Which text editor can be able to properly display the storage files created by the CodenameOne Netbeans plugin in linux? - linux

Which Linux text editor can be used to view the hidden files created by the CodenameOne simulator? I have tried the default Gedit and Notepadqq but the text appears gibberish while on Windows it is legible even with the default note.exe app in a human-readable way. I am running Netbeans 10 on Ubuntu 18.10.

This highly depends on the file you are editing but if you are editing the preferences file then you would break it. It's a binary file that shouldn't be edited with text editing software. Some characters that are visible on the Linux editors might be hidden on notepad. But they would still be there.


Auto refresh in Sublime Text 3

I want Sublime Text to auto reload files when they are changed in the hard disk (by some process else). Although I am not expecting to have my code open in different places, I use the editor to see resulting files, which is why this feature is crucial to my coding setup. I’ve figured out the option to prompt for the reload as below. But my issue is, it takes a long time for Sublime Text to realize the file has changed and give me the prompt. The files are in a Linux server and I am accessing them through Samba in Windows. Previously I've used Notepad++ which instantly recognize the change and prompt me to reload - so this is not to do with the file systems or hardware. Is there a way to achieve this in Sublime Text or VSCode?
"always_prompt_for_file_reload": true

What text editor should I use with Gitlab and how to install it?

I have tried to search online and there was this editor called "Atom". I have never used it before. Is it any good? I have used gedit, sublime text, visual studios and QtReader. I want a text editor like QtReader or visual studios( which shows file directories on the side of the screen) to edit text files from Git bash. Can I install QtReader or VS code for Git bash? If so how?
Thanks in advance.
Though this is not a relevant question but for terminal based you can choose from vi, nano or emacs and for app based you can choose from vscode,sublime text, ruby mine(if working on ruby projects). It's totally a choice based decision.

changing console color sublime text 3 (modifying Widget) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Sublime Text 3 System Package Location?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
Where can I find these folders on Mac (Sublime Text 3)? I succesfully found them on my PC (Sublime Text 2) and modified the theme to where now console and editor are the same background, but I cannot find the Packages\Theme - Default\Widget.sublime-settings path on my Mac. I did notice that the build window was a different color from the main editor on my PC until I updated the config's below, however on my mac and ST3 the build menu automatically is the same (console is still not though, whereas it is on the PC post-changes).
// "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Default/Widgets.stTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Blackboard.tmTheme"
Thanks for the help, FYI this is the thread I referenced: How to change the color of the console in sublime text?
In Sublime Text 3, a Widget.sublime-settings file is located in Packages/Default and Packages/Theme - Default. Install PackageResourceViewer from Package Control, then access its Open Resource function through the Command Palette to open whichever file(s) you're interested in editing. You can simply save the file(s) when you're done.

RTL language with Sublime Text editor

The RTL languages are not supported in the sublime text editor
I tried this plug-in Bidirectional text support
on windows os
Copied all files from the zip Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-master to the ST3 folder and changed the font type and size.
then I copied the unicodedata.pyd to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Bidirectional text support\bidi
now the Tools > Bidirectional text part didn't look gray anymore but it is still disabled.
also I copied these two lines but it didn't work
Any help would be appreciated
In order to get Sublime Text to work with Arabic characters using Sublime Text BIDI plugin on Windows correctly, ensure you've done the following:
Copy the plugin folder to the following path C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\
Copy unicodedata.pyd from ST installation directory to both, the main plugin folder which in your case is Sublime-Text-2-BIDI-master and inside bidi folder.
Set your sublime user-settings to the following:
"font-face": "arial",
"font_size": 11,
"default_encoding": "UTF-8",
"fallback_encoding": "Arabic (Windows 1256)"
Reload the plugin by viewing rtl.py and saving
In the case that doesn't fix it, you can read what sublime console log outputs when you click on Bidirectional text for a given Arabic text, console log can be accessed through ctrl+~.
Very Easy,
Just follow this Video steps
دعم اللغة العربية في برنامج Sublime
1- Download the Sublime-BIDI-master folder from Github of solution
2- Extract it and paste under \Sublime Text Build (whatever)\Data\Packages(the downloaded folder).
3- open sublime wit any RTL Language file and right click anywhere you'll new options (Bidirectional text) .. Click it :).
However, in my Sublime version (build 3126), Arabic letters will be reshaped when switching to Bidi.
Initially in the range U+0621-U+064A, which are the usual Unicode codes for Arabic letters, characters will be mapped to the range U+FE70-U+FEFC, which are codes for each (isolated, initial, middle, final) Arabic connected forms. These latter codes, called Arabic-Presentation-Forms-B, are deprecated by Unicode and their usage should be very limited.
For example, before switching to Bidi, the word كتب, looks ب ت ك, from left to right U+0643 U+062A U+0628. This is the memory order. (It is up to the final rendering tool to display the string in visual order by connecting letters.)
After Bidi switching in Sublime, the word will appear good as كتب, because the codes are ﺐ ‎U+FE90 followed by ﺘ U+‎FE98 followed by ﻛ U+‎FEDB. In this order. That means, in a Bidi enabled tool like a browser, it will appear ﺐﺘﻛ as the final visual order. This is not what the user expects.
So, not only Bidi switching changes the letters code, it also changes the memory order.
Personal experience.
When editing a source file (HTML and other languages or formats) containing some RTL characters, it is really tricky to navigate in the text edited. So the mode "before" (logical or memory order) might be very helpful than the mode "after" (visual or display order). With logical order, it's useless to join letters, it doesn't make sens.
Check this link, I had the same problem but solved it with the Sublime Text BIDI plugin.
I was still facing an issue because of the editor's font. It will be recommended to use a fixed-width font like Courier New. This should ensure the plug-in works as expected.

VIM with graphical menu on windows

Is there a way to have a VIM editor on Windows 8.1 displaying a graphical menu like File, Edit,etc...?
I need to be able to run VIM as Administrator, and then I need to be able to choose what file to open, so having a File menu item would be very helpful
The program you are looking for is called gVim and is available for windows. However, you don't need a graphical menu to open a file in vim. For example
:e file
:o file
should both work fine without any graphical menus.
