's suggestion, but I found the code 124 sent by timeout's kill action, is still caught by the trap code - trap "trap_fun" EXIT, which is in func.sh.
I added more details. I did a lot google job but still not found a proper way to resolve this problem:(
Thanks for your kind help!
Use the timeout utility from coreutils:
timeout 30 ./test1.sh
if [ $status -eq 124 ] #timed out
exit 0
exit $status
Note that this is slightly different from your version of timeout handling, where all running instances of test1.sh are being terminated if any one of them times out.
I resolved this problem finally, I added the code below in each testX.sh.
trap 'exit 0' SIGTERM SIGHUP
It is to make test1.sh exit normally after it receives killall signal.
Thanks to all the help!

defer pipe process to background after text match

So I have a bash command to start a server and it outputs some lines before getting to the point where it outputs something like "Server started, Press Control+C to exit". How do I pipe this output so when this line occurs i put this process in the background and continue with another script/function (i.e to do stuff that needs to wait until the server starts such as run tests)
I want to end up with 3 functions
I've got something along the lines of:
function read_server_output{
while read data; do
printf "$data"
if [[ $data == "Server started, Press Control+C to exit" ]]; then
# do something here to put server process in the background
# so I can run another function
function start_server{
# start the server and pipe its output to another function to check its running
start-server-command | read_server_output
function run_test{
# do some stuff
function stop_server{
# stop the server
# run the bash script code
related question possibly SH/BASH - Scan a log file until some text occurs, then exit. How?
Thanks in advance I'm pretty new to this.
First, a note on terminology...
"Background" and "foreground" are controlling-terminal concepts, i.e., they have to do with what happens when you type ctrl+C, ctrl+Z, etc. (which process gets the signal), whether a process can read from the terminal device (a "background" process gets a SIGTTIN that by default causes it to stop), and so on.
It seems clear that this has little to do with what you want to achieve. Instead, you have an ill-behaved program (or suite of programs) that needs some special coddling: when the server is first started, it needs some hand-holding up to some point, after which it's OK. The hand-holding can stop once it outputs some text string (see your related question for that, or the technique below).
There's a big potential problem here: a lot of programs, when their output is redirected to a pipe or file, produce no output until they have printed a "block" worth of output, or are exiting. If this is the case, a simple:
start-server-command | cat
won't print the line you're looking for (so that's a quick way to tell whether you will have to work around this issue as well). If so, you'll need something like expect, which is an entirely different way to achieve what you want.
Assuming that's not a problem, though, let's try an entirely-in-shell approach.
What you need is to run the start-server-command and save the process-ID so that you can (eventually) send it a SIGINT signal (as ctrl+C would if the process were "in the foreground", but you're doing this from a script, not from a controlling terminal, so there's no key the script can press). Fortunately sh has a syntax just for this.
First let's make a temporary file:
#! /bin/sh
# myscript - script to run server, check for startup, then run tests
TMPFILE=$(mktemp -t myscript) || exit 1 # create /tmp/myscript.<unique>
trap "rm -f $TMPFILE" 0 1 2 3 15 # arrange to clean up when done
Now start the server and save its PID:
start-server-command > $TMPFILE & # start server, save output in file
SERVER_PID=$! # and save its PID so we can end it
trap "kill -INT $SERVER_PID; rm -f $TMPFILE" 0 1 2 3 15 # adjust cleanup
Now you'll want to scan through $TMPFILE until the desired output appears, as in the other question. Because this requires a certain amount of polling you should insert a delay. It's also probably wise to check whether the server has failed and terminated without ever getting to the "started" point.
while ! grep '^Server started, Press Control+C to exit$' >/dev/null; do
# message has not yet appeared, is server still starting?
if kill -0 $SERVER_PID 2>/dev/null; then
# server is running; let's wait a bit and try grepping again
sleep 1 # or other delay interval
echo "ERROR: server terminated without starting properly" 1>&2
exit 1
(Here kill -0 is used to test whether the process still exists; if not, it has exited. The "cleanup" kill -INT will produce an error message, but that's probably OK. If not, either redirect that kill command's error-output, or adjust the cleanup or do it manually, as seen below.)
At this point, the server is running and you can do your tests. When you want it to exit as if the user hit ctrl+C, send it a SIGINT with kill -INT.
Since there's a kill -INT in the trap set for when the script exits (0) as well as when it's terminated by SIGHUP (1), SIGINT (2), SIGQUIT (3), and SIGTERM (15)—that's the:
trap "do some stuff" 0 1 2 3 15
part—you can simply let your script exit at this point, unless you want to specifically wait for the server to exit too. If you want that, perhaps:
kill -INT $SERVER_PID; rm -f $TMPFILE # do the pre-arranged cleanup now
trap - 0 1 2 3 15 # don't need it arranged anymore
wait $SERVER_PID # wait for server to finish exit
would be appropriate.
(Obviously none of the above is tested, but that's the general framework.)
Probably the easiest thing to do is to start it in the background and block on reading its output. Something like:
{ start-server-command & } | {
while read -r line; do
echo "$line"
echo "$line" | grep -q 'Server started' && break
cat &
echo script continues here after server outputs 'Server started' message
But this is a pretty ugly hack. It would be better if the server could be modified to perform a more specific action which the script could wait for.

