Copying files across a network with Python - python-3.x

I am trying to loop through a list of filepaths for files I have throughout the entire network at my company. The filepaths have locations of various drives throughout the network.
The user submitted the file once upon a time and the filepath was passed through at the point of submission. However, the file drive is not the same for every user and is not the same for what that drive is named on my machine.
For example: a path like X:\Users\Submissions\Bob's File.xlsx may coincide with the same drive and file but named differently on my machine:
K:\Users\Submissions\Bob's File.xlsx
Each user has the potential of using a different letter for that particular drive for a various number of reasons.
Is there a way I can make my pattern string that I pass in smart enough to be able to find the proper directory and locate that file? Any ideas would be great.
Thank you
import pandas as pd
import shutil as sh
copydir = r"C:\Users\me\Desktop\PythonSpyderDesktop\Extractor\Models"
file_path_list = r"C:\Users\me\Desktop\PythonSpyderDesktop\Extractor\FilePathList.csv"
data = pd.read_csv(file_path_list)
i = 1 #Start at 2nd row
for i in range(1, len(data)):
sh.copyfile(data.FilePath[i], copydir)
print("Copied over file: " + data.FilePath[i])
print ("File not found.")

Your question is unclear. It revolves around the source & dest arguments being passed to copyfile:
sh.copyfile(data.FilePath[i], copydir)
It's hard to tell what pathnames you're extracting from the .CSV, but apparently source files may have the "wrong" drive letter, and/or the destination directory copydir may have the "wrong" drive letter. The script apparently runs on multiple machines, and those machines have diverse drive letters mounted.
Write a helper function that finds the "right" drive letter. It should accept a pathname like copydir, then probe a search list, then return a corrected pathname.
Given a list of drive letters, you can iterate through them and test whether a pathname exists using os.path.exists(). Return the first one found.
Use splitdrive() to parse out components of the input pathname.
Suppose that both source and dest may need their drive letters fixed up. Then the call might look like this:
sh.copyfile(fix_path(data.FilePath[i]), fix_path(copydir))


copying files from one folder to another folder based on the file names in python 3

In Python 3.7, I want to write a scrip that
creates folders based on a list
iterates through a list (elements represent different "runs")
searches for .txt files in predifined directories derived from certain operations
copies certain .txt files to the previously created folders
I managed to do that via following script:
from shutil import copy
import os
import glob
# define folders and batches
folders = ['folder_ce', 'folder_se']
runs = ['A001', 'A002', 'A003']
# make folders
for f in folders:
# iterate through batches,
# extract files for every operation,
# and copy them to target folder
for r in runs:
# operation 1
ce = glob.glob(f'{r}/{r}/several/more/folders/{r}*.txt')
for c in ce:
copy(c, 'folder_ce')
# operation 2
se = glob.glob(f'{r}/{r}/several/other/folders/{r}*.txt')
for s in se:
copy(s, 'folder_se')
In the predifined directories there are several .txt files
one file with the format A001.txt (where the "A001"-part is derived from the list "runs" specified above)
plus sometimes several files with the format A001.20200624.1354.56.txt
If a file with the format A001.txt is there, I only want to copy this one to the target directory.
If the format A001.txt is not available, I want to copy all files with the longer format (e.g. A001.20200624.1354.56.txt).
After the comment of #adamkwm, I tried
if f'{b}/{b}/{b}.txt' in cepa:
copy(f'{b}/{b}/{b}.txt', 'c_py_1')
for c in cepa:
copy(c, 'c_py_1')
but that still copies both files (A001.txt and A001.20200624.1354.56.txt), which I understand. I think the trick is to first check in ce, which is a list, if the {r}.txt format is present and if it is, only copy that one. If not, copy all files. However, I don't seem to get the logic right or use the wrong modules or methods, it seems.
After searching for answers, i didn't find one resolving this specific case.
Can you help me with a solution for this "selective copying" of the files?

