"installing" pixi-display in node.js / pixi.js - node.js

This is I'm sure a simple question but I'm struggling to find the answer with my limited knowledge of node.js environments.
I've got a Heroku hosted project built in node.js. I've got an index.js file that serves the index.html file to the client.
How do I include the file "pixi-display.js" in the HTML file so that I can use it on my client side code? Right now I can't even load it in my local environment.


Merging angular2/4 files to Node.js server

Request you all to please help me on below question:
I have created a working application- client-side using angular2 and server-side using node.js (Rest services are used). Both client and server using the different default port 4200 and 3000 respectively. Since this application is not that big and my company doesn't want to open any extra port for security reason hence I was suggested to move all angular files to node.js server which then thereafter host the entire application.
How can I move all my file from angular2 and add them to node.js so that it works as it was working before? There are many dependencies exist in angular2, similarly, it bootstrap components in a different way then how can I use angular files in node.js?
Any suggestion or solution are deeply appreciated.
You can you ng build. This command will generate a dist folder and your node server can read it. If you use expressjs you can see the example MEAN Stack (Angular 5) CRUD Web Application Example .

How to use JavaScript for front-end and Nodejs on backend

I have looked high and low and can’t find anything. I’m a little confused on Web Developement with Nodejs. I have built a simple static file server with pure Nodejs without any framework based on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Node_server_without_framework. I’m able to serve my static .html files and .css files, but I can’t seem to figure out how to serve the .js files. Whenever I include my front-end JavaScript files in my server.js files I get errors like window is undefined or document is undefined. How does one go about developing dynamic websites with Nodesjs. I’m used to the PHP way of development. I just need help getting started with Node.js.

Express js route 404 error only in prod

I've been working on building a video conferencing application by following this tutorial.
It's a great tutorial, and everything worked awesome when developing. However, when pushing to production I had issues and I'm not well-versed enough with these tools to figure out what's wrong.
I changed my NODE_ENV=PROD in my .env file. Which should trigger the production express build located here. (tutorial github link)
Next, I ran npm run build as I wanted to build my bundle.js, etc in the dist/ directory. I copied the three files from dist/,
Into my web server's directory, but now when visiting /token route, I get a 404. This doesn't happen on DEV, so it has to be something with the way the express server.js is written.
Unfortunately, I'm having trouble deducing what the issue is.
Environment details - I'm using a hostgator account, and copying files into the cpanel file manager. I've hosted lot's of JS applications like this before, but usually if I'm using a back-end it's a django server, so this (express) is new for me.
It is because express server is not running in your production environment. As express is used to build web server listening on specific port. In your case you have deployed the static files but the server is not running.

How to launch html file (with css and js files included) on remote server on node.js with angular 2

I started working with Angular 2 and have one issue.
I compiled my app for production through "ng build" and got an index.html and other files like js and css in this folder.
I need to publics them on web
Im using remote ubuntu on digital ocean.
I found this nice script, which solved a problem, but to enter a project I need to print in a browser a path like this: somehost:8080/index.html.
Can you help please and explain please, how I can use a path like somehost:8080, or just somehost:8080/index, but without a file extension? I found of course, even simpler scripts, but they dont serve js and css, which are included.
And next question, actually main, is this decision the most elegant to provide an entrance to the app, or there is a better and smarter way? Afterwards, Im thinking about PM2, because all that I need is to launch it like a linux service and to reload the app, if it will be crashed.

How to host HTML node.js application

i have developed a simple webapp using socket.io and node.js and was wondering how i would deploy it to a server? My application uses an HTML file with a canvas element the user interacts with how would i deploy this, the css and the js files and the app.js file to the server?
In some hosting companies that support Node.js (like Nodejitsu and Heroku) you can deploy your static files as part of your application code. In other words, when you deploy your app both your code and static files (JS/CSS/Images) will be deployed.
The downside with this approach is that you cannot easily just change a CSS file like you can in a more traditional deployment where you can just FTP a new CSS file to the production server. You could bypass this if you host your CSS files somewhere else, though.
I don't have experience with AppFog but I suspect the same is true.
You have a 90 day free trial at Azure. Believe it or not but they have great support for node.js. Read more at http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/
