Domino Designer: Export a view to CSV File using formula language - lotus-notes

In Domino Designer, I would like to export a view to CSV file, with the details as per below:
Select all document
In UTF-8
Include Column Title
I tried to use formula language to at least export it to csv, and save it at the current user's desktop, but it seems like %UserProfile% is not working.
#Command([FileExport];"Comma Separated Value";"C:\Users\%UserProfile%\Desktop\temp.csv")
I have tried to change "%UserProfile%" with Public, and it works, but preferably I wish it could be done using current user profile.
My questions are:
Can I use formula language to code something like this?
Is there any lotusscript similar to my description as above (i.e The CSV file can be exported only by one click?
Thank you in advance.

Yes, see example as a starting point.


How to log in and auto fill values into a 'drupal form' from an 'excel file'?

So, there is this website where I have to log in and insert values in the add content->person roles and I have to take values from an excel file. I tried entering the values in the database directly but got nowhere. The database is too randomly generated.
I want to know- how to go by this problem? I think python would be the best way but I am more comfortable with java. The images bellow will help understand the situation better-
The log in from:
The form to be filled:
Try using feeds module:
Install it on you site first of course. Or look for some similar import module. Maybe this one:
If nothing succeeds then try making import script on your own. You have to parse document (would be much easier to open it from excel and export as CSV if possible and have some loop to write content into Drupal system. Use Drupal's functions for that, do not directly write to database. It's not hard as it looks like:

XPages import from excel

I want to import an excel file using XPages.
The user can only select an excel file then Javascript codes will handle rest.
I mean it's like a fileUpload window but the file type of file that user can select should be only excel files.
Any suggesstion is important
If your question is about how to restrict the file type, there is a property in the upload control called accept
More information
and also it is shown the second image at this link here:

Export memo data from Data Architect to Excel

I am using Data Architect and want to export data of a table with memo fields.
If I export to CSV, everything works fine.
When I export to Excel (2003), the memo content is truncated and formatted with funny squares which is typical of a unicode encoding/decoding problem.
Ex : original string : "ABCD"
When exported to Excel : "A_B_" where the underscore is a square
I have looked into the devzone newsgroup but have not found any reference to this issue.
As an alternative you could try to use some ODBC to Excel converter tool.
Writing a small program that exports data using ADS and OLE should be rather easy, too.
I'm an Advantage support rep and we saw your message from the site.
I confirmed the behavior you've seen and am reporting it as a possible bug. In the meantime we did add the ability to directly copy the table and paste it into excel (e.g. select all of the data and then right click > copy records - this method allowed me to paste into an excel table without issue). This feature is in ARC version 10.x.
Also, as noted you can also access the data using ODBC or OLE DB. You can download these drivers from under the "Product Download" section.
If you'd like further help or more detailed tracking of this you can open up a support ticket by calling 1-800-SYBASE5 (792.2735)

How to import a segment of html into Excel

1.I need to export a table as a excel file.
2.I render it in a html page at first. I have a button to export to html.
My opinion:
1.I get the html from page:
document.getElementById('content').value = document.getElementById('containerId').innerHTML;
2.I get it from server, response.ContentType = "application/;" // it need the client has installed Microsoft Excel.
3.I got the right Excel file "XXXX.xls".
4.BUT BUT BUT, when I open it, it's alert a waring tell me like
"it's not the right format of Excel, are you confirm to open it?"
I'm feel sorry to see it.
So I want to import the HTML section into a Excel file, then response the right Excel file to USER-AGENT.
I have use the Aspose.Cells library in my project, I don't know how to use it to finish the task, Or is any other solution to solve it ?
If you need to parse html tags/portion to Excel spreadsheet using Aspose.Cells for .NET, you may use Cell.HtmlString attribute to set your desired html code segment in a cell, it will be parsed accordingly in the generated Excel file. Mind you, not all the html tags are supported at the moment.
Aspose.Cells for .NET also supports to convert an Excel file to Html file directly, see the documents on which file formats are supported for conversion, it may help you for your reference:
If you still have some issue/confusion, kindly give us details with your sample code using Aspose.Cells API, we can help you.

SQLite data into Excel?

I wish to pull data from a large SQLite database into Excel. I'll want to do so quite interactively so don't want to export CSVs or anything like that. I have seen the sqliteodbc website on but does that work with Excel 2007?
What are the best options?
Actually I have gone through the file mentioned in the question and it works well, even in Excel 2007. Simply make sure to register your database using the ODBC option in the Windows control panel.
Excel recognizes XML and the format is something like this:-
<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:html=\"\">
<DocumentProperties xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\">
You might want to create a sample of the output you want in Excel, save it as XML data. Open your regular text edit, and voila... you got the XML skeleton.
Now programmatically converting SQLite to Excel, that's another thing. You didn't mention what language you're conversant with.
