Lotus Notes - Why is my view data missing? - lotus-notes

I recently just constructed a new view for a Lotus Notes Application and tested it to be fine.
It was supposed to get field data from 2 nearly identical forms and display into the view. The fields on both forms share the same name.
The formula used in View Selection is
SELECT ContactName; CompanyName; ContactNumber; CarNo; RequestDate
--comment: These are the names used in both forms --
This worked fine yesterday. Also I made sure that each column has selected the correct field to display and I did not change any settings. However, today when I went back to check, the view is all empty.
What seems to be the cause of this?

Your selection formula for the view is not correct. You use the name of the forms in the select statement and then add your fields as column in the view. If we assume that the forms are called FormA and FormB, then your selection formula for the view can look like this:
SELECT Form="FormA":"FormB"


How to add two related forms in a notes view?

Ok,I have a situation where I need to display a view that contains field value from two forms which is connected via a "CVNo" field. At first I thought it was simple and dived in. I added the form names in the view selection formula of the notes view and then created columns and assigned their respective values, but what happened was the output I got from doing so is a very jumbled and cluttered view. Based on my understanding the notes view displayed the column values from each form differently. I don't know how to do this or if this possible in notes view. All help and suggestions and are very appreciated.
In Lotus Notes view you cannot display documents connected to each other by a custom field. The only connection which can be displayed in Lotus Notes view is parent->response document hierarchy.
And please note that you do not create view that displays values from forms. You create view to display field values from documents, which are filtered to be shown in this view.
If you have documents, with field Form, one Form1 and another Form2, then create a view with selection formula:
SELECT Form = "Form1" | Form = "Form2"
Every row in the view represents a document (either with Form1 or Form2 value in the Form field).
And every column may contain a field name or #-formula to evaluate with every shown document to display a value in this column.

checking if current user is author of the document

I have a formA where I have a field '_author' which is of type Authors/Computed for display with value (#Subset($Updatedby;1)). I display information from formA on viewA. What I want to achieve is that documents that are created by you are only visible to yourself on viewA. I tried the following formula in viewA 'View Selection':
SELECT (form = "formA" & #UserName =_author). Even though I know that these two variables have the same values when I read it from the document's properties, the condition is not satisfied and I do not see a single document. If I delete everything after "&", the view shows all documents.
All is hosted on a server which handles users.
A handy workaround is to create a Page with an embedded view. This view is exactly like your view but has an additional first categorized (!) column with your field _author.
Put into embedded view's property "Show single category" the formula #UserName or #Name([CN]; #UserName) depending on how your categorized column _author is formatted. Show then always the Page instead of the view.
This way you avoid trouble with "Shared, private on first use" views and users see exactly their own documents only.
#UserName works in a special manner in selection formulas in views. In your case the view should be Private on First Use. Read further here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21089773 .
Be aware that this lead to all sort of issues, e.g. when you update the design of the view users must remove the view manually to get the changes deployed.

XPages newbie - view columns in discussion database

I'm a traditional domino developer just beginning XPages. I'm working on modifying the standard 8.5.3 Domino discussion database. I've added some fields on the Main Topic and response forms, one called category. I've added a categorised column in the ($xpAllDocuments) view to the left of "Topic" for the category field. This works fine in Notes as you'd expect, but when the view is rendered in the All Documents xpage, the category twiste displays without any label. I'm not sure how to modify the column data for the xpage, as it seems to use a repeat? instead of a view?
Any help greatly appreciated, and apologies for the presumably basic enquiry!
You have to add the categories column to custom control allDocumentsView which renders the view for browser.
How to find out where to set the new categorized column? A good way is to look at the "All properties" of a certain element. For that, open the Source pane of custom control allDocumentsView, position cursor on <xe:dataView and look at "All Properties". If you hover over the properties' labels you get a helper window with a short explanation.
In your case, property categoryColumn is what you are looking for. Assuming you added a categorized column Categories to view ($xpAllDocuments) then you would have to put into property categoryColumn:
With that, your source code gets expanded by
and you will see the added categorized column in your rendered XPage.
I don't know the discussion template in detail, but when the All Documents Xpage is using a repeat control, then you cannot expect an automatic category expand/collapse feature as in a Notes view.
If you want that, you need a View control on the Xpage.

