How to display loading option in microsoft bot emulator in nodejs? - node.js

When I send message in microsoft bot emulator, whether it is possible to bring the loading options until the response comes to the bot in node.js. So that I can understand that my program is running in background.
Is this possible in nodejs?

Yes, you can use the ShowTypingMiddleware class from the botbuilder module


Set read status of notification feed via rest api or php sdk

I need to update read/ seen status of getstream notification feed via rest api or php sdk. Would be a great help if someone can help me out on this.
Reason is, I'm using rest api to integrate getstream with a flutter app Im developing. I though it would be easier than using native sdk as Im only using small amount of features
Answering my own questions as this was real tough to find,

Linking DialogFlow to a Desktop Application

i just started on a project in DialogFlow and i was wondering is it possible to link my dialogflow to a specific desktop application? And if possible, what is the solution?
For example:
By saying "launch app", it will open up the desktop application "app"
While this is certainly something that Dialogflow's APIs can help with - this isn't a feature provided by Dialogflow itself. Dialogflow's NLP runs in the cloud - there is nothing local that it can "do".
However, you can create a launcher app that does this sort of thing by opening the microphone and sending either the stream or a speech-to-text version to Dialogflow through the Detect Intent API. Dialogflow can determine an Intent that would handle this and pass that information back to your launcher, and your launcher can then locate the app and start it.
I'm not sure how practical this would be, however. Microsoft already has this feature built-in with Cortana, and Google is building the Assistant into ChromeOS which will do this as well. While I'm not aware of Apple doing this, I may just have missed an announcement that Siri does this as well. And if there isn't someone who is doing this for Linux using some local speech-to-text libraries, it sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so.
You may try and use different Dialogflow clients available on their GitHub page. Java Client 2 may be helpful to start your work. However, you will be required to write your own UI code and have to consume Dialogflow API.

Connect Bot built with Microsoft Bot Framework to other connectors/Channels too

I have built a bot using Microsoft bot framework. Now I want to connect it to channels which are not supported by the Microsoft bot connector. However, I need to build an interface (or a substitute for bot connector) to connect to those channels. But as I am using Bot framework SDK (NodeJs), I need the best approach to expose the endpoint of my bot engine to other connectors/channels.
The Bot Framework has a mechanism specifically for this scenario, called Direct Line. Essentially, you build the UI interface yourself, but use the Direct Line API to forward events to/from the Bot Connector. You can use the Direct Line REST API, or find an npm package where someone has taken care of the underlying plumbing for you, as in the botframework-directline.js package. Microsoft has some node.js BotBuilder-Samples on their GitHub site too.
Note: The typical way to get the best help on SO is to post code of
what you've tried and that gives people a better idea of how to help.
I understand you don't know where to start, so that doesn't help much,
but maybe it will explain why you're getting Close flags.

Launching app from Google assistant via Dialogflow

I'm using Dialogflow to interact with my users (they can ask questions, ask to receive reports etc...) and I would like to launch an Android application when they invoke one the intents I created, is there a way to that?
Short answer: Not really.
Longer answer: While you can't have one of your Actions trigger any Android Intent directly, you do have a few options to strongly suggest to a user that they do so. For example:
You can use something like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to trigger a notification/event.
If you're relying on the screen of the Android device, you can send a card that includes a URL, and that URL can deep link into your application if you've configured it.

developing a bot to use as gtalk contact with java

I want to develop a bot who can chat from gtalk and I have some experience with java.
I don't want to use the bot for IA purpose.
I want to use the bot to emulate a console like xterm.
Ok: the question is "Any leads on how to develop it?"
thanks for the awnsers.
Google Talk uses XMPP. You could look into using Smack.
I think the easiest way to host your bot as Google App Engine application. It has built in support for receiving and sending XMPP messages.
