VBA Matching across different sheets - excel

New to VBA. I have three sheets: Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 track information for two different parts. Both sheets have a column named: "Set Number" where values range from 1-8. I'm trying to then extract ID Numbers (Cell(a9)downwards) of the parts with matching Set Numbers to Sheet 3.
On Sheet 3 Column 1 would pull from Sheet 1 and Column 2 would pull from Sheet 2 for Set 1; Columns 3 and for would do the same for Set 2, etc.
Appreciate any help.


Compare rows of one sheet with columns of another sheet in Excel

I want to compare rows of sheet 1 with columns of sheet 2. How can I compare Rows with Columns in EXCEL?
Above image is SHEET 1. And I want to compare sheet 1 with below image SHEET 2
I couldn't find any solution of comparing rows with columns in EXCEL.

Excel - Trying to compare two columns worth of data in separate sheets and if they match return a set of data from each sheet

I have two sheets of data in the same workbook. If data from Sheet 1 column J, matches data from sheet 2 column F, then i want columns A-I from Sheet 1 + Column C from Sheet 2 added onto a third sheet
I have a solution for Excel O365. Set A2 to =FILTER(Sheet1!J:J, (Sheet1!J:J <> "") * NOT(ISNA(MATCH(Sheet1!J2:J, Sheet2!F:F)))
Then set B2 to =XLOOKUP(A2#,Sheet1!J:J,Sheet1!A:I)
And set K2 to XLOOKUP(A2#,Sheet2!F:F,Sheet2!C:C)

Excel Highlight differences in rows based on matching columns

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets, Sheet 1 is last years data, Sheet 2 is this years data. I need to compare data in Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A. If the data matches in Column A in both sheets, I need to compare and highlight the differences in those rows where they matched up. I have only been able to highlight the differences in the columns not the rows.
Thanks in advance.

copy row values from one sheet to another sheet for the matched records in Excel

I have two sheets in an excel workbook and Sheet1 has the following columns:
and Sheet 2 has only ID column:
If ID in sheet 2 matches with ID in sheet 1 I want to write col1 and col2 values in sheet1 to sheet 2
I used VLOOK up to identify the matched records but I am manually copying the values of the matched records into sheet 2 and I have to do this for 100,000 rows. I really appreciate if I can get some help.
In your sheet 2, in cel B2 write this formula: =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$1:$C$4,MATCH(Sheet2!A2,Sheet1!A:A,0),2),"")
In your sheet 2, in cel C2 write this formula: =IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$1:$C$4,MATCH(Sheet2!A2,Sheet1!A:A,0),3),"")
Change matrix offcourse to your needs and drag down!

VLOOKUP in 2 sheets of an excel

I have a column in Sheet 1 of an excel which I want to compare with an column of Sheet 2 of the same excel.
The values of Sheet 1 column to be present in some rows of Sheet 2 column (not necessary to be row by row).
How to use VLOOKUP here ?
Something like:
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,Sheet2!B:B,0)),"no match","match")
