PowerApps - The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold - sharepoint

I am working on PowerApp, I got the below error when i added few columns in the sharepoint list.
The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold
I have read some article those says that sharepoint online 2013 supports only 12 lookup columns Here the link.
My List contains almost 15 People picker fields which causes this issue.
How should I removed this error. Any solution will be appreciated.

You can consider reworking this solution. Could you lower the number of people pickers - maybe make some of them multi people pickers. You could also split the list into two lists of data.


SharePoint 2013 list - column indexes, list threshold limit, REST api

We have indexed a couple of columns in SharePoint 2013 lists and these columns are used in $filter in REST api. The query stops working when the list crosses its threshold limit. Isn't the index meant to have columns queried and filtered no matter what the data size is in the list? Can someone throw any light on this?

Unable to Create a Sub-Total in the POWERPIVOT

I am pretty new with POWERPIVOT tables. I have searched for a bit of time now to resolve my problem but I have been unsuccessful so far. As you can see below, I have created a POWERPIVOT table in Excel 2013 that is composed of two FACT tables, which are based on: 1) a sheet where the clients can insert vote 1 budget entries; and, 2) another sheet where the clients can insert vote 5 budget entries. Also, a few DIMENSION tables have been added to the combination in order to link the Branch names and the expenditure type. Please note that this is only a simple example of what I am trying to produce.
However, my main problem is that I can't add a sub-total that would sum Salary, Operating and Revenues for Vote 1 and Vote 5 separately. What I would like to show is the following:
Please note that I have tried calculated columns and calculated fields at the best of my knowledge but the results are always showing another set of columns for Salary, Operating and Revenues but what I need is just one column that sum the three components so it displays Salary, Operating, Revenues and Sub-Total. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem that I am facing since a long time?
Thanks to gurus.
I would suggest that you start by putting both budgets in the one table and an extra column to designate Vote id., Otherwise I fearyou will need to add a calculated column concatenating the Branch and Expenditure Type in each table, then doing a LOOKUPVALUE from Vote1 on the concatenated column to Vote5 and pull back the value.

Changing your 20 indexed columns

I have a large SharePoint 0365 list of over 15,000 items. I have already used all 20 indexed columns. I now need to filter by a different column. Is it safe for me to remove an indexed column and changed to a different field? Do you have to reindex the list, if I do that?
I'm afraid you'll find that creating or removing column indexes are among the operations that are restricted upon surpassing SharePoint's list view threshold, as documented here.
In an on-premises SharePoint farm (or an otherwise traditional SharePoint farm using cloud-hosted infrastructure), you'd have access to central administration where you could temporarily increase the threshold, set a time window during which the threshold won't apply, or even use Powershell to temporarily set the EnableThrottling property of the list to false, allowing you to make your indexed column changes. But with Office 365 you won't have any of those options.
Depending on the circumstances, you can still circumvent the list view threshold when filtering by first filtering the list by one or more of your indexed columns such that less than 5000 items are returned; you should then be able to filter that subset of results using your unindexed column.
Another alternative would be to use SharePoint's search services to access results in your list that match the given metadata. Since the search crawl index is generated ahead of time (rather than a live query), it is not beholden to the list view threshold. Only problem there is that the results might be stale depending on the frequency of search crawls.
Since you already have 20 indexed columns, it is possible that you might be able to query the list using an already-indexed column to return a response that obeys the list-view threshold ('Date Created' range, or 'Created By' might be useful columns)
Once you return your initial response, you can then filter on the unindexed column of interest.

Have VBA for Unique items in multicolumn range, how to filter multiple rows on previous results?

