Output json file on some fields without filtering data with Shodan? - shodan

I've downloaded some JSON data from Shodan, and only want to retain some fields from it. To explore what I want, I'm running the following, which works-
shodan parse --fields ip,port --separator , "data.json.gz"
However, I now want to output/ export the data; I'm trying to run the following -
shodan parse --fields ip,port -O "data_processed.json.gz" "data.json.gz"
It's requiring me to specify a filter parameter, which I don't need. If I do add an empty filter as so, it tells me data_processes.json.gz doesn't exist.
shodan parse --fields ip,port -f -O "data_processed.json.gz" "data.json.gz"
I'm a bit stumped on how to export only certain fields of my data; how do I go about doing so?

If you only want to output those 2 properties then you can simply pipe them to a file:
shodan parse --fields ip,port --separator , data.json.gz > data_processed.csv
A few things to keep in mind:
You probably want to export the ip_str property as it's a more user-friendly version of the IP address. The ip property is a numeric version of the IP address and aimed at users storing the information in a database.
You can convert your data file into Excel or CSV format using the shodan convert command. For example: shodan convert data.json.gz csv See here for a quick guide: https://help.shodan.io/guides/how-to-convert-to-excel


How is the option --define used in arangoimport?

In the documentation, is it not clear how can I use this option?
Is it for telling arangoimport : "Hey, please use this field as _from/_to field when you import" ?
define string… Define key=value for a #key# entry in config file
This has nothing to do with data import. arangod, arangosh etc. all support --define to set environment variables, which can be used in configuration files using placeholders like #FOO# and be set like --define FOO=something on the command line.
This is briefly explained here: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/administration-configuration.html#environment-variables-as-parameters
Example configuration file example.conf:
endpoint = tcp://
Example invocation:
arangosh --config example.conf --define PORT=8529
For delimited source files (CSV, TSV) you can use the option --translate to map columns to different attributes, e.g. --translate "child=_from" --translate "parent=_to".
If the references are just keys, then you may use --from-collection-prefix and to-collection-prefix to prepend the collection name.
--translate is not supported for JSON inputs. You can do the translation and import using a driver, or edit the source file somehow, or import into a collection and then use AQL to adjust the fields.

wget extract text and save to file

So I have several json files I need to go through and extract email addresses from. They are formatted like this. %40 being the # symbol.
I am using wget to grab all my files, but they have much more content inside that I do not need right now. What would be the best way to modify this script below to just grab the email like above?
for i in $(seq 0 1000); do wget "http://example./com/users.php?info=user/user.json&user_id=${i}" --output-document="${i}.txt"; done

What command to search for ID in .bz2 file?

I am new to Linux and I'm trying to look for an ID number within a .bz2 file. Seems like a fairly straight forward requirement, however I cannot find the correct command anywhere online. I believe I need to use bzgrep.
I want to look for '123456' in the file Bulk9876.bz2
How would I construct this command?
You probably just need to tell grep that it's okay to parse that data as text:
bzgrep -a 123456 Bulk9876.bz2
If you're trying to view the compressed data (rather than decompressing it and searching the decompressed data), just use grep -a ….
Otherwise, it might make sense to verify that the desired string is even present in the file; bunzip2 it and grep -a the decompressed file. If that works, the problem is in your bzgrep instance (which is odd because it should be using the same decompression library as bunzip2).

