Python - Plot Multiple Dataframes by Month and Day (Ignore Year) - python-3.x

I have multiple dataframes having different years data.
The data in dataframes are:
>>> its[0].head(5)
2017-01-01 46
2017-01-08 45
2017-01-15 43
2017-01-22 43
2017-01-29 41
>>> its[1].head(5)
2018-01-07 23
2018-01-14 21
2018-01-21 23
2018-01-28 21
2018-02-04 25
>>> its[2].head(5)
2019-01-06 90
2019-01-13 79
2019-01-20 82
2019-01-27 82
2019-02-03 81
I tried to plot all these dataframes in single figure (graph), yeah i accomplished but it was not what i wanted.
I plotted the dataframes using the following code
>>> for p in its:
and i got the following graph
but this is not what i wanted
i want the graph to be like this
Simply i want graph to ignore years and plot by month and days

You can try of converting the datetime index to timeseries integers based on month and date and plot
df3 = pd.concat(its,axis=1)
xindex= df3.index.month*30 +
If you want to have datetime information than integers you can add xticks to frame
labels = (df3.index.month*30).astype(str)+"-" +
plt.xticks(df3.index.month*30 +, labels)


Plot many plots for each unique Value of one column

So, I am working with a Dataframe where there are around 20 columns, but only three columns are really of importance.
2021-12-01 16:54:00
0 days 00:12:00
2021-10-11 13:28:00
2 days 00:26:00
2021-11-05 16:54:00
2 days 00:26:00
2021-12-06 19:34:00
7 days 00:26:00
2021-12-09 12:14:00
1 days 00:26:00
2021-08-06 19:34:00
0 days 00:26:00
2021-10-01 11:44:00
0 days 02:21:00
There are 90 unique ID's and a few thousand rows in total. What I want to do is:
Create a plot for each unique ID
Each plot with an y-axis of 'Time_difference' and a x-axis of 'date'
Each plot with a trendline
Optimally a plot that has the average of all other plots
Would appreciate any input as to how to start this! Thank you!
For future documentation, solved it as follows:
First transforming the time_delta to an integer:
df['hour_difference'] = df['time_difference'].dt.days * 24 +
df['time_difference'].dt.seconds / 60 / 60
Then creating a list with all unique entries of the ID:
id_list = df['ID'].unique()
And last, the for-loop for the plotting:
for i in id_list:
df.loc[(df['ID'] == i)].plot(y=["hour_difference"], figsize=(15,4))
plt.title(i, fontsize=18) #Labeling titel
plt.xlabel('Title name', fontsize=12) #Labeling x-axis
plt.ylabel('Title Name', fontsize=12) #Labeling y-axis

matplotlib auto generates dates in my x-axis

I have a DataFrame that consist of 2 columns
Transaction Week | Completed
2021-01-10 | 63
2021-01-17 | 76
2021-01-24 | 63
2021-01-31 | 20
I cannot understand why after I plot the graph, my x-axis has more than 4 dates (My DataFrame only has 4 entries). How can I remove those dates?
x=Weekly_Settled_Trans_Status['Transaction Week']
plt.tick_params('x', labelrotation=45)

Box Whisker plot of date frequency

Good morning all!
I have a Pandas df and Im trying to create a monthly box and whisker of 30 years ofdata.
datetime year month day hour lon lat
0 3/18/1986 10:17 1986 3 18 10 -124.835 46.540
1 6/7/1986 13:38 1986 6 7 13 -121.669 46.376
2 7/17/1986 20:56 1986 7 17 20 -122.436 48.044
3 7/26/1986 2:46 1986 7 26 2 -123.071 48.731
4 8/2/1986 19:54 1986 8 2 19 -123.654 48.480
Trying to see the mean amount of occurrences in X month, the median, and the max/min occurrence ( and date of max and min)..
Ive been playing around with pandas.DataFrame.groupby() but dont fully understand it.
I have grouped the date by month and day occurrences. I like this format:
df = pd.read_csv(masterCSVPath)
months = df['month']
test = df.groupby(['month','day'])['day'].count()
output: ---->
month day
1 1 50
2 103
3 97
4 29
5 60
12 27 24
28 7
29 17
30 18
31 9
So how can i turn that df above into a box/whisker plot?
The x-axis i want to be months..
y axis == occurrences
Try this (without doing groupby):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.boxplot(x = 'month', y = 'day', data = df)
In case you want the months to be in Jan, Feb format then try this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import datetime as dt
df['month_new'] = df['datetime'].dt.strftime('%b')
sns.boxplot(x = 'month_new', y = 'day', data = df)