Save Infopath form w. dynamicly created fields in Sharepoint 2010 Library

I am very new to Infopath, and need some architechtual guideslines. My scenario is as follows:
I have a Sharepoint list, let's say it contains beer, and three items of it: "Kronenbourg", "Corona", "Tuborg". "Beer" is a content type, derived from Item.
What I need to do :
I need to create a "dynamic" Infopath form, that presents the user with a CheckBox for each beer. If a new beer is added to the Beer list, a new Checkbox should show up on the form without intervention, even on saved instances of the form. I have not decided what should happen upon deletions.
I then need to save this infopath form, including the selections, in a sharepoint form library, so that the users can go back to one of maybe many beer-forms that they have saved, and maybe change the selections.
I also need to build a string from the selections at some point in time, and present this string in a visible column in the form library, but thats beyond the scope of this post.
What I managed to throw together so far:
I have a kind of working Infopath form. I have added a sharepoint dataconnection to the Beer list, and dragged a repeating table to the design area. This "works", i get a list of my list items. I then added dummy Y/N field to my beer content type, selected it in the fields, and now i get a neat checkbox next to my records.
Obviously this does not seem right. I do not need to save anything back to the Beer table, I only need to use the beer table for lookup, and keep the selected choices in the saved instance of the form.
Ok, thanks for staying with me so far. What do I do here, can Infopath be persuaded to support a scenario like this, or am I better off building custom webparts? I think my main questions are:
Can I maybe attach an "input-only" CheckBox to a repeating list/section ? (and how do I refer to such dynamically created control)
How do I make Infopath load the choices dynamicly from db, but save the data in the instance of the form?
Should, and can I maybe attach a content type to the form library, representing the choices and somehow attach that to the form?
Thanks for any input
If I understand your requirements, I think the thing to do here is to use a Multi-Selection list box (MSLB). This can have its values populated from a secondary data source (i.e. a list), and it would be bound to a repeating field that would automatically have values added and removed as values are selected and deselected.
As far as getting the selections into a single string, if you just want this value for a column of the form library that the forms will be submitted to, you can just use this repeating field as a promoted property, and use the "Aggregate" option to combine the values into one.
The other option would be to create a separate field to hold the string and use the "double eval trick" (please Google that) to combine the values into one. One gotcha here is that if you use double eval trick with a MSLB, you have to put the formula both in a rule on the MSLB's field, and in the default value formula for the target field.

Unexpected behaviour in a Lotus Notes programmable table

I'm designing a workflow database in Lotus Notes 6.0.3 (soon upgrading to 8.5), and my OS is Windows XP.
I have recently tried converting a tabbed table into a programmable one. This was so that I could control which tab was displayed to the user when it was opened, so that they were presented with the most appropriate one for that document's progress through the workflow. That part of it works!
One of the tabs features a radio button that controls visibility of the next tab, and a pair of cascading dialogue boxes. One contains the static list "Person":"Team", and the other has a formula based on the first:
view:=#If(PeerReview = "Team"; "GroupNames"; "GroupMembers");
#Unique(#DbColumn(""; ""; view; 1))
The dialogue boxes have the property "Refresh fields on keyword change" selected.
The behaviour that I wasn't expecting is this. If the radio button is set to "Yes" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the table opens the next tab. If the radio button is set to "No" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the entire table is hidden.
I can duplicate the latter by switching off the "Refresh fields on keyword change" property on the dialogue boxes and instead pressing F9 after selecting a value. I have no idea why the former occurs, though. The table is called "RFCInfo", and I have a field on the form called "$RFCInfo" which is editable, hidden from all users who aren't me and initially set by a Postopen script, which I can post if necessary - it's essentially a Select Case statement that looks at a particular item value and returns the name of the table row relating to that value.
Can anyone offer any pointers?
Hide-when formulas in table cells in Notes R5 and R6 were notorious for breaking in unpredictable ways when you edited the table cells. Even in R7, I think they were still a little bit funky, but by R8 they were finally really solid. You haven't shown the hide-when's but my first guess is that you are simply a victim of the bad behavior.
Please don't shoot the messenger, but the usual way we addressed this sort of problem was to painstakingly re-create the entire table from scratch, and hope we never have to edit it again. I.e., make a copy of the table in a scratch form and clear all the hide-whens -- one by one. Then create a brand new empty table in a second scratch form and get all the cells set up exactly like the original table, including nested tables, merged cells, and other settings -- but skip the hide-whens for now. Then copy each cell's content from the first scratch form to the corresponding cell of the second scratch form. Then, referring to the hide-whens in the original form, re-create each hide-when on the paragraphs in the cells on the second scratch form. Finally, delete the original table from your original form and then copy/paste the table from the second scratch from back into your original form.
Once you have R8.5, move to XPages in Notes, it's almost a no-brainer to implement your tabs. And in return, you get many other interesting issues to solve!