PDF Data and Table Scraping to Excel

I'm trying to figure out a good way to increase the productivity of my data entry job.
What I am looking to do is come up with a way to scrape data from a PDF and input it into Excel.
More specifically the data I am working with is from grocery store flyers. As it stands now we have to manually enter every deal in the flyer into a database. A sample of a flyer is http://weeklyspecials.safeway.com/customer_Frame.jsp?drpStoreID=1551
What I am hoping to do is have columns for products, price, and predefined options (Loyalty Cards, Coupons, Select Variety... that sort of thing).
Any help would be appreciated, and if I need to be more specific let me know.
After looking at the specific PDF linked to by the OP, I have to say that this is not quite displaying a typical table format.
It contains many images inside the "cells", but the cells are not all strictly vertically or horizontally aligned:
So this isn't even a 'nice' table, but an extremely ugly and awkward one to work with...
Having said that, I'll have to add:
Extracting even 'nice' tables from PDFs in general is extremely difficult...
Standard PDFs do not provide any hints about the semantics of what they draw on a page:
the only distinction that the syntax provides is the distinctions between vector elements (lines, fills,...), images and text.
Whether any character is part of a table or part of a line or just a lonely, single character within an otherwise empty area is not easy to recognize programmatically by parsing the PDF source code.
For a background about why the PDF file format should never, ever be thought of as suitable for hosting extractable, structured data, see this article:
Why Updating Dollars for Docs Was So Difficult (ProPublica-Website)
...but doing so with TabulaPDF works very well!
Having said the above now let me add this:
For an amazing open source family of tools that gets better and better from week to week for extracting tabular data from PDFs (unless they are scanned pages) -- contradicting what I said in my introductionary paragraphs! -- check out TabulaPDF. See these links:
Introducing Tabula: Upload a PDF, get back tabular CSV data. Poof!
Tabula-Extractor: A Command Line Interface to Tabula
Tabula source code repository
Tabula API (upcoming, not ready yet)
Tabula-Extractor is written in Ruby.
In the background it makes use of PDFBox (which is written in Java) and a few other third-party libs.
To run, Tabula-Extractor requires JRuby-1.7 installed.
Installing Tabula-Extractor
I'm using the 'bleeding-edge' version of Tabula-Extractor directly from its GitHub source code repository.
Getting it to work was extremely easy, since on my system JRuby-1.7.4_0 is already present:
mkdir ~/svn-stuff
cd ~/svn-stuff
git clone https://github.com/tabulapdf/tabula-extractor.git git.tabula-extractor
Included in this Git clone will already be the required libraries, so no need to install PDFBox.
The command line tool is in the /bin/ subdirectory.
Exploring the command line options:
~/svn-stuff/git.tabula-extractor/bin/tabula -h
Tabula helps you extract tables from PDFs
tabula [options] <pdf_file>
where [options] are:
--pages, -p <s>: Comma separated list of ranges, or all. Examples:
--pages 1-3,5-7, --pages 3 or --pages all. Default
is --pages 1 (default: 1)
--area, -a <s>: Portion of the page to analyze
(top,left,bottom,right). Example: --area
269.875,12.75,790.5,561. Default is entire page
--columns, -c <s>: X coordinates of column boundaries. Example
--columns 10.1,20.2,30.3
--password, -s <s>: Password to decrypt document. Default is empty
(default: )
--guess, -g: Guess the portion of the page to analyze per page.
--debug, -d: Print detected table areas instead of processing.
--format, -f <s>: Output format (CSV,TSV,HTML,JSON) (default: CSV)
--outfile, -o <s>: Write output to <file> instead of STDOUT (default:
--spreadsheet, -r: Force PDF to be extracted using spreadsheet-style
extraction (if there are ruling lines separating
each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet)
--no-spreadsheet, -n: Force PDF not to be extracted using
spreadsheet-style extraction (if there are ruling
lines separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel
--silent, -i: Suppress all stderr output.
--use-line-returns, -u: Use embedded line returns in cells. (Only in
spreadsheet mode.)
--version, -v: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message
Extracting the table which the OP wants
I'm not even trying to extract this ugly table from the OP's monster PDF. I'll leave it as an excercise to these readers who are feeling adventurous enough...
Instead, I'll demo how to extract a 'nice' table. I'll take pages 651-653 from the official PDF-1.7 specification, here represented with screenshots:
I used this command:
~/svn-stuff/git.tabula-extractor/bin/tabula \
-p 651,652,653 -g -n -u -f CSV \
After importing the generated CSV into LibreOffice Calc, the spreadsheet looks like this:
To me this looks like the perfect extraction of a table which did spread over 3 different PDF pages. (Even the newlines used within table cells made it into the spreadsheet.)
Here is an ASCiinema screencast (which you also can download and re-play locally in your Linux/MacOSX/Unix terminal with the help of the asciinema command line tool), starring tabula-extractor:

Sql Server database table export issue using BCP utility and database table contains "HTML ELEMENTS"

In have been using the bcp utility to export my sqlserver database table(contains HTML elements in cells) using the command below:
C:>bcp "select * from dbName.dbo.TableName" queryout c:\bcpexport.xls -c -k -SServerName -U sa -P 111
However export is successful but the rows are messed up if some column contain HTML tags/elements. This is a serious problem I am facing since this results error while importing this excel to my MySql database.
Below is screenshot of the excel with messed up rows/cols.
Any help/support is highly appreciated.
You may want to try adding the Unicode Character Format flag, -w, to your bcp. It should help with character encoding issues, even if your data types are not unicode.
•if the source and destination data are not Unicode data types, use of Unicode character format minimizes the loss of extended characters in the source data that cannot be represented at the destination.