Plotting line graph on the same figure using matplotlib [duplicate]

I have a temperature file with many years temperature records, in a format as below:
Every year has different numbers, time of the records, so the pandas datetimeindices are all different.
I want to plot the different year's data in the same figure for comparing . The X-axis is Jan to Dec, the Y-axis is temperature. How should I go about doing this?
ax = df1.plot()
If you a running Jupyter/Ipython notebook and having problems using;
ax = df1.plot()
Run the command inside of the same cell!! It wont, for some reason, work when they are separated into sequential cells. For me at least.
Chang's answer shows how to plot a different DataFrame on the same axes.
In this case, all of the data is in the same dataframe, so it's better to use groupby and unstack.
Alternatively, pandas.DataFrame.pivot_table can be used.
dfp = df.pivot_table(index='Month', columns='Year', values='value', aggfunc='mean')
When using pandas.read_csv, names= creates column headers when there are none in the file. The 'date' column must be parsed into datetime64[ns] Dtype so the .dt extractor can be used to extract the month and year.
import pandas as pd
# given the data in a file as shown in the op
df = pd.read_csv('temp.csv', names=['date', 'time', 'value'], parse_dates=['date'])
# create additional month and year columns for convenience
df['Year'] =
df['Month'] =
# groupby the month a year and aggreate mean on the value column
dfg = df.groupby(['Month', 'Year'])['value'].mean().unstack()
# display(dfg)
Year 2005 2006 2007 2012
4 NaN 20.6 NaN 20.7
5 NaN NaN 15.533333 NaN
8 19.566667 NaN NaN NaN
Now it's easy to plot each year as a separate line. The OP only has one observation for each year, so only a marker is displayed.
ax = dfg.plot(figsize=(9, 7), marker='.', xticks=dfg.index)
To do this for multiple dataframes, you can do a for loop over them:
fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8))
ax = dict_of_dfs['FOO'].column.plot()
for BAR in dict_of_dfs.keys():
if BAR == 'FOO':
This can also be implemented without the if condition:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for BAR in dict_of_dfs.keys():
You can make use of the hue parameter in seaborn. For example:
import seaborn as sns
df = sns.load_dataset('flights')
year month passengers
0 1949 Jan 112
1 1949 Feb 118
2 1949 Mar 132
3 1949 Apr 129
4 1949 May 121
.. ... ... ...
139 1960 Aug 606
140 1960 Sep 508
141 1960 Oct 461
142 1960 Nov 390
143 1960 Dec 432
sns.lineplot(x='month', y='passengers', hue='year', data=df)

can you re-sample a series without dates?

I have a time series from months 1 to 420 (35 years). I would like to convert to an annual series using the average of the 12 months in each year so I can put in a dataframe I have with annual datapoints. I have it setup using a range with steps of 12 but it gets kind of messy. Ideally would like to use the resample function but having trouble since no dates. Any way around this?
There's no need to resample in this case. Just use groupby with integer division to obtain the average over the years.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Sample Data
df = pd.DataFrame({'Months': np.arange(1,421,1),
'val': np.random.randint(1,10,420)})
# Create Yearly average. 1-12, 13-24, Subtract 1 before // to get this grouping
df.groupby((df.Months-1)//12).val.mean().reset_index().rename(columns={'Months': 'Year'})
Year val
0 0 3.083333
1 1 4.166667
2 2 5.250000
3 3 4.416667
4 4 5.500000
5 5 4.583333
31 31 5.333333
32 32 5.000000
33 33 6.250000
34 34 5.250000
Feel free to add 1 to the year column or whatever you need to make it consistent with indexing in your other annual df. Otherwise, you could just use df.groupby((df.Months+11)//12).val().mean() to get the Year to start at 1.
