Can't create Sample Data Directory - Android Studio - android-studio

I"m trying to Create a sample data directory, using Android Studio, by clicking on app in the project view and then right mouse click to find the menu item New > Sample Data Directory.
It is not working.

Creating the directory via android studio doesn't always work. You may need to create the directory manually in your directory structure (at /app/sampledata/) without using Android Studio. Once you create it (e.g., via Windows Explorer) it should show up in Android Studio. See the the following answer for more information about sample data in general: How to put new placeholder resources into Android Studio project ("tools:sample" resources)?
"Unlike resources like images, fonts, etc. The sample data does not go in /res/ (they are not compiled with the app, hence. It is probably easier to filter them out by putting them in a totally separate directory). They go in /app/sampledata/, for example: /app/sampledata/image.png."

You can create a sample data directory in Android Studio itself by following the below steps:
Change the view of directory structure from Android to Project as follows
Right click app folder and select New->Directory
Finally, give a name to your directory, in your case, it should be sampledata
I have already created sampledata directory that's why it says "Directory already exists".
That's it. You have done it. Remember that Android Studio also supports loading sample data from a json file. All you have to give is fully qualified name of the key residing in the json file.
Ex- if your json file contains key name inside a Json Array student, then you have to specify it as "#sample/your_student_file.json/student/name" to use values present in key name.

Unless your issue happens to be different, this is a known issue that only affects Windows. As I've found, it has something to do with 'C:\' in the file path.
As Shawn mentioned, you need to manually create the directory.
I've been unable to get the images to actually display in the previewer, which I suspect may also be caused by the file path bug.

Inside the app folder in file explorer, You can create a new folder (sample data) which will be reflected in your android studio.


Looking for example of raw json configuration file per builtType in Android Studio/Gradle

I have an Android App and need a JSON configuration file for AAD B2C in the raw directory which is called by like this:
I need a R.raw.auth_config_multiple_account for each buildType (and possibly flavor). Let's just assume I need a dev, test, prod. I read this article on providing alternate resources and this one for Configure build types, but I don't know exactly how this is supposed to work.
I assumed it might be a subdirectory in raw which is named for the buildType, but that does not seem to be the case. Does anybody have a simple example of this?
Also which buildType is used when you press play on Android Studio and run the app in the emulator?
I figured it out in case anybody else has questions around this. This article and this documentation helped.
I went into the project view in Project explorer, created a debug directory (to match my debug buildType in the build.gradle) in the src directory (making it a peer of main, test and androidTest), created a res directory under the new debug directory and a raw directory under the new res directory. I copied the auth_config_multiple_account.json file into it and altered the configuration to test it. All worked ok.

How to put files into Android/Data/com.mycomp.myapp?

I'm new to Android. Switched from .NET WPF/Windows Forms. I have some JSON files in my project. How to put them in the future /Android/data/[packagename]/
folder? In .NET WPF you just open properties for that file and select copy to application folder or so. Probably there is the same method in Android Studio, isn't it?
You put them in the assets folder if you just want them to be read accessible. If you need them to be writable, you'd put them in assets and then copy them to the filesystem on first run.

xamarin form ios missing required icon file 167x167

for my xamarin forms ios project I am getting an error when uploading an ipa file via the application uploader to apple.
missing required icon file ipad of exactly 167x167 for ipad pro.
The weird thing is I have actually included this file already in the media.xcassets.
any idea how to fix this?
So here is what I have found regarding this:
First, I would check that all the information found in this article is done (it talks about making sure your .csproj file has the needed references to the files):
Second, I would check for miss-match of the case of letters in the file name between the json file in the Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset folder and your ios csproj file. For example ipad176.png is not the same as iPad176.png. This article explains it well.
Finally, neither of these resolved my problem. For me it seemed that one of the entries in my json file had something weird about it (event though visually it looked fine). I noticed that every icon entry in the json file AFTER the one that had something weird about it, showed as missing when I attempt to publish the archive. For me the easiest way to find the offending entry was to look for the first (i.e. earliest in the json list) icon entry that generated a missing icon error message when I published. Then, I unloaded my iOS project, opened the .csproj file for the iOS project in Visual Studio, and found the entry for that first app icon. I then copied the file name from the .csproj file and replace the file name in the json with the copied name, saved the json file and magically, I could publish my archive to the App Store.

