Know whether slider value was changed manually or programmatically in rangeslider.js? - rangeslider

I am using rangeslider.js
Here's my code:
polyfill: false,
rangeClass: 'rangeslider',
disabledClass: 'rangeslider--disabled',
horizontalClass: 'rangeslider--horizontal',
verticalClass: 'rangeslider--vertical',
fillClass: 'rangeslider__fill',
handleClass: 'rangeslider__handle',
// on slide
onSlide: function(position, value) { activateMyFunction(); },
I wanna perform actions inside activateMyFunction that depends on whether the range slider's value was changed programmatically or manually. By the way, i am using the following code to change the values programmatically: $('#mySlider').val(myNewValue).change(); Any solution?


Returning a record at the before load stage using nlapiLoadRecord in a User Event

I want to display a button on a Sales order only if a custom field on the Sales Order is populated. I have a User Event script (shown below) which runs "before load" to add the button. That part works but I want nlapiLoadRecord to return a record at the "before load" stage so I can check to see if the field is populated or not. I have not been successful in returning a record and I don't know if this is actually possible [?] Can someone help me out?
function BeforeLoad(type, form) {
if (type=='view') {
form.addButton("custpage_mybutton", "Instructions", "instruction_click();");
If you just want to get the value of a field from the actual record that is being loaded, there is no need to call nlapiLoadRecord(). You can simply retrieve the value using nlapiGetFieldValue():
if (type=='view') {
var customFieldValue = nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_mycustomfield');
if(customFieldValue === "123") {
form.addButton("custpage_mybutton", "Instructions", "instruction_click();");
However if the custom field is from a different record, you will need to retrieve it either by loading that record or running a search. In general nlapiLookupField() would be the most lightweight option.

svg.js with existing svg

I'm trying to implement svg.js to make a map of a clickable floorplan.
But I cannot make this work properly, or this works but doesn't work like I expected:
const map = SVG.get('mysvg'); event ) {
this.fill({ color: '#000' });
When I try to click on some area on the map, instead of change fill color I get nothing.
Actually svgjs triggers 'create' as you can see in console with inspector.
Not sure what am I doing wrong here?
I would expect that the area will change fill color?
You can use the select function as described here to create a Set. You'd then use the each() method from Set to iterate over each entry and apply the click event handler. For example:
const map = SVG.get("mysvg");
var restaurants ='[id*="restaurant"]:not(g)'); // Create an svg.js Set, but do not capture the group in the set
restaurants.each(function() { {
this.fill({ color: "#000" });
If you can edit the svg that you are using as an input, I would suggest adding a class to each of the clickable elements to use that as the reference for select. Otherwise, you'll have to do something like selecting all element id 'types' (i.e. restaurant, retail etc.) separately and concatenating the Sets using Set.add() before you do the loop to add the click listener, but that could get messy.

How can you control visibility of datasource in Cesiumjs?

I want to display multiple datasources in a cesiumjs viewer but need to allow the user to select which ones they want to see at any given time. For example, if I load a kml and a czml file, how do I hide one and show the other? I can't find the cesiumjs way to do this with its API.
Update Feb 2016: A show flag has been proposed and may be added to a future version of Cesium.
Original answer:
Currently there is no show flag on the dataSource, however it is easy to add and remove the dataSource from the list of available dataSources, and this is used to get the show/hide functionality.
Here's a working demo: Load the Cesium Sandcastle Hello World example, and paste the following code into the left side, then hit Run (F8). It should display a checkbox in the upper-left with show/hide functionality.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
// Create a typical CzmlDataSource.
var dataSource1 = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource();
// Add a checkbox at the top.
document.getElementById('toolbar').innerHTML =
'<label><input type="checkbox" id="showCheckbox" /> Show CZML</label>';
var checkbox = document.getElementById('showCheckbox');
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
// Checkbox state changed.
if (checkbox.checked) {
// Show if not shown.
if (!viewer.dataSources.contains(dataSource1)) {
} else {
// Hide if currently shown.
if (viewer.dataSources.contains(dataSource1)) {
}, false);
This code could be improved, for example it could be a "lazy load" where the dataSource.load does not get called until the first time it's shown. Also if a dataSource has been hidden a while, you have to consider at what point should you be saving memory by destroying the dataSource rather than continuing to hold onto it (triggering a new lazy load if it is later shown again).
as of now, show is a property of the data source, you can control it by accessing the property in dot or bracket notation:
const src = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource(); = false;

Docuemt postopen event not operating on profile document

I need to save serial number of the document in a profile document and here is a code of action Execute Script:
if (document1.isNewNote()){
var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","")
var lnm=pdoc.getItemValue("lastNumber")[0];
var = getComponent("inputText6");
This code is not opening profile document at all. Any thing wrong in the code?
"LastNumber" is the name of the form used to create Profile Document ?
this profile document already exist ?
there are no reader fields in this profile document ?
you have an error on this line : var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","") ?
or you have debug it and see that pdoc is null ?
instead of pdoc.getItemValue("lastNumber")[0] you can use pdoc.getItemValueInteger("lastNumber") to get a typed result
I supposed that this field contains a number and you want to increment it
instead of using inputText field you can set value directly with document1.setValue("NumberField", lnm);
I second the caution Per is suggesting. Profile documents can be a beast. You should abstract access to the "next number" into a SSJS function call. Btw. in your code snippet you don't actually increment the last number. Also: if your input text control is bound, go after the data source, not the UI.
A crude way (I would use a managed application bean for better isolation) for a better function could be this:
if(document1.isNewNote() {
Then in a SSJS library you would have:
var applicationTools = {
"getNextNumber" : function() {
var pdoc:NotesDocument=database.getProfileDocument("LastNumber","");
if (!applicationScope.lastNumber) {
applicationScope.lastNumber = pdoc.getItemValueInteger("lastNumber");
pdoc.replaceItemValue("lastNumber",applicationScope.lastNumber);; //Make sure pdoc is writeable by ALL!!!!
return applicationScope.lastNumber;
"someOtherUtility" : function(nameToLookup, departments) {
// more stuff here
Which, in some way has been asked before, but not for a profile field. Someone still could simply go after the applicationScope.lastNumber variable, which is one of the reasons why I rather use a bean. The other: you could do the saving asynchronously, so it would be faster.
Note: in any case the number generation only works when you have a non-replicating database. But abstracting the function opens the possibility to replace fetching the number from the profile with a call to a central number generator ... or any other mechanism ... without changing your form again.

CRM form. Preset Field is not saved on after Clicking Save button

I am working on CRM 2011.
On Form_onLoad event I am presetting the value of a field.
but after clicking on save button my field address1_line1 is blank.
To check I put a alert on Form_onsave function.
alert("address =" + (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue()));
In alert,I get the value of address1_line1 field but finally address1_line1 is blank.
mdg.PresetField function is as follows
mdg.PreSetField = function(attributeName, value) {
var attribute;
if (attributeName.setSubmitMode) {
attribute = attributeName;
else {
attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
attribute.addOnChange(function() {
I solved it..
in my custom mdg.PresetField function earlier code was
I changed never to always and now it is working..
This code is not part of the CRM JavaScript API so I assume it's a custom library? Have you added this script to the list of webresources available on the form? Also make sure it comes before the script you are trying to use it in.