I'm trying to enhance a basic planning sheet (see below) with additional sorting.
The first column lists the resources. Each week has 2 columns representing 20 hours per column.
Example readout;
In week 30 Aron works 40h on project A. In week 31 he works 20h on project A and 20h on project B.
Jeff does not work in WK30 and works 40 on project C in WK31
My Goal
Generate a unique list of projects over the weeks
Be able to filter based on project name and get only the rows of the resources working on that project. (No specific need to filter out the other projects in the same row. So if I filter on project "A", I want to only see the rows of Aron and Dave)
What I have
Basically item 1 is covered as follows:
The 2nd column (Projects) is an array-formula generated by a VBA function (taken from here) that returns all unique items in a multi column range. The cell formula looks like this, where the second argument of UniqueItems() determines if we only return the number of unique items (TRUE) or a list of all unique values (FALSE).
What is missing
Item 2 of my goal list is missing. If I currently select the filter option for Projects (see screenshot)
and filter on Project A, then I only get row 5 and not also row 4.
How would I go about filtering this properly?
VBA code is allowed or pointers to which regular formula functions I should use. A complete different solution with the same results is also fine. I thought about pivot tables, but I think it cannot handle empty cells around the range which is common if there's no work for that resource.
The sheet used can be downloaded from here
IMHO, you will be much better off creating a worksheet serving as a normalized database table with one row per the following columns: person, week, project. Lastly, a final column for the number of hours (and optionally, a cost for those hours customized per worker as needed)
Then use a pivot table to build the view you posted (or any other reporting view you need).
This will let you create multiple pivot tables that easily answer questions like:
how many hours are planned for project X in total? by a certain date?
how many total hours are planned for each worker per time period - who is over/under utilized?
how many total hours are planned for each worker per project?
Keeping the data separate from the reports is safer, and more modular - I wouldn't want a VBA bug to have the potential of corrupting/deleting raw data.

Can I create a COUNTIF calculated column in SharePoint?

Is there a way to create a SharePoint calculated column that returns a count of the number of entries in a list? So If I have 3 customers in my list with the company "Starbucks" I'd like the field to return "3"
(Edited some wording for clarity per suggestion from dariom).
You may be able to get what you want with another list using a not-so-well-known variation of a lookup column.
Let's say you have a list called Companies with values in the title column like "Starbucks", "Peets", etc. Now you also have the Customers list you refer to, but the "Company" column is a lookup column pointing to the title column in the Companies list.
You can add a count very similar to what you described to your Companies list. Go to your Companies list, add a column of type "Lookup" referring to the Customers list and you'll notice that in the drop-down area where you define the lookup if you point back to the Customers list, you'll have a new option called "Count Related". This is here automatically because it recognizes that the Customers list has a lookup pointing back to this one. Select that Count Related option and now your Companies list will have a column counting how many customers are associated with that company.
No coding, Javascript hacks, or anything. Just hidden SharePoint auto-magic.
No, I don't think there's a way to do this using the out-of-the-box calculated column.
Some other ways you could accomplish this are:
Create a view for your list that with a group by on the company field and include the total count. This is easiest, but might not be exactly what you're looking for.
Create a custom column type that executes a CAML query to find items that you're interested in. There is a learning curve if you've not done it before and if the list that you're adding this custom column to has lots of rows, you'll be executing a query for each row which is inefficient - it'll be OK for a small number of rows.
Use an event handler on the list that updates a column value each time a new item is added or removed from a list. This is easier, but can also be inefficient if you have a large number of items in your list.
As dariom said (damn my slow typing skills, +1!), only the current row can be operated on with calculated columns by default in SharePoint. There are a couple of documented workarounds involving SharePoint Designer or jQuery, though.
You can get a Count of specific list items in an XSLT Data View
To do this you will need SharePoint Designer.
Right click on your SharePoint List view (ensure the list view contains the field you want to filter by) select convert to XSLT Data View. Then in the Data Source Windows select Data Source Tab and drag and drop the field you want to get a total on for the specific items into where you want it displayed in your XSLT Data View. Click on the numerical value that is showing you should get a lightening bolt icon, select the drop down and choose Count, then select again and choose Filter. Select "Click here to add a new clause" then choose your field name again and enter your unique value as Starbucks and click OK, you can repeat this process for other fields you want the totals on. You will now see the total number of Starbucks items in the list.
I got something similar to work in a way similar to Niall. Basically, I:
Based on the source list, created a Data View Web Part (DVWP) on a "test" web
part page.
Added the footer column, which gives a count.
Set the filter for my conditions (i.e., the items I want to count).
In the code, deleted the recurring items row.
I was left with just the footer, which displayed a filtered count for all the list items. I further customized the footer by taking out the shaded background. Finally, I exported this web part and imported it onto the page where I wanted users to see a total of items in the list (which met the criteria).