how to re-run the "curl" command automatically when the error occurs

Sometimes when I execute a bash script with the curl command to upload some files to my ftp server, it will return some error like:
56 response reading failed
and I have to find the wrong line and re-run them manually and it will be OK.
I'm wondering if that could be re-run automatically when the error occurs.
My scripts is like this:
#there are some files(A,B,C,D,E) in my to_upload directory,
# which I'm trying to upload to my ftp server with curl command
for files in `ls` ;
do curl -T $files ftp.myserver.com --user ID:pw ;
But sometimes A,B,C, would be uploaded successfully, only D were left with an "error 56", so I have to rerun curl command manually. Besides, as Will Bickford said, I prefer that no confirmation will be required, because I'm always asleep at the time the script is running. :)
Here's a bash snippet I use to perform exponential back-off:
# Retries a command a configurable number of times with backoff.
# The retry count is given by ATTEMPTS (default 5), the initial backoff
# timeout is given by TIMEOUT in seconds (default 1.)
# Successive backoffs double the timeout.
function with_backoff {
local max_attempts=${ATTEMPTS-5}
local timeout=${TIMEOUT-1}
local attempt=1
local exitCode=0
while (( $attempt < $max_attempts ))
if "$#"
return 0
echo "Failure! Retrying in $timeout.." 1>&2
sleep $timeout
attempt=$(( attempt + 1 ))
timeout=$(( timeout * 2 ))
if [[ $exitCode != 0 ]]
echo "You've failed me for the last time! ($#)" 1>&2
return $exitCode
Then use it in conjunction with any command that properly sets a failing exit code:
with_backoff curl 'http://monkeyfeathers.example.com/'
Perhaps this will help. It will try the command, and if it fails, it will tell you and pause, giving you a chance to fix run-my-script.
until $COMMAND; do
read -p "command failed, fix and hit enter to try again."
I have faced a similar problem where I need to make contact with servers using curl that are in the process of starting up and haven't started up yet, or services that are temporarily unavailable for whatever reason. The scripting was getting out of hand, so I made a dedicated retry tool that will retry a command until it succeeds:
#there are some files(A,B,C,D,E) in my to_upload directory,
# which I'm trying to upload to my ftp server with curl command
for files in `ls` ;
do retry curl -f -T $files ftp.myserver.com --user ID:pw ;
The curl command has the -f option, which returns code 22 if the curl fails for whatever reason.
The retry tool will by default run the curl command over and over forever until the command returns status zero, backing off for 10 seconds between retries. In addition retry will read from stdin once and once only, and writes to stdout once and once only, and writes all stdout to stderr if the command fails.
Retry is available from here: https://github.com/minfrin/retry