MonoDevelop's Images directory does not seen on XCode(IB)

In my project files marshalling shown below ,Mono Develop doesn't show Images directory(group) in XCode and they are not seen on xib interfaces,also crashes on runtime. But when I put images under Project's root directory works fine!
Fine! But seeing dozens of images on root directory make things confusing.
Here goes details;
My images built actions are content.
I have tried adding them to Xcode by creating a group named Images then this time all images copied to Mono Develop's root again.
Am I missing something?
---- FaceOff.Png
---- icons
I think you are experiencing a limitation of the XCode integration with MonoDevelop.
Images only show up in XCode if they are in the root directory of your project. To combat this, there are two ways you can setup your image folders for MonoTouch projects:
Use build action Content, put your images anywhere, but they will only show up in XCode if they are in the root of the project
Use the build action BundleResource and put all your images in the Resources folder, this is the same as putting your images in the root of the project, but you get to package them nicely in a subfolder
I have not experimented with BundleResource and XCode to see if subfolders work via that method or not.
This is from my experience, someone from Xamarin, feel free to chime in.
Further to Jonathan's great answer, I have a nice organised setup for my images using BundleResource and the Resources Folder.
On the filesystem I have all my images in a nice directory structure, for example: img/common/title.png.
I then add all the image files (not directories) into the iOS project Resources folder, using the 'Add Files' option and selecting BundleResource for the files I select.
When given the copy, move or link option, because my files are outside the target directory, I select the 'Add a link to the file' option.
This procedure allows me to:
Happily keep all my images in an organised directory structure on the file system
Have access to them in XCode Interface Builder
Access them as root when in code, such as Image.FromFile("title.png")
Easily update them in the filesystem and have them automatically change in Xamarin Studio

MonoTouch Enterprise - Deployment

Our firm has begun building MonoTouch iPad/iPhone apps for enterprise deployment.
How do I take the app and create a *.ipa file for upload to our MDM server?
An .ipa file is basically a glorified .zip file. There are a couple of routes you can go down:
Export the project to xcode and under "Build" click "Build and Archive" - fill in the appropriate details and the project should create the .ipa for you as expected.
If this isn't an option, (which it isnt for us, so this is the method I've used, to great success) you can simply create all the components that go into the .ipa and right-click, "Compress..." in Finder.
The .ipa is made up of the following components:
A folder named "Payload", which contains the compiled (release/iPhone) .app
a 57x57 .png icon file (which is displayed while the app is being downloaded)
a 512x512 .png file of the icon once again - however this has to renamed itunesartwork with no extension
iTunesMetadata.plist - this contains information about the app, such as copyright name, genre, itemname, softwareIconNeedsShine (you can google what information this needs).
The way I package up our .ipa, is I have a folder called "App Packaging" which has all of these components already in, and I simply update the .app file whenever we do an upload, "Compress..." then rename the file to x.ipa (OS X will ask if you want to use this extension, make sure you select ("use .ipa" !).
With the current Monodevelop ( and Monotouch (5.2.5) it is as easy as right clicking on your project -> options -> iPhone IPA Options -> check Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA) for the desired configuration.
We created a special configuration called Distribution which builds using the Distribution Certificate and In House Distribution Profile.
Luke, I like your answer and have given you the credit. I am adding some more details for my own, and others, notes.
Use SpotLight to find one of your own MonoTouch apps. Search on ".ipa".
Rename it to SomeThing.Zip
Unzip it.
You can then use the structure of the unzipped folder to edit then rezip.
Just another way to get an IPA that made it easy for me, drag your .app file onto your itunes library and sync your device. ITunes then creates a copy of the app as an .ipa file in the user/music/itunes/itunes media/mobile applications. This can then be distributed much easier than the .app file.