Python 3 - Copy files if they do not exist in destination folder

I am attempting to move a couple thousand pdfs from one file location to another. The source folder contains multiple subfolders and I am combining just the pdfs (technical drawings) into one folder to simplify searching for the rest of my team.
The main goal is to only copy over files that do not already exist in the destination folder. I have tried a couple different options, most recently what is shown below, and in all cases, every file is copied every time. Prior to today, any time I attempted a bulk file move, I would received errors if the file existed in the destination folder but I no longer do.
I have verified that some of the files exist in both locations but are still being copied. Is there something I am missing or can modify to correct?
Thanks for the assistance.
import os.path
import shutil
source_folder = os.path.abspath(r'\\source\file\location')
dest_folder = os.path.abspath(r'\\dest\folder\location')
for folder, subfolders, files in os.walk(source_folder):
for file in files:
path_file=os.path.join(folder, file)
if os.path.exists(file) in os.walk(dest_folder):
print(file+" exists.")
if not os.path.exists(file) in os.walk(dest_folder):
print(file+' does not exist.')
shutil.copy2(path_file, dest_folder)
os.path.exists returns a Boolean value. os.walk creates a generator which produces triples of the form (dirpath, dirnames, filenames). So, that first conditional will never be true.
Also, even if that conditional were correct, your second conditional has a redundancy since it's merely the negation of the first. You could replace it with else.
What you want is something like
if file in os.listdir(dest_folder):

Copy files in Python

I want to copy files with a specific file extention from one directory and put in another directory. I tried searching and found code the same as im doing however it doesnt appear to do anything, any help would be great.
import shutil
import os
source = "/tmp/folder1/"
destination = "/tmp/newfolder/"
for files in source:
if files.endswith(".txt"):
I think the problem is your for-loop. You are actually looping over the string "tmp/folder1/" instead of looping over the the files in the folder. What your for-loop does is going through the string letter by letter (t, m, p etc.).
What you want is looping over a list of files in the source folder. How that works is described here: How do I list all files of a directory?.
Going fro there you can run through the filenames, testing for their extension and moving them just as you showed.
Your "for file in source" pick one character after another one from your string "source" (the for doesn't know that source is a path, for him it is just a basic str object).
You have to use os.listdir :
import shutil
import os
source = "source/"
destination = "dest/"
for files in os.listdir(source): #list all files and directories
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source, files)): #is this a file
if files.endswith(".txt"):
shutil.move(os.path.join(source, files),destination) #move the file
os.path.join is used to join a directory and a filename (to have a complete path).

Python os.path.join weird behaviour with ("any_path", "c:\") as input

So, I am making a pseudo login system and I've run into a few bugs with the os.path.join function.
It seems to act strangely when inputs such as "c:" or "d:" are input as the username, as it voids any path string before the root drives.
So, an input such as:
>>> import os
>>> os.path.exists( os.path.join( some_path, "this_is", "voided", "c:", "python34" ) )
Will have its first 3 statements completely ignored.
Is there any way to avoid this?
Seems like a known bug
On Windows, the drive letter is not reset when an absolute path component (e.g., r'\foo') is encountered. If a component contains a drive letter, all previous components are thrown away and the drive letter is reset. Note that since there is a current directory for each drive, os.path.join("c:", "foo") represents a path relative to the current directory on drive C: (c:foo), not c:\foo.
You can try pathlib.PurePath.joinpath

List files of specific file type and directories

I'm attempting to create a script that looks into a specific directory and then lists all the files of my chosen types in addition to all folders within the original location.
I have managed the first part of listing all the files of the chosen types, however am encountering issues listing the folders.
The code I have is:
import datetime, os
now =
myFolder = 'F:\\'
textFile = 'myTextFile.txt'
outToFile = open(textFile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8')
filmDir = os.listdir(path=myFolder)
for file in filmDir:
if file.endswith(('avi','mp4','mkv','pdf')):
outToFile.write(os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '\n')
if os.path.isdir(file):
outToFile.write(os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '\n')
It is successfully listing all avi/mp4/mkv/pdf files, however isn't ever going into the if os.path.isdir(file): even though there are multiple folders in my F: directory.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if it is suggesting a more effective/efficient method entirely that does the job.
Solution found thanks to Son of a Beach
if os.path.isdir(file):
changed to
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(myFolder, file)):
os.listdir returns the names of the files, not the fully-qualified paths to the files.
You should use a fully qualified path name in os.path.isdir() (unless you've already told Python where to look).
Eg, instead of using if os.path.isdir(file): you could use:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(myFolder, file)):
